Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! That Jesus Christ existed, as an actual historical figure, is a fact accepted by all but the most ignorant of historians.
.....I agree with MOST of these assertions; come to view Judaism-Christianity-Islam as something of an existential 'three-shell game' - that SAID, at least SOME Christian tenets are indisputably derived from Aryan-Hindu teachings (PARTICULARLY the experience of being 'born again' but ALSO, Zoroastrian monotheism) beliefs (while 'Jewish' ones, share MUCH with Sumerian / Mesopotamian & Egyptian precepts; CONSIDERABLE amounts of science & history are contained within the associated writings, especially the 'K/Q'u/Cab/bala/h' - etymologically IDENTICAL though to Sanskrit 'kapala' - origins of the foreshortened word, 'CAP', or skull', subsequently morphing into Latin 'cuppola': 'pinnacle' / 'head', 'dome', 'vessel' - or yes, 'CUP'.....more SIMPLY stated though, a perpetual effort at OBFUSCATING an IMPORTANT distinction between globe-traversing Canaanites / Phoenicians-VENETIANS (believe a TYPICALLY-acquiescing agreement was made between the Sanhedrin & Roman officials two-plus millennia ago when earliest Christians and an archetypal 'Christ' - INITIALLY a title meaning 'The Enlightened' whereas 'MESSIAH' meant 'Anointed', 'CHOSEN' proved a FORMIDABLE challenge to the supreme authority of BOTH, while related bloodlines came to determine subsequent Indo-European royalty) as opposed to Southern Judean Israelites has PLAGUED humanity RIGHT up through this plandemic, wholly allowing for those facilitating it, to remain DECREASINGLY unrecognized (now on GREATER display to the world, than at ANY time previous) while seeking to RETAKE North American lands to which the FORMER had LAID claim, CENTURIES past (Columbus & his crew, Magellan's EXPLICITLY seeking to do JUST that; 'Pilgrims' and secret societies to which MANY Colonists belonged - such AS Sir Francis Bacon's 'Rosicrucians', attempting to THWART them.....comments of Cecil Rhodes AMONG others, make CLEAR there's long BEEN a contingency for AGAIN colonizing the United States from 7-4-1776 ON, and not ANY associated war - I or II included, was EVER truly, 'won' by it.)
And then start listening from 2:48:45 for the other perspective. I must say, the performance of Dr. E. Michael Jones is much more convincing to me than that of Mr. Adam Green.
It's an argument between a metaphysicist (Jones) and metaphysics denier (Green) about the essence of the Bible. Obviously they can't find a common ground. But it's refreshing to see their youthful zeal in defending their respective positions (esp. taking into account Dr. Jones's age). Maybe they should have started with clarifying whether they both admit the existence of the metaphysical or both deny it. If they are not unanimous, one way or the other, maybe they should have started to produce arguments in support of their respective positions. Before moving on to the Bible.
I must admit that I was previously (i.e. when much younger) on Mr. Green's position, as it's a much simpler one that doesn't require much soul searching - a youthful nihilism.
With time, after one realizes that the metaphysical is real and present, and pertinent to our physical world, the soul searching may begin. But not before.
Interesting. I’ve gravitated the other way, from being a Catholic for 30 years and a somewhat fundamentalist Christian for part of that time, to becoming more agnostic.
I recognize the metaphysical is real, but don’t find coherence or benevolent agency in most religions or god theories.
I take it as a testimony and a message, in a form accessible to understanding of an above-average person at those times. If one allows it some slack, on these grounds, then one may find it instructive, for oneself. I interpret it as a testimony of the extraterrestrial presence and continuous involvement, in the course of the human history, the being(s) way more advanced, not just technically but also metaphysically, than the human race, showing its concern, and lending its guidance and instruction. It becomes fascinating in this light.
Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! That Jesus Christ existed, as an actual historical figure, is a fact accepted by all but the most ignorant of historians.
Yeah, psychological control
.....I agree with MOST of these assertions; come to view Judaism-Christianity-Islam as something of an existential 'three-shell game' - that SAID, at least SOME Christian tenets are indisputably derived from Aryan-Hindu teachings (PARTICULARLY the experience of being 'born again' but ALSO, Zoroastrian monotheism) beliefs (while 'Jewish' ones, share MUCH with Sumerian / Mesopotamian & Egyptian precepts; CONSIDERABLE amounts of science & history are contained within the associated writings, especially the 'K/Q'u/Cab/bala/h' - etymologically IDENTICAL though to Sanskrit 'kapala' - origins of the foreshortened word, 'CAP', or skull', subsequently morphing into Latin 'cuppola': 'pinnacle' / 'head', 'dome', 'vessel' - or yes, 'CUP'.....more SIMPLY stated though, a perpetual effort at OBFUSCATING an IMPORTANT distinction between globe-traversing Canaanites / Phoenicians-VENETIANS (believe a TYPICALLY-acquiescing agreement was made between the Sanhedrin & Roman officials two-plus millennia ago when earliest Christians and an archetypal 'Christ' - INITIALLY a title meaning 'The Enlightened' whereas 'MESSIAH' meant 'Anointed', 'CHOSEN' proved a FORMIDABLE challenge to the supreme authority of BOTH, while related bloodlines came to determine subsequent Indo-European royalty) as opposed to Southern Judean Israelites has PLAGUED humanity RIGHT up through this plandemic, wholly allowing for those facilitating it, to remain DECREASINGLY unrecognized (now on GREATER display to the world, than at ANY time previous) while seeking to RETAKE North American lands to which the FORMER had LAID claim, CENTURIES past (Columbus & his crew, Magellan's EXPLICITLY seeking to do JUST that; 'Pilgrims' and secret societies to which MANY Colonists belonged - such AS Sir Francis Bacon's 'Rosicrucians', attempting to THWART them.....comments of Cecil Rhodes AMONG others, make CLEAR there's long BEEN a contingency for AGAIN colonizing the United States from 7-4-1776 ON, and not ANY associated war - I or II included, was EVER truly, 'won' by it.)
And then start listening from 2:48:45 for the other perspective. I must say, the performance of Dr. E. Michael Jones is much more convincing to me than that of Mr. Adam Green.
Hi Andreas,
Your perspective is appreciated. EMJ has done much research over the years.
It's an argument between a metaphysicist (Jones) and metaphysics denier (Green) about the essence of the Bible. Obviously they can't find a common ground. But it's refreshing to see their youthful zeal in defending their respective positions (esp. taking into account Dr. Jones's age). Maybe they should have started with clarifying whether they both admit the existence of the metaphysical or both deny it. If they are not unanimous, one way or the other, maybe they should have started to produce arguments in support of their respective positions. Before moving on to the Bible.
I must admit that I was previously (i.e. when much younger) on Mr. Green's position, as it's a much simpler one that doesn't require much soul searching - a youthful nihilism.
With time, after one realizes that the metaphysical is real and present, and pertinent to our physical world, the soul searching may begin. But not before.
Interesting. I’ve gravitated the other way, from being a Catholic for 30 years and a somewhat fundamentalist Christian for part of that time, to becoming more agnostic.
I recognize the metaphysical is real, but don’t find coherence or benevolent agency in most religions or god theories.
I take it as a testimony and a message, in a form accessible to understanding of an above-average person at those times. If one allows it some slack, on these grounds, then one may find it instructive, for oneself. I interpret it as a testimony of the extraterrestrial presence and continuous involvement, in the course of the human history, the being(s) way more advanced, not just technically but also metaphysically, than the human race, showing its concern, and lending its guidance and instruction. It becomes fascinating in this light.
'G(o)od', is a SUBJECTIVE-by-SPECIES consideration; MOREover, 'COHERENCE'.....