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Yes, that Schaeffer Cox story is horrible--and nobody knows about it. So anytime I have an opening to mention him, I do.

FBI has been dirty since the inception--the fact that they targeted Eustace Mullins for writing a book about the Federal Reserve tells you all you need to know about who they work for.

On the mass shootings, whenever those happen, I'd suggest immediately rejecting the official story and looking for Professor James/Jim Fetzer on bitchute--he's an expert on these. Bear in mind, there's a video out there of Eric Holder literally saying "we have to brainwash the people against guns." And note the sudden uptick in alleged mass shooting events after they passed the Smith Mundt Modernization Act in 2012 which made domestic propaganda legal. Also bear in mind, after 9/11 they started doing mass casualty drills all over the nation, with props, moulage kits, etc. And you have to remember, these people control the media--it's easy for them to make people believe just about anything. I did extensive research on Sandy Hook (I'm a clinical psychologist, have experience working with Aspergers and have even worked in a school, so I immediately saw major problems with that story, spent countless hours on it, including going through all the evidence released by the CT police) and they are 100% lying about that event.

Yes, on OKC, I know that was all a lie too-James Corbett has tons of videos on that--I think there was a series Requiem for the Suicided- Terrance Yeakey and Jesse (?) Trentadue. There's a good documentary on that one-- A Noble Lie. I think they blamed that on "militia" connected people (something like that) because back in the 90s those people knew about the NWO !!! (renamed Great Reset)--they were ahead of everyone else by decades, so the govt/media demonized them. And that was the end of the militia movement--they would just get infiltrated and set up by the govt (though Dr Edwin Viera still says Constitutional militias are the way to go)

Yes, 100% agree on ADL/SPLC--I'm sure you know the story about why the ADL was started. There's even a quick book out there on pdf by EIR "The Ugly Truth about the ADL"--worth a quick skim. I think the FBI runs Antifa--if not them, they are working for another part of the govt. No doubt about it. The law does not apply to them--they can burn down cities and it's okay with the govt. If you defend yourself or your business from them, the govt will come after you (e.g Iraq veteran defended his store, shot antifa, govt charged him with murder, so he committed suicide).

There's a good article by Mike Whitney The Plan to Wreck America at unz.com--basically says US govt has been captured by oligarchs, and that they are using the govt to wage war on the people, which is kind of obvious now. FBI does nothing but stage false flags to further promote the domestic terrorist narrative, etc.

Good substacks to read are Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, both recommended by Dr. Mike Yeadon. Latypova and Watt basically say that the injections are bioweapons and that they are a DOD project. Watt basically says they have militarized public health and are using public health laws and language to carry out a military campaign of global genocide via the injections.

We're in serious trouble now. The only hope I see is that people have guns. I don't think there's is any way of voting our way out of this. There might be some hope at the state level--apparently some states are looking to make gold/silver legal,which could give a way out from the CBDCs. I also tell everyone to sign up at Dr. Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty, John Birch Society, Stand for Health freedom, and tenthamendmentblog (all free)--they send out alerts on federal tyranny and give you a quick way to message your representative and Senators. We can at least let them know there are millions of angry citizens out here who demand they stop the tyranny.

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Apr 10, 2023
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Oh, I'm so sorry for all you and your wife have been through. And then having to go through all of this with when you have an auto-immune disorder--yes, I'm sure it's related to the vaccines you were forced to take. I used to listen to Joyce Riley's radio show years ago, and she spent a lot of time covering the damage from the vaccines. And how absolutely horrific for your wife to have lost both parents during lockdowns and then to not be able to go to their funerals. Yes, I heard about Duterte's policies.

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Facing the reality of Sociopathy, Psychopathy & Narcissism, the "Dark Triad," running damn near every aspect of our Government today is VITAL.

Most "normies" have absolutely no idea that 1 in 20-25 men typically fall into this category, that they seek power above all else, and are as unlike healthy human beings as alligators are unlike labradors!

So, naturally they are running the show and "we" don't even know they exist. Ditto the women who seek power, and also have severe personality disorders.

Lots of waking up to do. Child sexual abuse, sex trafficking and human trafficking lead down some very dark tunnels, literally it appears, and while I understand concerns of controlled opposition, the most revealing book for the general public I have seen yet is Bobby Kennedy's The Real Anthony Fouci.

If you read it and don't understand that a Sociopath is running Public Health in America, there's no hope for you!

We must start somewhere and I think he picked the right target.

And with the sequel coming out the dangers of the endless war policies + bio-weapons development should also see the light of day.

Most folks cannot go all the way down the rabbit holes yet, but these exposes are accessible.

I do hope and pray he isn't controlled opposition & given what happened to his dad and his uncle, perpetrated by the same forces we are fighting today, it does seem unlikely to me.

However, in this insane world we are in, I suppose anything is possible.

God Bless all those digging out the truth!! I hope we will get there, in the end


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