Thank you James. From this extended community now on full open-eyed researching and probing, the dots and players are being revealed from different directions, clearly showing the pattern. Much like a strange attractor in fractals.
Yes, the neocons control US foreign policy--there were recent posts from Paul Craig Roberts and Martin Armstrong, both acknowledging this as well as the fact that they are setting us up for WW3
After reading that book, I became convinced that there was a power behind the Neocons that kept them in power. And after researching the central bankers, I became convinced that that was who they really worked for. For those who don't understand the relationship between the central bankers and the wars, here are a couple of good documentaries:
Mike Rivero's All Wars Are Bankers Wars
Bill Still's The Money Masters.
And for info on why America got into WW1, listen to Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel (on bithcute). Freedman was an insider, assistant to Bernard Baruch (yesterday's Soros/Rothschild front man), and witnessed the behind-the -scenes intrigues. He basically says the Zionists got America into the war (which led to the deaths of 116,000 American men) in order to get Palestine and their Balfour Declaration. Freedman also said that the Zionists controlled America like they were absolute monarchs (and this was back in 1961--they probably had this level of control and power because they had already gotten control of the national currency in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act)
DeSantis was a JAG attorney in Guantanamo and Fallujah (this could have made him a "made man" but I think that goes back further to him being a member of a secret society at Yale)
Also, fwiw, a law professor from Seton Hall College in NJ looked into who those people being held in Guantanamo really were and it looked like most were just there because the US offered money to people who were extremely poor and willing to accuse others of being terrorists, so they could collect money (e.g. Flyer reads: "You can receive millions of dollars for helping the Anti-Taliban Force catch Al-Qaida and Taliban murderers). So, more state-craft to make the American sheep believe there really were terrorists out there (when the real terrorists were in the US govt)
And in case anyone reading here hasn't figured out the truth about 9/11:
September 11: The New Pearl Harbor (Full Documentary)
Whereas the whole financial system based on these terms only works as long as the debt keeps growing indefinitely, putting the society collectively deeper and deeper into the back pocket of the bankers?
Yes, the US govt has basically operated like a gangster mafia for a long time. There are so many stories like that, but we have no media so nobody knows.
There's a guy Schaeffer Cox who accused state (Alaska) and federal officials of drug trafficking and child prostitution and then he ends up targeted by the FBI. He gets a rigged trial and is now in prison
Recently there's a story about a guy named James Meeks and the feds are accusing him of child porn--which what they usually do when someone has evidence of US govt crimes and it looks like that is the case:
More evidence of US govt crimes (US govt is basically an international organized crime operation masquerading as a govt, though some say it is actually a corporation):
Yes, that Schaeffer Cox story is horrible--and nobody knows about it. So anytime I have an opening to mention him, I do.
FBI has been dirty since the inception--the fact that they targeted Eustace Mullins for writing a book about the Federal Reserve tells you all you need to know about who they work for.
On the mass shootings, whenever those happen, I'd suggest immediately rejecting the official story and looking for Professor James/Jim Fetzer on bitchute--he's an expert on these. Bear in mind, there's a video out there of Eric Holder literally saying "we have to brainwash the people against guns." And note the sudden uptick in alleged mass shooting events after they passed the Smith Mundt Modernization Act in 2012 which made domestic propaganda legal. Also bear in mind, after 9/11 they started doing mass casualty drills all over the nation, with props, moulage kits, etc. And you have to remember, these people control the media--it's easy for them to make people believe just about anything. I did extensive research on Sandy Hook (I'm a clinical psychologist, have experience working with Aspergers and have even worked in a school, so I immediately saw major problems with that story, spent countless hours on it, including going through all the evidence released by the CT police) and they are 100% lying about that event.
Yes, on OKC, I know that was all a lie too-James Corbett has tons of videos on that--I think there was a series Requiem for the Suicided- Terrance Yeakey and Jesse (?) Trentadue. There's a good documentary on that one-- A Noble Lie. I think they blamed that on "militia" connected people (something like that) because back in the 90s those people knew about the NWO !!! (renamed Great Reset)--they were ahead of everyone else by decades, so the govt/media demonized them. And that was the end of the militia movement--they would just get infiltrated and set up by the govt (though Dr Edwin Viera still says Constitutional militias are the way to go)
Yes, 100% agree on ADL/SPLC--I'm sure you know the story about why the ADL was started. There's even a quick book out there on pdf by EIR "The Ugly Truth about the ADL"--worth a quick skim. I think the FBI runs Antifa--if not them, they are working for another part of the govt. No doubt about it. The law does not apply to them--they can burn down cities and it's okay with the govt. If you defend yourself or your business from them, the govt will come after you (e.g Iraq veteran defended his store, shot antifa, govt charged him with murder, so he committed suicide).
There's a good article by Mike Whitney The Plan to Wreck America at says US govt has been captured by oligarchs, and that they are using the govt to wage war on the people, which is kind of obvious now. FBI does nothing but stage false flags to further promote the domestic terrorist narrative, etc.
Good substacks to read are Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, both recommended by Dr. Mike Yeadon. Latypova and Watt basically say that the injections are bioweapons and that they are a DOD project. Watt basically says they have militarized public health and are using public health laws and language to carry out a military campaign of global genocide via the injections.
We're in serious trouble now. The only hope I see is that people have guns. I don't think there's is any way of voting our way out of this. There might be some hope at the state level--apparently some states are looking to make gold/silver legal,which could give a way out from the CBDCs. I also tell everyone to sign up at Dr. Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty, John Birch Society, Stand for Health freedom, and tenthamendmentblog (all free)--they send out alerts on federal tyranny and give you a quick way to message your representative and Senators. We can at least let them know there are millions of angry citizens out here who demand they stop the tyranny.
Oh, I'm so sorry for all you and your wife have been through. And then having to go through all of this with when you have an auto-immune disorder--yes, I'm sure it's related to the vaccines you were forced to take. I used to listen to Joyce Riley's radio show years ago, and she spent a lot of time covering the damage from the vaccines. And how absolutely horrific for your wife to have lost both parents during lockdowns and then to not be able to go to their funerals. Yes, I heard about Duterte's policies.
Facing the reality of Sociopathy, Psychopathy & Narcissism, the "Dark Triad," running damn near every aspect of our Government today is VITAL.
Most "normies" have absolutely no idea that 1 in 20-25 men typically fall into this category, that they seek power above all else, and are as unlike healthy human beings as alligators are unlike labradors!
So, naturally they are running the show and "we" don't even know they exist. Ditto the women who seek power, and also have severe personality disorders.
Lots of waking up to do. Child sexual abuse, sex trafficking and human trafficking lead down some very dark tunnels, literally it appears, and while I understand concerns of controlled opposition, the most revealing book for the general public I have seen yet is Bobby Kennedy's The Real Anthony Fouci.
If you read it and don't understand that a Sociopath is running Public Health in America, there's no hope for you!
We must start somewhere and I think he picked the right target.
And with the sequel coming out the dangers of the endless war policies + bio-weapons development should also see the light of day.
Most folks cannot go all the way down the rabbit holes yet, but these exposes are accessible.
I do hope and pray he isn't controlled opposition & given what happened to his dad and his uncle, perpetrated by the same forces we are fighting today, it does seem unlikely to me.
However, in this insane world we are in, I suppose anything is possible.
God Bless all those digging out the truth!! I hope we will get there, in the end
Great post. May truth and justice prevail eventually. While demoralizing because of the scope of these operations it also leads us closer to those who control and instruct these neo cons as the next question after "Who runs the Pentagon?" is "Who runs those who run the Pentagon?" I think we all know who they are but getting that proof will be another problem.
Well, fwiw, years ago, I read the book The Host and the Parasite by Greg Felton, and I'm pretty sure it was in that book that I read that something on Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, who said something along the lines of seeing Israeli's arrive at the Pentagon and the "walked around like they owned the place" ( I think she might have even used those words). I think the idea was that any foreigner would have to be escorted around the building, but not these guys. I just did a quick search to see if I could find anything on that, and I found this:
A senior Air Force officer watches as the neocons consolidate their Pentagon coup.
Also, fwiw, ex-FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds basically accused some of these neocons of being involved in nuclear espionage--so she ends up being the most gagged person in history. Since she wasn't allowed to name names she posted photos:
Hi Sandra. It's a hell of a time to be an aware person! The Israelis you mention and that Edmonds alluded to are all members of the "pyramid cap's' managerial class. The pyramid cap is composed of individual members of intergenerational families who own the money as debt slavery creation business and their entourage of symbiotic corporations and their chief operations managers that are vetted and of the same ideological headspace. These corporations, both that large systemically important commercial banks (as designated by the BIS as NWO central bank headquarters) and the most important industrial and tech corporations used for carrying out operations where the people live, makes up the head of the pyramid cap. They have been waiting for the technological ability to instigate their agenda and now that they have the ability they are proceeding on a full spectrum of fronts and levels within fronts to this end. We are the few that get the big picture. Many see bits and pieces but are reluctant to see the entirety of what is going down. Then there is the huge swath of the people who are so deeply programmed that are being used as an anchor to drag us all down. Our work to fight and disrupt the "cap's" encroaching plans while also trying to enlighten the semi aware, as it IS a numbers game and a time frame war means we have our work and destiny cut out for us. Do not become demoralized, distracted or fearful. Instead use your awareness to fight back with everything your body and soul can muster. There is now no going back to 'normal.' Only victory where humanity may/can reach its full potential as a caring and cooperative species or the end of our species as transformed into individual parts of Their borg singularity. Cheers to our success....Slainte!!
Which Neocon is married to Kagan? I just mixed up Applebaum with who is married to Kagan. I think Nuland is married to Kagan. And Nudge Sunstein to Color revolution Powers.
Calling them(selves) 'Neo-Con' is a pure inversion of what these radicals represent.
Inversion is SOP for the Black Hats. Just listen to Walensky for 1/2 a second and the point will be proven.
There is nothing conservative about The Agenda. It is the same radical ideology that killed ~60M Russians. And God knows how many Chinese. When it invaded and took over those nations, funded by certain interests.
After manufacturing 9/11 they used it to destroy how many nations and lives as the MICC gorged like never before? And as the ticket clippers did the same.
The same ideology that has inverted literal plant food into public enemy number 1, a threat worthy of tanking the entire global economy. And launching Neo-Feudalism 2.0. For our own good...
Free Speech. Etc. Etc. In the marketplace of ideas they can't even turn up, hence the censorship that has proliferated. All they have are threats. Because we know what is behind their curtain.
Same patterns. Alinsky trash, which has gotten them so close to their goals. Their final solution, for us.
And nowhere is there a law limiting any of it. You have literal criminals in the WH, who have not been arrested despite clear evidence. At least most Americans have 2A. Most western nations are basically disarmed, with populations raised CACO-style for slaughter.
There might also be some other patterns.
What really struck me when I looked was how many heads of departments, agencies, regulators, etc, were from what should have been a tiny minority. Statistically.
Yes, though I did not watch the movie, that was my general reaction--actually, it's been extremely frustrating/annoying/maddening to see them use the on-going global genocide of billions as an opportunity to promote their false narrative of the past and as a way to cover for the role of the criminals behind the operation. And the quickness with which the documentary came out and the way it was heavily promoted in the "health freedom" community, it almost felt like an operation to me. It was just earlier today that Mark Crispin Miller had yet another post on his substack promoting this documentary. And a while back there was this: (I thought it was strange that this woman contacted Sasha--to get her to promote the documentar? it kind of felt like there was a coordinated operation on substack, since it's not necessarily under their control). I also noticed that on Dr. Paul Alexander's substack there was a woman complaining about "hate" and wanting "hate" to be banned, yet I have yet to see anyone expressing or talking about hate on any substack. People are just talking about what is going on with the Great Reset global genocide and enslavement program and who is behind it.
Certain groups use “hate” as a reason for the government -- or its proxies like Twitter and Facebook -- to shut down free speech, in violation of the First Amendment. We need strong leaders to resist this, but those groups fund campaigns and have great sway. Too many uneducated citizens go along with the “shut it down for hate” narrative.
More specifically - Eastern Europeans bore the brunt. Yet, they turned out to be least inclined to jab. So, on balance, they are best off, come the next wave. God has mysterious ways.
And he's married to Anne Applembaum (of the tribe, but I'm not sure if she's a neocon, though probably). I remember seeing her years ago on CSPAN--something on accessing the soviet archives. I kind of assumed that was the case so they could hide who was really running the show over there (though Solzhenitsyn I think wrote about it in one of his books). I just looked up her on wikipedia, and apparently a couple of years into the Trump Admin she wrote something "Is this the end of the West"--so apparently, in the war-mongering world of the neocons, if America gets a President who speaks about ending the wars, that is translated into end of the West.
As I have explained, the Neocons are in full control of US foreign policy. They are intent on starting a war BEFORE 2024. They have 300,000 troops on the border of Russia in Poland. They have used Ukraine to weaken Russia’s conventional forces. They think they can take Russia in less than one week. They believe that Russia will not push the button. What if they are wrong? They believe in their own propaganda.
They have waged a brilliant campaign. They pretend their warmongering is being patriotic. They do not care about America, its people, or anything honorable. They used Ukraine as cannon fodder and they will do the same with Americans. They killed 58,000 Americans in Vietnam. For what?
They are INTERNATIONALISTS, not Americans, and in their view, they must rule the world. Who cares about Americans? There are too many of us anyhow. Thin the herd is their view.
Sorry the link did not work, Sandra. Go to The Grayzone channel on YouTube. The upload is titled, "Neocon Anne Applebaum confronted on Ukraine". It was uploaded around one month ago. Worth watching! Thanks for your link, BTW. Cheers
However, I also pray that there is a stirring of awareness in the world's population, as well as here at home, that all wars, and all disease, all debt, are just instruments of War.
War by the "sociopathic elite," upon a hypnotized and controlled population.
Mass Protests are required. By the awake. The conscious. The knowledgeable.
Those with a both moral compass & their critical thinking skills intact.
It may be more people than we realize due to endless censorship!
I think all the Gold owned by the US Gov has been transferred to Is-real for safe keeping. If this gets out the whole damned planet will be after them.
Yes, I'm assuming the gold from Fort Knox is long gone. Supposedly, Mnuchin, Sec. of Treasury under Trump, checked it out and verified it was there, but I don't believe him (he's Skull and Bones, so he works for them).
ZeroHedge has published a very interesting homage to Switzerland’s so-called political neutrality, at a very interesting time. April 10, 2023 - Swiss Neutrality Is Needed Now, More Than Ever (Vahan Roth, CIO, RealUnit Schweitz AG, posted at ZeroHedge.
Roth falsely attributes the globalist central bankers’ own rapacious, global economic warfare over the last century and especially recent decades, to the United States government alone.
He does this to provide the pretextual justification for calling on the Swiss National Bank to de-dollarize and move the world another step closer to BIS-controlled Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
Roth provides a fraudulent overview of the history of Swiss “neutrality” and impartiality since 1815, leading to a globalist-serving conclusion that coincidentally supports the overall momentum toward one-world government of, by and for central bankers, as slave masters to the rest of humanity:
Yet, the Christian fundamentalists pray for the global government to become the reality ASAP, associating with the Kingdom to come. We'll live it by 2030, it seems?
Who's behind all these schemes? I'd say it's the usual cartel of transnational bankster gangsters, multinational corporations, asset management firms, techno/fascist billionaires, and their DOD protectors.
Thank you, James for your research and all of your posts. I'm so glad you are sharing this information. I'm attempting to share it with acquaintances, but it's tough, I have to be gentle in introducing the subject. My mom and dad are very receptive, though, thank God, and they are telling their friends who are also receptive.
Thank you, Monica. Yes, it’s hard for some people to receive this information. Some in my family don’t know what to make of it. It can seem overwhelming at times.
Thank you James. From this extended community now on full open-eyed researching and probing, the dots and players are being revealed from different directions, clearly showing the pattern. Much like a strange attractor in fractals.
Thank you, Guy. Much appreciated.
Sage Hana
Apr 9Author
Do you know one national level official or politician who will make a list of names of these individuals and express intent to declare war on them?
And the DOD which contracted as their vendor to produce the drugs?
The problem is that you Not a Movement Heroes in Congress such as Ron Johnson “stand with Ukraine”.
You don’t investigate your boss(es).
We know the DOD is the WEF/CFR/Bilderberg Global Mall Cop. We guppies know. But the Whales can’t afford to see.
Great point, Sage.
Too horrible for words; only tears.
Agreed, Susan.
Yes, the neocons control US foreign policy--there were recent posts from Paul Craig Roberts and Martin Armstrong, both acknowledging this as well as the fact that they are setting us up for WW3 "Quit worrying about the future. The neoconservatives have assured that you don’t have one." "Don’t worry, the Neocons will stage a false flag to make sure World War III begins" "What must be understood, is that the Biden Administration, the puppet of the Neocons led now by Victoria Nuland, has brought the entire world to the brink of World War III and they have now begun the countdown to the decline and fall of Western Civilization"
Here's a good book (a quick read) on them:
Michael Collins Piper- The High Priests of War
After reading that book, I became convinced that there was a power behind the Neocons that kept them in power. And after researching the central bankers, I became convinced that that was who they really worked for. For those who don't understand the relationship between the central bankers and the wars, here are a couple of good documentaries:
Mike Rivero's All Wars Are Bankers Wars
Bill Still's The Money Masters.
And for info on why America got into WW1, listen to Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel (on bithcute). Freedman was an insider, assistant to Bernard Baruch (yesterday's Soros/Rothschild front man), and witnessed the behind-the -scenes intrigues. He basically says the Zionists got America into the war (which led to the deaths of 116,000 American men) in order to get Palestine and their Balfour Declaration. Freedman also said that the Zionists controlled America like they were absolute monarchs (and this was back in 1961--they probably had this level of control and power because they had already gotten control of the national currency in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act)
Great info. Thank you, Sandra.
And here's some info on the hell the neocons unleashed on Iraq:
Article from 2014-
Easter in Fallujah: US Military “Commemorates” Its Iraq Massacre. “Tell Them It’s the Sound of Freedom.” General Mark Kimmitt’s Easter Day Mistruths (just the first paragraphs reveals the utter horror the neocons in control of the US govt unleashed upon the Iraqis--I bet Hollywood won't make a movie about this)
DeSantis was a JAG attorney in Guantanamo and Fallujah (this could have made him a "made man" but I think that goes back further to him being a member of a secret society at Yale)
Also, fwiw, a law professor from Seton Hall College in NJ looked into who those people being held in Guantanamo really were and it looked like most were just there because the US offered money to people who were extremely poor and willing to accuse others of being terrorists, so they could collect money (e.g. Flyer reads: "You can receive millions of dollars for helping the Anti-Taliban Force catch Al-Qaida and Taliban murderers). So, more state-craft to make the American sheep believe there really were terrorists out there (when the real terrorists were in the US govt)
And in case anyone reading here hasn't figured out the truth about 9/11:
September 11: The New Pearl Harbor (Full Documentary)
9/11 Missing links (this gets at who was behind the operation)
Masters of Deception: Zionism, 911, and the War on Terror Hoax, By Zander C Fuerza
Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed The World- Christopher Bollyn
Another good book on how America has been taken over is Greg Felton's The Host and the Parasite.
Yes, many Guantanamo prisoners were allegedly innocent men sold by warlords to the US based on false accusations.
Here’s one such story, same as in the DeSantis article you linked above:
And to do the 1913, they should have had that control way before when.
Yes, that's how they get control over nations- by getting the power to issue currency out of thin air and loan it to governments at interest.
Here are some books:
A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson
John Coleman The Rothschild Dynasty (he seems accurate in terms of timing, since on last page, he predicts the world will be plunged into a brutal one world government dictatorship by 2025 and look at where we are now)
The Nameless War
(what is going on now is a continuation of this)
Whereas the whole financial system based on these terms only works as long as the debt keeps growing indefinitely, putting the society collectively deeper and deeper into the back pocket of the bankers?
Yes, the US govt has basically operated like a gangster mafia for a long time. There are so many stories like that, but we have no media so nobody knows.
There's a guy Schaeffer Cox who accused state (Alaska) and federal officials of drug trafficking and child prostitution and then he ends up targeted by the FBI. He gets a rigged trial and is now in prison
Eustace Mullins wrote about the Federal Reserve and was targeted by the FBI for 30 years
Recently there's a story about a guy named James Meeks and the feds are accusing him of child porn--which what they usually do when someone has evidence of US govt crimes and it looks like that is the case:
More evidence of US govt crimes (US govt is basically an international organized crime operation masquerading as a govt, though some say it is actually a corporation):
Yes, that Schaeffer Cox story is horrible--and nobody knows about it. So anytime I have an opening to mention him, I do.
FBI has been dirty since the inception--the fact that they targeted Eustace Mullins for writing a book about the Federal Reserve tells you all you need to know about who they work for.
On the mass shootings, whenever those happen, I'd suggest immediately rejecting the official story and looking for Professor James/Jim Fetzer on bitchute--he's an expert on these. Bear in mind, there's a video out there of Eric Holder literally saying "we have to brainwash the people against guns." And note the sudden uptick in alleged mass shooting events after they passed the Smith Mundt Modernization Act in 2012 which made domestic propaganda legal. Also bear in mind, after 9/11 they started doing mass casualty drills all over the nation, with props, moulage kits, etc. And you have to remember, these people control the media--it's easy for them to make people believe just about anything. I did extensive research on Sandy Hook (I'm a clinical psychologist, have experience working with Aspergers and have even worked in a school, so I immediately saw major problems with that story, spent countless hours on it, including going through all the evidence released by the CT police) and they are 100% lying about that event.
Yes, on OKC, I know that was all a lie too-James Corbett has tons of videos on that--I think there was a series Requiem for the Suicided- Terrance Yeakey and Jesse (?) Trentadue. There's a good documentary on that one-- A Noble Lie. I think they blamed that on "militia" connected people (something like that) because back in the 90s those people knew about the NWO !!! (renamed Great Reset)--they were ahead of everyone else by decades, so the govt/media demonized them. And that was the end of the militia movement--they would just get infiltrated and set up by the govt (though Dr Edwin Viera still says Constitutional militias are the way to go)
Yes, 100% agree on ADL/SPLC--I'm sure you know the story about why the ADL was started. There's even a quick book out there on pdf by EIR "The Ugly Truth about the ADL"--worth a quick skim. I think the FBI runs Antifa--if not them, they are working for another part of the govt. No doubt about it. The law does not apply to them--they can burn down cities and it's okay with the govt. If you defend yourself or your business from them, the govt will come after you (e.g Iraq veteran defended his store, shot antifa, govt charged him with murder, so he committed suicide).
There's a good article by Mike Whitney The Plan to Wreck America at says US govt has been captured by oligarchs, and that they are using the govt to wage war on the people, which is kind of obvious now. FBI does nothing but stage false flags to further promote the domestic terrorist narrative, etc.
Good substacks to read are Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, both recommended by Dr. Mike Yeadon. Latypova and Watt basically say that the injections are bioweapons and that they are a DOD project. Watt basically says they have militarized public health and are using public health laws and language to carry out a military campaign of global genocide via the injections.
We're in serious trouble now. The only hope I see is that people have guns. I don't think there's is any way of voting our way out of this. There might be some hope at the state level--apparently some states are looking to make gold/silver legal,which could give a way out from the CBDCs. I also tell everyone to sign up at Dr. Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty, John Birch Society, Stand for Health freedom, and tenthamendmentblog (all free)--they send out alerts on federal tyranny and give you a quick way to message your representative and Senators. We can at least let them know there are millions of angry citizens out here who demand they stop the tyranny.
Oh, I'm so sorry for all you and your wife have been through. And then having to go through all of this with when you have an auto-immune disorder--yes, I'm sure it's related to the vaccines you were forced to take. I used to listen to Joyce Riley's radio show years ago, and she spent a lot of time covering the damage from the vaccines. And how absolutely horrific for your wife to have lost both parents during lockdowns and then to not be able to go to their funerals. Yes, I heard about Duterte's policies.
Facing the reality of Sociopathy, Psychopathy & Narcissism, the "Dark Triad," running damn near every aspect of our Government today is VITAL.
Most "normies" have absolutely no idea that 1 in 20-25 men typically fall into this category, that they seek power above all else, and are as unlike healthy human beings as alligators are unlike labradors!
So, naturally they are running the show and "we" don't even know they exist. Ditto the women who seek power, and also have severe personality disorders.
Lots of waking up to do. Child sexual abuse, sex trafficking and human trafficking lead down some very dark tunnels, literally it appears, and while I understand concerns of controlled opposition, the most revealing book for the general public I have seen yet is Bobby Kennedy's The Real Anthony Fouci.
If you read it and don't understand that a Sociopath is running Public Health in America, there's no hope for you!
We must start somewhere and I think he picked the right target.
And with the sequel coming out the dangers of the endless war policies + bio-weapons development should also see the light of day.
Most folks cannot go all the way down the rabbit holes yet, but these exposes are accessible.
I do hope and pray he isn't controlled opposition & given what happened to his dad and his uncle, perpetrated by the same forces we are fighting today, it does seem unlikely to me.
However, in this insane world we are in, I suppose anything is possible.
God Bless all those digging out the truth!! I hope we will get there, in the end
Great post. May truth and justice prevail eventually. While demoralizing because of the scope of these operations it also leads us closer to those who control and instruct these neo cons as the next question after "Who runs the Pentagon?" is "Who runs those who run the Pentagon?" I think we all know who they are but getting that proof will be another problem.
Well, fwiw, years ago, I read the book The Host and the Parasite by Greg Felton, and I'm pretty sure it was in that book that I read that something on Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, who said something along the lines of seeing Israeli's arrive at the Pentagon and the "walked around like they owned the place" ( I think she might have even used those words). I think the idea was that any foreigner would have to be escorted around the building, but not these guys. I just did a quick search to see if I could find anything on that, and I found this:
A senior Air Force officer watches as the neocons consolidate their Pentagon coup.
Also, fwiw, ex-FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds basically accused some of these neocons of being involved in nuclear espionage--so she ends up being the most gagged person in history. Since she wasn't allowed to name names she posted photos:
Hi Sandra. It's a hell of a time to be an aware person! The Israelis you mention and that Edmonds alluded to are all members of the "pyramid cap's' managerial class. The pyramid cap is composed of individual members of intergenerational families who own the money as debt slavery creation business and their entourage of symbiotic corporations and their chief operations managers that are vetted and of the same ideological headspace. These corporations, both that large systemically important commercial banks (as designated by the BIS as NWO central bank headquarters) and the most important industrial and tech corporations used for carrying out operations where the people live, makes up the head of the pyramid cap. They have been waiting for the technological ability to instigate their agenda and now that they have the ability they are proceeding on a full spectrum of fronts and levels within fronts to this end. We are the few that get the big picture. Many see bits and pieces but are reluctant to see the entirety of what is going down. Then there is the huge swath of the people who are so deeply programmed that are being used as an anchor to drag us all down. Our work to fight and disrupt the "cap's" encroaching plans while also trying to enlighten the semi aware, as it IS a numbers game and a time frame war means we have our work and destiny cut out for us. Do not become demoralized, distracted or fearful. Instead use your awareness to fight back with everything your body and soul can muster. There is now no going back to 'normal.' Only victory where humanity may/can reach its full potential as a caring and cooperative species or the end of our species as transformed into individual parts of Their borg singularity. Cheers to our success....Slainte!!
Thanks for being here, ICFUBAR.
Hi Sandra,
Applebaum is delightful, isn't she? Oh, she is definitely a neocon, no question.
Thanks for your reply
Yes, a real piece of work.
Which Neocon is married to Kagan? I just mixed up Applebaum with who is married to Kagan. I think Nuland is married to Kagan. And Nudge Sunstein to Color revolution Powers.
sad to hear about all these doctors
Thank you, pandelis.
"Are there patterns that emerge..."? 🤔
Hmmmm... is there a pattern? I think I see one... but... oh no! I'm not permitted to see that pattern!
Nothing to see here.
A few layers of patterns.
Calling them(selves) 'Neo-Con' is a pure inversion of what these radicals represent.
Inversion is SOP for the Black Hats. Just listen to Walensky for 1/2 a second and the point will be proven.
There is nothing conservative about The Agenda. It is the same radical ideology that killed ~60M Russians. And God knows how many Chinese. When it invaded and took over those nations, funded by certain interests.
After manufacturing 9/11 they used it to destroy how many nations and lives as the MICC gorged like never before? And as the ticket clippers did the same.
The same ideology that has inverted literal plant food into public enemy number 1, a threat worthy of tanking the entire global economy. And launching Neo-Feudalism 2.0. For our own good...
Free Speech. Etc. Etc. In the marketplace of ideas they can't even turn up, hence the censorship that has proliferated. All they have are threats. Because we know what is behind their curtain.
Same patterns. Alinsky trash, which has gotten them so close to their goals. Their final solution, for us.
And nowhere is there a law limiting any of it. You have literal criminals in the WH, who have not been arrested despite clear evidence. At least most Americans have 2A. Most western nations are basically disarmed, with populations raised CACO-style for slaughter.
There might also be some other patterns.
What really struck me when I looked was how many heads of departments, agencies, regulators, etc, were from what should have been a tiny minority. Statistically.
Please forgive me if you are a civilian, but there are certain people bent on destroying our society.
Who's a spook and who's not?
Oh, Dr. Hill, I just scanned your posts and have to thank you for these two:
Yes, though I did not watch the movie, that was my general reaction--actually, it's been extremely frustrating/annoying/maddening to see them use the on-going global genocide of billions as an opportunity to promote their false narrative of the past and as a way to cover for the role of the criminals behind the operation. And the quickness with which the documentary came out and the way it was heavily promoted in the "health freedom" community, it almost felt like an operation to me. It was just earlier today that Mark Crispin Miller had yet another post on his substack promoting this documentary. And a while back there was this: (I thought it was strange that this woman contacted Sasha--to get her to promote the documentar? it kind of felt like there was a coordinated operation on substack, since it's not necessarily under their control). I also noticed that on Dr. Paul Alexander's substack there was a woman complaining about "hate" and wanting "hate" to be banned, yet I have yet to see anyone expressing or talking about hate on any substack. People are just talking about what is going on with the Great Reset global genocide and enslavement program and who is behind it.
Glad you appreciated those posts, Sandra.
Certain groups use “hate” as a reason for the government -- or its proxies like Twitter and Facebook -- to shut down free speech, in violation of the First Amendment. We need strong leaders to resist this, but those groups fund campaigns and have great sway. Too many uneducated citizens go along with the “shut it down for hate” narrative.
Thank you for the informative links.
More specifically - Eastern Europeans bore the brunt. Yet, they turned out to be least inclined to jab. So, on balance, they are best off, come the next wave. God has mysterious ways.
And Kagan's wife is busy, too. Who was behind Nord Stream? I wonder what they next have in the pipeline..
I think it's the same cast of characters running the show.
This Sikorski guy (former MP Poland) tweeted out "Thank you USA"
And he's married to Anne Applembaum (of the tribe, but I'm not sure if she's a neocon, though probably). I remember seeing her years ago on CSPAN--something on accessing the soviet archives. I kind of assumed that was the case so they could hide who was really running the show over there (though Solzhenitsyn I think wrote about it in one of his books). I just looked up her on wikipedia, and apparently a couple of years into the Trump Admin she wrote something "Is this the end of the West"--so apparently, in the war-mongering world of the neocons, if America gets a President who speaks about ending the wars, that is translated into end of the West.
That link didn't work for me.
fwiw- More from Martin Armstrong on the neocons:
Both Martin Armstrong and Paul Craig Roberts believe the Neocons are in charge:
As I have explained, the Neocons are in full control of US foreign policy. They are intent on starting a war BEFORE 2024. They have 300,000 troops on the border of Russia in Poland. They have used Ukraine to weaken Russia’s conventional forces. They think they can take Russia in less than one week. They believe that Russia will not push the button. What if they are wrong? They believe in their own propaganda.
They have waged a brilliant campaign. They pretend their warmongering is being patriotic. They do not care about America, its people, or anything honorable. They used Ukraine as cannon fodder and they will do the same with Americans. They killed 58,000 Americans in Vietnam. For what?
They are INTERNATIONALISTS, not Americans, and in their view, they must rule the world. Who cares about Americans? There are too many of us anyhow. Thin the herd is their view.
Welcome to World War III
Sorry the link did not work, Sandra. Go to The Grayzone channel on YouTube. The upload is titled, "Neocon Anne Applebaum confronted on Ukraine". It was uploaded around one month ago. Worth watching! Thanks for your link, BTW. Cheers
Oh, LOL, I saw that one already!!
I am afraid you are correct.
However, I also pray that there is a stirring of awareness in the world's population, as well as here at home, that all wars, and all disease, all debt, are just instruments of War.
War by the "sociopathic elite," upon a hypnotized and controlled population.
Mass Protests are required. By the awake. The conscious. The knowledgeable.
Those with a both moral compass & their critical thinking skills intact.
It may be more people than we realize due to endless censorship!
I think all the Gold owned by the US Gov has been transferred to Is-real for safe keeping. If this gets out the whole damned planet will be after them.
Yes, I'm assuming the gold from Fort Knox is long gone. Supposedly, Mnuchin, Sec. of Treasury under Trump, checked it out and verified it was there, but I don't believe him (he's Skull and Bones, so he works for them).
Not to worry - the Swiss have the deepest and longest tunnels.
Good post from Katherine Watt on Switzerland here:
ZeroHedge has published a very interesting homage to Switzerland’s so-called political neutrality, at a very interesting time. April 10, 2023 - Swiss Neutrality Is Needed Now, More Than Ever (Vahan Roth, CIO, RealUnit Schweitz AG, posted at ZeroHedge.
Roth falsely attributes the globalist central bankers’ own rapacious, global economic warfare over the last century and especially recent decades, to the United States government alone.
He does this to provide the pretextual justification for calling on the Swiss National Bank to de-dollarize and move the world another step closer to BIS-controlled Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
Roth provides a fraudulent overview of the history of Swiss “neutrality” and impartiality since 1815, leading to a globalist-serving conclusion that coincidentally supports the overall momentum toward one-world government of, by and for central bankers, as slave masters to the rest of humanity:
Yet, the Christian fundamentalists pray for the global government to become the reality ASAP, associating with the Kingdom to come. We'll live it by 2030, it seems?
Coincidences galore.
Who's behind all these schemes? I'd say it's the usual cartel of transnational bankster gangsters, multinational corporations, asset management firms, techno/fascist billionaires, and their DOD protectors.
Thank you, James for your research and all of your posts. I'm so glad you are sharing this information. I'm attempting to share it with acquaintances, but it's tough, I have to be gentle in introducing the subject. My mom and dad are very receptive, though, thank God, and they are telling their friends who are also receptive.
Thank you, Monica. Yes, it’s hard for some people to receive this information. Some in my family don’t know what to make of it. It can seem overwhelming at times.