The elite seem hellbent on inflicting depopulation damage on first world countries as a priority—through vaccines that maim, kill or sterilise; Covid 'treatments' that kill; Kalergi Plan immigration, possibly including clandestine trained soldiers waiting to be 'activated' at some point in the near future against local populations; artif…
The elite seem hellbent on inflicting depopulation damage on first world countries as a priority—through vaccines that maim, kill or sterilise; Covid 'treatments' that kill; Kalergi Plan immigration, possibly including clandestine trained soldiers waiting to be 'activated' at some point in the near future against local populations; artificially created price inflation to further weaken and ruin households, Covid lockdowns designed to ruin many small businesses, etc.
They seem to be more worried about inflicting damage on first world countries than third. Second world countries are the nominally communist countries who are already very much under the thumb.
The elite seem hellbent on inflicting depopulation damage on first world countries as a priority—through vaccines that maim, kill or sterilise; Covid 'treatments' that kill; Kalergi Plan immigration, possibly including clandestine trained soldiers waiting to be 'activated' at some point in the near future against local populations; artificially created price inflation to further weaken and ruin households, Covid lockdowns designed to ruin many small businesses, etc.
They seem to be more worried about inflicting damage on first world countries than third. Second world countries are the nominally communist countries who are already very much under the thumb.