When a government, employer, school, or business forces you and your family to do medically unsound things — like wearing masks that are harmful (see also here) and have no good evidence of reducing viral infection rates (see also here) or taking leaky, single-target spike protein vaccines that have terrible design features and are being mass administered during a pandemic, causing selection of more infectious and virulent variants — you should assume, until proven otherwise, you’re being attacked in a bioweapon operation.
Next ask, who is doing this to you?
Do they resist detection and criticism by censoring factual information?
How do they stay in control over you?
They stay in control because we fear. The Bible says FEAR NOT. They stay in control because we passively support them. The founders say we SHOULD NOT (we should oppose them). They dominate the game ONLY because we PLAY their games.
I like that. It may not be true in smaller relationships, but on a population or society wide level, I think it's definitely true.
So many people have fallen under the propagandic spell that they personally are not attacking us per se; Jesus's phrase forgive them for they know not what they do applies here. They have a mistaken belief, and that mistaken belief emerged because of their fearful instincts and/or their vulnerability to propaganda.
One of the most effective uses of power is to get populations to enforce the agenda of those in power for them. If those in power engorce their agenda via the use of force and violence for example, then a population knows who's doing it, and can put up a proper defense or counter-attack. But when those in power convince others to do their dirty work for them, more nuance and kindness needs to be applied in the defense and counter-attack. The kindness is an essential part of the intelligent and effective response, because this is how these misdirected people will to come to our side or to our aid against those really at fault. If we counter-attack the misguided fellow citizens, it only strengthens their automatic defenses and aggression.