They are indeed. I've always said Alex Jones should have gone all the way. Demanded exhumations! 'Show me the bodies!' Deposed every emergency services worker, cop, coroner, school official, etc., etc. My guess is his lawyers colluded with the prosecutors!

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I’ve seen defense lawyers collude with prosecutors by cutting corners in plea bargains without full disclosure to their clients.

So you could well be right about AJ’s case.

I too was surprised when his lawyers did not go much further in deposing witnesses and asking for forensic evidence.

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When you look back at Sandy Hook, it makes about as much sense as the excuses offered up by the Secret Service for the Trump shooting.

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Aug 25Liked by James Hill, MD

Professor James Fetzer, author of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, offered Alex Jones all his evidence and he refused. Make of that what you will.


Seemed like they rolled out a lot of mass shooting hoaxes during the Obama years, but Sandy Hook was first big one I recall (I spent countless hours on that b/c from my professional life I had lots of experience working with Aspergers kids, plus at one point I worked in a school, so I knew what an operational school looks like). I even wrote an article w/Fetzer as "Amanda" on it being a decommissioned school. There used to be tons of evidence on SH, and the earlier shooting hoaxes, plus Boston Marathon bombing hoax, but they have since scrubbed youtube. You can still find some videos on bitchute on the earlier hoaxes.

Legal system is 100% corrupt.

After I woke up to 9/11 lies, I started questioning everything, I went back and looked at the OJ case, used to be 100% convinced he was 100% guilty, but that was based on paying attention to media headlines (I was in grad school at the time, no time for anything but headlines). But after doing my own research into what was hidden, I'm 100% convinced he was innocent. There was serious prosecutorial misconduct, which happens all the time, b/c their goal is not about the truth, it's about getting a conviction. They are more than willing to toss an innocent person in there, as long as they can get a conviction and more their career forward. (and in case you think this sounds crazy look up interviews w/Stephen Singular, independent journalist on his book Legacy of Deception--there was a whistleblower/eye witness to the dropping of the glove; Goldman was hardly innocent, definitely NOT an innocent bystander).

“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” ― Malcolm X

Some evidence of earlier hoaxes is posted here (see channel Barry Soetoro and IMS reporting): https://www.uncensored.tube/channels/

This guy, Russ Winter, has a great eye for media fakery in these shooting hoaxes, and his archives are all still there: https://www.winterwatch.net/

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Aug 27Liked by James Hill, MD

Due to some glitch I am not permitted by the computer to "like" comments, so I am commenting here as my like. Sandra is the best.

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Aug 25Liked by James Hill, MD

Listening now. Glad they played that video from Ramz Paul- totally on target. Seems like they are really taking off the masks and revealing that they control everything. We literally have two Presidential candidates competing over who loves a hostile foreign nation more--it's absolutely INSANE!! Are Americans still asleep??

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Sloppy Sniper. Why didn't Alex depose the Sloppy Sniper! https://www.bitchute.com/video/aKRdz0Q5OZfC

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Aug 25Liked by James Hill, MD

Good question,

I personally think that AJ is controlled opposition- basically have no doubts about it.,

Not sure if he was in the beginning. Way back, he used to talk about Israel, saying he could not support them b/c they shoot little kids in the heads and testicles.

Recently, David Knight played a video of AJ basically saying on camera that he's with the CIA, then he caught himself, backtracked and said, not 25 years ago, when I started, but when Trump got in, I worked with the "good CIA"

He also admitted on video to helping with the initial launch of the Q operation (to keep MAGA types on the Trump train)

My take is that AJ's SH trial was basically theater to scare everyone into NOT questioning official narratives.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Author

Agree 100%.

AJ is now controlled opposition on 9/11 (“the Saudis mainly did it”) and many other topics, so why wouldn’t he be on the SH trial?

There’s a 2008 audio file of AJ saying [redacted] is running the US, but he later changed the story.

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Exactly. 100% controlled opposition- constant misdirection for decades, by constantly saying "its the globalists" his audience has no idea who the enemy is. Dr. Lee Merritt noted it too-- this is the first time we have an enemy that we're not supposed to name.

And there's the issue of him marrying into the tribe (two times), so now his kids are tribe members. I think there's definitely something to this, as in how this tribe often merges with powerful families. Rothschilds always married their daughters into powerful families/maybe even royally connected. And you see the same thing here. Trump's daughter, Don Jr. maybe Eric too. Chelsea Clinton. Biden's kids. JFK's daughter, etc- so I guess she'll never figure out who really killed her father and why. Seems like a way to bring them into the fold, ensure their loyalty- how can you speak now if your grandkids are in the tribe.

They always have their operatives in place before the event. Back w/the 9/11 truth movement, it was hijacked from the start, they would refer to each other, invite each other to conferences by never invite or acknowledge researchers looking into the role of redacted (e.g. Victor Thorn, Michael Collins Piper). Same for covid- the use their algorithms to boost their controlled operatives (all from the tribe), so they get huge followings and of course they misdirect on who the perps are. Years ago, I was friends w/a lawyer who was a tribe member. She taught me that they all know tribe names, but also can recognize faces of the tribe. Yet, somehow all of these covid truthers who are from the tribe (Naomi Wolf, Breggins, Weinstein etc) don't happen to notice their fellow tribe all over this operation. Yet, this American tribe member is able to see it and he calls it out: https://rumble.com/v57tv4d-jewish-rabbis-crown-their-messiah-guess-who-it-is.html

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Eric Trump married into it as well.

I don't trust Lee Merritt anymore at all.

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Aug 25Liked by James Hill, MD

I was half-way listening to Fetzer on the latest w/the Sandy Hook case


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When you peddle sensationalism instead of truth and don't follow through, you kind of ask for it.

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[beep] [redacted]…

I like that one:

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."

— Ryan Messano in "THE ARCHITECT - PART TWO" - https://rumble.com/v4gg0al-the-architect.html?start=523

In my view one of the best quotes ever.

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Aug 26Liked by James Hill, MD

There is no such thing as an “assault weapon”.

This is one of my favorite Leftie videos. At least know what you’re spewing…https://youtu.be/iJmFEv6BHM0?si=JImipS0Nd0LOBGju

Pure insanity!

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Good article James. I wish people would wake up and see things clearly -- they are selling out their (and their kids) futures and freedoms, under false narratives, clouded emotional reactions, and the illusion of safety. Some days it's really hard to exist in the twilight zone with all of these deceived and spiritually blind people who are falling for all of this. Most still have no idea how truly diabolical and architected things are on the world's stage...and the fact that everything we hold dear is literally teetering on the edge. I just can't understand how people STILL can't see it.

I pray every day for a global mass-awakening. Heck, I'd settle for my immediate family to wake up. I'm getting tired of hanging and holding onto most all of this by myself...I'm tired of waiting and watching people continue to CHOOSE to stay distracted and ignorant. Perhaps it will take crushing tyranny for them to wake up.

If they aren't awake by now, will they ever awaken? Anyhow, rant off. Thanks.

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Aug 25Liked by James Hill, MD

Yes, most Americans haven't woken up to the fact that we have been lied to about EVERYTHING!!

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Aug 27Liked by James Hill, MD

Literally everything.

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Aug 27Liked by James Hill, MD

Is George Washington even real?

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Aug 27Liked by James Hill, MD

I don't even know.

Who knows what's true. Some say setting up America was always part of their plot for taking over the world.

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Aug 25Liked by James Hill, MD


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Sep 3Liked by James Hill, MD

Somehow I will not be surprised if this happens with a second trump admin.

David Friedman wants Trump to fund Israeli annexation – The Forward


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Looks like Trump is totally controlled.

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Aug 30Liked by James Hill, MD

I’ve read, during Las Vegas mass shooting, crisis actors always wear pink. If you’ve watched any “war/conflict” they have at least one in the shot in pink. For me, since 2017, it has been true on all networks of the World News.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Author

Interesting! Thank you, Deb.

Kind of like CodePink’s Medea Benjamin?


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