"But money and power alone can’t explain the following:
coercive vaccination of all humans, including pregnant women and young children, before any long-term safety data are available and despite the inability of current vaccines to achieve herd immunity"
I have heard that once vaccines are allowed for childhood vaccination, manufactur…
"But money and power alone can’t explain the following:
coercive vaccination of all humans, including pregnant women and young children, before any long-term safety data are available and despite the inability of current vaccines to achieve herd immunity"
I have heard that once vaccines are allowed for childhood vaccination, manufacturer liability ceases, barring fraud.
"not revealing the VAERS underreporting factor (URF)
apparent ignoring of significant vaccine safety signals
suppression and censorship of early treatment"
...thus protecting the vaccine cash cow
"mask mandates with cloth and surgical masks that cause harm and have no high quality evidence of reducing viral infection rates"
...this was about keeping the fear factor high, thus increasing demand for vaccines
"forced detention in Covid quarantine camps"
...this was the nastiest thing done by the powers that be...the trial balloon in Australia
The way out is malpractice suits against PCP for failure to treat early, followed by a RICO suit against pharma and its conspirators.
Red pill doctors might organize a legal corporation to police their own--the PCPs who went along with the pharma mass vaccination program. That seems quite ethical. In their defense, the PCPs would claim that they relied on the FDA and NIH, so in the process you gather evidence for a RICO suit later as well as funds for a RICO suit against pharma, which I estimate may take a hundred million dollars. The purpose of the legal corp. is to clean up this mess, including policing compliant doctors and pharma.
"But money and power alone can’t explain the following:
coercive vaccination of all humans, including pregnant women and young children, before any long-term safety data are available and despite the inability of current vaccines to achieve herd immunity"
I have heard that once vaccines are allowed for childhood vaccination, manufacturer liability ceases, barring fraud.
"not revealing the VAERS underreporting factor (URF)
apparent ignoring of significant vaccine safety signals
suppression and censorship of early treatment"
...thus protecting the vaccine cash cow
"mask mandates with cloth and surgical masks that cause harm and have no high quality evidence of reducing viral infection rates"
...this was about keeping the fear factor high, thus increasing demand for vaccines
"forced detention in Covid quarantine camps"
...this was the nastiest thing done by the powers that be...the trial balloon in Australia
The way out is malpractice suits against PCP for failure to treat early, followed by a RICO suit against pharma and its conspirators.
Red pill doctors might organize a legal corporation to police their own--the PCPs who went along with the pharma mass vaccination program. That seems quite ethical. In their defense, the PCPs would claim that they relied on the FDA and NIH, so in the process you gather evidence for a RICO suit later as well as funds for a RICO suit against pharma, which I estimate may take a hundred million dollars. The purpose of the legal corp. is to clean up this mess, including policing compliant doctors and pharma.