Fifty telltale signs Covid is a bioweapon operation
Leaders and media are paid to carry it out. (Updated 10/17/24)
Abundant circumstantial evidence points to the Covid pandemic being part of an ethnic bioweapon operation whose apparent aims are death, disability, submission to irrational orders, coerced vaccination, travel restrictions, supply chain disruptions, asset stripping, and vaccine passports using social credit scores to control and harm select persons and groups.
Lockdowns, masks, business closures, variants, and vaccine booster policies are part of it too.
Here are 50 signs that’s what’s happening:
intense coercion of people to get vaccinated regardless of age, risk, prior Covid infection, immune status, pregnancy, or autoimmunity, with no long-term studies completed
Supposedly competing companies making the first four authorized Covid vaccines — Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZenica, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) — “coincidentally” made the same terrible vaccine design choices:
A. producing mRNA or DNA vaccines encoding the full-length, toxic spike protein, translated in each recipient in an uncontrolled, variable dose;
B. not including any other antigen targets than the spike protein, facilitating easy immune escape;
C. not removing from the encoded spike protein any dangerous epitopes (amino acid sequence regions to which antibodies bind) that can induce blood clotting, autoimmunity, or inflammation; and
D. making the vaccines reduce illness but not substantially block infection or transmission, aiding selection of more virulent variants.
Almost no pathologists in the world reveal whether Covid vaccines cause death or organ damage, and they are likely not even checking for such harm, according to Dr. Ryan Cole.
Pfizer quality auditor and whistleblower Melissa Strickler revealed vaccine manufacturing rooms and a group lead office, “where they just do the paperwork for the batches,” had their windows blacked out so people outside the rooms could not see inside. See the video below at 3:00.
Mathew Crawford reports that “extremely important health data for the US military is in fact exported … to Israel prior to the data being passed from the DMSS [Defense Medical Surveillance System] to the DMED [Defense Medical Epidemiology Database].”
Data released upon court order shows 1,223 reported deaths among vaccinated people within 90 days of Pfizer’s vaccine rollout. While it’s unclear how many of these, if any, were caused by the vaccine, the deaths warrant a thorough analysis that should be made public.
Biden announced vaccine boosters for every American adult in August 2021 upon the urging of Israel and before any data supported the need, safety, or efficacy of such boosters. Then the CDC promptly recommended Pfizer vaccine boosters, reportedly prompting two top FDA vaccine officials to quit.
Three star US Army Lieutenant General Thomas McInerny says, “Covid-19 was a biological attack on the world.”
The CDC purposely withheld two years worth of “critical data” on boosters and hospitalizations, claiming the agency was worried the information might cause “vaccine hesitancy” among the American public.
Reasons for FDA approval of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for children ages 5-11 years include things having nothing to do with safety, efficacy, or necessity, including “vaccine equity,” appeasing “parents who are beyond eager to vaccinate their kids,” and getting schools to reopen after they were closed until a Covid vaccine would be approved for kids, a self-referential, unnecessary endpoint.
Parents expect the FDA to make sure a vaccine is safe, not just approve it because parents “are beyond eager to get their young kids vaccinated.”
The FDA asked a federal judge to grant it until the year 2076 to release fully Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine data. Later, the FDA asked for more than 75 years, or until 2097, to release the data.
Fraudulent vaccine trials were allegedly used to achieve FDA emergency use authorization (EUA): According to a federal lawsuit, the “integrity of the entire [Pfizer vaccine] clinical trial was compromised by the trial protocol violations, false source documents, and the false data that resulted, which calls the vaccine’s EUA into question.”
Vaccine contracts with many countries, including all member states of the European Union, allegedly forbid marking vaccine vials or associated packaging with serial numbers. These contract provisions were concealed from the public until recent disclosure by whistleblowers.
This policy enables targeting of specific people or groups with “hot” (harmful or deadly) vials that are impossible to trace.
1/ Previously hidden from the public, a vaccine contract with all member states of the European Commission says the “vaccine shall not be serialized,” meaning vials cannot be identified by serial numbers.Knowledge is power, which is why it’s important to stick with facts and data over emotions and agenda pushing garbage that ignores facts and data. Take, for instance, contracts Pfizer has with the European Union. The redacted version vs the recently unredacted version @mom_at_armsschool mandates for all children ages 5-11 to be vaccinated despite several physicians on the FDA panel for Pfizer’s vaccine expressing concerns the injection is totally unnecessary for most children and has an unknown safety profile
approving the Pfizer vaccine for children 5-11 despite a lack of safety data, with Drs. Rubin and Sawyer saying, “The only way to learn if the vaccine is safe is just to start giving it.”
media and leaders promoting only mass vaccination and never discussing Covid prevention, early treatment, or optimizing one’s health or vitamin D status to reduce risk
preplanned, coordinated global rollout of lockdowns; every country has five levels, e.g., red to green, or 1-5
forced public masking, showing no high-quality evidence of reducing respiratory viral infections, e.g., from many randomized clinical trials
using inflated case and death numbers to stoke fear and make people beg to be vaccinated
Bill Gates, a major investor in Covid vaccine companies including Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, advised President Donald Trump in 2017 not to investigate vaccine safety despite Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s urging to set up a commission to examine the issue.
inflating case numbers by defining a Covid case as anyone with a positive PCR test using a high cycle threshold (CT) of 40-50. A CT over 28 reflects old, noninfectious fragments of viral RNA, “dead nucleotides” in Dr. Fauci’s words, that don’t necessarily indicate current or prior illness or infectivity.
According to reports by Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Patricia Lee, and Steve Kirsch (including here), the FDA and CDC are ignoring significant VAERS and CMS vaccine safety signals of excess deaths and other adverse events.
inflating death numbers by defining a Covid death as a death for any reason within 28 days of a positive PCR test with a high cycle threshold. Deaths due to suicide, trauma, or delayed treatment for heart disease or cancer were labeled Covid deaths this way, even if a person had an asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection months earlier, producing a positive PCR test later and not contributing to their death.
far greater focus by media and leaders on vaccine “equity” and deliveries than on vaccine safety
false claims the vaccine is “the only way out of the pandemic,” ignoring early treatment and natural immunity from infection, superior to vaccine immunity
They say they want every last person on earth vaccinated, including infants. Elimination of a control (unvaccinated) group means vaccine injuries and deaths can’t be attributed to the vaccine.
false claims we’re in “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” when it’s the vaccinated selecting for vaccinal antibody-escape Covid viral variants, then spreading them
No independent vaccine safety monitors. According to Dr. Peter McCullough, there are no independent “data safety monitoring boards, critical event committees, [or] human ethics committees assigned to [current Covid vaccine] programs, [so] we have no hope of shutting this down [in the event of severe harms or deaths] or even evaluating for safety.”
Misleadingly categorizing vaccinated people, potentially hiding adverse events and breakthrough infections.
Because the CDC considers people “vaccinated” only after two weeks following their last recommended vaccine dose (i.e., after two doses for mRNA vaccines or after one dose for DNA vaccines), anyone dying after Covid vaccination but before two weeks following their last vaccine dose is, by definition, considered not fully vaccinated.
This contributes to the false impression we’re in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and that these “unvaccinated” deaths, even if directly caused by the vaccines, are not due to vaccination.
Vaccine companies have not confirmed exactly how the spike protein encoded by their vaccines differs from the highly toxic SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein, which has 78% sequence identity to human proteins across all its 6-amino acid segments, raising the specter of autoimmune disease (see Sorenson).
1/ Extensive molecular mimicry of human proteins by the #Covid spike protein is leading to many autoimmune diseases and systemic inflammation. Vaccine companies have not told the public if and how the spike protein produced by Covid vaccines have been modified to prevent this.(4/n) The significance of autoimmunity in COVID-19 has been also highlighted recently by the group of Prof Yehuda Shoenfeld: John B. @DrJohnB2mRNA vaccine companies have not confirmed exactly how their vaccines’ mRNA differs from SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA, whether that mRNA is degraded in the usual enzymatic way in cells, how long it takes for that mRNA to disappear from the body after injection, or whether that mRNA can be reversed transcribed and then integrate into human chromosomes or become heritable plasmid DNA in germ cells (sperm or eggs).
Multiple improprieties in the FDA’s risk-benefit analysis for Pfizer’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application to inject children ages 5 to 11 with their COVID-19 vaccine.
Pfizer allegedly concealed from the public, mandated in many places to take Covid vaccines, the identity of an excipient ingredient constituting 25% of the volume of Pfizer’s fully diluted Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine vials (0.45 ml/1.8 ml = 25%).
This ingredient was later identified as water, but it’s concerning that FDA would not reveal this publicly, claiming protection of “trade secrets and proprietary information,” until required to disclose it under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends vaccination for everyone but, at least as of September 2021 (nine months after vaccine launch), says it has no vaccine safety data available on those with weakened immune systems or autoimmune conditions.
“Information about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people who have weakened immune systems in this group is not yet available.”
“No data are currently available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions.”
CDC recommending vaccines for all despite the FDA stating the approved vaccine “has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, or impairment of male fertility.”
So we don’t know if it causes cancer, heritable genetic disease, or male sterility.
Pregnant women were excluded from Covid vaccine trials, yet the vaccines were recommended for, administered to, and even mandated for pregnant women almost immediately after Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was granted by the FDA in December 2020 and before any human safety data in pregnancy were available.
Vaccines are ordinarily not administered to pregnant women before 10-30 years of safety data are available.
McCullough: Leaders and media relentlessly push #Covid vaccination but have provided Americans with no updates on early treatments or vaccine safety. And vaccinating pregnant women started and was recommended with no safety data. Unprecedented, horrific medical malfeasances.@CraigKellyMP @Fifth_Sertorius Dr. Peter McCullough K MOORE @2NjoyMoreThe Pfizer 💉clinical trials excluded pregnant women and required contraception for all vaccine trial participants. There was no pregnancy clinical trial. So how did they think it was okay to do this. It is NOT.@Clucky92864053 Any country's Chief Medical Officer, on seeing/knowing the above, must instantly forbid any vaccine to pregnant women or women who could potentially become pregnant pending rigorous investigation. There is going to be a massive backlash to this. Silence is immoral. Horrific!!!Jimmy Cogg ♪♫♫♪ @JimmyCogganuse of celebrities and “faith leaders” urging people to get vaccinated based on mythicism and emotion and to ignore the lack of long-term vaccine safety or efficacy results
virus is engineered to be more infectious, stealthy, and pathogenic than related viruses (see Sorenson, Classen, Kanduc, Coutard)
About 80% of 6-amino-acid sequences in the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein are identical to human proteins, indicating to Sorenson the virus is engineered, not naturally evolved. This protein mimicry can explain many autoimmune manifestations of #COVIDー19.1/ Classen: “RNA based vaccines against COVID-19 place a novel molecule, spike protein, in/on the surface of host cells. This spike protein is a potential receptor for another possibly novel infectious agent. ...The engineered Covid spike protein binds to, or repels, ACE2 receptors based on electrostatic interactions of different strengths that depend on one’s ethnic group.
Twitter censored my prior tweet showing this graphic from the article below on ethnic vulnerability to the #COVID19 virus spike protein.…Which other ethnic groups have relative genetic resistance to #COVID19? Bakhshandeh: “In an independent study, ACE2 genotypes in Africa and Eastern Mediterranean population were considered protective against COVID-19.”destruction of drug supplies for early Covid treatment, including burning down and possible bombing of factories producing ivermectin or hydroxycholorquine
US governors, Canadian premiers, and other world leaders ordering pharmacists not to fill doctors’ orders for ivermectin, hydroxycholorquine, or other drugs for early Covid treatment, unethically interfering in the doctor-patient relationship
Military mandatory vaccination: Google searches seem to indicate America, Canada, and Malaysia are possibly the only countries in the world demanding mandatory Covid vaccination for all military personnel without long-term safety or efficacy data and despite apparently high rates of adverse events according to a sworn affidavit by Army Flight Surgeon Theresa Long, MD.
If true, this implies an attempt to weaken some countries’ military readiness, possibly leading to defeat or surrender in the event of attacks on the those countries.
US governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, and Michigan ordered nursing care homes to accept Covid patients without testing, asking about Covid status, or separation from uninfected patients, leading to tens of thousands of new Covid infections and deaths.
no academic health care institutional development or promotion of early outpatient treatment protocols for Covid
instructing people not to treat their Covid or come to the hospital until they’re turning blue, gasping for air, or hypoxemic by pulse oximetry (e.g., O2 saturation below 90%)
media censorship of anything that questions or contradicts mainstream narratives
“The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime [of the Bolshevik torture and slaughter of millions of White Russian people] is proof the global media is in the hand of the perpetrators.”
contact tracing as if it were is effective for tracking spread of respiratory aerosol viruses, when in fact it’s not
pushing vaccine passports and scapegoating the unvaccinated as if they are more dangerous than the vaccinated, who select for more infectious immune escape viral variants that could become more lethal (see Vanden Bossche, Read, Gandon)
leaders and media not informing the public that because current Covid vaccines are nonsterilizing (“leaky”) — limiting illness at first but not infection or transmission — vaccinal antibody-escape viral variants (like Delta, Mu, Lambda, and Omicron) are selected for in the vaccinated and then spread to both the unvaccinated and vaccinated.
Because current Covid vaccines are narrowly focused on the virus’s spike protein antigen, variants escape vaccinal immunity more easily than they would for vaccines based on multiple antigen subunits or the whole virus.

See also
Belarus is the only country in Eastern and Southeast Europe that refused to impose a coronavirus quarantine, despite recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO). “The IMF continues to demand quarantine measures, isolation, a curfew. This is nonsense. We will not dance to anyone’s tune,” Mr. Lukashenko told the nation’s new cabinet.
Read et al.: Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens
Gandon et al.: Imperfect vaccines and the evolution of pathogen virulence
Sorenson et al.: The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus
Classen JB: COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

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Data from the UK Health Security Agency shows you are wildly more likely to catch COVID with vaccination than without:!UKResidentsAreOver100PercentMoreLikelyToGetCOVIDAfterVaccination.png
This is because - as Dr. Nathan explains here - the injection turns off your innate immune system causing an auto-immune disorder (your body attacks itself):
Everything about this pandemic is an obvious in-our-faces lie, and these lies are being used as weapons to take control of the world and end freedom as we know it.
The two biggest lies in their arsenal are that asymptomatic spread exists, and the false-positive-factory PCR test to determine if you even have COVID:
The vaccines' efficacy and safety are a lie:
The masks' efficacy and safety are a lie:
The media chronically lies all day long and are the abhorrent loathsome mouthpieces for this repulsive PSYOP:
They've lied by surreptitiously changing our language:
The reason for the lock-downs, masking, and economic havoc caused by them was a lie. It was never about safety, it's only been about destroying our liberty, supply chains, health, and wealth:
Our government has become a Frankenstein monster created from the merger of corporate, political, and bureaucrat criminals:
Everyone at the FDA who voted to approve the Pfizer vaccine for children should be drug out into the street and shot ("We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it."):
Meanwhile DARPA is totally out of control:
And in the midst of all of this most people are caught in a disbelief trap believing none of the aforementioned to be true:
They can't see that the entirety of COVID-19 world lock-down operation from a virus with a 99.97% survival rate was a fake false choice from the start:
And so now, we have a One World Government At Our Doorstep that has been using the scamdemic and people's tolerance of it to gain a stranglehold on the world and very few people seem to be aware of this impending tyranny:
We need to remind these people that despite what the government desperately wants them to believe, the government serves us and not the other way around:
And with all of this going on, anyone paying attention to the supply chain collapse or the Ice Age Farmer's broadcasts knows deliberately engineered global famine is just around the corner:
And finally, brace yourself and get prepared, because Klas Schwab (Klas Vader) from WEF fame has declared an incoming cyber attack that will shut down power grids world-wide and make the current COVID shamdemic seem "like a minor distrubance by comparison":
I said all of that to say this:
They've mercilessly chucked us into a corner, and are making no secret of the fact that they are coming for our throats. We are cornered beasts at bay, and it is down to us or them.
One of our most wise founding fathers mentioned something about a fabled tree of liberty needing to be watered from time to time...
the first part of this article states "covid is an ethnic bioweapon". you danced around this point without clearly saying who you believe is responsible for this and of course who would benefit from such a weapon. cui bono.... follow the money. where does it lead? Please name names.