Rather despicable, really.

We have the bodycount of a World War, already.

A slaughter of innocents.

And Billions more probably to follow in the next decade.

This is not what Jesus was all about with turning the other cheek.

This is another layer of The Monster seeking to get away with democide.

And succeeding.


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There's a point to this white-slavery sex biz ...

Trump great-great grandpa ran whores from east-europe to the 1848 calif gold-rush

Trumps great grand-pa ran whore from east europe to the 1898 alaskan-yukon gold-rush

Trump grand-pa ran whores, trumps PA ran whores, and Trump of course supplied little girls to sheldon-adelson's Casinos worldwide, making Adelson the richest man in Israel ( still is wife mirriam is richest woman in Israel today ), Adelson in 2016 gave TRUMP $82 Million USD to buy the POTUS;

See a pattern yet?

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Proof would be nice.

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Proof of 'what' itemize your assertions that need a 'proof' otherwise in context I have no fucking idea what trigger you other than the sentiment is/was clearly not trump-love

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Everything you've said requires proof, smear merchant. Swear at me more, btw... it only proves how grown up you are. lol

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Proof? How much did Trump pay to buy Melanie from the Epstein Stable?? That would be a start; DId he get a reciept? Or was it just a cash hand-shake kind of deal?

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Jan 7, 2024
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BB, please cut down drastically on the profanity. This is a family substack.

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You poor thing. Bless you heart.

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I call the entire Netanyahu & Trump mob franchise a retirement real-estate scam

Trump even owns condos and suburbs in Israel that are on former stolen Palestine lands;

Steal arab land, sell retirement condos to mena-jews

Rinse & repeat

The Satanic ashkeNazi become trillionaires and rule the earth and the judeo god-fearing Jews get slaughtered;


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Jews don't exist. They aren't in the original text of the Bible... Jew is a mistranslation. Try to keep up.

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Claw-Back, first order is all the Clinton, Biden, Trump, & Obama kids be arrested for murder

All their 'trust funds' ( they all got $10's of Billions of USD ) should be frozen and the money used to pay reparations to the white-irish slaves that ZOG made into whores back in the early colonization days of USA; Black slavery didn't arrive to USA until latte 1700's, but even in 1500's USA the UK was shipping poor London, and Irish people to USA, men to work, women to be whores and the kids automatically became slaves; IMHO the reason the ZOG brought in blacks is that they got bored fucking white children, and black fresh children from Africa was the 'new thing' in late 1700's USA

So talking about reparations, claw-back that $2 Trillion that TRUMP spent on war on COVID, claw it all back from the 'kids' and Big-Pharma

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Hahahaha! Just trying to smear Trump... and failing.

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TDS is a serious disease that is going to be listed in the newest version of the DSM-V manual of psychiatric disorders!

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Trump is not the good guy. I voted for Trump in 2016, 2020. I didn’t vote this year.

If you want to kill me, or injure me, you do not deserve my vote.

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Jan 7, 2024
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Consistent he is, since day one RFK-jr has said no reparations, we must heal and forgive big pharma


Claw-back the trillions of USD that Trump handed out $12 Trillion USD to be exact

tar&feather the top 50k covid enablers in USA

put them on a pillory

Take away their liability shield that TRUMP signed off "OP warpspeed" then have all arrested and put in J6 sodomy prisons

that would be a start of the reparations

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Where's the proof?

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Wheres the beef? Apparently the TRUMP-PHALLUS is Deep in this MIGA cuck;

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Noddingyahoo was the first to congratulate YOUR BOY BIDEN on his "win" so maybe you should take that into consideration.

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The good news is that the end is near;

The conundrum here is this, everyday that the wailing ZOG DOG who is now rabid & insane, everyday that the ZOG-DOG is NOT PUT-DOWN, is another day that it destroys the worlds best and most valuable infrastructure;

China invested Trillions past 20 years on Silk-Road today its being destroyed, ZOG has destroyed all antiquity in Palestine

Every day that the rabid-dog is allowed to roam means more death for the earth and more property destruction; What the fucking hell is the world waiting for??

It's not just about de-population, it seems that auto-destruct is trying to destroy everything human progress ever made, the books, the history, the buildings the statues;

The entire earth just watches like its a fucking TV show;


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They tried to kill us with the covid death shots.

No f'ing way am I gonna forget about it.

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Pathetic. Typical politician ....screw that. After all the democide of little infants and babies...he can screw himself! Never, ever let this go PERIOD!

They killed millions and he wants us to forget it! We would go to jail if we killed someone. He can take that statement and shove it up his ASS!

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As to "WHY" Pompeo told Trump to authorize the COV-19 world fuck in 2019, ...

The russians already found all the Pfizer documents years ago in the 39 UKRAINE bio-labs; 2021 they destroyed all labs and confiscated all documents and released them, they can be found on the dark-web

The CIA objectives are well known, only within the USA are they unkown.


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I have to agree with you on Trump approving and pushing the Bio-Weapon with OWS! To this day he has not taken any responsibility for pushing the death vaxx and leaves a lot of things open for question. As for DemonRats and Repubturds/RINOS, I believe they are in on it together and we the people are left in the middle!

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That's hilarious you say this like your serious; But in Fact RFK-jr had nada shit all to do with the COV19 FUCK

Sure RFK-jr is compromised and his role is to keep big-pharma out of jail, but he doesn't have any blood on his hands;

COV19 was 100% orchestrated and authorized by YOUR BOY TRUMP; He signed it off with CIA DIR Pompeo, and he signed mRNA 'warpspeed' and he signed off the looting of $12 Trillion USD; crazy as all hell that sitting POTUS are no longer responsible for their crimes;

I know 'he didn't know', he's old retarded guy with orange hair, that everybody loves


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Orchestrated? LOL! Those shots were obviously made before Trump took office... they were coming out no matter what. He handed over some money, but with caveats. It was a trap. It was YOUR BOY BIDEN who left the jabs on the market.

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And Biden who MANDATED them.

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Nobody loves Trump I think most people agree with you that he’s responsible for the covid vaccines I personally wish he’d go away!! He’s one of them!! Both parties are compromised!! It’s a joke! Elections are rigged ! They are all pedos in our govt!

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MUSK said it best, I will repeat

TRUMP must return to POTUS to give him & his family a pardon, otherwise the $10 Billion COVID funds deposited in the kids QATAR-UAE accounts get clawed-back and trump & his kids go to prison for life

Trump has no choice, his only exit plan is POTUS & PARDON, then he will gracefully hand over his POTUS to his INDIAN pre-selected leader of USA by Sodomy-State ( previously deep-state )

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That's right Tex (((THEY)) as in (((TRUMP))) signed off the CIA Plan to kill millions;


But in actuality it was a nothing burger

In WW1 spanish-flu originated from USA mil-bases just like COV19; Killed 50 Million worldwide, and 500K in the USA

What can be said of COV19???, the mRNA clot-shot ( Trump is father ) killed more than COV19 itself;


There is only one known-known, they got away with it last time and they will get away again with it this time;

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You’re like a damn disease that won’t go away! Fuck off man...

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It's clear he's been bought and bullied which is why Kucinich quit! Another candy-assed politician.

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So, if you were wondering if RFK, Jr. were controlled opposition, you now have your answer.

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He's a DEMOCRAT. Enough said.

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You got that right!!!!

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I disagree with RFK Jr on this and several additional matters. I trust that once the electorate understands what a "woke" pushover he is, they will understand that he is incapable of leading this country.

Another arrogant liberal jerk is the last thing we need. He should stay in his Children's Health Defense lane.

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Bought and paid for - captured by the very industry he supposedly detested.

And now for my next joke . . . buh dump buh

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Jan 7, 2024
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He shot himself in the foot over his stance on Israel and then of course they got to him - I cringe at the mere thought of what the Israel lobby is now pumping into his campaign. He has given and done hundreds of interviews and the second he is interrupted or cut off he immediately cowers and shuts up. Anyone who watched him saw this.

However he gave an interview with Krystal and Saager and was like a rabid dog when it came to Israel and the slaughter of Palestinians - solidifying he has been bought and paid for.


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Jan 7, 2024
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You're referring to Caroline aren't you? That's his cousin and JFK Jr. sister. Yes it was her son who is JFK's grandson that went on the tangent!

I really believed (I should say hoped) Bobby was different - he had fame and fortune and the Kennedy name to do the right thing! He had experience and more knowledge and intelligence of history then most - the cards were all in his favor and he blew it! Big time!

He could've been the one President to supersede his uncle - but the very one thing he needed most and didn't have was strength.

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A question RFK..."how do we sweep the corpses of mass global murder under what rug?"

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Sure. A system for massive financial reward if you commit genocide which absolves you of all blame afterwards. That'll fix it.

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RFK, Jr. is entitled to his opinion. But in the meantime, all the big players in the (highly profitable) covid-19/vaccine debacle must be held to account for their misdeeds with lengthy prison sentences and punitive monetary damages. Let us remember the old adage: "Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.” ― Adam Smith

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Great quote there.

Was the pandemic wealth transfer one of the largest is history? Bigger than the bubbles like the real estate heist in 2008? Bigger than the Sack of Constantinople? Bigger than the invention of the compound interest credit card? Can't help wondering.

Anyone who turns their back on seeking to clarify the fraud and high crimes and theft of the C19 Pandemic -- which used the fear of contagious disease to enable the extraction of $$$, livelihoods, and lives -- they are not suitable to lead a wounded nation.

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Well said!

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unfortunately everyone who makes the ballot has been chosen by the masterminds behind the horrors, expect more to come.

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RFK, Jr. began as a brave outspoken leader of the health freedom movement, but quickly devolved into a demented Rabbi Shmuley stooge.

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Yes, disgusting to see him with Rabbi Shmuley--it looks like Shmuley is his handler. He's totally in support of the genocide and even got a private briefing with the IOF. Disgusting to see him supporting the people his father and uncle stood up to. And many think Israel/Mossad played a key role in the assassination of JFK- because he was strongly against Israel getting nukes.

RFK tried to get the Israel lobby to register as a foreign agent and now his son whores for them:


Between 1962 and 1963 Senator J.W. Fulbright uncovered a massive network of financial “conduits” moving funds directed by the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem to Israel lobby startup groups across the United States. Even as JFK attempted to place Israel’s Dimona nuclear weapons program under US inspection, RFK ordered the AZC to openly register and disclose all of its foreign funded lobbying activity in the United State

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Israel has a long record of getting U.S. military technology to China.

In the early 1990s then-CIA Director James Woolsey told a Senate Government Affairs Committee that Israel had been selling U.S. secrets to China for about a decade. More than 12 years ago the U.S. demanded Israel cancel a contract to supply China with Python III missiles, which included technology developed by the U.S. for its Sidewinder missiles..."


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Good information and link.

Thank you, Charlotte.

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Yes, I forgot about that. Thanks for the link. I'll be sure to share that whenever I see one of those Christian Zios saying Israel is our "greatest ally"

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LIKED x a million!

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The 1,000's of EPSTEIN photos & videos they have of him&his wife will do that to a compromised man;

Given that his wife & Ghislaine Maxwell were best-friends for years, one can only imagine the shit they have on his family;

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isn't it interesting that his cousin was just absolved of a decades ago murder

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Case in point.

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When you think about it, going along with something like this is basically akin to condoning his father's murder.

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excellent comparison and analogy

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Too late. The guillotines are on order. The gallows are in production. The profane are coming for all of them. With pitchforks and receipts. At a time of our choosing.

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Too many people have died Kennedy...you WILL NEVER be President! Sounds like he’s trying to get the Establishment to SELECT HIM...like they do!

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He actually might pull this off now that the Israel lobby is behind him. Biden is not running and it's the gimmick that sells. People think voting for a third party candidate is the answer. All the interparty fighting of late, confirms he's a legitimate threat. The Bill Clinton Epstein scandal are all warning shots! Look for Bobby's past to surface next - the ex-wife that committed suicide because of his philandering. And of course the die-hard Biden family members that will help to destroy him, the closer he gets.

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Never forgive. Never forget.

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My sincere concern is that no legal consequences will create a very serious moral hazard that merely invites similar and identical actors to invent craftier, more effective crimes in the future.

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Absolutely. Great point, David.

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We've been living in an entirely lawless society ever since Bill Clinton went on National TV swearing under oath, he did NOT have sex with that woman! That was the opening of the flood gates! Bernie Madoff did what he did because he could - not because of stupid people.

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There are many timelines for tracing the historical antecedents to our current situation depending on how deep you want the analysis to go. Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush is another explanatory set. Then, too, are the events since the JFK assassination. Yet another begins with the end of WW I & II (The War of the Destruction of the Europeans), and many more layers emerge as one goes from the present back further in time. Each analysis--like yours--has its own relevance for understanding the whole.

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What? Not even a slap on the wrist!?

Yeah...that'll learn 'em!

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Exactly right!

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Not the answer.

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Let's not forget RFK Jr also supports abandoning our existing efficient energy sources in favor of the destructive "greenie" movement and supports unmerited "reparations" on the basis of dark skin color.

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Oil is totally renewable and is the second most prevalent liquid on earth aside from water. It is not scarce. It is constantly renewable.

If reparations ever happen, it should be from the j's. They ran nearly every single slave ship and plantation in America. Very few if any White Christians were involved. I believe that is why Mossad has been buying up ownership in all of the American textbook companies for decades. And why jews are never mentioned in American History books.

Just recently I learned that the history we are told about the KKK is totally distorted. It's original purpose was to counter the j's who fomented the American civil war so the j's could keep their slaves. There is literally no record of the KKK killing any blacks that I could find.

They killed one man, a jew, who raped and killed a 14 year old white girl who worked in his factory. That is why the KKK was created.

If the KKK killed people, why is there no list of people killed by them on wikipedia? I checked today.

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Pretty much every day I discover more lies propagated by Zionists. It's mind-blowing. If you research the KKK, they were not even evil. We are told they lynched blacks. Where is the list of blacks that they lynched? I want to see the list. I believe it is all BS.

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There is no list.

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The only blacks who were lynched were in jewish movies.

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If the KKK killed people, there would be a list of their names and details about the killings. I checked today and there are literally zero. Another massive lie fed to us by you know who. I'm sick of the lies.

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I challenge anyone to provide a list of blacks lynched by the KKK. Name one.

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