I can absolutely believe this.

I also believe there is some sort of nanotech in these vials because I see strange bluetooth MACS on doing a bluetooth search, even here of school kids at sports practice, they are not allowed their mobiles or devices which were in the locker room well out of bluetooth range, yet they gave off MAC codes. Video screenrecording of my phone doing the search here https://rumble.com/v44kkaf-bluetooth-challenge.html

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Hi Dr. Hill, I’m skeptical of this. A commenter on Sasha Latypova’s sub stack - some sort of engineer who works on integrated circuits (whatever that is) said that isn’t possible. I don’t know. His name is Arnold, and he writes a substack called precisionanalog. I haven’t read it, but his commentary seems logical. I suspect what these people are picking up are drones that are tracking people - not the people themselves. Idk though. Or even the drone of the person using the cell phone to scan for a supposed MAC address. These people are full of scams to steal data and promote fear.

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Thank you, Sacha.

I’m skeptical too and continue to await more evidence to be convinced.

I think La Quinta Columna also found MAC addresses, though I have not followed up with their research recently and don’t know if anyone has corroborated it.

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I remain skeptical but there were no drones here.


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Mind you on second viewing all those ones look like phones or computers.

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Phones and computer MACs would not be visible/searchable unless the phone was put into pairing mode, where its MAC would be searchable for about 2 mins.

Also all MAC codes have to contain manufacturer and device ID, which can be looked up on MAC databases like this one: https://maclookup.app/search

These random MACs in the video are all "unknown" they have no known device or manufacturer identity. They are not phones or computers. IMO they are coming from the nanotech injected into humans via the mRNA injections.

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I was referring to the ones that showed up on my search for them while flying from Australia to New Zealand at 37000 feet. I will have a better look at them as I don't have too many not showing up without device id.

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School kids have mobile phones? Are they dying of cancer?

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See bailiwicknews.substack.com.

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Katherine’s stack is great. Thanks, Carole.

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For those fishing for “solutions,” I think a decades-old study on behavioral psychology explains “mass psychosis,” but also might provide hope on how we can change the toxic Status Quo. The movie “Twelve Angry Men” develops the same theme.

Thanks to Del Bigtree of the HighWire for interviewing the author of "The Indoctrinated Brain.”


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Thank you, Bill.

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JOHN LENNON -- posthumous new age network guru? LOL

Imagine there's no countries…

And no religion, too…

Imagine no possessions…

A brotherhood of man…

I hope someday you'll join us,

And the world will be as one.

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Tavistock Institute predictive programming.

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Right! I forgot. Faul was too irredeemable so we got Paul who went along with the program. John never got over it.

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Well that's a version I havn't seen before. So the Canadian was the original Paul?

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I'm not sure i understand this...

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Thank you for the feedback, Duchess. I probably need to explain it better, at least as I understand Reinette’s article.

As harms from lockdowns and Covid treatment suppression in 2020 became clear, the public could have gotten mad at Trump for permitting these things.

But by having a group of Trump-promoting doctors object to lockdowns and prohibitions on drugs like ivermectin, the public’s potential blaming of Trump was redirected to outside “globalists.”

This doctor group later criticized injection injuries (rightly) while still praising Trump.

Around the election, Trump could be lumped with “MAGA antivaxxers” by Biden and the media, even though Trump is pro-vax.

Once Trump and other conservatives were blamed for Jan 6, the media could label anyone who opposed Covid shots as potential “terrorists” aligned with “insurrectionists.”

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Thank you, that is clear. Got it. Many thanks for explaining.

I do think they are labelling anyone who is is anti vax or pro maga now as terrorists.

As a matter of fact they are going through our bank and credit card statements to see if we shop at certain places or buy certain merchandise.

This is our govt/nsa/cia etc doing this to us citizens.

I cannot fathom what is going to happen except a slave state. Our own govt is pushing in this direction...although who our ultimate owners will be seems to be a toss up between the globalists vs. China...but my bet is in 50 years it will be china alone.

What say you?

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I’m quite worried about this too.

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Good. I hate being the only one :-)

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Take out cash from an ATM and use that instead of your cards. Make it harder for them. I'm also trying to not shop at corporates including supermarkets.

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Have you actual evidence that DJT is pro-vax? He was supposedly speaking with RFK Jr. early in his presidency or prior about developing a commission looking into vaccine safety and autism.



Thank you for bringing Reinette Senum's report from 2022 to your report. I just began viewing her work in September 2022. She is so helpful and always sharing solutions.

An investigative journalist I view has shared a few recent videos on influencers and narrative gatekeepers. Her original video on this topic was published in December 2020.




You are correct on the labels attached to those who see through the BS, ask questions that few have answers for (and continue to lie, deceive, gatekeep and gaslight). January 6, 2021 was planned. I was able to see through the BS that day and the following day. There has been a target on me in FB and it has followed me to other platforms. I refuse to comply and not seek information. That is why I like your reports.

I am not an insurretionist or terrorist, I just ask questions and seek information.

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Thank you, BK.

Here are some of Trump’s comments on Covid injections, all of them favorable:




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I am well aware of his stance on the covid jab. Has he spoken about other vaccines and their safety?

If you have an opportunity watch his speeches ar his rallies and watch him in interviews. I think he is very careful with his words. I also know that human trafficking was a huge issue for him during his administration and so few speak about that. Many prefer to focus on the pandemic and the resulting response. I think another commenter is correct that this has all been planned for a very long time. https://archive.org/details/the-annotated-rockefeller-foundation-lockstep-2010/mode/1up

I am also aware that here have been pandemic simulation gmae in the past.



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Good question.

I’ve heard Bill Gates say Trump planned to investigate vaccine safety using RFK Jr. to run the commission you mentioned, and Gates dissuaded Trump from doing this.

I think I posted that Gates video here about two years ago, and I need to find it.

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RFK aye. Well that will be a whitewash then.

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I suspect that his vocal opposition to human trafficking is serving the same purpose as his early vocal opposition to the flu shots. Namely to provide the appearance of opposition to a complex web of criminal agents while moving forward with behaviors that provide cover for these criminals. The forensic profile of the bad actors is vague and general and sometimes misleading while in reality there is nothing vague about either one of these satanic operations yet much still hidden.

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Great point, Travis.

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Vote for Trump, get treated like a kid (kids deserve better tbh).

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What does (redacted) stand for???

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Hi Gabriella, please see the article by Reinette Senum linked in this post for context.

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Once you notice, you'll never stop noticing.

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Lots of noticing has been going on lately.

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Excellent. Thank you for the link, Joe.

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Total B.S.

Operation Warp Speed was PLANNED AND ORDERED by The Black Nobility

and all their 'Secret Society Menagerie' as the International Death Cult Mafia


Your thesis has gargantuan holes in reality.

Try again.

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Never said the operation was not planned and ordered earlier. I agree it must have been.

Trump was simply president when injections were deployed in 2020.

And none of this is my thesis, but those of others cited in the article.

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Must have been mistaken...Thought his presence defined him

the 'Father of the Vaxx' when he's been nowhere near the plan, design and creation.

Am certain the Clinton Crime Family was aware of the implementation of the DOD EUA Countermeasures camouflaged as HHS Vaccines.

That's the reason the Imperialist Nazi's were SO outraged and furious when

their 'Fraud/Cheat Machine' wasn't oiled, greased and primed to rock that

Old Hag over the Finish Line ahead of Trump.

If there's one thing correct that's happened; it wasn't planned by Trump...

Only God could have carried-out the victory bringing this exposure of the evil;

This 'Collective Awakening' of the whole world to the presence of evil in the fog.

The light of TRUTH is burning through the fog and we're experiencing their anxiety by way of

escalation of chaos/crises and more rhetoric, propaganda and TERROR PORN to PARANOIA.

I'm sorry to have misunderstood...Am not a fan of Trump in a personal sense

as he's a bit unpolished. Appreciate the substance present in his 'Fighting Spirit.'

He designates well and was immensely better than this Avatar installed in the Oval for

the OBastard Crime Family.

Please accept this apology.

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Thank you, no problem.

I’m no fan either. I worry Trump’s been manipulated to believe the shots are great, though Catherine Austin Fitts says he must know by now, if not earlier, that they’re harmful.

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For him to still support the DeathJab tells me all I need to know.

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Agreed, Bridget.

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Yes, his stubborn nature is a large weakness; but then again...With all the personal attacks concerning topics where he's been right on target and the truth brought even more attacks as the truth painted others in a criminal or poor light, it's logical human nature would be tempted to refuse to admit any mistake.

Even with his mistakes, he's been the best President of my lifetime...Certainly better than the treasonous Imperialist Nazi Avatar of Obastard and the London Demons now running the show. Just can't stomach those loyal to The Black Nobility or imagining regression to a Fascist One/New World Order to regain Absolute Power as in the Dark, Middle Ages none of us in the west at this time can possibly imagine living in.

Have a Journal here from 1618 when my ancestors of the Mayflower came here and it's been religiously kept for all these 400 years...Simply can't grasp returning to a power structure of Satan Ruling the Earth yet again which is exactly what Totalitarianism/Authoritarianism is.

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And sadly we may have no choice but to vote for him. When and who will ask him the tough questions about the injurious/death shots? Confront him on them being counter measure/bioweapons and ask him to stop supporting them.

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Why did he support them. What was he told or what did he get given for his acquiescence. Because maybe with his Covfefe tweet and original backing of alternate poisons such as hydroxychloroquine he was indicating some "dissent".

Those videos nail him though. I know what I think.

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Look at the Black Plague. What caused that? 90% of people in many areas of Europe died, yet Eastern Europe Ukranian area was spared completely.

What caused that? I posit that wells were poisoned. Logic asks why one are was spared. Historical books tell you that the plague was caused by poisoned wells.

Certain people were given bags of dried poisonous spiders that they put in the wells in Europe and then fled the town. Similar to what happened here in the past few years. Think, people.

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I believe the Black Plague was caused by jews trying to kill Christians by poisoning the Christians' wells.

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Same thing happening with border crisis, porn, and television heresy.

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Really must define exactly WHAT is happening with the 'Border Crisis, Porn, Television Heresy'. There are many evils now occuring as brought to pass by Demons Wearing Human Being Suits...By GREEDY, POWER HUNGRY AND THEIVES OF GOD'S CREATION AND THAT COVERS ALL THE GROUPS OF OUR POPULATION.

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Don't believe the Jews did any such thing...The diaspora was very weak. The modern ZIONISTS are not actually Jews. Can't stomach reading the words of such evil hatred of any people as your statement. YOU'RE A BETTER PERSON THAN THOSE WORDS INDICATE.

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What is your definition of jews.

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In the time of the Great Plague; indeed, the wells were poisoned. The cities were hellholes filled with pestulance and bodily waste EVERYWHERE. Alcoholism remains endemic to the world from that time when the water was an origin of disease as alcohol was safe to drink and even the children where given beer to drink. NOBODY had to place anything in the water to poison it. It was a time before people knew about hygiene and to keep the Chamber Pot materials or Outhouses far away from the areas where water was drawn.

Not trying to make anybody feel bad here; but poisoned water is common knowledge as a catalyst for disease and it's well documented especially in the more densely populated areas. Ukraine at the time was largely rural and the rural areas were known to be far safer as the waste products were not running in the streets and near community wells where the whole population drew from.

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So, who poisoned the water?

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THE POPULATION ITSELF POISONED THE WATER...All crapped and urinated in Chamber Pots with contents thrown into the street or in Outhouses nearby surrounding the Community Wells. They didn't know any better. It's documented and a fact. Nobody had to put poison into the water when there was fecal matter of all the humans and animals as well as urine as well as rot from old food, dead rats, etc., infesting it with only God knows what.

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Trump knows everything about operation warpspeed. He knew it from the beginning. It's sad to admit it, but he did. The stories about him not knowing things because his aides didn't tell him are bullshit. He knows everything.

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Trump will be selected next time. He is "Israel's" favorite. Sad but true.

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Biden EEOC now pursuing companies for denying exemptions. I didn't see this one coming....https://substack.com/profile/22354262-jwm_in_va/note/c-47804713?r=db4nq

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On the one hand it’s important to have unity in the resistance/freedom movement but if prominent “medical freedom” leaders and physicians have ties to embassies of problematic nations, are promoting pro-Z/jab puppet candidates, are members of a gen0cidal religious group, and/or are committing serious felonies…the resistance needs a Z10nist detox.

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The earth is flat. I totally believe that. Look up flatearthdave.com.

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So much AI...

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When Each One Dies

So Too Does A Piece Of The Bullshit

They All Believed.


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What about Medical Rebel Lee Merritt? Is he/she on the list?

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