
Will they allow border invaders to kill Americans?

Just as Nero fiddled, keep twerking, implies vice president (Updated 11/26/24)

In the August 2020 video above, Kamala Harris strongly encouraged the Black Lives Matter and antifa riots that killed over 25 people and caused billions of dollars in damage through murder, arson, vandalism, and looting.


But they're not going to stop.

They're not going to stop.

And this is a movement, I'm telling you.

They're not going to stop.

And everyone beware, because they're not going to stop.

They're not going to stop before Election Day in November.

And they're not going to stop after Election Day.

And that should be.

Everyone should take note of that on both levels.

They're not going to let up.

And they should not.

She has never apologized for these words or spoken against any of the violence or destruction she embraced, particularly aimed at White Americans.

As Biden’s appointed “border czar,” Vice President Kamala presumably approved of — or at least never publicly disagreed with — Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas’s flooding America with over 30 million invaders, most of whom are fighting-age men here without women or children.

Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne says this is an invading army poised to be handed weapons to kill Americans:

The same thing is happening throughout Europe:

This lady notes invaders are being given weapons in the UK:

Meanwhile, Kamala distracts voters with perpetual partying, including this twerkfest featuring Megan Thee Stallion, carrying messages of racial division, degeneracy, and grabbing guns from law-abiding owners.

Kamala says people should stay “woke,” evident doublespeak for “hating White people and loving open borders and coercive child transgenderism without parental knowledge or consent.

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She says convicted felons serving time in prison should have the right to vote.

This means a group of inmates could vote for laws decriminalizing robbery, rape, and murder and thereby negate lawful citizens’ votes on these issues.