Shocking! To imagine a United States Senator is evidently a corrupt collaborator, working to erase our people... Thank you for getting the word out, Mr. Hill.

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Love that sarcasm!!

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Romney is a second-generation, globalist elite.

Totally coopted. To be expected, sadly.

He’s a wealthy phony and no amount of money can fix “false prophet” syndrome.

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I cannot stand this man. He let us down at the presidential debate with Obama and in a way, I am glad because Obama showed us all what the democrat plans are. Plans to destroy our country and life as we know it. This current regime has take it to a new level.

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Did you know that Chelsea Clinton’s husband is on the board of Ann Romney’s charity? Now you have a better sense of why Romney does what he does. A wolf in sheeps clothing.

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Mittens is a whackjob.

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I have been a member of Romney’s church in the past and this doesn’t surprise me at all. Particularly his type, and there are many.

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Romney is a terrible Mormon. My Mormon friends were shocked to hear about Noahide laws and the endorsement of them by leaders. Romney has always been about money-right-now - Bain Capital liquidates perfectly good companies, ripping away everything and leaving workers without jobs. He relishes causing pain and hardship. Utah state legislature last year was trying to craft a process to recall a senator. Thanks to efforts by "Two Red Pills" Utahans are finding out how crooked rigged and infiltrated and beholden their state government is against regular Utahans. They are running billboards in key areas - right on top of the billboards pushing globalist candidates and incumbents.

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Glad to hear Utahans are waking up.

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Instead of the following:

Disclaimer: This newsletter rejects racism and antisemitism. Articles here are presented in an effort to understand current events and save lives.

I'd like to see this:

Disclaimer: This newsletter embraces race realism. The nation is not the state. Culture is the instantiation of heredity in response to environment. Each person has the right to freedom of association and control of his state based on his own culture and hereditary nation. Mutual respect of strengths and weaknesses between nations comes after that. Articles here are presented with the foregoing in mind, in an effort to understand current events and promote liberty.

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Your knowledge of the Noahide position has the depth of a puddle: https://www.reddit.com/r/noahide

See the two pinned posts in particular. Note the anti-vax posts. Note the verdict of this Rabbinical Court: https://www.ravhanistar.net/beitdinnyen

Some Noahides are engaged in (what feels like) a Quixotic quest to save the rainbow. This is common ground: https://trypophobiac.com/2022/06/10/attn-human-resources

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"Beware of LEADERS like Mitt Romney"

He is a what now? Leaders lead; he is a mean boss - at best.

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