.....yeah, NOT surprised; ONE set of rules for THEE, and.....WONDER if Mayorkas is SEPHARDIC and / or Jesuit, then.....

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Jul 9, 2022·edited Jul 9, 2022

Here’s wfy this again is blatant anti semitism. I want someone to point out when two or three Senators or reps who are acting unethically are referred to as “ 2-3 Christian or catholic leaders are doing this or that “. Stop encouraging anti semetism. I honestly wonder if you’re reading white nationalistic news articles. I read them a lot ( better to know what your enemy is thinking ) and some of your posts are blatantly anti semetic. Like the evil orthodox men speaking about wiping out non Jews. These are often on these aryan nation sites. Please post the links where you got those videos as well as the links you got these stories you wrote about. Shame on you James.

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