How about we treat the CDC and the VA like murderers?

VA doc notified the CDC about heart problems after 1 Pfizer shot.

VA never told the veterans they could be harmed.

VA still forced their employees to take the death shot.

VA still pushing the covid shots on veterans.

Story on The Epoch Times...info was from a FOIA.


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VA long been captured. Just playing out their part in the genocide. Can't have ex-military stepping up to the plate when SHTF, or active grunts (those left alive and not incapacitated of course.).

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Posting this on Margaret Anna Alice's behalf in case she does not see your Substack...

Mistakes were NOT made -


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As I wrote on Sage Hana's stack, he shills for whoever pays him. He advertises for the fitness fraud VShred all over YouTube.

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100%. He also pushed for young women to get the Gardasil vax, back when it came it (about 18 years ago). This is when he was on love-line. Total Shame.

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Big pharma whore.

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The medical and scientific corruption is bigger than most like to think.

Cv19 is an investigational starting point for everyone to dig/research what knowledge has been bestowed with intentional fraud and deception! It’s the Wild West and explorers must leave the worn paths and scout from foundation to mountain top.

Everything you think you know must be challenged with adult wise/eyes scrutiny.

Our schooled daze where remembering knowledge without challenge to gain full marks - must come to an end. Those educational tracks have delivered the naive and trusting to die miserable deaths. Enough!

Join me: research your interests. Start with examining the underlying / under lie ing assumptions that support the table of an assertion. If you can knock out one leg, you will almost certainly find more deception...

Here’s my contribution, I have two Substack articles and a few notes. This article knocks out a few paradigms - as a thread is pulled THEIR jumper unravels. What will you discover?

We breathe air not oxygen

Air is measured by its moisture/humidity.

Oxygen is measured by its dryness in parts per million of water contamination.

Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.

Industrial oxygen has 0.5ppm of water contamination.

Lungs require air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli.

Can you see the mismatch?

Oxygen is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill not for breathlessness. Palliative care is not kind!

Research oxygen toxicity and oxygen poisoning. The mechanism for damage is oxygen’s ability to dehydrate the respiratory mucosa and alveoli, causing micro clots.

Yes oxygen is another way deaths are accomplished in hospitals.


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I worked in hospice. I had NO idea. OMG. Ty

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Play by Play of SPARS Pandemic Scenario 2017 it seems... Mistakes were made, let's move forward... The media framing has been pre planned... It's sickening when you can read along knowing they'd allowed for vax deaths

Just going to park this video here for you too...

Depopulation has been on their cards for a while... as has the totalitarian takeover..

Computer predicts the end of civilisation (1973)

If you read some of Dr John Coleman, you'll know the WEF's contemporary the Club of Rome, and their think-tank about needing to get rid of us...

Well I found this gem out of the blue... More predictive programming in the 70s news cycle, using (WOW) a COMPUTER MODEL - imagine how accurate this old clunker would have been?!

Surprisingly this computer came to the same idea that the brilliant elites had : Earth is dying...


Guess who made this program to spit out some bullsh!t scenario??

"The program was originally devised by a scientist working from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jay Forrester. It was developed under the auspices of the CLUB OF ROME by an MIT research team to present a complex model of THE WORLD and what WE HUMANS are doing to it."

Oh, the Club of Rome, fancy that??

"The program, called World One, doesn't pretend to be a precise forecast. What it does, for the first time in man's history on the planet, is to look at the world as one system".


Wow, super computer fantasy... I mean if that huge computer says so it must be right ... Right?

"It shows that simply cleaning up our car exhausts and making some small effort to LIMIT our FAMILIES simply ISN'T ENOUGH."

What WOULD be enough then ????? 🤔

depop? *cough* cull?

"Let's now have a look at this next curve, the Q curve, which is the QUALITY OF LIFE and this is represented by, for example, the amount of space people have, the amount of money they have to spend, the amount of FOOD they have to eat. Now it increases rapidly up to 1940, but from 1940 on the quality of life diminishes and here we are, about the turn of the century, and we COME UP TO THE YEAR 2020 and it's really come right back."

Wow, look at that, 2020...


A bit more ...

"So the year 2020, the condition of the planet starts to become highly critical and IF WE DON'T DO ANYTHING about it this is what's going to happen. The QUALITY OF LIFE is going to go RIGHT BACK TO practically ZERO. POLLUTION is going to become so serious, right out here, that IT WILL START TO KILL PEOPLE, So the POPULATION WILL DIMINISH right back"

Pollution narrative may have got changed to "climate change" and from about 2020, as we know, climate change started giving people heart problems and blood clots, in fact there is no disorder climate change can't induce, I can imagine the science behind determining this is amazing* ...

*This is sarcasm

Anyway an interesting find. I wonder if Klaus was walking around in the background of this story?? Aurelio Peccei is there...

PS. Great work on the prion article too, I've been forwarding that one around.

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Computer models: Garbage in = garbage out.

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Exactly, such a basic graph, anyone could draw that... Set up a basic showpiece graph, get the computer to print it ... It's basically printing the chart they told it to print... All theatre ... Out of a "futuristic" computer... Would have looked so high tech in the 70s... Propaganda for the Club of Rome, media priming the masses... ZPG is a movie released around that time to sow the seeds in the public mind (various other sci fi's too, Soylent Green etc) but all painting this nightmare population scenario... When it turns out we were just fine in 2020, apart from the elites enacting their depop plan.

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Thank you so much, Steve.

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All part of the plan, and ANYONE advocating for this, is playing their part in the Kill Humanity More agenda.

How better to start again with a clean slate, than to be forgiven of past transgressions. They need to rebuild ‘accidently” broken trust, somehow.

This, From their own site , “The 2024 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum takes place from 15 - 19 January in Davos, Switzerland.

The meeting convenes under the theme >> Rebuilding Trust <<, accessible to the wider public ...”

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If only an asteroid could hit...

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I like it! I’d call that Divine Intervention.

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Unfortunately, they all get a pass: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program In this important piece you will learn that Congress, HHS, DOD, and our Presidents under the direction of the WHO, WEF, and other stakeholders, legalized and funded the overthrow of the Constitution through a bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program. Watt says our only recourse is to dismantle the existing institutions down the the bedrock of the Constitution and start over.

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Of course we knew this was coming. Will people fall for it? The same people who wore useless masks and accepted the poisonous injections into their lives? Probably.

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"Will people fall for it?"

Most probably will. Of course.

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As long as they don't drag me with them.

My social contract with these folks expired several years ago when they tried pulling those authoritarian maneuvers.

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These were not mistakes, This was planned well in advance. I wonder what links Dr. Drew Pinsky has to the intelligence community (hint: he is a tv doctor). I certainly hope people turn off the tv and most other media and seek information on their own.


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Hi Dr. Hill,

I had to stop watching Dr. Drew a while ago. I couldn’t take his “confusion” around the injections anymore - especially since Ed Dowd is on his show all the time pointing out things like “data” and “signals.” Plus, Dr. Victory was diagnosed with cancer. You would think, Dr. Drew would be advocating for justice and accountability.

Given what I’ve been through, I won’t be giving any of the “crooks” a pass.

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I know what you mean, Sacha.

I was struck by how confident Dr. Drew seemed to be in his recommendations to take the injections when we didn’t have public data to back such recommendations. We had only CDC statements that amounted to, “We’re not going to show you any supporting information. Just trust us and shut up.”

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Oh, that’s interesting. I didn’t know he ever advocated for the injections. I began watching him about two years ago - well after the initial roll out of the pandemic. Since he himself claims to be injured, his “give them a pass” line of reasoning is surreal.

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Hes been around pushing the latest lie for DECADES

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Hes a coward and a criminal. I cant STAND him. Im in live chat calling him out constantly.

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If they're too stupid to know lock 🔒 them up for aggravated ignorance

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I have an even better idea…”INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER”…of course First Degree Murder would be appropriate in many cases.

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Involuntary manslaughter is when you kill someone with your car by accident due to bad decision on your part. that person is still held financially responsible for the loss to the family.

There is more voluntary manslaughter in this case, in which case those people are held both criminally and financially responsible.

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Voluntary manslaughter: intent

Involuntary manslaughter: NO intent

There is a distinction.

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You are right, and it is what I was saying. I know several people who, because of involuntary manslaughter lost parents in one case and a spouse in the other. Both were paid compensation by the perpetrators of the accidents. (much by the auto insurance, but some by the individuals). Question: Is the medical insurance that hospitals, doctors and nurses carry sufficient to cover the numbers of patients injured, permanently disabled, and the families of those killed?

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Robbie, I think this will go on for years! I think MOST in the “medical cartel” will say they were “doing their job”. And, I truly think the stupid ones didn’t know much (they should have) but, many did. Prove it! What about the pharmacists? I still see people lined up to get jabs at Walgreens and Pfizer PSAs/advertisements for CONvid, Flu, RSV, etc. It’s absolutely frightening to witness at THIS point, after the last four years! There is no way insurance carriers have the money for this travesty. And…the travesty is ongoing!

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I am afraid that those still lining up are on their own. They made their decision and 4 years of counter information didn't change their minds. And, you are right, there is no way insurance carriers have the money, and they will hide behind immunity from prosecution laws. But the trust is broken. We will not listen to the media narratives again, nor believe thegovernments, the medical system or the "Health" agencies. My only real question left is: Will the villagers grab torches and pitch forks and storm Frankenstein's castle? Will the people go John Wick on those that got away with murder?

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What do you think the information sheets say now? Are they still blank? Are they for "Comirnaty" or whatever that product is that wasn't actually available in the US? There simply is no excuse on their part!

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They were all just following “orders”. What else could they do? Who wants to sacrifice their career for a few injuries and deaths?

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Sounds better in the original German.

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It does

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TWC et al. may be making a political judgment about what is feasible and what is not at this time, given the demonstrated degree of control the Cabal has over Western democracies.

Possibly they just want to stay alive.

The primary tools of fascists are bribery, blackmail, and assassination. ...

The Cabal's next move would appear to be throwing the world into war, making any such lawful progress impossible, and martial law probable.

Know your cops. Only when the military and police join the people will the fascists be defeated.

I still look to Dr. McCullough and RFK, Jr. for integrity on the basic facts.

Calling the Spetsnaz ....

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Par for the course-decades of beat down of the senses-let bye gones be bye gones , use your sensitive side of life , no judgement, live and let live...yes, the beat downs will continue because they have worked in lobotomizing the common sense out of the citizens, and you can darn well forget the ancient eye for an eye , that idea has been lost in translation.

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This is a good investigative article on The Wellness Company:

Altruistic alternative healthcare empire, or intelligence operation?


After reading the article, watch a good discussion of the article. It will help make more sense. But read the article first or else the video won't make much sense.


BTW, Pinsky is a Jewish name, right?

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Cat, thank you for this information.

That article is good, revealing, for example, TWC co-owner David Lopez promotes the climate hoax and zero carbon energy destruction policies through his company WatersMark.

“WatersMark describes the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as its “Elan Vital” (or “life force”). As is clear from WatersMark’s website, the SDGs are honored, harnessed and used as guidance for the company’s impact investment ventures.”

And the intelligence connections with TWC are stark:

“It’s mind-bending that David Lopez—an ex-Navy SEAL who worked for the Department of Homeland Security, Erik Prince’s Blackwater, and ran operations for Operation Underground Railroad (an organization claiming to rescue children being trafficked in Haiti)—claims participation in what could easily be described as the displacement and further oppression of the Haitian people with the apparent support of the UN and IMF.”

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Alot of the criminals ARENT Jewish. Cut it out .

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It goes without saying that most Jews are not criminals . . . but a lot are. The operative word is "disproportionate." White collar crime is highly disproportionately represented by Jews. Here are but two articles that document this under-publicized reality.

Philip Green, Jewish Criminality, and the Cost of Economic Parasitism, Part 1: The Wider Context of Jewish White Collar Crime


Justice Denied: Thoughts on Truth, ‘Canards’ and the Marc Rich Case


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Trial by jury will sort out the one who were (still are) systematically committing murder for pay from the ones who didn't understand what they were doing.

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