Apr 27Edited

The physician, Vernon Colman, based in the UK, has commented on that exact system there, how perverse the financial incentive is, and the lack of ethics doctors demonstrate by partaking in it. It's good that this info has crossed the pond. And yes, he's been blackballed but found ways around that to spread the message.

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Parents - under no circumstances should you take your children - or yourselves - anywhere near any of the Jabattoirs. Roll on Nuremberg-2.

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Licensed to kill.

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Medical money game and our children are the victims! Criminal and our DC politicians in DC

Are guilty of allowing this criminal activity to go on Because they are afraid of bucking Big Pharma!

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My son is now 4.5. He has never had an ear infection or any illness apart from apart from brief vomiting that resolved within minutes. I stopped vaccinating him during "covid" when he was 15 months.

My 13 year old daughter had every vaccine except HPV and all through her childhood she had ear infections and respiratory issues. She still has respiratory issues, although minor, it's still an issue. There should be none.

Pediatricians don't actually inject the stuff into your kids. They have nurses do it. The pediatricians are divorced from the actual process. Pediatricians are responsible for what their staff does.

This is why I chose to not go to medical school 20 years ago because I learned what they do.

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It's difficult to understand why the people responsible for causing so much suffering are not being charged. They travel around in their private jets without facing any consequences. It took a long time to bring the Nazis to justice, and Stalin and Mao were never held accountable for their crimes.

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Doctors used to have a second job because practicing medicine wasn't that profitable. Think on that. Why did that change?

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Anyone who vaxxes themselves and their children are not paying attention. Too few think for themselves.

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Off-topic, but important:

At 41 min- This Jewish guy is motivated to speak out apparently because his son is dying from the kill shot. His instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trump_played_you/

On Operation Warp Speed, Jewish guy says "this is a genocide by the Israelis, getting rid of all of you Americans, you're are part of the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump their Messiah, they gave Donald Trump the silver crown of the Torah which is to be put on the head of the messiah, they are 163 Orthodox Jewish Rabbis who gave Trump the silver crown of the Torah, came together at Trump's golf course and gave him the silver crown, 2 weeks ago, they have him a menorah with the inscription "Prince of peace." In Israel, the Knesset and Sanhedrin have proclaimed Donald Trump the messiah, he worked 4 years on Trump's campaign team, Trump is considered the messiah by these 163 Rabbis who run your country, the whole covid agenda was done by Zionist Jews, and they want all of you dead here in the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump the head of Edom, they are going to kill you people off with this injection, you are considered Amelek.


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If what this man says is true, this is critical information. Thank you, Sandra.

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On his instagram page, he has a number of rabbi videos posted, where you can see them on camera talking about how America is "Edom" and has to be destroyed, how 2/3 of the world are "idol worshippers" and have to die. And I've even seen a video where an American Christian went to Israel and was spreading the word about Jesus, and an Israeli confronted him and said something along the lines of "according to the Torah, the Godly thing to do is kill you." And these are the people we have been giving billions to every single year!!!

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Instagram page cannot upload... Wonder why??? Really? The spychos are scared.

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That's strange- I just tried and it worked for me.

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I just tried again and it looks like the page is loading and has I see it it goes right to... Oops! something went wrong. I got your point anyway and agree.

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Today, my kids haven't been to the doctor in four years. Both are healthy and fine. We don't need a doctor to monitor them. And say they need to be jabbed with the latest thing they want to sell.

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Apr 27Edited

Regarding the video, I'd like to point out that the average age for pediatric cancer in the U.S. is 8 years and by then a child has received at least 30 vaccines, not including CoViD. So, unvaccinated kids being a risk to kids with cancer is absurd just based on that.

Does anyone have a reference to that legal article he mentioned showing the effects of vaccines compared to deaths from the disease?

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What robs the doctor of his bread?

Your good health, or else your death.

That he may live he's keeping you

Safely suspended twixt the two.

— Eugen Roth, a German poet

Was bringt den Doktor um sein Brot?

a) Die Gesundheit, b) der Tod.

Drum hält der Arzt, auf dass er lebe,

uns zwischen beiden in der Schwebe.

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When do pediatricians get called to account for the harm they are doing? Do they just get to keep injecting kids with toxins and keep believing they are helping kids? Since they relegate the injections to their nurses, maybe they think they are not personally liable.

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Medication delivered by a nurse, such as a RN, is given under the order of a physician, so the physician is ultimately liable. The nurse may carry her/his own liability policy, but the big money is with the physician, or the hospital if employed by such. For a doc to think otherwise is at a minimum foolish. And many are. A nurse practitioner who is working solo can find her/himself in the same position. However, with the institution of the vaccine court, FDA approval etc it is parent beware. Personally, I would look into the consent process, but I'm sure it is like Swiss cheese.

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This is an excellent rundown of the perverse incentives of pediatricians to vaccinate babies and children. These practices would not be profitable without all these jabs. They just built up a system in which it is only profitable to vaccinate. The liability and costs of injuries and deaths are taken on by the parents. How could this not be a conflict of interest?

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Thank you, Amy.

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ALL VACCINES & THE WHOLE MEDICAL SYSTEM IS Base upon sicknesses and diseases to make business!!!! So! you really think they want you healthy????

Everything is a fraud and it must collapse!

We're from nature therefore nature should be our medicine for health.

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Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections

Are Not Compatible

With Water Based Human Bodies.

This Is Not Complicated People.


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