Mar 10Liked by James Hill, MD

There’s a person currently on X that rotates pictures of “January 6th individuals“ wanted. People who are not yet charged… it’s frightening because some of the pictures are of people who may have been just there that day for it’s original purpose. The number of followers and their horrific comments is extremely disconcerting.

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death & divide & distract, devil’s work

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Are Indians Caucasian? I think they are. But maybe they’re Asian but based on the weird usage of white, are they considered black? See how ridiculous this white oversimplification is. It’s just a divisive erroneously used term. Are Jews white or black?

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Mar 10Liked by James Hill, MD

Depopulation through jabs.

Replacement with illegals.

It's a thing..

In real time.

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Just wondering if Polish, English, Greek, German, Dutch, or Italian and Portuguese are considered white race. In my day, they were considered Caucasian.

Are Albinos a race? They’re the only ones I could comfortably describe as white.

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Oh wait, this idea of white/black was not meant for anyone who could think. My bad.lol 🤣

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Mar 10Liked by James Hill, MD

😟 I have watched online for 4 years now violence against white people perpetrated by so called opressed people… it’s like i’m living in an alternate universe watching the DOJ say this.

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12 Hour Marathon, who is destroying the West? – Zach (LogosRevealed)

I was late to the following but am 7 hours into this marathon by Zach (LogosRevealed) – I am up to topic #7 MANIPULATION (news, Hollywood etc). It is broken up into 10 one hour segments for each topic – plus a one hour bonus apparently.

1. Lying and subversion

2. Usury and bribery

3. Trafficking (narcotics)

4. Blood libel – ritual murder

5. Mass Immigration, human and child trafficking

6. Moral perversion – pornography, homosexuality, transgenderism, prostitution, paedophilia , gambling

7. Manipulation – control of media, Hollywood, internet censorship, COVID-19

8. Jewish terrorism/heroism – well poisoning, USS Liberty, 911, JFK assassination, SS Otrey (bombed own ship full of jews to spook more jews to come to Israel

9. Political enforcement – ideologies, political movements – communism, Marxism, Zionism – Antifa, BLM

10. Jewish war crimes – WWI and WWII, UN, Holodomor

• 12 Hour Jewish Treachery Marathon, who is destroying the West? - LogosRevealed


Starts at 16:44 after music

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Mar 10Liked by James Hill, MD
Mar 10Liked by James Hill, MD

My personal opinion is that it’s going to be funny when this backfires on the drone and satellite operators who are supposed “informants.”

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Mar 24Liked by James Hill, MD

Does that mean the “fbi” are now targeting themselves??

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Christian not white.

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Mar 10Liked by James Hill, MD

Crazy position for the Monster Organs to take at a time when Black and Hispanic crime is spiking. Due to the literal flood of migrants and simultaneous erosion of legal constraints on criminality.

Crazy, unless of course they were not-so-covertly at war with us...

But the Kalergi plan is just a conspiracy theory, they say.

Thankfully, since otherwise we'd have to face the fact this ongoing multi-generational assault on our people is totally consistent with it.

It would be the only unifying theory that explains everything* happening in our countries. Having been in the pot, being brought to a simmer, it can seem all is fine. None of it is fine. A few seconds of thought will remind us of that.

Question is: When will we have seen enough treason to trigger the contingency measures in your Constitution?

Because they ain't gonna stop. And there is no voting our way out of this. For any of us.


*-The destruction of our countries.

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Bloody Hell, man. No doubt, mainstream media, Republicans & Democrats and all of their appointees & top DOJ lawyers (DOD, CIA & FBI) are responsible for this very well planned chaos; FalseFlag event. It’s clearly orchestrated and designed to create racisms, hate & violence where there is none under normal, legal immigration, cultural exchange & trade circumstances.

For those of us who grew up within multi-cultured families and communities with rich diversity, none of us believe in the goodness of pure whiteness, nor do we believe what is happening today is a legitimate effort to correct racial injustice, which is just as big of a fraud as Affirmative Action or Black Lives Matters has been. It’s junk social science created by the same monsters who create Plandemics or any other destabilizing terrorist events; the CIA, FBI, DOD...

Clearly, mass immigration is NOT about correcting any real wrongs over whiteness, nor will make any city or country healthy-diverse, but it sure does develop race hatred. For sure, diversity strengthens life, but mass immigration does the opposite, promotes hate, and in reaction our criminal governments who created this problem then builds more “for profit” prisons and civil wars, which is their intent. Look how so many Trump and Biden supporters fall right into fight mode in reaction, which only benefits the media and politicians who are aware and complicit in this chaos, just like all the FalseFlag events in history.

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There is definitely a long-standing agenda by the (((usual suspects))) to eliminate the white race, because they view us as their biggest threat. They are also extremely jealous of us -- insanely so -- and take great pleasure in harming us. For those who'd like just a bit more info on the topic of white genocide, please see: https://birthofanewearthblog.com/the-jewish-agenda-to-destroy-the-white-race/ And once again Dr. Hill, I thank you for your willingness to address this type of information.

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