Yup absolutely they want to get rid of the control group! Like Dr. Lee Merritt describes a "binary" bioweapon... one part now and the second part down the road and pow your dead or limping around for the rest of your life. Let's see everybody's vaxx history vs the control group on all vaxx's and flu shots. Why do baby's get vaxxed with hepB on day1 of birth? It makes no sense if the baby can't even mount a immune response? Makes perfect sense if you want to eliminate the control group...

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Thank you for all your analysis. I have no letters after my name but greatly appreciate your help in trying to make sense out of the chaos we have been experiencing these last few years. (Occam’s razor/liberal interpretation seems appropriate).

It seems odd that each vial being produced is not numbered….are most vials of medicines numbered/serialized ? As in perhaps antibiotics? (I’m sorry if this seems like a stupid question….educating oneself is a lengthy process but I am attempting the impossible! Lol) thanks for your time.

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Judging by VAERS, in the US "vaccine" vials are serialised.

In NZ those getting the Covid hoax Vax are not told the serial number nor warned of adverse events, and don't sign any sort of consent.

(Skygoddess, you could give yourself some letters after your name, as I have done.)

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In the US and Europe, lots (batches), and not individual vials or cartons, have identifying codes, recorded in VAERS. The contracts between companies and countries requiring individual doses not be serialized seem pernicious.

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I'd say the control group right now are those who never took the 'jab'... 30 to 40 percent pop in the US. IF you believe their numbers. Clif High says their numbers are wrong. So many vials were issued, but many were NOT USED. Some got 1 jab and no more of the poison. So he believes it is more like 40 to 50 percent not jabbed. As far a serial numbers per vial, that was part of my issue with taking an 'experimental' treatment of which I was not able to confirm what was in MY dose, and the manufacturing standards being 'lax' meaning anything could be dumped in. That was my issue. I wanted to be sure what I was putting into me. And of course, I don't want to alter my DNA which we know is happening through a mechanism in the liver

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Supposedly the new guidance for serialization is for secondary packaging (what you sell - boxes, not vials), so will not impact vials. Does anyone have URL/links that specifically spells out COVID vax vials will *not* have serial numbers? thanks

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