Then you can can check out my lot look-up and so much more! https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/alberto.benavidez/viz/WelcomeTheEaglesVAERSDashboardDec24/LotSearch

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Hi Dr Hill, I was a little disappointed with Team Enigma aka Craig P & Company after I helped them out but recommended they use a new pair of glasses. I believe there are "Hot Lots" but more specific "hot vials". I've made a dozen video just on the hot lot issue, but working from most recent backwards it might be worth your time to watch this video for your consideration: https://www.bitchute.com/video/B6CSSKqVKsoi/

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Hi Albert, thank you for looking into this. I will check out your work.

Complicating this, vials are untraceable because contracts forbid them to be marked with serial numbers.



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I'm putting this up for all the other Jab anoraks out there.

I've just made my first prediction to the effect that from December 2020 through to early February 2021 there were 5,000 deaths within 24 hours of inoculation in those aged 75-90+ in England.


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