When asked about 5G millimeter waves interacting with metal particles of the type reportedly found in Covid jabs and in people injected with them, ChatGPT responds:
When [5G] millimeter waves interact with metal particles, they induce currents in the particles, causing them to heat up …. [They] can also induce electrical and thermal conduction [and] vibratory effects in metal particles [that] could lead to localized tissue damage or burns, … potentially disrupt normal cellular processes, [or] lead to mechanical disruption or damage to nearby tissues.
5G plus metal particles: enhanced weapon
Engineer Mark Steele reported 5G millimeter wave (mmWave) radiation can be used as a weapon system even without considering electrical conduction or heating in metal particles delivered to humans by vaccines.
5G mmWave can be described thus:
The high-frequency band in the spectrum above 24 GHz [known as 5G mmWave] has the potential to support wide bandwidth and high data rates, making it ideal for increasing the capacity of wireless networks.
These high-frequency bands are often referred to as “millimeter waves” because of the short wavelengths that can be measured in millimeters.
The millimeter wave band extends to 300 GHz, but 5G is expected to use the 24 GHz to 100 GHz band.
Millimeter-wave bands up to 100GHz can support bandwidths up to 2GHz without combining bands to improve data throughput.
Steele says a particular concern is the ability of beam-formed 5G to focus high-energy mmWave radiation on people:
The continual, not-on-demand, scanning radar designed to pick out the target area is continually in operation, with the added overlaying of multiples of higher energy focused beam waves, created by the out-of-phase emission antennas.
These focused high energy beam waves, operating across a larger part of the spectrum, use higher energy photon values in the compressed millimetre wave spectrum to deliver high power data compression beams across urban areas and is the reason the aviation industry are very concerned at the risks posed to their communication systems critical to keeping aircraft safe in the air.
5G harms health even without injected metal particles
Scientists have found adverse health effects from 5G:
Measurements before and after the installation of 5G on the roof showed that 5G caused a massive increase in radiation in the apartment.
Before 5G, there were already base stations for 3G or 4G in the same place directly above the apartment, but switching to 5G technology led to an increase in radiation from 9,000 microW/m2 to a maximum of 1,690,000 microW/m2.
The symptoms that occurred in the man and woman after the start of 5G are typical of the microwave syndrome: fatigue, difficulty sleeping, emotional impact, nosebleeds, increasing tinnitus and skin problems in the man.
The woman had more symptoms than the man with severe sleep disorders and dizziness, followed by skin problems (burning sensation, tingling in the skin of the hands and arms), concentration problems, irritability, tinnitus, balance problems, impaired short-term memory, confusion, fatigue, tendency to depression, heart and lung symptoms (palpitations, heaviness over the chest) and feeling of warmth in the body.
Metals in Covid and flu injections
Steele observes (video here starting at 7:00) that various vaccines, including for flu and Covid, contain particles of multiple metals including tungsten, which has no legitimate role in human tissues and can be used for 5G heating to damage organs and murder people.
This means a 5G network “kill grid” can use lower power to injure than it would if victims were not suffused with these injected metal particles, notes Steele.
He also points out vaccines contain the indigestible sugar sorbitol, which opens the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and could enhance damage in the brain if injected toxins can more easily enter neurons or other brain cells from the bloodstream.
Sorbitol, a known vaccine stabilizer, and its isomer mannitol are indeed known to open the BBB.

One caution with Mark Steele: He mixes important 5G technology information with talk of “god,” “satan,” and other unprovable, untestable concepts that could undermine what is otherwise an evidence-based scientific discussion.
Whether this is an intentional attempt to discredit a valuable message or misdirect you away from the perpetrators (see also here) — ruses intelligence agencies often employ, according to an NIH insider scientist — is unknown.
German group finds metals in Covid shots
The German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis also says it found such metals in Covid injection vials from from AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, and Moderna.

Here’s what ChatGPT says on these issues:
ChatGPT: 5G general effects on metal particles
How can millimeter wave radiation interact with metal particles? Describe effects on many metals and what factors, such as particle size and material, determine heating, electrical and thermal conduction, and vibratory effects.
ChatGPT answer:
Millimeter wave radiation can interact with metal particles in several ways, including reflection, absorption, and scattering. The extent to which each mechanism plays a role depends on the particle's size, shape, and composition.
When millimeter waves interact with metal particles, they induce currents in the particles, causing them to heat up. The degree of heating depends on the frequency of the radiation, the size and shape of the particle, and its material composition.
Generally, smaller particles tend to absorb more radiation than larger particles, leading to more significant heating effects. This is because smaller particles have a higher surface area-to-volume ratio, which increases their interaction with the electromagnetic field of the millimeter wave radiation.
The type of metal also plays a role in the interaction. Metals with high electrical conductivity, such as copper, silver, and aluminum, tend to absorb more radiation than metals with lower conductivity, such as gold and platinum. This is because the current induced in the metal particles by the radiation is proportional to their electrical conductivity.
In addition to heating effects, millimeter wave radiation can also induce electrical and thermal conduction in metal particles. The extent to which these effects occur depends on the size and shape of the particle and its electrical and thermal conductivity.
Finally, millimeter wave radiation can also induce vibratory effects in metal particles, causing them to vibrate at the frequency of the radiation. The extent to which these effects occur depends on the size and shape of the particle, the material composition, and the frequency of the radiation.
Overall, the interaction between millimeter wave radiation and metal particles is complex and depends on multiple factors. Understanding these factors is essential for various applications, including the development of new materials, sensors, and communication technologies.
ChatGPT: 5G effects on humans with injected metal particles
How can millimeter wave radiation sicken or kill humans if it interacts with metal particles present in sufficient quantities, materials, and particle size constraints? Describe such effects from many metals and what factors, such as particle size and material, determine heating, electrical and thermal conduction, and vibratory effects and what diseases and ill effects can result.
ChatGPT answer:
It is unlikely that millimeter wave radiation would directly sicken or kill humans by interacting with metal particles present in the body. This is because the human body is mostly composed of water, which is not a good conductor of millimeter wave radiation.
However, if metal particles were present in the body, such as due to the inhalation or ingestion of metallic dust or fumes, millimeter wave radiation could interact with those particles and potentially cause harmful effects. The extent of these effects would depend on several factors, including the size and composition of the metal particles and the frequency and power of the millimeter wave radiation.
One potential effect of millimeter wave radiation interacting with metal particles is heating of the particles, which could lead to localized tissue damage or burns. The extent of heating would depend on the size and electrical conductivity of the metal particles and the power and duration of the radiation exposure.
In addition to heating effects, millimeter wave radiation could also induce electrical and thermal conduction in metal particles. This could potentially disrupt normal cellular processes or cause damage to nearby tissues. The extent of these effects would depend on the size, shape, and electrical conductivity of the metal particles and the frequency and power of the radiation exposure.
Finally, millimeter wave radiation could also induce vibratory effects in metal particles, causing them to vibrate at the frequency of the radiation. This could potentially lead to mechanical disruption or damage to nearby tissues. The extent of these effects would depend on the size, shape, and material composition of the metal particles and the frequency and power of the radiation exposure.
Overall, the potential ill effects of millimeter wave radiation interacting with metal particles in the body are complex and depend on multiple factors. More research is needed to fully understand the extent of these effects and to develop appropriate safety guidelines for the use of millimeter wave technology.
Whether and how focused 5G millimeter wave radiation can injure and kill people by interacting with metal particles administered through vaccines is critical to understand.
Why do you think this information is heavily censored instead of openly debated?
See also:
We can’t be sure jab manufacturing will prevent this: Latypova
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