Oct 9Liked by James Hill, MD

Very scary. I, too, came to this conclusion when all the "refugees" I could see were well-fed, fit, & angry-looking military-aged males. The overall lack of women and children finalized that particular viewpoint. I pray we end up being wrong about this, but I fear we shall not.

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I too pray it’s wrong and won’t happen. But history shows similar attacks on innocent people, like in Bolshevik Russia.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Liked by James Hill, MD

It will probably turn out something like this. LOL


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Stop your blasphemy!

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Author

I mean, “Oh my goodness.”

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Yes but do not think for one minute that gun toting patriots will allow another Summer of 2020 like you saw with BLM and ATIFA! 4 years later it is a whole lot different and you can only poke the bear for so long!!

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Sure hope you’re right!

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Oct 10Liked by James Hill, MD

Amen, my friend!

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Even if all of this is accurate and at some level at least part of it obviously is, the American electorate and people do not care as long as they have social media/games/porn, abortion and drugs. The reason you are seeing the Harris signs is that people are in dred fear that some minimal limit may be placed on abortion.

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Oct 10Liked by James Hill, MD

True, but those are the same people with no soul or conscience. Anyone willing to kill a baby for the sake of 'birth control' could care less about killing you in your back yard. Problem for them, however, is that they don't understand that they will be getting killed in THEIR backyards as well....

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Oct 9Liked by James Hill, MD

So scary.

For a long time, I wasn’t seeing any Harris signs. But the past couple of weeks, I’m seeing a lot of them. I can’t believe people are supporting this. I don’t know if we can 100% trust Trump, but he certainly seems like the lesser of the evils.

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No politician can be trusted. They are not selected unless they obey the globalists.

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Oct 10Liked by James Hill, MD

100% trust Trump? Why would you expect to 100% trust anybody, except spouses, some family, and close friends, and that's if you're lucky. Of course you can't trust any politician, duh. But anyone who doubts Trump is the better choice by far is hopelessly deranged.

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Mr Trump wasn't a politician. Oh well let the Muslim savages take your country over ! Fool. 🙄 Donald trump will stop them !.

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Yes. Agreed.

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Good piece, James.

Recall that the billions of rounds of ammunition stockpiled under BHO were hollow-point, not FMJ. FMJ is used for target practice. Hollow-point ammunition is used to kill animals and humans. The excuse at the time (that the massive amount of hollow-point ammunition was for target practice) was not credible, that is, an obvious lie. Only a moron could fail to see what they had in mind. Yet so many people remain in denial. No nation that intends to remain intact would ever do what the US has done in opening its borders to an invasion force.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Author

Great info. I hadn’t heard about the hollow point vs. full metal jacket ammunition stored by Obama.

Thank you, aka J Shannon.

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— E X A C T L Y ••••• !!!!!

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Oct 10Liked by James Hill, MD

Sadly, this makes a lot of sense to me. I happen to live in very blue Portland, Maine. since I'm on Disability, and don't walk well, I have something here called RTP that helps me get to certain medical appointments I can't easily get to by bus. Went to see the surgeon that worked on my left shoulder recently, to see how the PT was going, and on the way back, taking a side street to avoid traffic on the main road, the driver and I noticed several 'Harris/Walz' yard signs. Simply amazes me at how many people can be that brain dead as to be willing to throw their votes away for these people....

Worse, I was sacnning a thread for a local news article last night, and that devolved rapidly into an argument between Conservatives (we do have our fair share) and liberals) over Trump, and the conservatives were truth telling, and the Liberals, of course, were being Liberals. Worse, with every lie the Liberals were spewing, you couldn't really tell if they really believed what they were saying, and were just brainwashed by the MSM, or of they knew it was BS and simply didn't care...because, ya know, Trump...

62 years on this spinning rock and I honestly think it's the saddest state of affairs I have ever seen. We as a country have reached a point where we are Spiritually, Morally, and are about to be Financially bankrupt as well. In all honesty? Now would be the very best time for people to get your prayer on. Everybody keeps looking for a man to save them. I see so many people saying that about Trump. And while I honestly believe he would give it his best shot, at this point, in truth, I don't think the guy stands a chance. And either way, in my personal opinion, it would take one heck of a lot more then just a man at this point to bail us out of this mess. We need serious Repentance and the Power of God to survive what's coming.

But that's just my opinion, what do I know....

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Oct 11Liked by James Hill, MD

I think it's more than just the MSM brainwashing people now. I believe cell towers have the ability to control people's minds and that was why there was the huge push to roll out 5G everywhere during covid lockdowns. The people with the most metal in their bodies are the most affected.

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Oct 12Liked by James Hill, MD

Well, I have one of those right behind me, as a matter of fact, if I go out from my apartment to the sidewalk, I swear it's close enough to hit with a small metal ball and a good wrist rocket. Probably need a .22 LR pistol round truth be told, but the thing is that close, is my point.

I have never had any of the shots, though I do know some people around me and in my area that have, and I'm not buying into the idea that those towers can control peoples minds. The whole 'thought control' thing is just a bit too far fetched for me.

That being said, I do believe a lot that has been said concerning what they have been finding concerning small amounts of metal in people from repeated shots, and also that if they were to amp up those towers just a tad bit, to the right frequency, that could prove to be lethal to a lot of people now.

And that is something I wouldn't put past this government for one second...

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What is a president? In the mind fog of Hollyweird? C'mon, one person isn't going to do the work that requires an army. In America, We The People, are responsible. The president is the vessel. And when an elected officer is appointed, that appointee will be responsible to the appointment. I'm not sure why anybody would believe that otherwise. America isn't a kingdom. Remember - that.

DJT & Associates know that. For example: when was the last time you heard DJT say "When I'm President..."

OR "when I'm elected president" never. He might insinuate but he speaks in the way that includes all of us because he understands how and why America became the greatest nation in the world, the envy of dictatorships, emperor's, and kings.

I'd suggest that you do quite a bit more research on the Trump Dynasty and what makes DJT far different than what the News Media tried to make himself and his family out to be. Comparisons - like any other political pundent. But it's impossible because he isn't. And like America; he's not your Daddy or your Momma, as the USG would make you believe that they are. Get off the fence and trust yourself.

Additionally, the reason you see the acceleration of media aimed at Kamelion Harass, is to create the illusion that she is more "popular" and so forth. In order to dissuade the public through FOMO - the fear of missing out or not being on the winning side. It's all psychological or more precisely a psyop - psychological operation. Trust yourself through the euphoric manipulation of the matter. From what I gathered; You've earned that right to be confident about how you feel regarding your decisions making process.

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'From what I gathered, you've earned that right to be confident about how you feel regarding your decision making process'. Yes, actually, I have. And that's because I pay attention, and have paid attention for years now. And I have watched what is known as the 'Deep State' for the last several years (actually for a good bit prior to that, but especially recently), and have watched as they have consolidated their power base, and have watched very closely their every move, and they have done quite a bit to move against Trump to block him from doing anything in case he manages to gain the White House again.

They have done everything they can to tie his hands behind his back if he gets into office, right up to the point of keeping him from firing a lot of the people that he would normally be able to get rid of once he assumes office. He will have to cut through a lot of red tape at this point to get rid of a lot of people that he would normally have to get rid of, and also at this point they are talking about not even certifying the election if he wins. This is what he and we are up against.

It's not the 'Trump Dynasty' that anyone needs to do 'research' into. I have no idea why you would even go there. They are clean as a whistle, and if they weren't, we would all know it by now, as 'they' have been kicking over rocks looking for dirt on them for years now and have found nothing....probably the single cleanest family in the country. Not perfect, but clean, as far as criminality is concerned.

And I am on no 'fence' for that matter. I merely stated a fact. We, as a country, are now at a point where there is no turning back. The enemy that we have that has been deeply embedded into our government for decades now, and has been well exposed thanks to Trumps first term, has totally destroyed and semblance of a functional DOJ, with the help of people like Soros, our agencies like the CIA and NSA have long been corrupted, and now the FBI it would seem has been so as well, and is weaponized against the people.

This can now, thanks to Obama, be extended to pretty much every alphabet agency that you can name, including the Postal Service, which has no business dealing with Mail In ballots, a thing that should have been stopped a long time ago, and is corrupt at it's very core.

We are facing not just a cheat, which I think Trump might well overcome, but that's not even the point. We will have a president that might well be largely ineffective, due to all of the odds being stacked against him at this point, as he will have even more to fight against this time around then he did the last time, as the Deep State has largely prepared for the possibility that he might win, and they are ready for him, and have prepared to block him at every move.

These people are not playing, and of you don't think that they have a few things planned in advance to tank his Presidency, you have not been paying attention. Remember covid? That was all that was, to tank Trump. Full stop, as well as damage out economy at the same time, and they did a pretty good job of it. This time around, not only will they have a few things in mind, but Trump will wind up taking the blame, according to the MSM.

Very first thing that will probably happen is the economic bubble will burst, wait for it. Been a matter of time, and they have been propping that up, and just barely. Think I might have mentioned that a few times on threads here, and I said YEARS ago on several sites I used to be on that this was coming and why, and people laughed. Then about a year ago, the big wigs started to say about what I had been saying, and people stopped laughing....

Now, the same big wigs in finance are saying it's not a matter of 'if' but 'when'. We are 36 trillion in debt, 1 trillion we now pay in interest, on that debt, we have over a trillion in credit card debt, can't even remember what the deal now is on commodities, needless to remember what's going on in the housing market, other real estate, like skyscrapers, I have watched sales of those, where some that went for hundreds of millions get sold for pennies on the dollar, BIRC's is taking over now, and ditching the U.S. Dollar, and making it even more worthless then it already is as it have been massively over printed with nothing to back it, you have cars, both EV's that no one wants, and gas powered ones sitting in the lots, unsold, and dealers are telling people not to send anymore, as they can'y sell the ones that have, as who has $70,000 for a new truck?

So yeah, I have plenty of reason to 'feel confident' about my decision making process, as I pay attention. Which is why I said I like Trump, but I honestly don't think the guy stands a chance. I also think, and I will say it again, this country has devolved into something other then what it was intended to be, when we support the killing of babies, when we support terrorists in our colleges, when we teach Marxism in our colleges, and we do nothing about it, when we took God out of our schools, and the apathy the has been shown by the population of this country over it speaks volumes. So, when it comes right down to it, apathy can be chalked up to sitting idly by and not making a decision to take a side, and that in of itself is a decision.

So that being said, I stand by my comment. We need National Repentance, and to turn to God, flat out. We might be spared quit a bit if we were to do that, but I don't see it happening, as so many churches have actually turned from true Doctrine to fake Doctrine, just like the Bible said would happen in the last days, pastors would become 'man pleasers', and that there would be 'people with itching ears, seeking teachers, as they would not endure sound doctrine'. This is from 2 Tim 4:3-4, and a bit abridged. But you get the idea. But the point being st state of the church today is extremely bad, with few exceptions.

The good ones that I have found are generally the smaller ones, and the better ones will usually have a little 'fellowship lunch' after the Sunday service, where the people can hang out together and spend some time together, get to know each other. They trade phone numbers, and are there for each other when they need help. My church is like that, and sound doctrine is taught. And these people really mean it, and it's like a big family, and they are there for each other. That's how a church is supposed to be. No rainbow flags flying, no female lesbian pastors, just the Gospel preached the way it's supposed to be.

But hey, if you want to place your faith in the 'Trump Dynasty', that's up to you, and your call entirely. But I would strongly suggest you rethink that position. Trump, while I really believe he has the best of intentions, is just one man, and he has all of the odds stacked against him. And it's going to take more then that to bring this country back from the abyss we are now looking into.....


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Okay, but... My reference to researching the Trump Dynasty was simply to the fact that he has the capacity, experience and expertise required to turn this country around. I'm pleased with your reply, BTW.

Yeah, removing God from schools and not reciting the pledge of elegance has wrecked our youth and fragmented society but praying just isn't enough and small communities of faith won't change the course of empire socialist communism either. Not to mention the CRT (critical race theory) and other nonsensical ideologies, international corporations and political corruption.

I also agree with you about cleaning out the house. Nobody realizes that when Biden moved in that he immediately sanitized all remnants of the Trump administration besides the ones that were actually loyal to the establishment, but he even canned the bathroom door boy.

That was Trump's 1st mistake of the presidency because what Biden did is standard procedure but Trump took the business 101 approach.

He's learning/learned a lot. As for the plans to prevent traditional house cleaning when Obiden Harris is sent packing and being indighted. That seems completely treasonous in itself and won't be accomplished without retribution either.

As for Trump being only one Man who thinks he can do everything himself as president, I don't think that is the message he's sending, nor do folks that need him as the vessel. We are all in this regard, together. The Democratic Party is relentless with the dictator objective because that's exactly what they are. It's all about one person fronting a shadow regime and that perspective will be it's final downfall.

Peace to You as well.

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I think we basically agree in principal, but we do seem to have one difference. You seem to think that we can turn the country around. Think that we have passed the point of no return. Trump or no Trump, and even if we have not, it would take more then one Trump (he only has one more 4 year term), say Vance were to get in there and follow up well on everything he (Trump) set in motion, assuming Trump were able to clean house right, and have a full 8 years to do it, and then assuming we could get another good Conservative in there after Vance...

And all of that is a lot of assuming. Not counting a lot of what I already mentioned not going as far south as I believe it will. That also being said, I have been a student of the Bible for a long time now, and my favorite field of study has always been prophecy. I (and there have been others that have been noticing this as well) have been watching events start to unfold in the Middle East that seem to me to be setting things up for the start of the Tribulation period.

Without getting into a whole lot there, I have noticed item after item that I could check off in a list if need be, things that have simply never happened before, that could easily lead one to believe that we are really close to that time. This being said, it's one of the reasons why I have been talking about National Repentance.

To start with, prayer has always been an integral part of this Nations history, and historically, this has always been a Christian Nation. That was the Founders intent, for it to be exactly that, and 'freedom of Religion' was never intended to be anything but freedom to worship in the Christian Religion, any Denomination one should choose, and if Jefferson were alive today, and saw all the Mosques in this country, he would be the one leading the rebellion against that...

People are quick to forget history. Jefferson went to many countries, and spoke to several Imams, trying to reason with them, and came back with the understanding that you simply can't reason with those people, and ideologically, they are I'll suited to abide by our Constitution. He then had the Marines formed to fight against the Barbary Pirates. This is one of the reasons those same Marxists try and destroy our history, and refuse to teach it in our schools, they don't want future generations to know the truth....

Now, I agree, Trump has learned a lot, but if he wasn't up against as much as he is, and all of what I said in my previous post wasn't about to happen, I would say he had a fighting chance. This is why I say it would take more then Trump, it would take an act of God to turn this country around....

Look around you brother. Gay pride parades, Gays running reading sessions for little kids in libraries while the 'parents' look on with big grins on their faces, there have actually been gay 'strip bars' with little kids, and the so called 'parents' right there involved....

Then of course lets not forget all of the kids now that have been brought up to think (many by liberal totally whacked out teachers) that they are not really boys, or not really girls, and wind up getting 'gender reassignment surgery, and it totally destroys their lives. I won't even bother to get into the idea of abortion that has turned into 'birth control', where idiots got it in their heads that this would be easier then taking some precaution like a pill or a condom...

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Now, I know I'm probably preaching to the choir here, so I'll stop myself with that, though we both know I could go on. But tell me that this country is not going to face serious Judgment? I don't see God apologizing to Sodom and Gomorrah, so at some point the hammer is going to have to drop, and truth be told, I don't see this country changing from what it has been doing any time soon, and come November, either way, we both know what's likely to happen. One way or another, Rome is going to burn.

And the powers behind the front men (or women, as the case may be) will be watching gleefully while playing their fiddles the whole time....

Peace my friend, and stay safe.

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All this being said, it would take a miracle to turn this ship around. Biblical prophecies, karmatic dept, and holy wars are the worst things about religious faith. Yes, Jefferson did know about the danger of comingling with foreign trade agreements with other countries. And rightfully so. Jacque Fresco, the visionary of the 21st century wrote his book called The Future Money Can't Buy ~ Beyond Politics Poverty & War. It's fascinating. 🙏💯🙏

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Oct 11Liked by James Hill, MD

— OOH L O R D J E S U S …!!! N E V E R … !!!

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— EXACTLY — !!!!??? HELP ..!!!

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