Aug 6Liked by James Hill, MD

Will the men of America allow this.....you know, like the men of Minneapolis let Gov Walz ruin that state andet it burn....in fact, knelt for it

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Well, my man will. He's a strong alpha male, but he watches TV day and night. He has been addicted since he was a child. TV, cell phones, and computers program peoples minds. Also, fluoride and vaccines, etc.

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Aug 6Liked by James Hill, MD

Well, if it comes to that and there is fighting in the street, then target those who brought us this hell first and foremost. #NoQuarter #NoMercy

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Aug 6Liked by James Hill, MD


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Aug 12Liked by James Hill, MD

Read Melvin Stamper - Fruit from a Poisonous Tree. There are many more, but that book tells you everything you need to know.

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Aug 6Liked by James Hill, MD

“Maya Harris also brings to the table membership in the Council on Foreign Relations”

“Having a CFR member as her sister & campaign chair means a Kamala Harris admin would very likely bring many CFR members into govt & into leading roles in policy formation process.

Kamala Harris, Another Establishment Candidate - CounterPunch.org


Harris’ top pic, not Biden? Hint of who’s running the show.

BlackRock Exec Picked as Kamala Harris’s Top Economic Adviser


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Aug 10Liked by James Hill, MD

Our rights and freedoms have been eroded and systematically dismantled piece by piece over decades, while we were sleeping.

This is long-planned.

Conditions are being deliberately engineered for global societal collapse.

If someone had told me just 10 years ago, that this is where we'd be just a decade on, I wouldn't have believed them.

Now? I don't think it's hyperbole to state that never in all of human history has our planet been collectively populated with so many craven individuals simultaneously, or faced malevolence on such a scale.

This won't end well for anyone.

And we're getting a taste of what happens when good men do nothing.

Mathew 24:21

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever shall be again”.

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Aug 7Liked by James Hill, MD

What a POS

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Filthy cackling commie c*nt. This existential threat of a cock holster should be hanging by her toenails.

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Odd, the videos are all the same for me now, when I could see different ones earlier.

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Hi Paul,

They should be all different. Let me know if the issue persists.

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