Since the governmental health agencies are captured and doctors are being threatened with losing their licenses for speaking out against the pestilence profiteering narratives, how might we turn the tide from marginalizing the brave doctors who are in the minority? How might we get peer reviewed scientific journals published if the obscene profits by the profiteering are forcing retractions? Where are the databases that can compile the injury data and long term adverse effects that cannot be compromised by the profiteers and those doing their bidding?
"We must halt Covid vaccination "
Before halting the Covid vaccine, we should have one... I don't think those injectable products qualify...
Since the governmental health agencies are captured and doctors are being threatened with losing their licenses for speaking out against the pestilence profiteering narratives, how might we turn the tide from marginalizing the brave doctors who are in the minority? How might we get peer reviewed scientific journals published if the obscene profits by the profiteering are forcing retractions? Where are the databases that can compile the injury data and long term adverse effects that cannot be compromised by the profiteers and those doing their bidding?
very disheartening... has nothing to do with health.