Dr. Yeadon makes a very good point. I believe there is a spiritual component to it: there's a small percentage controlling resources who fancy themselves greater than God or Gods in their own right, who legitimately get off on death, subjugation and enslavement of others. They view us as little more than ants on a farm that they can burn with magnifying glasses or drown as a sociopathic boy would. At the end their desperate desire to tag, track and control everyone is due to their fear of the great equalizer that is death, which they hope to extinguish. What sad excuses for men, really...

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"But money and power alone can’t explain the following:

coercive vaccination of all humans, including pregnant women and young children, before any long-term safety data are available and despite the inability of current vaccines to achieve herd immunity"

I have heard that once vaccines are allowed for childhood vaccination, manufacturer liability ceases, barring fraud.

"not revealing the VAERS underreporting factor (URF)

apparent ignoring of significant vaccine safety signals

suppression and censorship of early treatment"

...thus protecting the vaccine cash cow

"mask mandates with cloth and surgical masks that cause harm and have no high quality evidence of reducing viral infection rates"

...this was about keeping the fear factor high, thus increasing demand for vaccines

"forced detention in Covid quarantine camps"

...this was the nastiest thing done by the powers that be...the trial balloon in Australia

The way out is malpractice suits against PCP for failure to treat early, followed by a RICO suit against pharma and its conspirators.

Red pill doctors might organize a legal corporation to police their own--the PCPs who went along with the pharma mass vaccination program. That seems quite ethical. In their defense, the PCPs would claim that they relied on the FDA and NIH, so in the process you gather evidence for a RICO suit later as well as funds for a RICO suit against pharma, which I estimate may take a hundred million dollars. The purpose of the legal corp. is to clean up this mess, including policing compliant doctors and pharma.

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I found out 3 years ago I was severely injured as a baby by the smallpox vaccine in 1965. My eldest was brain damaged within hours of his first DPT shot at 4 months in 1988. My second child , unvaxxed until age 8 in 1999, when my DO convinced me the DtAP was “ much safer “ and injected her , got severe RA within 6 months and is permanently disabled. These were all FDA “ approved “. I saw this lie from April 2020.I’ve been vocally warning people everywhere about the lie of “ safe snd effective “ vaccines since 1988. They are all bio weapons. And I’ve been actively pushing and fighting back. I’ll die before they ever inject me or my family again. They must all be taken down.

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Very sorry to hear you and your children were injured. My family has been similarly affected. Thank you for being here.

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Using the preliminary numbers from the deadorkicking website, I calculated that there has been excess mortality in the US working age population of about 137,500 people in 2021--and this number is likely to increase.

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The 2021 comparison was with 2020 to generate the 137,500 figure, but it really should be compared with the first pre-pandemic year, 2019, because 2020 was a multiple sigma outlier, whereas 2019 was within the normal range.

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My take on Malone is that he is a scientist, not a politician or public speaker. Personally, I enjoy his extreme precision in speaking. At least in the beginning, every word was carefully considered and crafted. As far as what the ultimate end game is, he may not know. Or maybe there are competing games we don't know about and he won't divulge any of that. I don't hold it against him that he doesn't delve into that - but I do have reservations. Anybody can be controlled opposition. As far as him saying this is not about culture wars but about power and money - the subject was Joe Rogan and the topic was what is going on at Spotify. He has spoken elsewhere about the bad safety profile of the jabs and how it is a crime to inject children with it. He has also always insisted there should be no coercion or force regarding the jabs. He says they should be reserved for the extremely vulnerable and elderly - and this always gives me pause. It could be said it sounds like eugenics...So, I love reading and hearing what Malone has to say, but...

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There seems to be very little concerted effort to oppose this agenda. Dr Rainer is doing something but on the whole it is a very disjointed and fractured and differing opinioned group. Is there some way to build a unified and agreeing group? It would likely delve into a lot of areas most fear to tread eg, anti freemasonry, anti all other occultic societies and anti cabal. The scientific aspects are also befuddling. Ie, what treatments. Now that many are vaxxed should new mrnas be considered. Any group would be easy to infiltrate but it may provide resistance.

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I'm glad Malone is there to provide a foothold for people just waking up to all this, and I think you do him and yourself a disservice by claiming to know his motives on such a thin basis. Most of us have to pass through the "power and money" phase before we can really get to grips with ideas like depopulation, eugenics, global mind control and slavery, etc. When rational people are confronted with the full scope of this thing all at once, it's too easy to reject the message as paranoid ravings. Malone may simply understand public relations a little better than Yeadon et al. Maybe that's his assigned role, even if he's working for "white hats". How would you know?

I think the "bioweapon" claim is on pretty solid footing, myself. "Ethnic", not so much. The studies you cite don't really control for enough factors. And even if there is some difference between injection-related adverse events (including of course mortality) experienced by distinct genetic groups, that hardly proves intent. Plenty of natural diseases disproportionately affect specific genetic populations.

I see what you're getting at. There's no need to be so coy about it. If "The Jews" are trying to kill off "The White Folks", why did they push vaccines in Israel so hard? In this country, why prioritize populations "of color" for injection? It just doesn't add up.

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I’m not aware of anyone “claiming to know his motives.”

I agree Dr. Malone has been enormously helpful on many fronts, as mentioned in my other recent essay on him. It just seems there are some topics he can’t or won’t mention.

Perhaps he’s trying to say as much as allowable in mainstream venues, and this is heroic of itself.

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Ok, go with that idea, but riddle this why is it that Malone claims to have "mRNA patents", but he has Nothing to Sell, yet Trudeau got the patents out of UBC(can), and transferred them to his private company and licensed to his monopoly service provider pfizer&moderna.

Now why wasn't the so called 'inventor' able to do any of that?

Pray tell elucidate people, I always thought that interview had an agenda more than simple information.

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I have not, but you might check the patent dates.

A very few Canadians are aware of the Trudeau family trust association with Acuitas/Arbutus Pharmaceuticals and the LNP patents.

From the time of Dr. Malone's lab work, the patents may be a bit stale, and less remunerative.

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I agree.

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You understand here we're talking a $100 USD BILLION deal right? This it not money&power, this rule-the-world money & power.

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Find the free PDF of Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan and you may get some answers....

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Malone is a funny duck, but I wouldn't write him off. He has given interviews where he goes full "tin foil" (their words not mine, so to speak).

When I first heard an interview with McCullough, I really thought I was listening to a CNN guest for the first few minutes. Then he started hitting some truth bombs and I was like....

These people aren't media people, they are scientists. They will make major cockups and will tailor their responses based on their audiences.

I agree that consistency is key, but if I was in their position I would be shitting bricks. My worst nightmare (after being injected with Covid death shots) is public speaking.

I agree that we need to be vigilant but we also need to recognise that some of our allies are not as clued up as us. Dr. Yeadon and I have had many great exchanges and he acknowledged publicly that he doesn't need to worry anymore because he is retired. Perhaps Malone isn't quite so well positioned. Who knows.

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I will never disclose it to anyone, but I keep a secret folder of emails in which Dr, Yeadon has either liked my Substack comments or replied to me. The guy is a legend. I really want to buy him a pint.

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While I think Malone is very useful right now don’t be fooled. There’s a video on bitchute or rumble from about 5-6 months ago where he discussed HIS MrNA Covid vaccine woth his new company. He’s controlled opposition.

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How is seeking total control and domination of others incompatible with seeking power and money, Dr. Malone?

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Dr Malone is a limited hangout.

The idiot thought the vaccine was good for long covid.

A fucking vaccinologist should know that vaccinating after infection is never a good idea.

He also said it's safe for third trimester when there's no fucking evidence.

Fuck that guy

And fuck this idea that it's a bioweapon. The only bioweapon is the vaccine


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As Controlled opposition Julian Assange is a limited hangout and 911 gatekeeper.

So too are Robert Malone et al controlled opposition, limited hangouts and virus gatekeepers.

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Doing a full report on COVID anybody have any ideas please provide ...

COVID-19: Blind Men and the Elephant: Six Narratives, all partially true, but totally wrong.

In this post I will attempt to cover the major narratives around the COVID hysteria


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Your dr yam article reads like an EPOCH-TIMES post, epoch-times is CIA, hk disinfo to stir the post and make problems for CCP, why push this agenda if your not also working as cia lim-hang?

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Malone share with us, in the ROGAN interview you said you never got paid off of the mRNA patents, but Trudeau recently got $500M from China, why is it that Trudeau has licensed the mRNA to dozens of companys that he holds through Gates Foundation, and you have no patent cash-flow to speak of??

Why did Trudeau buy all of the UBC mRNA patents with taxpayers dollars and transfer to private companys??


RW Malone MD


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Money & Power can explain everything, when you understand that they're common idiots, morons, and fools; Sure wise men know that money is of no value, but fools really think it makes them into Gods.

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