the best result that america could hope for seems impossible. The people who are suffering and not collaborating would get together with their billions of firearms and make the police understand that defending the people who issue their checks will call for them to engage in gunfights in which they're outnumbered 20 to one. When the kevlar covered foreign nationals show up, we'll see how they resist armor piercing rifle shots. Then what will they do? bring in the u.s. army? Most of them are MK Ultra victims. Kids whose parents were arrested for smoking a joint and so to save them from joint smoking parents they were put in foster homes where they were rented out as child prostitutes. They no doubt now see the state as their family. That's when it might get ugly.
It's interesting that they'll need to be careful how quickly they destroy the current dollar. It seems the more we resist, the longer they'll need to keep that dollar worth something. Cause when it's worth nothing if the shooting war has started, it may be difficult for them to accomplish anything with their new electronic money in a country where there's no more cell service, no internet, no telephone, no roads, just rifles.
the best result that america could hope for seems impossible. The people who are suffering and not collaborating would get together with their billions of firearms and make the police understand that defending the people who issue their checks will call for them to engage in gunfights in which they're outnumbered 20 to one. When the kevlar covered foreign nationals show up, we'll see how they resist armor piercing rifle shots. Then what will they do? bring in the u.s. army? Most of them are MK Ultra victims. Kids whose parents were arrested for smoking a joint and so to save them from joint smoking parents they were put in foster homes where they were rented out as child prostitutes. They no doubt now see the state as their family. That's when it might get ugly.
It's interesting that they'll need to be careful how quickly they destroy the current dollar. It seems the more we resist, the longer they'll need to keep that dollar worth something. Cause when it's worth nothing if the shooting war has started, it may be difficult for them to accomplish anything with their new electronic money in a country where there's no more cell service, no internet, no telephone, no roads, just rifles.