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Great post. May truth and justice prevail eventually. While demoralizing because of the scope of these operations it also leads us closer to those who control and instruct these neo cons as the next question after "Who runs the Pentagon?" is "Who runs those who run the Pentagon?" I think we all know who they are but getting that proof will be another problem.

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Well, fwiw, years ago, I read the book The Host and the Parasite by Greg Felton, and I'm pretty sure it was in that book that I read that something on Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, who said something along the lines of seeing Israeli's arrive at the Pentagon and the "walked around like they owned the place" ( I think she might have even used those words). I think the idea was that any foreigner would have to be escorted around the building, but not these guys. I just did a quick search to see if I could find anything on that, and I found this:

A senior Air Force officer watches as the neocons consolidate their Pentagon coup.


Also, fwiw, ex-FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds basically accused some of these neocons of being involved in nuclear espionage--so she ends up being the most gagged person in history. Since she wasn't allowed to name names she posted photos:




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Hi Sandra. It's a hell of a time to be an aware person! The Israelis you mention and that Edmonds alluded to are all members of the "pyramid cap's' managerial class. The pyramid cap is composed of individual members of intergenerational families who own the money as debt slavery creation business and their entourage of symbiotic corporations and their chief operations managers that are vetted and of the same ideological headspace. These corporations, both that large systemically important commercial banks (as designated by the BIS as NWO central bank headquarters) and the most important industrial and tech corporations used for carrying out operations where the people live, makes up the head of the pyramid cap. They have been waiting for the technological ability to instigate their agenda and now that they have the ability they are proceeding on a full spectrum of fronts and levels within fronts to this end. We are the few that get the big picture. Many see bits and pieces but are reluctant to see the entirety of what is going down. Then there is the huge swath of the people who are so deeply programmed that are being used as an anchor to drag us all down. Our work to fight and disrupt the "cap's" encroaching plans while also trying to enlighten the semi aware, as it IS a numbers game and a time frame war means we have our work and destiny cut out for us. Do not become demoralized, distracted or fearful. Instead use your awareness to fight back with everything your body and soul can muster. There is now no going back to 'normal.' Only victory where humanity may/can reach its full potential as a caring and cooperative species or the end of our species as transformed into individual parts of Their borg singularity. Cheers to our success....Slainte!!

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Thanks for being here, ICFUBAR.

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