“pushing mass vaccination of every human on earth with leaky spike protein jabs” is this just the WEST? I am under the assumption China and Russia have their own jab, is it similar to our mRNA & Spike? Or are they not trying to destroy their own people? I am trying fugue out if this is a global depopulation reduction scheme, or a globalist/EAST coordinated “suicide of the west” initiative.

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Hard to know, but if WHO’s death numbers per 100K people are reliable, it looks like China and India are relatively spared compared to the US and Russia: https://covid19.who.int

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Russia's jab, Sputnik, looks to me to be a version of Astro Zeneca (latin for stab of death believe it or not Astro being both star and stab). Astro Zeneca is a Chinese jab btw. It was provided lock, stock and barrel (save for 2 hours of work) by China to the idiots at Astro Zeneca.

Astro Zeneca and Sputnik are both manufactured at the same facility in India.

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Large parts of Africa have hardly vaxed (which Bill found sad, in the Munich interview), but also hardly had problems with COVID. I guess *not* doing all that stuff that epidemiologists said not to do in the beginning, and maybe getting enough sun, helps ...

So far apparently they were not able to, or interested in, applying more leverage to make Afrika comply. Even though some presidents unexpectedly died here and there, like John Magufuli in Tanzania, the guy with a PhD in chemistry(?) who did the fun PCR-positive papaya conference. But... not that much happaned after that, apparently.

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I've seen statistics of massive increase of all cause mortality after the jab, but the biggest increases where in the populations that got the non western products. Sinovac / curevac / sputnik. I doubt these are more safe.

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When will the world wake up and realize mass arrests are in order? We need to collectively push India’s military to carry out arrests.

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Might this be how we wake the people up? 8 first principle points x 8 people to the ^8th power: https://choicevax.substack.com/p/8x88-reformation how else do we reach people in an age of tech censorship and media blackouts, if not person to person, via an in-real-life network effect. Just an idea.

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It's not mentioned here, but this clip was apparently financed by the UN or similar trustworthy entity, in 2010. IIRC, in the 3rd of these scenarios, there is that one interesting sentence: "... haven't eaten much wheat recently, since Russia cut the supply, ...". May be a good guess, but it seems kinda globally informed.


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Ok, time to move back to country and grow your own food away from Monsanto nazi! And from Agri Big Pharma too

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