Sep 26Liked by James Hill, MD

Beware the Noahide Laws!

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Sep 26Liked by James Hill, MD

Yes, I was just going to post about that!

I remember Dr. Lorraine Day (RIP) used to warn about those--back when I first heard her warn about the Noahide Laws, I didn't believe that could happen, but now I completely believe her. These people are psychopaths.


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Sep 26Liked by James Hill, MD

The ignorant masses of Zi Christians supporting their own doom. Funny how djt never says this about conservatives or Christians. I am no longer surprise about his silence of those incarcerated who supported him in JaN 2021.

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Sep 26Liked by James Hill, MD

Yes, these Christian Zios are seriously low IQ. I actually spent a few years commenting on a MAGA cult/Christian Zio site to try and wake them up to the psyops/false flags (esp 9/11) and the banking cartel. And it was basically a waste of time--I totally regret trying. They are absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to wake up. They would howl about the fake media when it came to their hero Trump, but they would immediately trust the media they rolled out the next mass shooting psyop. And each 9/11 anniversary, I would try to post my 9/11 truther links, and most just ignored and defended the official story b/c they are emotionally attached to the "evil Muslim" narrative, since that connects with their support of Israel. I see the Christian Zios as my enemy, same for the tribe that has taken over this nation.

Oh, yeah, I'm totally disgusted with Trump for many reasons, including how he set those poor gullible people on J6 and let them rot in jail and prison.

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It is baffling. I really think the djt supporters are living under a spell or trance.

The blind obamma supporters have nothing over the donny duped.

What is perplexing is I get stuff sent to me making fun of kammie and I try to respond with actual facts about her and get no response. I suggest sharing solid info about her or people she is connected to and nothing. So if it is so important to defeat her why only share memes and jokes.

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Sep 26Liked by James Hill, MD

He was nit and is not in power. What exactly do you think he could do. Democrats have control of the narrative on this this and half the country believes it was an insurrection that needed to be squashed and they certainly don’t see the lawfare being perpetrated by the DOJ

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I know NOTHING is every Duper Donny’s fault, NOTHING.

Donny betrayed America and Americans and the defense of it is not only old it is disgusting. Maybe you also support Donny wanting to go after anyone who does not support a certain massively protected group and country with the death penalty.

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Most J’s - 99%, I’ve heard - do not study the T@1mud (myself included). I read the chapter “The Menace of Communism” (45 min) about what happened to the Russians from 1918-1957: https://youtu.be/VJqUMxJnMP4?feature=shared The book is also available online as a PDF, but hearing what happened from a J person might be compelling for some.

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Thank you, Elizabeth.

Will check out that video.

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The book is The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins. I think his “fair v non-fair” analogies are off, but the uncovered real history is astonishing.

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Sep 27Liked by James Hill, MD

Yeah, I'm done with not only Trump, but pretty much all politicians. The only one I could possibly stomach today is Ron Paul.

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In other words: critics of the most ruthless terrorist and criminal state in the world, Israel, are branded as anti-Semites because they criticize the genocide of Semites by mostly non-Semites?

"Johns Hopkins genetic study shows 97,5% of Judaics living in Israel have have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. Whereas 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are the real Semites."

— Henry Makow - https://henrymakow.com/2024/09/sept-6---the-jewish-grift-is-u.html

How low does the father of the vaccination, Donald Warp Speed ​​​​Drumb, who spent billions to kill Americans with the Covid shot, want to sink, and when will the world finally wake up and face reality?

Samson Option: How Israel Plans to Blow Up the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FaDhmRhgUg

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Arabs/Palestinians are all Semites. Most Jews are not Semites. The Zionists stole the word Anti-Semitic like they stole Palestine. Trump is a Coward Psychotic Bought and Paid for Prostitute and Epstein/Mossad Blackmailed Coward. Now he wants the Death Penalty for anyone who speaks out against Psychotic Racist Israel or Psychotic Racist Jews. THIS IS AMERICA TRUMP NOT ISRAHELL!

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Yet, the Israelis have wiped out themselves, via vicious 'vaccine' (aka. bioweapon) injections. The fact they spared the Palestinians is also strange.

Millions more Americans will likely die in the next few years, while the birth-rate plummets. There might not be so many left to execute, anti-Semite or otherwise.

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Still trying to wrap my head around Israel turning itself into what they themselves declared "Pfizer's lab". I've read the top Jewish leaders care nothing for the rank and file Jews. If true, that would explain it.

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And apparently we can’t assume all vaccine vials contain the same ingredients within and across batches and geographic regions.


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The fake Jews in control care nothing about the real rank and file Jews, since the fake Jews in control are not real Jews.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

I know some who would ignorantly go along with this. When I have brought up Noahide laws they don’t know or want to know about it. I am the problem not supporting djT and get lumped into supporting djt dem opposition and even h@m@s. Bizarre times.

With the meaning of the a-s term keep changing to please a {redacted} group how long before not eating a bagel will be a-s?

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What in the world is wrong with you??!!

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