Technically, that is incorrect. He was one of the very early ones who did NOT recommend the vaccines and fought against them being mandated; he created the Barrington Declaration in 2020....
What he means is we poisoned 200 million Americans and we don’t give a flying fuck! And don’t blame us we were just trying to stop the spread of nothing! We just want you to stop breathing! We care! And by the way the next toxic booster is available at CVS!
SPOT ON!!! Thank you for saying what is in the minds of the many of us who lived through this debacle, actually who still live through this genocide which is still going on!! You are correct it’s right down at CVS, Walgreens, wherever you like, you can get a host of all different kinds of Shots that in essence have the potential to off you… throw in a little bit of anaphylactic shock too.. Yes parents who are oblivious, walk in there with your kids and say, “hey kids we’re gonna go to the toy store if you get your shot”…and hey you, you senior citizen over there you need a booster after all you’re 70 & you better get that booster every six months or you’re gonna Die. Fear to the Max… and sadly many believe that. We all want to work together that this will NEVER happen again, but let’s start realizing how did it happen in the first place…. that’s where you have to go to…to the people who deliberately did this….this is not from nature it has a patent on it ! By the way, where is Dr. David Martin out of Charlottesville, VA. who can eloquently again give the timeline… what we have all known for yrs. It’s so sick that people were out to kill people deliberately…. off them in the name of the population…. in the name of well you’re 65 ….you lived your life ….bye-bye…sayonara ….see you later… exit stage left…you must leave earth now because the elites from the WEF, NWO & UN Agenda & crazy Dr. Harari & his side kick Klaus said so….freak them all ….get the right person in that position who’s gonna kick ass and point the finger exactly where the finger belongs to be pointed & there’s many that were involved….the American people know the truth, and they want to hear the truth from the people who did it. And we need them held accountable. talk about reparations all of them involved in that game a sick game all of them to give back the money that they so easily take and Fauci get back your pension. You deserve nothing and you’re living in the lap of luxury how many people did you kill? We don’t want to wait anymore… The American people have been so patient… Faux Fauci probably has a second home set up in Italy or whereever… all of these players do.
In addition to this, they also intend to put this new fangled bio weapon concoction in all the other meds we prescribe you. As well as your food & the very air you breathe! And you will be happy! “We now need all of you to shut up, & get back to work so we can keep stealing your money through taxes while we continue to kill off a billion of you round the world!” This is their overall goal. Apparently.
We are really sorry the jab paralyzed your family member, gave them cancer , a stroke, an autoimmune disease, or killed them! We didn’t want them to get a sniffle! We apologize! We will try not to kill you with the next round of safe and effectives! Trust us this time! Entering year 5 of 2 weeks to flatten your pulse! Do your part and get that updated booster asap!😎💯💥🔥
Dr. Jay's opinions fail to admit that investigation into those behind these nasty manifestations regarding the vaccines may very well lead us to the REAL originators of these horrendous depopulation and murder schemes. I don't refer to the nurses doctors and pharmacists giving these shots, but to those traitors and murderers actually being the originators of the murder scenario. If it were me, I'd throw JB out of any consideration for the very big job and consider Dr Harvey Risch. If he doesn't meet the standard, keep peeling the layers of the onion until we arrive at someone who is interested in digging deep enough to observe the tentacles of this nightmare. This does not constitute mere revenge, it seeks to identify the monsters who are the despots who seek to kill 90% of all humans. And it also seeks to uncover these long gestated schemes to deprive most of us from further life. When I'm in a foxhole, I don't want my partner in the trench to be a peacenik that won't fire back at the enemy. I find Dr J's suggestions repulsive and disgusting.
Is that the only issue that bothers you? Hell, I support little green men on the moon but hold a good job. I think your revelation is legit but I support adjudication/imprisonment for the big boys who are behind this mess. Risch may not be a peacenik Kumbaya type, have you considered that? If he is, well, he's not fit for the job. I don't think his pandemic view disqualifies him IF he supports rounding 'em up and dealing with the bad guys using extreme prejudice.
Dr Sadaf Gilani, Thank you for your thorough medical precaution & professional thinking. Please provide a reference to your writings, research or that of others & say more. We need this retrospective. Its a blessing to be in touch with you ahead of the curve.
". . . move forward and not punish individuals or point the finger because it would be vindictive" could be said about any crime. Do they think that Nuremberg was vindictive?
Dr. Mike Yeadon worked for Pfizer and other biotech companies for his whole career. He understands vaccine design and says that the Covid Frankenshots have properties that could only have been purposely designed in to kill and maim people. There were no mistakes in the design of the injections. Should we just shrug that off?
Does Dr.Bhattacharya really believe that we can just absolve these snakes and move on ? It would only mean move on to the next scam only the next time ,differently and maybe even get rid of the good Dr. in the process. You don't deal with terrorists ,you have to know this , even if we have to hang them all publicly so at least they will refrain from even trying again out of fear .The very fear they have used and implemented on humanity since the very beginning of the scamdemic.
Yes! We want public hangings of these monsters! Send em a clear message from all us deplorables. We do to you what you have done to us! Let all those who coordinated this mass scam “be happy” as they swing from a rope round their sorry ass necks!
It WASN'T a Mistake. It was a depopulation operation.
Substack was not allowing me to resply to Mr. Parker, so I'll do it from here.
Absolutely correct, there was no mistakes in the planning. A very few imbeciles in positions of authority might possibly have been fooled, but forensic analysis of their correspondences and Internet history (which we know is kept by the NSA on virtually any individual globally who browses the Internet) would soon demonstrate who was conscious of the truth, and who was an over-promoted dupe.
I would disagree. The COVID fiasco was more than just an infectious out break. The entire response was deeply flawed and the narrative put forth was flat-out sinister. The perpetrators ought not get off so easily. People died based on the narrative that was being push. I could go on, but will say when false information (masks, social distancing and RT-PCR testing) and incentives or disincentives used by hospitals to treat patients the results were deaths, injuries, disabilities not to mention physical, emotional and psychological harm as a result of fear monger, lockdowns and people lost jobs and their livelihood. Forcing people to take an experimental injections that lacked proper informed consent is morally reprehensible.
The “response” wasn’t flawed. It was planned. It was deliberate. They murdered millions, and continue to poison and kill. Every “drug store” continues to advertise to get your “flu and RSV” shot. It’s the same poison folks. Keep your kids and grandkids away!
it is not going to be a reformation with arguments like this which are designed to keep the players in place without accountability. it is interesting that these people are seen as red-pilled, and consider themselves to be thus. the question is how to red-pill a self-professed red-pill and their acolytes? hmmmm.
and the deeper question, the more difficult one, is to self-consider how much more 'pilling' each of us have yet to go?! to what extent are we still blind to this or that, deluded by that or this?
delusion knows no bounds and is *always* the other person's problem!
all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
Jay is evil. I feared reading the comments lest they be in support of Jay. I got educated well at the stack of Sage Hana. Trump should also pay. He is surrounding himself with evil ones like him.
There’s a liability shield that protects us from premeditated murder! Remember this is for the greater good of society! And if you die after the jab it wasn’t from the jab! This is how jabs work! Remember jabs save lives except for the people who drop dead from them! Thanks for playing stupid human tricks with your health!
James, even if we could believe in pure intent by these apologists, there is no way that Organs born of Evil will ever be reformed.
"Public Health" is the soft underbelly through which the NWO will infiltrate our societies.
For that, pandemic preparedness (GOF, BWC violating research and weaponisation of pathogens), the childhood biological/chemical warfare schedule, and the same government sponsored 'scientific research' (as Eisenhower warned back then about the MICC and beyond) threads have to continue. The system will protect itself, always.
Good people go into those Organs. Not a lot, but some. And they get captured. Instead of working against The Monster, they serve it. Good family people, with mortgages, as a certain Garden Gnome would say.
Government is Evil. Always.
The US Government directly serves an Evil Monster that has taken over the world. Is little more than the primary enforcer for it.
Some posit that retribution would be a toxic quagmire.
I argue that when the participants and planners in the largest cull in human history dangle by their necks, it will be cleansing for all.
It will cleanse the idea such a course of action is acceptable from those not caught who were likely planning to do it again. It will put on notice the petty or not so petty tyrants who rejoiced in sticking the boot into their people. And as an aside, it will stop the attack that is ongoing, daily. Bioweapons are finding targets every single day we fail to take action.
The Monster will keep doing it again, until they pay a price that is unacceptably high.
This is inter-generational Evil. An Agenda older than any of us. The Monster wants us dead or enslaved.
Who here believes moving a few deckchairs will materially change anything?
There are no accords to be made with Evil. We either submit to it; or we vanquish it.
Everything in the Overton Window is about keeping us in the blocks until it is too late to take action. Until the choice of taking action, is taken out of our hands, as we are locked away in their digital prisons.
We need to burn it all down, James. Every last part of it. And replace it with nothing, save for the barest of absolutely necessary threads - threads that will be solely there for us and under our control.
Martin Kulldorf based his claim that autism is unrelated to vaccines on a paper. He does not have the mental capacity or IQ to understand the mechanism of action.
I too find that the deeper one goes down in the rabbit hole, one reaches the depths of the branching warren and there are THE EUGENICISTS and their NEW WORLD ORDER plan.
Others don't want to go this deep, so it is very hard broaching the topic.
So, imagine my shock to see Bhattacharya's intent to keep us from the basics of a Pandemic Post-Operative Review! How absolutely backward this is! Not a way to run any institution or program ever. We have such a long way to go!
Ignore all those who truly got the poison and have been killed or damaged from them. Have been saying all along NOBODY will be held accountable for this horror story.
And he also doesn't want any fingers pointed at the DOD (and especially Trump) for creating and perpetuating the entire FAKE scamdemic.
Technically, that is incorrect. He was one of the very early ones who did NOT recommend the vaccines and fought against them being mandated; he created the Barrington Declaration in 2020....
What he means is we poisoned 200 million Americans and we don’t give a flying fuck! And don’t blame us we were just trying to stop the spread of nothing! We just want you to stop breathing! We care! And by the way the next toxic booster is available at CVS!
SPOT ON!!! Thank you for saying what is in the minds of the many of us who lived through this debacle, actually who still live through this genocide which is still going on!! You are correct it’s right down at CVS, Walgreens, wherever you like, you can get a host of all different kinds of Shots that in essence have the potential to off you… throw in a little bit of anaphylactic shock too.. Yes parents who are oblivious, walk in there with your kids and say, “hey kids we’re gonna go to the toy store if you get your shot”…and hey you, you senior citizen over there you need a booster after all you’re 70 & you better get that booster every six months or you’re gonna Die. Fear to the Max… and sadly many believe that. We all want to work together that this will NEVER happen again, but let’s start realizing how did it happen in the first place…. that’s where you have to go to…to the people who deliberately did this….this is not from nature it has a patent on it ! By the way, where is Dr. David Martin out of Charlottesville, VA. who can eloquently again give the timeline… what we have all known for yrs. It’s so sick that people were out to kill people deliberately…. off them in the name of the population…. in the name of well you’re 65 ….you lived your life ….bye-bye…sayonara ….see you later… exit stage left…you must leave earth now because the elites from the WEF, NWO & UN Agenda & crazy Dr. Harari & his side kick Klaus said so….freak them all ….get the right person in that position who’s gonna kick ass and point the finger exactly where the finger belongs to be pointed & there’s many that were involved….the American people know the truth, and they want to hear the truth from the people who did it. And we need them held accountable. talk about reparations all of them involved in that game a sick game all of them to give back the money that they so easily take and Fauci get back your pension. You deserve nothing and you’re living in the lap of luxury how many people did you kill? We don’t want to wait anymore… The American people have been so patient… Faux Fauci probably has a second home set up in Italy or whereever… all of these players do.
In addition to this, they also intend to put this new fangled bio weapon concoction in all the other meds we prescribe you. As well as your food & the very air you breathe! And you will be happy! “We now need all of you to shut up, & get back to work so we can keep stealing your money through taxes while we continue to kill off a billion of you round the world!” This is their overall goal. Apparently.
I believe it’s already in most products. Many are seeing it via dark field microscope at 200x magnification.
We are really sorry the jab paralyzed your family member, gave them cancer , a stroke, an autoimmune disease, or killed them! We didn’t want them to get a sniffle! We apologize! We will try not to kill you with the next round of safe and effectives! Trust us this time! Entering year 5 of 2 weeks to flatten your pulse! Do your part and get that updated booster asap!😎💯💥🔥
Dr. Jay's opinions fail to admit that investigation into those behind these nasty manifestations regarding the vaccines may very well lead us to the REAL originators of these horrendous depopulation and murder schemes. I don't refer to the nurses doctors and pharmacists giving these shots, but to those traitors and murderers actually being the originators of the murder scenario. If it were me, I'd throw JB out of any consideration for the very big job and consider Dr Harvey Risch. If he doesn't meet the standard, keep peeling the layers of the onion until we arrive at someone who is interested in digging deep enough to observe the tentacles of this nightmare. This does not constitute mere revenge, it seeks to identify the monsters who are the despots who seek to kill 90% of all humans. And it also seeks to uncover these long gestated schemes to deprive most of us from further life. When I'm in a foxhole, I don't want my partner in the trench to be a peacenik that won't fire back at the enemy. I find Dr J's suggestions repulsive and disgusting.
Dr. Harvey Risch supports the “pandemic” narrative,
Is that the only issue that bothers you? Hell, I support little green men on the moon but hold a good job. I think your revelation is legit but I support adjudication/imprisonment for the big boys who are behind this mess. Risch may not be a peacenik Kumbaya type, have you considered that? If he is, well, he's not fit for the job. I don't think his pandemic view disqualifies him IF he supports rounding 'em up and dealing with the bad guys using extreme prejudice.
Have always been “Team Risch” here at Yale.
They want you dead! These are facts! More jabs incoming!
I didn't sign the (not so) Great Barrington Declaration.
Stop covering up the fraud and criminality. Americans were murdered with hospital protocols then the jabs.
There was no pandemic.
Dr Sadaf Gilani, Thank you for your thorough medical precaution & professional thinking. Please provide a reference to your writings, research or that of others & say more. We need this retrospective. Its a blessing to be in touch with you ahead of the curve.
". . . move forward and not punish individuals or point the finger because it would be vindictive" could be said about any crime. Do they think that Nuremberg was vindictive?
Dr. Mike Yeadon worked for Pfizer and other biotech companies for his whole career. He understands vaccine design and says that the Covid Frankenshots have properties that could only have been purposely designed in to kill and maim people. There were no mistakes in the design of the injections. Should we just shrug that off?
It has been reported that the Covid event was a military operation. I guess we should just move on.
There is a very long history of preparedness for the global democide.
Does Dr.Bhattacharya really believe that we can just absolve these snakes and move on ? It would only mean move on to the next scam only the next time ,differently and maybe even get rid of the good Dr. in the process. You don't deal with terrorists ,you have to know this , even if we have to hang them all publicly so at least they will refrain from even trying again out of fear .The very fear they have used and implemented on humanity since the very beginning of the scamdemic.
Yes! We want public hangings of these monsters! Send em a clear message from all us deplorables. We do to you what you have done to us! Let all those who coordinated this mass scam “be happy” as they swing from a rope round their sorry ass necks!
It WASN'T a Mistake. It was a depopulation operation.
Nolan Parker
Nolan’s Substack
It WASN'T a Mistake. It was a depopulation operation.
Substack was not allowing me to resply to Mr. Parker, so I'll do it from here.
Absolutely correct, there was no mistakes in the planning. A very few imbeciles in positions of authority might possibly have been fooled, but forensic analysis of their correspondences and Internet history (which we know is kept by the NSA on virtually any individual globally who browses the Internet) would soon demonstrate who was conscious of the truth, and who was an over-promoted dupe.
I would disagree. The COVID fiasco was more than just an infectious out break. The entire response was deeply flawed and the narrative put forth was flat-out sinister. The perpetrators ought not get off so easily. People died based on the narrative that was being push. I could go on, but will say when false information (masks, social distancing and RT-PCR testing) and incentives or disincentives used by hospitals to treat patients the results were deaths, injuries, disabilities not to mention physical, emotional and psychological harm as a result of fear monger, lockdowns and people lost jobs and their livelihood. Forcing people to take an experimental injections that lacked proper informed consent is morally reprehensible.
The “response” wasn’t flawed. It was planned. It was deliberate. They murdered millions, and continue to poison and kill. Every “drug store” continues to advertise to get your “flu and RSV” shot. It’s the same poison folks. Keep your kids and grandkids away!
yes jh!
it is not going to be a reformation with arguments like this which are designed to keep the players in place without accountability. it is interesting that these people are seen as red-pilled, and consider themselves to be thus. the question is how to red-pill a self-professed red-pill and their acolytes? hmmmm.
and the deeper question, the more difficult one, is to self-consider how much more 'pilling' each of us have yet to go?! to what extent are we still blind to this or that, deluded by that or this?
delusion knows no bounds and is *always* the other person's problem!
all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
Jay is evil. I feared reading the comments lest they be in support of Jay. I got educated well at the stack of Sage Hana. Trump should also pay. He is surrounding himself with evil ones like him.
There’s a liability shield that protects us from premeditated murder! Remember this is for the greater good of society! And if you die after the jab it wasn’t from the jab! This is how jabs work! Remember jabs save lives except for the people who drop dead from them! Thanks for playing stupid human tricks with your health!
James, even if we could believe in pure intent by these apologists, there is no way that Organs born of Evil will ever be reformed.
"Public Health" is the soft underbelly through which the NWO will infiltrate our societies.
For that, pandemic preparedness (GOF, BWC violating research and weaponisation of pathogens), the childhood biological/chemical warfare schedule, and the same government sponsored 'scientific research' (as Eisenhower warned back then about the MICC and beyond) threads have to continue. The system will protect itself, always.
Good people go into those Organs. Not a lot, but some. And they get captured. Instead of working against The Monster, they serve it. Good family people, with mortgages, as a certain Garden Gnome would say.
Government is Evil. Always.
The US Government directly serves an Evil Monster that has taken over the world. Is little more than the primary enforcer for it.
Some posit that retribution would be a toxic quagmire.
I argue that when the participants and planners in the largest cull in human history dangle by their necks, it will be cleansing for all.
It will cleanse the idea such a course of action is acceptable from those not caught who were likely planning to do it again. It will put on notice the petty or not so petty tyrants who rejoiced in sticking the boot into their people. And as an aside, it will stop the attack that is ongoing, daily. Bioweapons are finding targets every single day we fail to take action.
The Monster will keep doing it again, until they pay a price that is unacceptably high.
This is inter-generational Evil. An Agenda older than any of us. The Monster wants us dead or enslaved.
Who here believes moving a few deckchairs will materially change anything?
There are no accords to be made with Evil. We either submit to it; or we vanquish it.
Everything in the Overton Window is about keeping us in the blocks until it is too late to take action. Until the choice of taking action, is taken out of our hands, as we are locked away in their digital prisons.
We need to burn it all down, James. Every last part of it. And replace it with nothing, save for the barest of absolutely necessary threads - threads that will be solely there for us and under our control.
Martin Kulldorf based his claim that autism is unrelated to vaccines on a paper. He does not have the mental capacity or IQ to understand the mechanism of action.
Thank you for sharing these observations.
I too find that the deeper one goes down in the rabbit hole, one reaches the depths of the branching warren and there are THE EUGENICISTS and their NEW WORLD ORDER plan.
Others don't want to go this deep, so it is very hard broaching the topic.
So, imagine my shock to see Bhattacharya's intent to keep us from the basics of a Pandemic Post-Operative Review! How absolutely backward this is! Not a way to run any institution or program ever. We have such a long way to go!
Ignore all those who truly got the poison and have been killed or damaged from them. Have been saying all along NOBODY will be held accountable for this horror story.