“They’re cleaning America and Europe” with jab deaths, reduced fertility, and migrant invasions: funeral director
John O’Looney sees worsening devastation of Europeans (Updated 9/1/22)
Disclaimer: The views expressed below are those of the speakers and have not been independently verified by this newsletter.
Below are highlights from a video interview with UK funeral director John O’Looney, discussing concerns over Covid, vaccines, and open border invasions.
Many 2020 deaths falsely attributed to Covid
As Kary [Mullis], who invented the [PCR] test, said, [with] 45 cycles, you can find Covid in a tennis shoe. So that's what they did.
And then [any] guy was a Covid [case].
Get everyone [to be labeled as Covid]: cancer patients, heart attack victims.
Anyone that got on an ambulance, the GMC instructed the paramedics to say they were all Covid.
The death rate wasn't up. There was no increase in death at all.
What they were doing was every person that passed away, they labeled them a Covid death.
I've been a funeral director for 15 years. [In] the last two years, I've not seen a single winter flu death. That's never, ever happened.
Where has winter flu gone? It's evaporated. It doesn't exist anymore. It's all Covid.
It was becoming more and more obvious to me as the year [2020] went on, that this was complete BS. There was no pandemic at all.
The death rate [didn’t change in 2020]. My mortuary book doesn't lie.
So where was the pandemic?
Deaths up three-fold after jabs started
And we got to November, December [2020].
We were doing funerals, but we weren't any busier than the year before.
They widely announced that in January 2021, they were going to start giving people this wondrous jab, and in my heart, I knew something was very wrong.
And I expected the death rate to go through the roof the moment needles went in arms.
So they started putting needles in arms in January [2021] locally here [in Milton Keynes, England].
And instantly, the [funeral home] phone was ringing off the hook.
I would say the death rate was around 300% [of] normal.
It was all very elderly people.
It was all the ones that were first in line [to be] jabbed first.
And that pandemic death rate [after vaccination] went on for about, I'd say, 12 weeks.
And then all of a sudden, as quickly as it started, it evaporated, almost like they'd realized they couldn't keep on doing that forever because the [vaccine] uptake would have stopped.
And I know that's what it was. I don't care what anyone says.
Ingredients vary across shot vials
There wasn’t any one [Covid] vaccine. There are a number of different things being put in people.
Common sense tells you, if they made a lethal injection and everyone queued up and fell over immediately, it wouldn't be long before the uptake would cease.
So what they've done is they've staggered these batches.
Some of them, it's felt early on, [were] placebo.
The idea of giving you a placebo is to recruit you as an advocate.
Let me explain.
If I give you a vaccine, and it's saline, what effects are you going to suffer? What adverse reaction are you going to have? None.
So you then go away and tell everyone how wonderful it is because it’s saline. Nothing in it.
So without your knowledge, it's recruited you as an advocate for the vaccine.
Rubbery structures block arteries
There's also vaccines clearly causing cardiac issues, and we see this in the unprecedented record number of young sports men and women who are collapsing and dying and retiring globally in the last 18 months.
It's felt this was thrombosis [clotting] based.
I can tell you it isn’t thrombosis.
These are growths inside the arteries of these vaccine recipients.
We had a young guy in a few weeks ago under 30 who died suddenly.
We opened him up, and his arteries were full of like a calamari white spaghetti-type substance.
And it grows exactly to the shape of the arteries.
So you're getting this reaction from this vaccine, and these things are growing inside your arteries.
It's not going to be too long before you suffer cardiac failure, cardiac arrest, stroke.
And that is what is happening, I believe, to these people.
We had a young guy in [for embalming] who died suddenly [and] was vaccinated, and he'd had a post mortem.
Now, this guy was full of this stuff, literally full. Some of his arteries were 80% blocked with this stuff.
And it's not a traditional clot. It’s bright white, and it looks like calamari.
You can pull it out, for example, at top of the femoral artery, you could grab it with tweezers, pull it, and the whole lot would come out, like two foot long.
With a traditional clot, if you pulled it from an artery, it would break up. You can press it with your finger, and it would break up.
These don't. They're very elastic, very tough, and I believe they're a deliberate addition to these to these jabs.
And this is what is killing people in record numbers.
[Alabama embalmer] Richard Hirschman has got hundreds of samples taken from hundreds of jab recipients who have died and ended up on his embalming table.
Embalmer Richard Hirschman holding a vial containing elastic “calamari-like” structures allegedly taken from arteries of people who died after vaccination. Photo from interview at https://rumble.com/v1ctq5n-richard-hirschman-warning-extremely-graphic-structures-killing-injected-1-y.html
[JH note: These intravascular structures might be amyloid fibrin clots.]

Next five years
I believe that over the next five years, it's gonna get really dark.
And a lot of people are going to die, especially next winter when as we go into the second year of the five [years] projected.
And everyone that's been jabbed, they're going to die.
They're gonna get sick, and they're going to die if they keep lining up for these jabs.
And that's the bottom line.
Healthcare workers refuse injections
And you have to ask yourself, in the UK, why have we got 130,000 NHS workers that would rather lose their careers than take the protection?
These are people on the front line that would rather lose their careers than take the protection.
Why are they making that decision?
What do you think they're seeing? Let me tell you what they're seeing.
They're talking to these people before they die. They’re jab recipients, and they're all saying the same thing:
“What's happening to me? I was alright before I had the jab.”
I know because I’ve spoken to them.
They want you disarmed
In Europe, they disarmed us a long time ago. There's no second amendment for us.
You know, it's very difficult to vaccinate someone with an AR-15 who doesn't want to be vaccinated.
Over here [in the UK], we've got nothing. They'll round us up.
I genuinely feel that if victory is going to come, it's going to come from America because they're armed and there's lots of them.
And if it doesn’t, if America falls, we’re finished. Everyone is finished.
Flooding foreign assassins into Europe and America
Why do you think we’ve had 1,000 young men of fighting age landing on Kent beaches — escorted over from Europe — every month?
They are our replacements. It will happen. I know it's gonna happen.
I’ve had intelligence people reach out to me that are in communications, and they tell me what's happening.
And that is the future.
They're gonna clean Europe. And the plan is to do America as well.
False flag shootings to disarm Americans
Why do you think you're seeing all these mass shootings over there [in America]?
Because they want to disarm all Americans.
Because that's going to make it very easy to do whatever they want to do with Americans.
Once that second amendment is finished, America is finished.
The citizens there will be finished. I can tell you now.
Afghan soldiers in England
I can tell you, there's an Afghan regiment of Afghan Special Forces resident in the UK now, and they're training the young lads that landed on the beaches to go door to door [to forcibly jab people or take to detention camps those unwilling to be injected].
That was what [a British intelligence official] told me.
Is it true? I really don't know. I won't know until they kick down my door, I suppose.

Civil war when people wake up
[UK Minister of Parliament] Sir Graham Brady was well aware, and he said he couldn’t stop it.
It was at the end of the meeting [with Brady], and … we became quite upset because … he knew, and nothing was going to be done about it.
So that is upsetting.
It was put to him that when people find out what has been done, especially to their children, there'll be a level of civil unrest, and probably civil war, across Europe.
And he said the governments knew, they were prepared, and they were actually surprised that it hadn't already happened.
They're gonna keep prodding the angry bear.
They're gonna keep putting prices through the roof.
People will die, and the government are well aware of this.
They don't care. It's a deliberate act.
And what they want to do is to poke and prod, and they want the angriest warrior-like people to go out on the streets first, and then you know what?
They will lock them away in the new super prisons.
And it's not going to be too long before people who've had their businesses decimated by these draconian, totally unnecessary lockdowns [are] gonna lose their homes because they just can't afford to repay them.
And food costs are going through the roof now.
For me, alarm bells rang. The other thing I looked at and thought was totally not right was 9/11.
And the reason for that is, primarily, I was an engineer before I became an undertaker. So my job was working with metal [as a] welder fabricator.
I know the physics of metal. So to try to sell two planes evaporating into a skyscraper, … I couldn’t buy that.
I thought it was to launder money and drag us into a war, and that's probably what it was.
And then you look at who was in the towers on the day and who wasn't.
There’s a pattern there, and I never paid too much attention, but I knew in my heart that's very wrong.
How can a plane hit a building and there be no trace at all?
The engine didn't come down in front of the building. The wings didn't shear off. There was no wreckage at all. It was just bullshit.
I never dreamed they’d go as far as they have now, but here we are.
O'Looney is a bloody HERO. They tried to kill him in hospital.. no seriously. A top NIH exec was sent to his room with experimental pill saying he would die if he didn't take it. His doctor friends planned and executed an escape for him or he'd be dead (see rense interview from June)
they’re looking to collapse everything in order to come to the rescue with something worse.