Have lots of ammo handy.

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Note to self..buy more ammo.

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Seems that the profit they generate from releasing them is greater than the profits from the industrial prison complex.

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Antiwhites, haters of Westerkind, cloak themselves with many different names. "Bolshevist" being one such name. And many of the most vicious anitwhites are/were of the [redacted] persuasion, sadly.

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It seems that the Germans may have had valid reasons for at least some of what occurred.

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They were controlled by the same evil force that is controlling the world today; A. H. was the bankster's man in Europe.

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Thank you for your informative article(s). In case you have not seen this info., on H.I.A.S (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) it is very interesting. H.I.A.S. is a Jewish American nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees. The organization works with people whose lives and freedom are believed to be at risk due to war, persecution, or violence. HIAS has offices in the United States and across Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Since its inception, HIAS has helped resettle more than 4.5 million people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIAS.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin has recently written several columns about this organization. "U.S. Government Gives Millions to Jewish Group to Escort Illegals into America." https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Articles/tabid/109/ID/4492/US-Government-Gives-Millions-To-Jewish-Group-To-Escort-Illegals-Into-America.aspx

Joe Biden Should Be Charged With Treason For Refusing to Secure Americas Borders.


A broader document that may be of interest to the overarching situation is https://www.eaec.org/The-Hidden-History-of-the-Antichrist--Summary-of-Lucifer-and-the-Kabbalistic-Jews--Teresa-Hillebrandt.pdf

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The same strategy was also used in the 90s with the collapse of the USSR with crime and homicide rates skyrocketing. And the same disconnect in sentencing - harsh sentences for very minor things but very soft on violent crime.

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This is how they'll find us.

FEMA Red & Blue LIST: We're All on It, According to Insiders


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Wow, hadn’t heard about that.

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That is exactly the plan

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Another djt action his pied piper followers will ignore or make excuses for.

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It's the same playbook used for world war one: pandemic(s), mass vaccination campaign, infiltration, war, etc.

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Locked and loaded with your head on a swivel!

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"Who were the Bolsheviks?"

Read Henry Makow's blog ( https://henrymakow.com ) and watch

EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) - Full Documentary HD - https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/

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So-called “Bolshevism” is JEWISH, from start to finish, and it is the JEWS, again and again and again, that are responsible for the genocide of millions of innocent people (primarily white Christians) around the world. Please see the following links for more info. It is time to expel these wicked creatures from the Earth! We cannot co-exist with them as they will never stop trying to destroy us.




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I totally agree with you Jeanice, yet you keep saying nasty things to me when I comment on your blog. Not everyone is the enemy.

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What? I'm sorry Monica - I don't know what you are referring to.

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I told you the truth about the New Hampshire law and you seemed not to care. and also debased me for telling you the truth. You also said you don't verify anything you post on your site.

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Actually Monica - this is not the place for you to take out your butt hurt feelings about what I said. An in reality, my actual response to you was this: "The article noted it was adopted. I actually don't know the facts as I have not done deep research into this. But thanks for your input." There is no bragging, nothing about me not verifying anything I post on my stack, and no intention to put you down. So please get over your feelings of being hurt by my comment. It's definitely related to something inside of you and not due to my comment.

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Who brags about not verifying things they post on their own site?

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This happened about six hours ago today. On your substack. About my state's legal proceedings.

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Thanks for posting. Just started listening and I recognize Daryl Bradford Smith's voice. Good to see people have posted audios from his excellent iamthewitness.com radio show (I used to listen to his radio show and learned so much from him--he dug into the history and posted so many important books on hidden history)

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Hi Sandra, I am also a Jehovah's Witness. Jehovah, our creator has a real solution to our problems we are facing.

A Better World Is Near


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very interesting info at 20:35 min by RamzPaul (new info for me- never heard of that letter from Tim Wise). Not surprised though. I've noticed on twitter/x there are anti-Zionists Jews who are blaming the on-going Israeli slaughter of Palestinians on "White supremacy" rather than Jewish supremacy, which is what it obviously is.

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I've been liking Dustin Nemos's posts lately. His overall philosophy is rather compelling.

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I'm not sure I've ever listened to him- I'll look him up.

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A very well put together presentation of history. If only they taught it where it matters, in the public schools. Instead all they want to do in instill racism and divide into every aspect of life and take away their individuality. Now adays I always look up words to see if changes have been made. Ironic you look up the definition of individuality and used in a sentence "She was so involved in the cause that she lost all sense of individuality." That speaks to a lot of what we see today. All races have been victims of slavery, not just black people. Now we have all the illegal immigrants in that mix of arrested and released. 40,000 jobs and never accountability. Tyranny to include Sovereign countries began in 2015 when member states signed on to this. I still remember all the hype about Obama wanting to replace Moon at the UN. Still can not be far from the truth. Maybe he is still working on his allegiance to their movement. How many silent groups have been started and are not yet named. They create the boogie man. All been gradual implementations to this agenda and expanding it through NGO's and Not for profit criminal institutions such as WEF/UN. 2019 the year of mobilization against humanity. As with any movement UN and leaders of the world are following China. Everything is intwined for a reason. There is a list of countries that had previously sent a letter to the UN praising the indoctrination and training camps of Muslims in China. These are Muslim countries, Uyghur population and other mostly-Muslim ethnic groups. Remember Pelosi: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/?p=412179 Put aside China’s genocide, we need to work together on ‘overriding issue’ of climate change. This administration is what they are doing now.

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