Later death surge among vaccinated people in states along Interstate 75 indicates delivery route for slow-kill shots, claims VAERS researcher (Updated 5/9/22)
Thank you. Great article & DATA presentation. Chilling on so many levels.Supportive of so many individual experience people have been reporting all over the word. I have 4 close friends in different European countries and sadly they observed the same trend in their social circles after vaccinations. Its like "data" was being presented to people so much earlier than what we are seeing in charts now, if they only looked around with an open mind and observed what was going on in their social circles. Mindblowing.
Thank you. Great article & DATA presentation. Chilling on so many levels.Supportive of so many individual experience people have been reporting all over the word. I have 4 close friends in different European countries and sadly they observed the same trend in their social circles after vaccinations. Its like "data" was being presented to people so much earlier than what we are seeing in charts now, if they only looked around with an open mind and observed what was going on in their social circles. Mindblowing.
Thank you, Bibi, for your comment and for looking critically at these issues.
EM exposure biologic damage stunningly similar to ‘covid’ / ‘injectables’...
was ‘covid’ introduced to obscure the biologic effects as EM exposures are ratcheted up with rollout of 5G into meta verse?
do certain formulations of the injectables exacerbate EM biologic damage? will the ‘injectables’ aid in the connectivity of the meta verse?
would explain the ‘necessity’ of endemic ‘covid’ and the ‘necessity’ of increasingly virulent variants.
statistical analyses don’t seem to control for EM exposures.
a lot of questions... certain that someone with a lot to gain knows the answers.
These are important questions. Thank you, kitten.
meow = happy to oblige
Or was it the booster shots?