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More evidence millions of invaders will be handed guns to steal homes and kill us

Don’t let the media keep you asleep

Now we have more circumstantial evidence border invaders are being given weapons to kill Americans and Europeans.

Recall Overstock founder Patrick Byrne’s warning about Obama’s stashing guns and ammunition in 2015-16 in federal depots nationwide, to be used by some or all of the more than 30 million illegals who’ve entered America during Biden’s presidency:

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And keep in mind they plan to steal homes from citizens they will kill, says journalist and former Green Beret Michael Yon:

In the video bellow, a British woman claims the government paid her to house 150 male invaders ages 19-30, and then army personnel loaded 60-70 crates onto her property.

She says she later found the crates contained AK-47 rifles, hand grenades, and ammunition.

If this woman’s testimony is true, it is deeply disturbing.

Could Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas be carrying out orders to destroy America, possibly as revenge for something he claims our forefathers did?

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