Is Christianity is a psychological operation?
Leaders are tricking Christians into accepting deadly Noahide laws, claims analyst (Updated 3/1/23)
Disclaimer: This post is not intended to offend people of any religion and is meant to present views based on others’ evaluation of evidence in an effort to understand current events. All are welcome here, and discussion is invited.
Is Christianity a psyop like that used in the Covid bioweapon operation to manipulate the masses?
Prominent advocates for mass vaccination with leaky Covid spike protein vaccines — including Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Ben Shapiro — as well as many leaders opposing the vaccines — like Dr. Zev Zelenko — promote Noahide laws rabbis say will kill or enslave gentiles (non-[redacted] people). (See also here.)
Christians often accept Noahide laws unquestioningly, in part because ministers like John Hagee insist Christians take “spiritual” direction from Israel, which officially promotes Noahide laws for all non-[redacted] people.
Many Christians and Catholics, including the Vatican, embrace Noahide laws as incumbent on the world.
Mormons, Freemasons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Christian Scientists are allegedly also Noahides.
But who are these Noahides?
They are members of a new religion, subordinate to Judaism, founded by rabbis from Israel, mainly from Chabad and the religious Zionist movement.
According to the World Center, there are dozens of Noahide communities across the world, with more than 20,000 believers.
That’s a hefty number, given that the religion was only founded at the beginning of the decade.
Small Noahide communities exist in various countries, with the largest one in the Philippines.
It’s a form of Zionist mission, which seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel – without belonging to either.
The believers are required to accept the supremacy of Judaism but are not accepted into the Jewish people and are even barred from upholding such commandments as Sabbath observance.
Anyone who wishes to be a Noahide is called upon mainly to recognize the Jewish people and its state.
Source: The Messianic Zionist Religion Whose Believers Worship Judaism (But Can't Practice It), Haaretz. 09 Dec 2018.
Christianity as psychological operation
At 2:40:45 in the video below, researcher Adam Green opens a debate with Catholic author E. Michael Jones on Christianity’s origins and historicity.
Green’s observations on Christianity appear consistent with available evidence.
Adam Green:
Tonight I'm going to argue that Christianity is not just false, it is a deception.
And Jesus is a hoax. He didn't exist.
And the Bible is full of fake myths. Christianity was fabricated as a dialectical antithesis to Judaism.
It’s an ancient psychological operation.
It's theological warfare to enslave and control the minds of the nations, or the goyim.
And they did this by creating a controlled opposition, a quasi-Jewish sect, and [they] manipulated [and] targeted the gentiles through fear of eternal punishment if they didn't believe in the Torah and the Tanakh and the Jewish mythologies.
And if they did believe — eternal rewards.
The whole idea that God created us and [we’re] fallen and there's a curse of a magical serpent snake and a fruit tree: it's not true.
We don't need Torah messianism.
We don't need salvationism to be saved from anything.
It's actually just a problem-reaction-solution.
Christianity is fake solution to a fake problem.
The theme in all of the prophecies of the Old Testament — the Torah, the Tanakh — is that God's chosen people will basically rule the world with their Moshiach, their Messiah, from Jerusalem, from Zion.
And there's verses in the Old Testament like all flesh will worship Yahweh, [and] all the gentiles will know the Lord, the Messiah as described in the Old Testament.
[He] will conquer the nations. He will reign over the nations, and the gentiles will be obedient to Him.
He will bring judgment to the nations and fear of the God of Israel, the jealous God, the God that hates idol worship and wants to eradicate that, paganism, and all competing religions — anything that's not Jewish, basically.
And Christianity perfectly served that function and fulfilled their objectives.
A famous Jewish historian, Graetz, called Christianity a new kind of warfare against Rome, and he said that it modified or partly destroyed them.
And he called it the most successful Jewish sect.
It was a Jewish sect.
It was a new kind of warfare to conquer Rome from within.
And it was creating a dialectic that became estranged from, and placed itself in harsh antagonism to, the parent source. The original controlled opposition.
Adam Green (continued):
And what I see with EMJ [E. Michael Jones] and [other] Christians is that you believe you oppose Judaism, and you do in a way. But I argue that it's superficial. It's only on the surface.
It's limited in scope, because Christians validate the idea that the Torah is the word of God. They fear and worship the God of Israel — the jealous, bloodthirsty, genocidal God of Israel that chose the Jews.
Christians affirm the first covenant of the Jews, and they believe the Jews were once, and still kind of are, God's chosen people.
They follow the Jewish Messiah, and they believe the Jews have a special role.
The E. Michael Jones book even argues that, that according to God's divine plan, Jews have to [endure] to last until the end of time.
So while all the pagan cultures lost their traditions, their myths, their honoring of their ancestors, and the lessons from all that, it's replaced [by] revering the God of Israel, the Jewish patriarchs, and their mythology [wherein] they were chosen and their god that chose them is the one God of the universe.
And I believe that Christians have just swallowed the whole Hebrew Bible paradigm hook, line, and sinker, and they have become defenders of Yahweh, defenders of the Torah.
And I believe they’re almost under mind control, a spell, a Jewish spell or construct.
Instead of telling the Jews that they were never chosen, like I do, or that their covenant and their Bible are fake, Christians play along with the charade.
How are we supposed to condemn Jewish supremacy or these things Jews believe that we want to criticize, when the Christians are mirroring all of the same ideas back at them?
So I see it as a intra-Jewish squabble.
[On] all the miracles in the Bible: Christians have to believe and validate all of these preposterous miracles of the Bible.
I mean, you have to believe in Adam and Eve and the talking snake. You have to believe in a woman turning into a pillar of salt. You have to believe in a staff turning into a serpent.
You have to believe in Noah's Ark, Jonah in [the belly of] the whale, and all the miracles of the New Testament as well.
And I ask what is more likely: that all these impossible, miraculous events took place a few thousand years ago, or that some ancient Jews made it up?
I think any honest person would say that it's at least much more plausible that it’s just made up.
And why do we have to rely on ancient books anyway?
[As for] the Gospels, there's no extrabiblical contemporary documents or artifacts that prove Jesus, until Josephus or Tacitus, which are a generation later. Sixty years after the fact is the earliest.
And this is, for the sake of argument, giving you Josephus, which I would argue is even later.
The gospels are a bunch of contradictory, unscholarly, uncritical, unknown authors, written in an unknown place at an unknown time.
It's not history. It's not biography.
It's religiously biased, agenda-driven propaganda.
Their goal was to evangelize and persuade new converts to join their cause. It's not some type of historical documentation.
Christians and E. Michael Jones, in his book, say Judaism was the one true religion before the time of Jesus.
I just think when you give them that, it's doing more harm than good because you're validating their delusional claims of being chosen.
You're enabling an almost codependence, and it's just contributing more to the problem.
I argue that Christians are all Zionists. If you believe in the prophecies of Zion and the concept of the God of Israel and Zion, you are a Zionist.
If you also acknowledge that Judaism was the one true religion, you're almost a Judaism believer as well.
At 3:08:20:
Christianity wasn't for Jews. It was Judaism for gentiles because [Jews] don't want the gentiles to be Jews, but they do want them to worship their god, the god that chose them.
That's the whole scheme.
Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! That Jesus Christ existed, as an actual historical figure, is a fact accepted by all but the most ignorant of historians.
Yeah, psychological control