Thank you for this explication.

The depopulation agenda hypotheses continues to explain features that the other hypotheses do not.

Our problem is getting those capable of seeing to look at the mountains of evidence.

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"Was the mRNA poison rollout designed to accelerate the “Depopulation via Vaccination” agenda already in place?

...The Depopulation Industrial Complex: FDA Licensed Vaccines Are Not Evaluated for Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility"


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would like to yank the loose thread on this elaborate scheme... am suspect that there are a number of perps and support staff on this platform peddling the controlled opposition.

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Dr. Hill, I am wondering how you are able to practice medicine or law while promulgating the views in your column. In the normal case, you would instantly be decried as an anti-semite. Your disclaimer about rejecting racism and anti-semitism and drawing no conclusions about the rabbinic statements would not protect you in any way. Can you suggest a reason why you are not the target of those who jump on disseminators of information like this and try to ruin their reputation and, in your case, make it impossible to practice professionally?

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Vidalia, I attempt to inform readers by quoting what leaders are saying about these ideas. I have never said anything antisemitic, and I am not antisemitic. I have seen some unfounded criticism in the comments, however.

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Supposedly the new guidance for serialization is for secondary packaging (what you sell - boxes, not vials), so will not impact vials. Does anyone have URL/links that specifically spells out COVID vax vials will *not* have serial numbers? thanks

ps: this request for URL/link is repeated here for given this pages has apparently higher visibility

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Boxes don’t have serial numbers either, just codes for batches (lots), which contain variable, hidden numbers of doses, sometimes in the millions.

The public, redacted EU contract with Pfizer is here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/redacted_advance_purchase_agreement_biontech-pfizer_0.pdf

The unredacted version of the EU contract is here: https://www.rai.it/dl/doc/2021/04/17/1618676600910_APA%20BioNTech%20Pfizer__.pdf

Screenshots of the section requiring no serialization are here: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/vial-serial-number-ploy-to-increase

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