Impressive how Augmented America is now laser-pointed back to JFK or Epstein and not the Depopulation Murder Operation that is still bearing fruit right now with Cancer and decline.
The Magician can just wave the magic Media wand and the marks stare. Entranced. Hypnotized.
Bingo!! Epstein was a loyal Mossadnik as well as his adorable sweetie Ghislaine and he had a pipeline and duty to same. Remember, beezness is beezness......
I’m more interest in the tapes the fbi confiscated from all of his properties. It’s understood that not everyone that traveled to the island was susceptible to the required level of depravity associated with the host. Those that were are likely on those tapes.
Great stuff Jimmy & team. I'm impressed (I may be wrong) /c Donald Trump, as Public National Theatre Director, having his team release statements over the past half year, vowing to release Epstein & JFK/RFK files among a long list of other files like 9/11, Ft-Dietrick, Ukraine etc.
No one gets 'S'elected in the USA, Canada, Britain etc. without bowing to Zionist Oligarch AIPAC, Mossad, Hasbara, Big Pharma, Big-Ag, Big-Oil, MIC 100 billion $$ / year political war-chest. Oligarch minority-share control of money issue in such as the triangulated US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England & Bank-of-International-Settlements encouraged Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) to reveal, "Permit me to issue the currency of a nation & I care not who makes its laws". Is Trump playing the system Oligarch controllers?
Is Trump, as a good director 'Playing-on, whipping-up the audience's emotions to transform the very script & its outcome? My biggest hope is that'; Director Trump, also prides himself as part of the public audience, ready to transform & be transformed, as he himself, learns more of the lies we are all under & truth humanity needs.
So far, from a systematic Process analysis, appointing such as RFKJr., Tulsi Gabbard etc. Trump surpasses, all my expectations. Can Trump get beyond 7000 years of Zionist Israel propaganda to stop feeding Israel's genocide? Can the rest of us inspire & be inspired to take our rightful place as life's 'act'-ors.
'INDIGENOUS' (Latin 'self-generating') ECONOMIC-DEMOCRACY & subset political systems. Economic Democracy in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), specialized Production-Society-Guilds & time-based equivalency-accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). Https://
Here are some of the tools all humanity's indigenous ancestors considered basic to individual & 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') empowerment.
The real , unredacted files will never be available because Epsteinwe as clealry a Mossad agent and Trump and his entire government are hardcore zionists and would never implicate Israel. What people are forgetting is that Trump was president when Epstein was arrested and the files and all the video footage Epstein took of his cleints where avilable under his presidency and he never released them then.
"Palm Beach County Court Clerk Joe Abruzzo believes the public should be able to see the grand jury records relating to the Jeffrey Epstein case, but Florida law won’t allow it." January 12, 2022
So he hired Ballard partners to help him. Pam Bondi was then employee of Ballard Partners.
“I will leave no stone unturned to do whatever I can to shed full light and public disclosure on the Epstein case,” he vowed.
Last week he brought in backup to help secure the change. New lobbying registrations show that the team at Ballard Partners — including Brian Ballard, Mathew Forest and Adrian Lukis — have signed on to represent Abruzzo’s office in both the Legislature and the executive branch.
“We are proud to assist Sen. Abruzzo with this incredibly important matter,” Ballard said."
So when Pam Bondi is on television calling for the release of the files is she criticizing her employer? Is she working as a consultant for Ballard Partners as an attorney general? Does anyone else find the chronic connection to Ballard partners interesting or is it only me?
In 2019, after her final term as Florida attorney general, Bondi was hired by Ballard Partners, a firm with close ties to Trump, and she began working as a registered foreign agent as a lobbyist for the Embassy of the State of Qatar. She registered as a foreign agent for the Embassy of the State of Qatar and as a partner in the lobbyist firm of Ballard Partners under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.[48][49] She left the Qatari project in 2019 to work in a temporary position for the White House Counsel for President Trump's first impeachment proceedings.[50]
As a partner at Ballard Partners, she also become a lobbyist for KGL KSCC, a company incorporated in Kuwait.[51][52] The KGL KSCC lobbying activity was, according to the filed federal lobbying report, for "issues related to potential Global Magnitsky Act violations and imprisonment".[53][54] The Global Magnitsky Act is a law which allows the U.S. government to sanction government officials implicated in human rights abuses or extreme corruption anywhere in the world. Bondi was lobbying for the Kuwait company to help with a case of claimed extortion.[55][56] She had reported on her federal lobbying forms that she had a member of the 2017 Presidential Transition Team of the first Trump administration.[57] Bondi worked as a lobbyist at Ballard Partners until her confirmation as U.S. Attorney General.[58][59][60]"
Has Pam Bondi's employer Ballard Partners been receiving taxpayer funded compensation for their work in helping to get the Epstein information released to the public for the last three years? If so would you, as a tax payer, want for the Attorney General to divulge this information or do you want to be kept in the dark?
"you don't know what countries in the middle East he was referring to???"
Well listen....
"Bondi was hired by Ballard Partners, a firm with close ties to Trump, and she began working as a registered foreign agent as a lobbyist for the Embassy of the State of Qatar."
JSOC is like the biggest foreign base of the Mossad but they practically fly a fez.
Here is the demographics of the last place of employment for the current AG.
"Religion (2020)[4] 65.5% Islam (official)"
Just the moment that you've got it all figured out is when your paradigm becomes obsolete. Don't get entrenched.
"Under Abruzzo's leadership, the Clerk's office achieved record investment income for Palm Beach County's fiscal years 2023 and 2024, reaching $172 million and $215 million respectively.[5] Palm Beach County became the world's largest investor in Israel government bonds, amounting to $700 Million of a $4.67 Billion total portfolio as of 2024.[6] In April 2024, the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, sent Mr. Abruzzo a letter personally thanking him and Palm Beach County for the investment.[7]"
PHOENICIA (4000 - 0 BC) was the Kingdom of Israel united with the City States of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut. Having invaded & desertified the Levant following Babylon's desertification & empire war collapse, this ongoing fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') amnesic violent 'Exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Oligarch EMPIRE went on in perpetual parasitic war, invasion & colonization to plunder all the 'indigenous ('Self-generating' peoples eg. Amazigh, Kabili, Imazighen of North Africa) peoples of the contiguous Mediterranean & Black Seas (colonial foundation of Ashkenaz & Khazarian Empires over Slavic & Turkic Peoples. Israel's 7th of October 'Hannibal' option of killing 100s of its own peoples as Hamas captured hostages, refers to a Phoenician Carthage Empire General & Ruler 'Hannibal' 247-183 BC).
7000 YEARS OF 'EXOGENOUS' (Latin 'other-generated') OLIGARCH EMPIRE INVASION, COLONIZATION & GENOCIDE COMPARED WITH MANY 10s of 1000s of years of 'INDIGENOUS' (Latin 'self-generating') people's bottom up collaboration, innovation & creation with each other in harmony with nature. All humanity's worldwide peace & prosperity, stems from individual & community indigenous sovereign vibrant sentient-awareness & economic recognition of our selves & each other for what is the interdisciplinary CIRCLE-of-LIFE.
2014's MAIDAN OVERTHROW of UKRAINE's democratically elected Yanukovych government & orchestrated 'war' murder of over one million young mostly male Ukrainians is tied to this Zionist empire-ego self-concept. Both Poroshenko & Zelensky as Presidents are Jewish. Phoenicia is considered by Zionists as a so-called 'Golden-Age', which is a stolen wealth largely based in Slavery & the extermination of 600 million Black Africans foundation of today's Trillionaire Oligarchy.
I would pretty definitely say when we need/want the answers on this (redacted) information we saunter over to Henry Makow's columns. Henry is jewish and yet, mirabile dictu!, lays the truth on the line when describing his brethren. Henry Makow is mandatory and necessary reading.
Henry has a tendency to circle the wagons around parts of the project which suit his agenda, and that of his 'followers.' The end result is deflection from the wider angle perspective anyone serious about surviving this would need.
But I can see why you'd favor his brand of foolaid!
Turd temple warriors donned their 'holy armor' this week... and readied their 'victim/followers' for the "final cut."
A photo-op from within the chabad-lubavitch clubhouse formerly known as "the White House" was worth 10,666,00 words; that gaggle of hand picked ghouls, heads all deeply bowed in 'prayer' ... to what most will have been led to assume was 'their' supernal being. But of course, just like the token black man 'leading the prayer meet' was a part of the shell game, so the pretended 'submission to god/dog' which was of course an evocation of their real 'jealous god/dog' master to "subdue the enemy" ... once and for all!
Bobbi,Tusli,Kash... all the eye candy operatives hung out in front to better disguise the lumbering menace of the real players in Puppet 47s theater macabre. All dual-citizen supporters of the plot to attack al-asqa mosque in preparation for lighting the middle east on fire...
and getting Puppet47's USA military caught in the trap which will indeed wreak the 'revenge of yodfat' onto the chosen inheritors of the roman curse which (right of return) Nero brought onto the original iteration of yahweh's chosen sacrificial goat.
observant... reform, chasidic, karaite every nook n cranny of judaist sectarianism has people who know the facts, but can't get any 'traction' against the sionist behemoth, because dumbed down goys take the bait every time...
and either fall into the 'it's the jews' racket'... or just loses it completely and becomes a 'christian-sionist' golem.
@ 5 minute mark this guy gives up the simple and key principle which to understand the sinful role of sionist kabbalist/talmudism =
"do not attempt to re-establish the jewish kingdom."
No matter how many time AL Pal Dershowitz attempts to explain to his wife and boy lovers "I kept my underwear on for the whole time"... these ghouls are as naked as the Humpty Dumpty Puppet47 himself.
That was a good video. I have been wondering who is who. Our Holy Bible tells us there are the Jews and the fake Jews. I've been trying to figure it all out. I had been sending money for the elderly Jews bc it has been reported that they often have little food. I stooped sending that bc I have no idea who is who. On the day of the bombing, they were texting, asking for money. I asked more, but got no response. I am really having trouble figuring it out.
I have to say that when I go to their website, or one of them, I see they are doing not of work on robotics and bio tech. Another time, I read transhumansim...who knows. Could be false websites. Its all a psyop these days. I don't think God smiles on all that research. We also know yuval harrari embraces that kind of thing. It is said that he is or was a Jew. I know he doesn't embrace God. Says we don't need him. Then, another in globie; g s0r0s. Said to be a Jew, but ratted out his own community for gain. Maybe a fraud too?
One question I have of those who have been in Washington DC: what is with the Jews found under the Capital? Somehow, that got quiet.
Let the Lord shine his face upon those who love him. May they be forever blessed. A pretty faithful Catholic here. We must stick to what God told us, you are right in doing that too. My prayers are regularly with God's people of Isreal.
judaism's sectarian demi-monde is a world unto itself; dissimulators against imitators, against proclaimants, against their deniers.
Their SarsCovid19 gambit actually provides a useful metaphor by which to 'grok' it all; the ACE-2 receptor mechanism is similar to the way that the SOROS component of the mix "created" a transmission mechanism by which their "YakobFrank/SabbateiTzvi" contagion of Zoharist/millennialist/kabbalism could 'infect' the main body of torah judaics with their 'heresy' of 'redemption by sin.'
The outcome of that deviation - present day Frankist-sabbateanism - in it's disguised "polymorphic" form which represents itself as within the main body of judaism.. even tho it was those same F_S's (to which Soros belonged)who 'arranged' the deaths of (some number of east european jews)via agreement with (mischlinger/half caste judaic)Schickelgruber and his gang.
The(secularist) sionist entity(Puppet47s boss in the Unholy Land)would represent the (lab created)'fusion' of a MERS-like contagion with a Sars-like hasidic cult(Donnie's boss in the new world)spin off 'chabad'.
The result of which "frankensteinian" deviltry is the current leviathan threatening all of us("real jews" included!)with an extinction event unknown since "amalek" times.
No, it's alright. I'm quite used to working alone. And besides ... I suspect your offer would be less than beneficial, for anyone seeking to delve into these matters in a dedicated and expansive fashion.
Polemicists and cultists are demonstrably unlikely to go to such trouble.
Impressive how Augmented America is now laser-pointed back to JFK or Epstein and not the Depopulation Murder Operation that is still bearing fruit right now with Cancer and decline.
The Magician can just wave the magic Media wand and the marks stare. Entranced. Hypnotized.
Oh, they are on to all of it..nobody is giving in.
It's NEVER Going To Happen Folks...Trump Obama and the Clintons are among those on that list!
Bingo!! Epstein was a loyal Mossadnik as well as his adorable sweetie Ghislaine and he had a pipeline and duty to same. Remember, beezness is beezness......
I’m more interest in the tapes the fbi confiscated from all of his properties. It’s understood that not everyone that traveled to the island was susceptible to the required level of depravity associated with the host. Those that were are likely on those tapes.
Does that mean we won’t
hear about 9/11 either?
I’d wager that’s what it means for the 9/11 and JFK assassination files too.
Who ever really expected any real truth from the liars and deceivers?
They have had decades to scrub anything incriminating from any remaining records, and that is what was done with all of those inconvenient events.
Great stuff Jimmy & team. I'm impressed (I may be wrong) /c Donald Trump, as Public National Theatre Director, having his team release statements over the past half year, vowing to release Epstein & JFK/RFK files among a long list of other files like 9/11, Ft-Dietrick, Ukraine etc.
No one gets 'S'elected in the USA, Canada, Britain etc. without bowing to Zionist Oligarch AIPAC, Mossad, Hasbara, Big Pharma, Big-Ag, Big-Oil, MIC 100 billion $$ / year political war-chest. Oligarch minority-share control of money issue in such as the triangulated US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England & Bank-of-International-Settlements encouraged Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) to reveal, "Permit me to issue the currency of a nation & I care not who makes its laws". Is Trump playing the system Oligarch controllers?
Is Trump, as a good director 'Playing-on, whipping-up the audience's emotions to transform the very script & its outcome? My biggest hope is that'; Director Trump, also prides himself as part of the public audience, ready to transform & be transformed, as he himself, learns more of the lies we are all under & truth humanity needs.
So far, from a systematic Process analysis, appointing such as RFKJr., Tulsi Gabbard etc. Trump surpasses, all my expectations. Can Trump get beyond 7000 years of Zionist Israel propaganda to stop feeding Israel's genocide? Can the rest of us inspire & be inspired to take our rightful place as life's 'act'-ors.
'INDIGENOUS' (Latin 'self-generating') ECONOMIC-DEMOCRACY & subset political systems. Economic Democracy in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), specialized Production-Society-Guilds & time-based equivalency-accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). Https://
Here are some of the tools all humanity's indigenous ancestors considered basic to individual & 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') empowerment.
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? Http:// web-based Community-Circular-Economy software:
A) CATALOGUE intake form for individual & business Talents, Goods, Services, Resources & Dreams. Https://
B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in the Tiohtiake (greater Montreal archipelago) region
C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. Https://
D) COMMUNICATE such as formally through COUNCIL PROCESS for creating Constructive Agreements & for Conflict Resolution. Https://
Right, right, right, right you are! Somehow the word "tentacular" appears to fit into this discussion.
I think all the investigations will be limited hangouts.
The real , unredacted files will never be available because Epsteinwe as clealry a Mossad agent and Trump and his entire government are hardcore zionists and would never implicate Israel. What people are forgetting is that Trump was president when Epstein was arrested and the files and all the video footage Epstein took of his cleints where avilable under his presidency and he never released them then.
"Palm Beach County Court Clerk Joe Abruzzo believes the public should be able to see the grand jury records relating to the Jeffrey Epstein case, but Florida law won’t allow it." January 12, 2022
So he hired Ballard partners to help him. Pam Bondi was then employee of Ballard Partners.
“I will leave no stone unturned to do whatever I can to shed full light and public disclosure on the Epstein case,” he vowed.
Last week he brought in backup to help secure the change. New lobbying registrations show that the team at Ballard Partners — including Brian Ballard, Mathew Forest and Adrian Lukis — have signed on to represent Abruzzo’s office in both the Legislature and the executive branch.
“We are proud to assist Sen. Abruzzo with this incredibly important matter,” Ballard said."
So when Pam Bondi is on television calling for the release of the files is she criticizing her employer? Is she working as a consultant for Ballard Partners as an attorney general? Does anyone else find the chronic connection to Ballard partners interesting or is it only me?
In 2019, after her final term as Florida attorney general, Bondi was hired by Ballard Partners, a firm with close ties to Trump, and she began working as a registered foreign agent as a lobbyist for the Embassy of the State of Qatar. She registered as a foreign agent for the Embassy of the State of Qatar and as a partner in the lobbyist firm of Ballard Partners under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.[48][49] She left the Qatari project in 2019 to work in a temporary position for the White House Counsel for President Trump's first impeachment proceedings.[50]
As a partner at Ballard Partners, she also become a lobbyist for KGL KSCC, a company incorporated in Kuwait.[51][52] The KGL KSCC lobbying activity was, according to the filed federal lobbying report, for "issues related to potential Global Magnitsky Act violations and imprisonment".[53][54] The Global Magnitsky Act is a law which allows the U.S. government to sanction government officials implicated in human rights abuses or extreme corruption anywhere in the world. Bondi was lobbying for the Kuwait company to help with a case of claimed extortion.[55][56] She had reported on her federal lobbying forms that she had a member of the 2017 Presidential Transition Team of the first Trump administration.[57] Bondi worked as a lobbyist at Ballard Partners until her confirmation as U.S. Attorney General.[58][59][60]"
Has Pam Bondi's employer Ballard Partners been receiving taxpayer funded compensation for their work in helping to get the Epstein information released to the public for the last three years? If so would you, as a tax payer, want for the Attorney General to divulge this information or do you want to be kept in the dark?
Nothing to see here. Move along.......
"you don't know what countries in the middle East he was referring to???"
Well listen....
"Bondi was hired by Ballard Partners, a firm with close ties to Trump, and she began working as a registered foreign agent as a lobbyist for the Embassy of the State of Qatar."
JSOC is like the biggest foreign base of the Mossad but they practically fly a fez.
Here is the demographics of the last place of employment for the current AG.
"Religion (2020)[4] 65.5% Islam (official)"
Just the moment that you've got it all figured out is when your paradigm becomes obsolete. Don't get entrenched.
Does little Pammie have dirty paws????
Office of Attorney General TM brought to you by Ballard Partners of JSOC in Tampa. Certified by foreign Arabic nations, sanctioned by the Mossad.
"Under Abruzzo's leadership, the Clerk's office achieved record investment income for Palm Beach County's fiscal years 2023 and 2024, reaching $172 million and $215 million respectively.[5] Palm Beach County became the world's largest investor in Israel government bonds, amounting to $700 Million of a $4.67 Billion total portfolio as of 2024.[6] In April 2024, the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, sent Mr. Abruzzo a letter personally thanking him and Palm Beach County for the investment.[7]"
PHOENICIA (4000 - 0 BC) was the Kingdom of Israel united with the City States of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut. Having invaded & desertified the Levant following Babylon's desertification & empire war collapse, this ongoing fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') amnesic violent 'Exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Oligarch EMPIRE went on in perpetual parasitic war, invasion & colonization to plunder all the 'indigenous ('Self-generating' peoples eg. Amazigh, Kabili, Imazighen of North Africa) peoples of the contiguous Mediterranean & Black Seas (colonial foundation of Ashkenaz & Khazarian Empires over Slavic & Turkic Peoples. Israel's 7th of October 'Hannibal' option of killing 100s of its own peoples as Hamas captured hostages, refers to a Phoenician Carthage Empire General & Ruler 'Hannibal' 247-183 BC).
7000 YEARS OF 'EXOGENOUS' (Latin 'other-generated') OLIGARCH EMPIRE INVASION, COLONIZATION & GENOCIDE COMPARED WITH MANY 10s of 1000s of years of 'INDIGENOUS' (Latin 'self-generating') people's bottom up collaboration, innovation & creation with each other in harmony with nature. All humanity's worldwide peace & prosperity, stems from individual & community indigenous sovereign vibrant sentient-awareness & economic recognition of our selves & each other for what is the interdisciplinary CIRCLE-of-LIFE.
2014's MAIDAN OVERTHROW of UKRAINE's democratically elected Yanukovych government & orchestrated 'war' murder of over one million young mostly male Ukrainians is tied to this Zionist empire-ego self-concept. Both Poroshenko & Zelensky as Presidents are Jewish. Phoenicia is considered by Zionists as a so-called 'Golden-Age', which is a stolen wealth largely based in Slavery & the extermination of 600 million Black Africans foundation of today's Trillionaire Oligarchy.
1492 SLAVERY CONTINUING IN THE AMERICAS 13 Jewish Sugar (Slave) Colonies Audio 2h56m47s
Find yourself someone who loves you as much as Trump and his cabinet members love Israel.
I would pretty definitely say when we need/want the answers on this (redacted) information we saunter over to Henry Makow's columns. Henry is jewish and yet, mirabile dictu!, lays the truth on the line when describing his brethren. Henry Makow is mandatory and necessary reading.
Henry has a tendency to circle the wagons around parts of the project which suit his agenda, and that of his 'followers.' The end result is deflection from the wider angle perspective anyone serious about surviving this would need.
But I can see why you'd favor his brand of foolaid!
Turd temple warriors donned their 'holy armor' this week... and readied their 'victim/followers' for the "final cut."
A photo-op from within the chabad-lubavitch clubhouse formerly known as "the White House" was worth 10,666,00 words; that gaggle of hand picked ghouls, heads all deeply bowed in 'prayer' ... to what most will have been led to assume was 'their' supernal being. But of course, just like the token black man 'leading the prayer meet' was a part of the shell game, so the pretended 'submission to god/dog' which was of course an evocation of their real 'jealous god/dog' master to "subdue the enemy" ... once and for all!
Bobbi,Tusli,Kash... all the eye candy operatives hung out in front to better disguise the lumbering menace of the real players in Puppet 47s theater macabre. All dual-citizen supporters of the plot to attack al-asqa mosque in preparation for lighting the middle east on fire...
and getting Puppet47's USA military caught in the trap which will indeed wreak the 'revenge of yodfat' onto the chosen inheritors of the roman curse which (right of return) Nero brought onto the original iteration of yahweh's chosen sacrificial goat.
observant... reform, chasidic, karaite every nook n cranny of judaist sectarianism has people who know the facts, but can't get any 'traction' against the sionist behemoth, because dumbed down goys take the bait every time...
and either fall into the 'it's the jews' racket'... or just loses it completely and becomes a 'christian-sionist' golem.
@ 5 minute mark this guy gives up the simple and key principle which to understand the sinful role of sionist kabbalist/talmudism =
"do not attempt to re-establish the jewish kingdom."
No matter how many time AL Pal Dershowitz attempts to explain to his wife and boy lovers "I kept my underwear on for the whole time"... these ghouls are as naked as the Humpty Dumpty Puppet47 himself.
That was a good video. I have been wondering who is who. Our Holy Bible tells us there are the Jews and the fake Jews. I've been trying to figure it all out. I had been sending money for the elderly Jews bc it has been reported that they often have little food. I stooped sending that bc I have no idea who is who. On the day of the bombing, they were texting, asking for money. I asked more, but got no response. I am really having trouble figuring it out.
I have to say that when I go to their website, or one of them, I see they are doing not of work on robotics and bio tech. Another time, I read transhumansim...who knows. Could be false websites. Its all a psyop these days. I don't think God smiles on all that research. We also know yuval harrari embraces that kind of thing. It is said that he is or was a Jew. I know he doesn't embrace God. Says we don't need him. Then, another in globie; g s0r0s. Said to be a Jew, but ratted out his own community for gain. Maybe a fraud too?
One question I have of those who have been in Washington DC: what is with the Jews found under the Capital? Somehow, that got quiet.
Let the Lord shine his face upon those who love him. May they be forever blessed. A pretty faithful Catholic here. We must stick to what God told us, you are right in doing that too. My prayers are regularly with God's people of Isreal.
judaism's sectarian demi-monde is a world unto itself; dissimulators against imitators, against proclaimants, against their deniers.
Their SarsCovid19 gambit actually provides a useful metaphor by which to 'grok' it all; the ACE-2 receptor mechanism is similar to the way that the SOROS component of the mix "created" a transmission mechanism by which their "YakobFrank/SabbateiTzvi" contagion of Zoharist/millennialist/kabbalism could 'infect' the main body of torah judaics with their 'heresy' of 'redemption by sin.'
The outcome of that deviation - present day Frankist-sabbateanism - in it's disguised "polymorphic" form which represents itself as within the main body of judaism.. even tho it was those same F_S's (to which Soros belonged)who 'arranged' the deaths of (some number of east european jews)via agreement with (mischlinger/half caste judaic)Schickelgruber and his gang.
The(secularist) sionist entity(Puppet47s boss in the Unholy Land)would represent the (lab created)'fusion' of a MERS-like contagion with a Sars-like hasidic cult(Donnie's boss in the new world)spin off 'chabad'.
The result of which "frankensteinian" deviltry is the current leviathan threatening all of us("real jews" included!)with an extinction event unknown since "amalek" times.
you need help.......
No, it's alright. I'm quite used to working alone. And besides ... I suspect your offer would be less than beneficial, for anyone seeking to delve into these matters in a dedicated and expansive fashion.
Polemicists and cultists are demonstrably unlikely to go to such trouble.
But thanks for 'comin out!'
This is a "Nothing Burger" .... Epstein/Maxwell's Operation was run by a FOREIGN COUNTER INTELLIGENCE Agency. Perhaps we should ask them 😳.