Stacey Abrams’s hypocritical mask mandates demanded for kids by “[redacted] community”
Controlled puppet commands you to “mask up,” hides harms, lack of benefit (Updated 12/3/24)
Strongly supported by “the [redacted] community” and evidently not understanding or caring about the lack of any high-quality evidence cloth, surgical, or N95 masks reduce viral infection rates, Stacey Abrams “wants state government mask mandates for Georgians and their children,” says Georgia Governor Brian Kemp.

Conveniently, Abrams never mentions harms of masking:
They increase airflow resistance and the work of breathing and decrease comfort and cardiopulmonary function during work and exercise.
As reported by Fikenzer et al.:
Ventilation, cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and comfort are reduced by surgical masks and highly impaired by FFP2/N95 face masks in healthy individuals. These data are important for recommendations on wearing face masks at work or during physical exercise.
Scientists have also discovered harmful nanoplastics and “potentially dangerous chemical pollutants are released from disposable face masks … including lead, antimony, and copper, within silicon-based and plastic fibres of common disposable face masks.”
Given Abrams apparently doesn’t care about impacts of the mask mandates she wants, who’s pushing her to implement them?
Let’s look to Florida for possible clues.
The Palm Beach Post reported in August 2021:
Seventy-seven rabbis from across Florida have asked Gov. Ron DeSantis to retract his executive order banning schools from imposing mask mandates.
Lessons in Judaism, scientific research and the rising number of COVID-19 cases among students led the rabbis to write the letter to DeSantis on Aug. 22, saying his order "significantly jeopardizes the health and safety of Florida’s children who attend public schools, and by extension the general public."
The rabbis didn’t provide a shred of evidence, let alone high-quality evidence, masks provide any reduction in viral infection rates.
Perhaps that’s because no such evidence exists to date.
Nor did any of the 77 rabbis mention reported harms masks pose to children by increasing discomfort, depression, and suicides and impairing intelligence, language acquisition, physical exertion, and interpreting facial cues useful for learning.
The Post story continues:
[DeSantis’s] "perplexing and troubling" order, [the rabbis] said, not only jeopardizes the health and safety of Florida students who attend public schools, but also goes against concepts that have been practiced in the country for years.
Judeo-Christian values, rabbis wrote in the letter, exemplify the importance of saving lives, maintaining good health and trusting reliable teachers.
Two points on the last paragraph:
On reading the term “Judeo-Christian values” in the letter, credulous Christians are easily duped into thinking, “This confirms God wants me and my kids to wear masks” that raise airflow resistance, show no good evidence of reducing aerosol transmission of viruses, and release dangerous plastic and metal nanoparticles into one’s lungs.
No teacher is reliable or should be trusted who imposes masks on students, whether children or adults.
From whom do Stacy Abrams, Joe Biden, and thousands of other global leaders take their orders to mandate vaccines, masks, and vaccine passports?