Scott Adams says he‘s lost will to live after Covid shot, betrayal by people he trusted
Dilbert cartoonist and former VaxPass apostle claims he’ll commit suicide next year if disabilities and depression don’t improve (Updated 11/2/22)

American author and Dilbert cartoon creator Scott Adams says in the video above he wants to kill himself in 2023 if his physical and psychic pain don’t ameliorate.
He claims he’s depressed, hasn’t “figured out how to fix my physical problem,” and is unable to exercise.
Adams in the video above at 51:50:
But I can tell you, if I felt like this in a year, I would look to kill myself.
So let me say it directly. If I feel like this next year, I'm going to look to kill myself.
Because I don't want to live like this.
Like, I'm not going to do this — I'm not going to do this two years.
I'll do this one year.
I'll give you one year with this amount of pain.
And then next — I’m not going to do two years. Promise you I won’t do two.
Adams suffered a series of unfortunate setbacks in recent years, including the 2018 death of his stepson from a fentanyl overdose, divorce from his wife, losing a Dilbert TV show for his “being white,” a three-year battle with spasmodic dysphonia preventing him from speaking until having laryngeal surgery, and cancelation of his Dilbert comic in 2022 by a chain of 77 newspapers for apparently political reasons.
Is Adams vaccine injured?
It’s hard to tell if Adams was damaged by the Covid injection he says he submitted to just to be permitted to fly to Greece (video at 45:00).
From his discussion in the video, it seems he might have suffered a jab injury but doesn’t want to say so because (a) he’s not certain the vaccine caused the problem; or (b) he doesn’t want to face yet more cancellation and opprobrium from those running the operation.
Some writers claim he is jab injured. I haven’t seen confirmation of this.
For example, Seemorerocks on Telegram writes:
Scott Adams [is] all messed up after multiple clotshot injections and says he's close to killing himself.
He's now in constant physical pain, has weird rashes, can't exercise and can barely even walk upstairs after his multiple injections of government health juice.
In addition, he's in psychic pain after being somehow redpilled in ways he doesn't explain and is trying to construct some false blue pill reality to hide in.
He says he'll give it one more year before [killing himself].
Scott Adams on Covid shots
It seems Adams was aware of potential problems with allegedly rushed Covid vaccine design and production, as suggested in this 17 January 2021 Dilbert comic:
More of Adams from the above video:
Those who did not get vaccinated … I’m not going to say I agree with you, but I’m not going to say you’re wrong.
People were not using reason to make the decision [to take Covid shots]. …
So I don't believe that the decisions were made on reason.
So I stand by that because people don't make decisions based on reason. I don't. You don't. People don't.
[JH comment: Scott’s partly correct here. But some people do make decisions based on reason. Everyone should, so we need accurate information, often difficult to get during operations like Covid.]
So everybody was dealing with their feelings, basically: What scares you the most? What makes you feel comfortable?
In my case, it was based on my feelings about wanting to take a trip, basically. [That] is what pushed me over the line.
So here's what happened to me in the past years.
That matrix-like mask kind of fell off. And I lost my illusion for a while.
So being depressed is not about being in the wrong state of mind, which is the problem.
In my case, being depressed was being in the right state of mind. …
The part that made me depressed is when I saw things clearly.
And I worked since then to rebuild my illusions.
So when you ask me if I'm feeling better or depressed, I'm sort of in the process of rebuilding an illusion that I can live in without pain.
And I'm not quite there yet because I could still see too much ugly.
And I can't live happily in a world with this much ugly around me.
I don’t mean physically ugly. I mean ugly ideas and thoughts.
And I'm trying as hard as I can to rebuild a protective, imaginary shield of “everything's fine” when it isn’t. It definitely isn't.
But you have to build up a little wall of imaginary protection.
So I'm building up a little wall of imaginary protection as efficiently as I can. But it's hard work.
Then physically, I haven't figured out how to fix my physical problem.
So, exercise — I don't know if I'll ever be able to exercise again.
Let me just give you an idea. It's possible that I will never have another personal relationship for the rest of my life.
It's possible that I'll never exercise again for the rest of my life. Because that's my current physical situation.
Now, it could be that I can work through those things and everything will be fine. I can do better by next week.
But the length of time it’s been, and the fact that I don't even have a clue of what's wrong — and I’m at that that certain age where things will fall apart — suggest that I could be at the end of my life.
And on top of that, [I’m] feeling physically that I'm literally at the end of my life.
But let me also tell you that I have a sort of at least a one-year minimum optimism buffer.
So my one year optimism about it works like this. If it looks impossible, I still give myself a year. That's like a rule.
So the system —doesn't matter what the problem is. Doesn't matter how much it hurts. Doesn't matter how much I want it to stop.
I'll give myself one year to just fix that thing.
So don't worry, I'm not gonna check out early, because I've got a year to fix this.
Adams previously championed despotic vaccine passports, which leaders say pave the way for further enslavement and killing of select populations.
Even if Adams is not jab injured, he seems genuinely concerned about the problem. He conducted a Twitter poll about it in October 2022.
Adams lamented on Twitter “the collapse of expert credibility” on vaccines, which depresses many of us, evidently including him.
Below is a video of another guy talking about Scott Adams wanting to end his life if his pain doesn’t abate by next year.
We wish Mr. Adams the best and hope he finds relief soon from his suffering.
May he live many more years to continue making people smile with his talents.
praying for Scott. with his creative God given talent, he could do a lot of good awakening the masses.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Gratitude (and good nutrition,
Including fatty meat and Omega-3 DHA) is the antidote to depression.