Masks are harmful and can’t reduce Covid infection rates or transmission of any virus: experts
Viruses travel in aerosols that stay suspended in air up to 50 days, finds Stephen Petty (Updated 1/19/24)
Industrial hygienist Stephen Petty gave excellent testimony in the New Hampshire Senate on how masks don’t block aerosols and can’t reduce viral infection rates.
Physicians who’ve taken time to analyze the high-quality studies on masks know this. (See reviews of studies here, here, here, and here.)
Unfortunately, many doctors who haven’t had time to read relevant studies get their mask information from government officials or health administrators issuing scientifically unsupportable masking mandates.
It appears you’re being forced to wear masks as a show of submission and possibly for dangerous reasons. (See also here, here, here, and here.)
Masks reportedly harm children’s cognitive development.
Children in China, Japan, and elsewhere have keeled over and died while forced to wear airflow-restricting masks during exercise classes at school.
Other reasons for forced masking appear to include reducing exercise tolerance and getting plastics and graphene particles into your lungs and bloodstream.
This might have ill effects on the kidney and other organs.
Pathogenic bacteria and fungi build up on face masks, posing a risk at least to immunocompromised people if not everyone.
Masks also increase the work of breathing to maintain proper gas exchange.
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Small particles shed by masks into people’s lungs might cause cancer and make men infertile.
The Bangladesh mask study that the CDC claims shows masks work has been debunked (see also here).
Stephen Petty references
Petty’s PDF handout.
Petty’s November 2022 letter on why N-95 (US) and KN-95 (China) masks don’t work.
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"Physicians who’ve taken time to analyze the high-quality studies on masks know this."
Physicists knew this back in May 2020. We were munching on popcorn watching the show put on by the CDC when we weren't throwing food at the screen.
Physicists think about things like droplets evaporating, the rate of evaporation, masks wicking droplets, etc. It's kind of obvious to physicists that the CDC's droplet story was silly.
Great information.