"If Covid injections and the migrant invasions of Europe and America are run by military intelligence as claimed by a whistleblower scientist and a journalist, respectively, then media censorship of these issues, including on social media, is surely also controlled by the same group."

It actually sounds like a group of traitors carrying out a transnationalist agenda to expedite Global Governance.

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That’s exactly how it sounds.

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Back to the duck.

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They're traitors to humanity, not necessarily to America.

Davos is merely a contemporary platform for the chosen people's 3,000-year-old project to exercise control over all Gentiles. Beware the Noahide laws.

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Yes, they're traitors to humanity.

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I would think it casts a wider net than military intelligence. ALL the dual citizens in the gov't. They are legion.

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Yes, they’re all marching to the same orders.

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It's a very deep state. 😁

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That's right, but it's nothing new. All of this comes in the Davos Forum, the snake pit. That's where international politics comes out. They control the world. But we suspect that they obey others above

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Trillion dollar asset management firms and banksters set the policies promoted by the Davos bunch.

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That's right.

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The “jabs” are to tether EVERYONE to the “cloud”. This is why they even want babies injected. Been a DOD/DARPA/CIA Op for a long time. For the love of God please spread this information and follow Sabrina Wallace on Rumble or Odyssey she explains it all as a former electrical engineer. Also go to Google and type in “IEEE 802.15.6 “, click images and Research, Research and do more Research! IT MUST BE STOPPED! RISE UP 🇺🇸 AMERICA!

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Thank you, Stephanie.

In addition to tracking, they can apparently target some illness and death using a similar principle:


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We were the first to discover everything in 2021 and raised the alarm around the world.

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God Speed and thank you

I hope more and more people become aware of this every day! I’m disgusted with every single politician- EVERY SINGLE ONE. Every single person on the planet is in extreme danger ⛔️

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It's not politicians. It's the people. We've been duped for decades with sin of television and movies.

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The 'internet' means free speech should be illegal? What's that say about the internet.

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So, are we sure Tucker isn't a CIA asset himself, and this is nothing more than a limited hangout?

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No, I think you’re right. Tucker is a limited hangout, providing some good information with limits.

There are topics he won’t touch, such as who’s behind things.

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Maybe "limited hangout" can be a narrow, defeating research stopper.

Given saying the J word entails such extreme blowback, maybe they're doing all they can to point the way (without getting suicided) to those who can read between the lines.

Similarly, Whitney Webb rarely outright says the J word and yet the preponderance of her research points directly to the chosen people.

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Those are great points, Cat. Thank you.

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Every single time.

Mike Benz is a j*w.


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"...did not understand why the First Amendment allows someone to burn a Koran. Why, they asked me, would you ever want to protect that?..."

we would want to protect that for the same reasons they want to protect beheading adulterers in public

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The best answer for a solution to this goes back to the ten commandments. One of the commandments is not well understood. The common interpretation says Thy shall not commit adultery.

Upon further study, I believe it actually means thy shall not adulterate thy blood, which means you shall not mix races.

The whole reason for the flood and Noah building an Ark is because Noah's bloodline was pure and everyone else had been interbreeding. That is why God had destroy every other living being on earth.

God wants pure bloodlines and no interbreeding.


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Rick Stengel is a j*w according to Wikipedia's Early Years section -- a useful tool I predict j*ws will quit using because, more than boasting about their brethren's "exceptionalism," it allows researchers to confirm who the sayanim are.

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Feb 17, 2024
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That was already seen. Realize that they are going to implement a New World Order, and the Covid project was the beginning. It was part of the 2030 Agenda. It is just the beginning, this will get much worse. He who is not prepared will have a very bad time or will fall soon.

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