In the now iconic still shot of the raised fist not only was there no flag, at least easily seen like in the posed photo but the sky is clear and brilliant blue a total different color from the sky behind stage in the videos. Photo shop, if so fake would not surprise me.
It is odd how in the close up profile of the “bloody” side there is an area on the check that is clear of any blood where there should be at least smeared blood since the white shirt and hand are clear of blood.
In this radio broadcast the show host plays a segment from some yrs ago of a man John ? who was talking about the attempted Reagan assassination Interesting details and “shenanigans” This segment starts about 25 min mark and is about 15 min long. The show host has some interesting comments for about 10 min after the Reagan info.
And the Lord proclaimed, 'What shall you do with the powers of AI? Bring healing to the sick? Give shelter to the weary? And they responded, 'We shall fabricate wars, create child porn, and fake assassinations.”
I worked in the film industry and while most of my work was off production, I did do enough on production work to be with the shooting crew while filming was done. Amazing what can be done with camera angles and editing. Specific extra sounds can be edited during editing process.
Years ago when CGI started and the idea people could be computer generated to me was alarming. SAG did not seem to have a problem with it though. The last writers and actors strike was largely about AI use, especially for actors. Justine Bateman was the most outspoken about it and all her points about it seemed valid. I think AI may be something that will deceive many.
Yes, totally agree- AI will deceive many. And most have no clue that it's something to even look out for. I think they already used AI generated photos as atrocity propaganda to get the slaughter in Palestine going. And I myself got tricked- I was watching a video with Lou Dobbs reading a revisionist history book. At first, I was completely surprised that Dobbs was into revisionist history. Then I realized it was AI generated--it looked like him and sounded like him, but then I noticed the details around the mouth were off. And the woman at the twitter account above also posted some video from 7/13 that she thought was AI--the giveaway was the hands. So, maybe AI has difficulty with smaller details.
I have stayed away from a lot of the Gaza stuff because I have not known what photos could be AI and what is real. I know there are horrible things happening there, but what all is real and what is not is hard to separate clearly. I have lost friends who would ONLY accept me backing Israel and the early 10/7 exaggerated reports. Family have suggested I support Hamas and I have said to those the goal is more divide.
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Glad to see you're a discerning and spiritually awake person James. It's sad to see how deceived people are around all of this. Ignorant and deceived sheep, being led to the slaughter. No idea of who and what actually runs this world, nor how architected, scripted and theatrical things are on the world's stage. There is a reason the cabal holds the plebes in such contempt and think we're cattle.
This was 100% staged -- sure perhaps someone was shot/sacrificed, but this is not different than MANY past events (heck, Israel just purposely sacrificed a bunch of their own people to drive a narrative not long ago, duh)...and STILL people don't see. People need to wake up to the evil that is running our country and world, before the next shoes drop. The divide and conquer tactics are about to move towards Ordo Ab Chao. If people don't wake up, they WILL be led to the slaughter...most likely most of us will...dragged down with the sheep. That depop and NWO reset plan is NOT conspiracy. I've been trauma nurse for a long time and I’ve never seen a guy roll through my trauma room after being shot do a fist pump in my life. Never mind directly afterward being shot. They are usually in complete shock You think if you were hit at any level in the ear by a high velocity projectile round, your head wouldn't be ringing and you wouldn't lose balance, and be dazed as F*ck. NOT standing like a hero with your fist high to the audience. Blood smear is Hollywood 101. Imagine a bullet and velocity hitting your ear and you pat it like its a mosquito. Makes no sense. (And wouldn't you let out a yell or something from the pain of a high speed bullet hitting you?)
So the bullet nicked his ear…no one ever said it tore off his ear or put a gaping hole in it or anything similar. Clearly it only grazed his ear enough to make a small cut and hence, a small amount of blood. I’m not a MD yet, as a somewhat accident prone person, had more stitches than I care to count, and a hunter, I feel I have deep and experienced knowledge about things cuts, wounds, and things that bleed.
There is no way this “event” was planned by Trump. The shear numbers of people who would need to be involved, the fact of a real and tragic murder and a couple other serious injuries…there are always loose lips. Trump doesn’t need any help with votes or popularity as he already has it in the bag. He’s been like a juggernaut. There is way too much risk of a fake getting leaked and then his credibility is ruined and he loses the election. Crimes are never perfect.
There is however a perfect God. Did God intervene in this case? I don’t know as I am not God. Do I believe in miracles, absolutely! And the really beautiful part to this comment? It doesn’t prove I am dumb nor does it prove I am brainwashed because I can assure you I am not, in either case.
As a person who believes that everyone is entitled to an opinion and I would fight to defend your right to that opinion even if I disagree, I take offense to the fact you condemn anyone who doesn’t see it your way and at worst you label us as worthless dummies. That’s what the corrupt left does and we shouldn’t sink into their reprehensible ways. Aren’t *we* more intelligent than that?
He's a total puppet. Bailed out of bankruptcy by the Rothschilds. They own him. Back when Pat Buchanan broke from the GOP and joined the Reform Party to campaign for Presidency, they trotted out Trump and had him attack Buchanan, calling him an antisemite and Hitler supporter. Buchanan was the original America First candidate, and Trump attacked him.
Trump was undoubtedly in on it. Go back and watch. Any magician (or Babylon MAGA-i as Trump claims) has the crowd looking at the “chart”. That probably has meaning. The crowd has signs “You’re fired” which haven’t been seen before. The crowd is the real SS - you can tell by how they’re pretty awfully acting. The SS in suits is IMBd actors. The dr they interviewed appears to be SS too. He uses “flank, aid tent, receive assistance” & a few other military words no civilian post shooting would say. Also some number codes - he also refers to 7 shots which corresponds to slave years. That dr is wearing a red shirt (Freemason color code). He also says the shots come from BEHIND the bleachers -oops. I can’t tell if the cue for the well, lets call it “loud noise” , is from Trump but it seems to possibly be his last line slowly (watch & listen) or it’s from someone in the crowd. He’s very much in on it. Go back & carefully listen & watch him. The projector or chart is there as a diversion & his ear is hidden for quite a bit before. It’s extremely intentional. I have a few more ideas on this but not thoroughly researched. Could it not even be Trump in the hat? That actor is lowered beneath trap door & Trump emerges with blood on his ear? Some photos may have been staged before too. The one of him on the ground may have been pre produced. There are agent provocateurs on the field yelling to get regular Joe’s to look at the roof. The female campaign manager - forget her job title- is looking to make sure everyone is in place beforehand. Operation Right Ear Piercing was a success & Trump was the lead actor.
correct, except his ear is completely unpierced and he showed it off as a fuck you to bibi three days ago, the same day bibi tried to blame it on Iran.
Have to admit, the story is kind of hilarious if it wasn't all so sick.
Sorry, I did not mean to offend, I would never condemn anyone or think they are “worthless dummies” for their beliefs.
Many news networks are reporting this event as “a miracle,” though they are supposed to report only facts and let people decide on supernatural characterizations. This is a sign they’re deceiving on this issue, and people are accepting the miracle narrative as news.
"Many news networks are reporting this event as “a miracle,” though they are supposed to report only facts and let people decide on supernatural characterizations."
Dr Hill - re: " supposed to"...are you possibly overlooking the Smith-Mundt Moderization Act of 2012??
Good point. The Smith-Mundt Moderization Act of 2012 apparently authorized the Departments of State and Defense to propagandize Americans, even if only as a secondary effect of propagandizing foreign entities.
They've been pulling off these things for generations. They count on the gullibility of the population. There are experts in psychology who have been enabling them for years. You think they don't kill innocent bystanders? Wow.
I was going to say pretty much what you have said ... then I spotted your comment ...
Very dark forces are controlling America ... and I don't trust anyone who has 'kissed that damn wall' ... America is in dire danger ...
There are many things wrong with the Trump assassination attempt ... from Biden, the Secret Service down ... things do not add up ... and we have examples in the past of 'untenable' situations ... the Kennedy assassinations, the Moon landings, Watergate, 9/11, the GFC, Covid ... all extremely questionable ... and yet ... for some reason ... some, as yet unfathomable 'technique' being used ... which one can only conjecture is some sort of 'national security' narrative or blackmail/threat , people have kept their mouths shut ...
A war has been waged on Trump ever since he first announced his run for the Presidency ... why?
Is it because he is not a 'Deep State' puppet ... or because he is a 'Deep State' puppet ... and the last 8 years or so have been a huge 'pysop' ...
If it is all a big 'pysop' ... why did they go to the trouble of a 'faked' assassination attempt ...
They didn't need to do it ... Trump winning the Presidency is now down to them ... they either rig another election ... take him out ... or start WWIII ... to stop him being President ... but ... to make him President ... they don't need to risk a ... very dangerous to them risk of being exposed ... fake assassination attempt ...
Trump was driven to hospital ... surely some people would have clocked fake blood/no wound
At this stage ... there is no real evidence it was staged ... there is more evidence that the Secret Service let it happen ... perhaps under orders at all events ... to 'let it happen'
At this stage ... the 'money shot' ... is Trump ... the World ... dodged a bullet ... and that ... 'one in a quadrillion' chance ... is ... still ... odds on ... a 'God' shot ...
Even a New York jury would find ... 'God' ... not Trump ... is guilty ... this time!
One reason to fake an assassination attempt is to convince “believers” Trump is “anointed by God” and that his survival is a sign they should go out and vote for him.
Given past thrown elections, there might be extra scrutiny on voting machines in this election, and some counties might not go along with fraudulent ballot counting.
So they want as many people as possible to vote for Trump in case actual votes are counted this time.
I just can't see Trump ... or some kind of evil 'counter Deep State' actors that may be 'handling' him ... going so far ... as to kill innocent bystanders ... to win an election for 'the good guys'
Trump is either a 'Deep State' 'psyop' ... or he's not ...
And, so far ... it has always been ideological 'Deep State' actors ...'that know six ways from Sunday' how to get back at him ...
If it was the 'white hats' doing this .... would they have let 5.5 billion people be injected with lethal genetic poison ... would Trump have risked being exposed as faking his own assassination attempt ... and ruining his entire World/legacy ...
Extra voting scrutiny only helps Trump ... he did not need to fake his own assassination ... knowing the 'Deep State' completely controls MSM, and all the agencies like the FBI and CIA ... that would expose his charade within a matter of days ....
I suggest that only the 'Deep State' would carry out ... and is capable of carrying out ... such a large scale 'fake' assassination ... which would mean Trump is part of the 'Deep State' ... which would make the last 8 years a 'psyop' ... for what?
Assuming you mean the Deep State is [redacted] military intelligence, you’re correct they appear to control US intelligence agencies, MSM, and much of the alt media like Alex Jones.
And they apparently influence Trump, Biden, and RFK Jr.
Trump carries out their orders to promote the shots and red flag gun laws.
He wouldn’t declassify the files on 9/11 or JFK.
And he’ll probably go to war with Iran if they tell him to.
Yeah ... I agree with you ... and ... in many ways ... Trump appears 'Deep State' ... but that makes it even less likely ... as there is absolutely no reason for them to fake an assassination ... what's the point ... unless they rig it again ... Trump will win the election ... he doesn't need 'God' if the 'Deep State' is backing him ...
So that would mean Trump is fighting the 'Deep State' ... with his own 'counter Deep State' ... and risking the 'Deep State' having a 'field day' exposing it ...
Either Trump is a 'good guy' ... and we have a chance ... or Trump is 'Deep State' ... and people should buy up coffins and store them securely ... because there is going to be massive demand for them ...
Okay. I will entertain the hypothesis involving real/not-real deaths of victims AND Trump wound real/not-real. Thus--just as during the COVID scam of a pandemic--we need autopsies and medical reports. Since a crime occurred, or is suspected, there must be an autopsy report for Corey Comparatore. And where were the other shooting victims taken? Will they be patriotic enough to release their medical reports, at least with description of wounds and irrelevant medical information redacted? (Perhaps it has been done already.)
Someone in a another thread said it was a glass cut from a shot hitting the teleprompter - I don’t know but it did look more like a shaving cut bleed than a bullet wound - and now it’s politically beneficial to continue going with the half truth?
There probably were multiple shooters, yes. It makes the real story even more gruesome.
These people were sacrificed in order to guarantee that intense emotion (of those who lost loved ones and those who witnessed the violence) would override the theater played out on the Trump stage (where the female Secret Service keeps the men apart so Trump can have his photo op facing the cameras).
An original, early (undoctored) video clearly reveals only three shots (from a secret service sniper aiming away from Trump - that supposedly kill the young rifleman - Crooks) as Trump grabs his ear. Other shots come later (I have to admit they are there, as they are on videos newly released, showing people or actors going down - but were these shooters using silencers, or was the sound blocked to the front of stage where the original video was taken, or was this another red herring?).
There are close-ups now of the fake blood capsule still holding its gelatinous shape at the top of Trump's ear - look out for it. This is additional to Dr. Rima Leibow calling out fakery after she analyzed the "blood" on Trump's ear and face.
Everything now is all about multiple shooters and failed Secret Service protocols, all of which is a distraction from the obvious fakery on the podium.
Miles Mathis is a veteran at deconstructing these and he does it well here (see link above), including means and motive for the whole operation. Miles unfortunately tends to neglect that sometimes people really do get killed at "fake events" - sacrificed.
The sacrifice move is outright satanic, but it's their way of guaranteeing that you "don't go there" (remember what they did to Alex Jones for "going there" - they made him an example for you and I).
Dr. Shiva posted tweet w/video from a different angle, but conveniently that video cuts off right before he gets shot, then picks up where you see the photographers moving into place (tipped off in advance by SS).
Video here where you see the SS tipping off photographers that the show is about to start, so they can get into position to get the money shot:
Great analysis. A commenter caught that there was no American flag in the video where it appears in the Iwo Jima lookalike photo. It must have been added. So sad that people are so easy to fool. Is humankind doomed to be conned into oblivion?
Also compare the possibly posses still shot with the flag and clear blue sky to the sky in the videos behind the stage. Since subst seems to block photos in comment section I cannot show an example.
I found this very informative. I especially enjoyed reading about Clan Cumming. As it turns out, my family came from Scotland and have traced back the Irvine line which Duncan I, was the one mentioned in Macbeth's play. Duncan I was an Irvine, the Laird of Drum. He was an Abbott or Bishop of Abernathe I believe. lol Don't quote me on that, but there was, and still is, in ruins, a Knight's Templar training ground 2 miles from Drum Castle at the Mary Culter House. You can look it up online, and also Drum Castle where you can probably find some more information on Duncan I. William de Irwyne came to Scotland from somewhere that is unknown, but some seem to think that they came from Spain for some reason. As you may know, the Iberian Peninsula has been known to have been possibly a refuge from the 1st Temple destruction of Shephardic Jews who may have escaped the siege in Jerusalem by Babylon and travelled there by boat. This is pure conjecture, but it makes a lot of sense going along with what Miles has documented here to bring it all together of the times. Duncan I married Beatrix, who was a daughter of King Malcolm I. I hope I've remembered all of this right. lol There's something about Crinan, although I can't quite remember what it is, but it has something to do with Duncan I.
Another thing that I've ran across while studying the Merovingian dynasty were that they were said to be of the tribe of Benjamin and had some kind of magical powers. That comes from the research on Clan Buchanan, which includes the Clan of Harper.
Which links them to the McAlpin Kings or the Kings of Argyll. I hate to bring this up, but I will! lol But, if you read the Book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, it lays it all out very good on the Merovingian Dynasty and makes a strong case of what was really going on here. Although the Authors of the book seem to be atheists, or Agnostic, I encourage you not to lose your faith in Christ by reading it, and take it with a grain of salt, because they haven't proven anything about Jesus, except that possibly when, or if, Mary was exiled that they believed her to have some special information that Christ only divulged to her and they were trying to obtain it to exalt themselves by getting it from her in France at Rennes' le Chateau.
I get the feeling Mathis is messing with us. From his article:
*You will say his ladder is in the shade. But there is no shade, since in this photo there are no shadows. Curious, right? The porch overhang is casting no
shadow at all. Neither are the cars or those cypresses. Proving this is generated by AI that doesn't
understand sunlight. You will say it was a very overcast day, but in that case both ladders would shine
Covid opened my eyes to the magnitude of evil possible. I can’t go back to trusting anyone speaking from the television. Tell a vision. Programming. The evil of it sent me to reading the Bible and lots of parts describing evil that I couldn’t understand I now understand. One part about a person deceiving the masses has had me wondering for a while. The possibility of who has surprised me. Maybe there will be still others in contention. After all BioNTech expects a great fourth quarter this year.
As far as miracles, ghosts, demons, etc., I certainly see demons. You’re not gonna see an orb or spirit. You instead see warmongers, fear mongers, deadly healthcare providers, etc.
Amen carol! This happened to me in 2015. It’s truly a gift, albeit maybe not the fun speaking in tongues that everyone else seems to get. I say that in jest ;). But yes, exactly happened to me
I believe it was a faked injury. I think Trump went down and the small amounts of "blood" were painted on him. If he had a real injury, It would have bled on his shirt, etc. Why would secret service direct photographers to go out to get a shot right before the incident?
I unfortunately have to listen to the entire RNC convention. My husband liikes it. There are speakers who have said that judaism is america. And the Jewish religion is by definition the same as America.
Yes Monica I am afraid it is faked and choreographed World Wrestling Entertainment. Direct your husband to so he can get all his merch there. Today I notice they have fist pump images on their front page. Where is Jesse Ventura and his pink boa when we need him? All in good fun don't ya know.
He also got hit in the chest. That was the first shot, his right shoulder flinches back , then he touches his ear. There was a hole in his jacket. He was wearing a bullet proof vest which they have kept quiet, as to avoid only head kill shots according to a sniper. With all that- I am still skeptical. It does rise him to hero status...though the new narrative about Iran putting him on a kill list makes it scream they will try again, have success, and now, the repubs will willingly go to war for their martyr. Also, University of Denver did an acoustics analysis. There were three different shooters, though one could be the sniper that killed Crooke. That water tower to me was the best sniper perch. Too obvious with all the ridiculous unbelievable mistakes to take this at face value.
Newsmax reported it Monday night after the RNC, and a crowd member posted a picture of the whole in the right side of his jacket, under his pec, near his side when he was down on ground under the SS guys.
Supposedly he lost a chunk of his ear, but he has a bandage over it so we can't see.
Thanks for posting this video. I was confused bc I didn't think DT was in on it and I thought the left was so against him. All smoke and mirrors.
I've shared this with several others, but I'm such a conspiracy realist, they're probably won't buy it. What a crazy, clown world (banana republic) we live in! We all should be outraged!
AmplifyBio, a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) and Contract Research Organization (CRO) focused on differentiating services that cover target optimization, preclinical safety studies, and manufacturing scale-up, and RNAV8 Bio, an emerging startup focused on mRNA engineering platforms, are partnering to provide a one-stop shop for the development of mRNA therapeutics. The combined offering will be ideal for mRNA drug developers who require discovery and optimization with in silico, in vitro, and in vivo methods, preclinical manufacturing, and clinical GMP manufacturing for mRNAs. The end-to-end infrastructure will enable drug developers to rapidly prototype, test, iterate, winnow, and scale up their mRNA therapeutics.
“A key problem holding back mRNA from reaching its full therapeutic potential across rare and common diseases is the lack of streamlined infrastructure to bring therapeutic candidates more rapidly and efficiently to the clinic. Incumbents have resorted to building out their own mRNA design and manufacturing teams, albeit with limited tools at hand and a disjointed supply chain. There is often a steep challenge to find competent services and truly differentiating technology which can improve the probability of success for next-generation mRNA therapeutic and vaccine efforts.” said Devan Shah, CEO at RNAV8 Bio. RNAV8 Bio leverages rational design and ML/AI approaches to engineer desirable mRNA functions more deterministically.
The partnership will integrate RNAV8’s mRNA design and optimization expertise into AmplifyBio’s established preclinical CRO offering, process development, analytical development, and manufacturing capabilities. The result is a built-for-purpose mRNA development and scale up environment with discovery and design support rather than pieced together teams with limited tools and disjointed supply chains.
“AmplifyBio’s capabilities and expertise are strategically aligned to create a sandbox of tools, platforms, and SMEs that enable rapid iterative development and testing, and are further integrated with our manufacturing infrastructure and capacity that was purpose built for clients to grow into versus grow out of. We are particularly excited by the set of tools and capabilities that RNAV8 brings to our sandbox, and we look forward to engaging with our clients to create the next generation of mRNA therapeutics,” said J. Kelly Ganjei, CEO at AmplifyBio.
Ugh, where's the gag button? Does it bother anyone else that they used the term " sandbox", not once, but twice? Who he hell wrote this? A third grader? Nevertheless, we the people had better stand up to this before its too late!!!
Excellent write up, James. Supports pretty much what I wrote explaining that it's a psyop on conspiracy theorists.
Taking out Donald Trump: A Tale of Two Conspiracy Theories - July 15, 2024
In today's fifth-gen world, while many savvy sleuths have correctly called out the event as staged, most of them are arriving at competing versions of cui bono?, both of which are flawed.
you're wrong about that doc, they create the illusion of a shooter, but there was no true shooter, and NO one in the crowd died. those dead people are made up, fake identities, easy to do. that's why crisis actors were sitting right next to the supposed headless dead body without freaking out, they knew it was fake. the entire crowd was in on this and it's obvious. they were also seen recording with phones that weren't even on, lol.
NO ONE was killed. murders are legally and easily faked. actually, killing would be completely illegal (for anyone, even the military agencies) and complicated, so they simply avoid it and fake the deaths using stagecraft and psychological methods.
Thank you, Dr Hill. I waited several days before making a firmer decision on this. My initial instincts favoring a fakery vs a real wounding have been bolstered. Alas, disappointingly, far too many among the Catholic blogosphere are buying into all this, reacting too quickly with just pure emotion. Peggy Hall has reasonable questions about it, too ('The Healthy American' on YT).
Will they never learn not to trust the propaganda outlets called media- especially if there's saturation coverage of an incident? Have we learned nothing after the "COVID" psyop?
I agree! His clean hand is what I saw right away. He even said in his speech last night that he had lots of blood and blood all over his hand. Ummm… no you didn’t!🤔
Why didn’t the agents have some blood on them? Wouldn’t they be trying to stop his bleeding? Everyone was clean, white collars and all. I can’t even eat ice cream and stay that clean.😉. If you’re not loyal to one party or looking for Trump to save America, it’s easy to see through it. Hard pill to swallow though.
In the now iconic still shot of the raised fist not only was there no flag, at least easily seen like in the posed photo but the sky is clear and brilliant blue a total different color from the sky behind stage in the videos. Photo shop, if so fake would not surprise me.
It is odd how in the close up profile of the “bloody” side there is an area on the check that is clear of any blood where there should be at least smeared blood since the white shirt and hand are clear of blood.
In this radio broadcast the show host plays a segment from some yrs ago of a man John ? who was talking about the attempted Reagan assassination Interesting details and “shenanigans” This segment starts about 25 min mark and is about 15 min long. The show host has some interesting comments for about 10 min after the Reagan info.
This woman checked two of the fake assassination photos w/AI, it says one 98%, one 83% chance AI created:
And the Lord proclaimed, 'What shall you do with the powers of AI? Bring healing to the sick? Give shelter to the weary? And they responded, 'We shall fabricate wars, create child porn, and fake assassinations.”
Good find Sandra.
I worked in the film industry and while most of my work was off production, I did do enough on production work to be with the shooting crew while filming was done. Amazing what can be done with camera angles and editing. Specific extra sounds can be edited during editing process.
Years ago when CGI started and the idea people could be computer generated to me was alarming. SAG did not seem to have a problem with it though. The last writers and actors strike was largely about AI use, especially for actors. Justine Bateman was the most outspoken about it and all her points about it seemed valid. I think AI may be something that will deceive many.
Yes, totally agree- AI will deceive many. And most have no clue that it's something to even look out for. I think they already used AI generated photos as atrocity propaganda to get the slaughter in Palestine going. And I myself got tricked- I was watching a video with Lou Dobbs reading a revisionist history book. At first, I was completely surprised that Dobbs was into revisionist history. Then I realized it was AI generated--it looked like him and sounded like him, but then I noticed the details around the mouth were off. And the woman at the twitter account above also posted some video from 7/13 that she thought was AI--the giveaway was the hands. So, maybe AI has difficulty with smaller details.
I have stayed away from a lot of the Gaza stuff because I have not known what photos could be AI and what is real. I know there are horrible things happening there, but what all is real and what is not is hard to separate clearly. I have lost friends who would ONLY accept me backing Israel and the early 10/7 exaggerated reports. Family have suggested I support Hamas and I have said to those the goal is more divide.
Matthew 24:24
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Glad to see you're a discerning and spiritually awake person James. It's sad to see how deceived people are around all of this. Ignorant and deceived sheep, being led to the slaughter. No idea of who and what actually runs this world, nor how architected, scripted and theatrical things are on the world's stage. There is a reason the cabal holds the plebes in such contempt and think we're cattle.
This was 100% staged -- sure perhaps someone was shot/sacrificed, but this is not different than MANY past events (heck, Israel just purposely sacrificed a bunch of their own people to drive a narrative not long ago, duh)...and STILL people don't see. People need to wake up to the evil that is running our country and world, before the next shoes drop. The divide and conquer tactics are about to move towards Ordo Ab Chao. If people don't wake up, they WILL be led to the slaughter...most likely most of us will...dragged down with the sheep. That depop and NWO reset plan is NOT conspiracy.
Please my people, wake up.
Thank you, my friend.
Yes, I totally think this was staged:
Medical doctor, Dr. Rima Laibow, calls BS, looks at blood and lack thereof, says staged theater: I've been trauma nurse for a long time and I’ve never seen a guy roll through my trauma room after being shot do a fist pump in my life. Never mind directly afterward being shot. They are usually in complete shock You think if you were hit at any level in the ear by a high velocity projectile round, your head wouldn't be ringing and you wouldn't lose balance, and be dazed as F*ck. NOT standing like a hero with your fist high to the audience. Blood smear is Hollywood 101. Imagine a bullet and velocity hitting your ear and you pat it like its a mosquito. Makes no sense. (And wouldn't you let out a yell or something from the pain of a high speed bullet hitting you?)
Accurate points. Thank you, Sandra, for this great information.
So the bullet nicked his ear…no one ever said it tore off his ear or put a gaping hole in it or anything similar. Clearly it only grazed his ear enough to make a small cut and hence, a small amount of blood. I’m not a MD yet, as a somewhat accident prone person, had more stitches than I care to count, and a hunter, I feel I have deep and experienced knowledge about things cuts, wounds, and things that bleed.
There is no way this “event” was planned by Trump. The shear numbers of people who would need to be involved, the fact of a real and tragic murder and a couple other serious injuries…there are always loose lips. Trump doesn’t need any help with votes or popularity as he already has it in the bag. He’s been like a juggernaut. There is way too much risk of a fake getting leaked and then his credibility is ruined and he loses the election. Crimes are never perfect.
There is however a perfect God. Did God intervene in this case? I don’t know as I am not God. Do I believe in miracles, absolutely! And the really beautiful part to this comment? It doesn’t prove I am dumb nor does it prove I am brainwashed because I can assure you I am not, in either case.
As a person who believes that everyone is entitled to an opinion and I would fight to defend your right to that opinion even if I disagree, I take offense to the fact you condemn anyone who doesn’t see it your way and at worst you label us as worthless dummies. That’s what the corrupt left does and we shouldn’t sink into their reprehensible ways. Aren’t *we* more intelligent than that?
I agree, it was not planned by Trump.
He doubtless has planners above him giving him orders.
He's a total puppet. Bailed out of bankruptcy by the Rothschilds. They own him. Back when Pat Buchanan broke from the GOP and joined the Reform Party to campaign for Presidency, they trotted out Trump and had him attack Buchanan, calling him an antisemite and Hitler supporter. Buchanan was the original America First candidate, and Trump attacked him.
Trump was undoubtedly in on it. Go back and watch. Any magician (or Babylon MAGA-i as Trump claims) has the crowd looking at the “chart”. That probably has meaning. The crowd has signs “You’re fired” which haven’t been seen before. The crowd is the real SS - you can tell by how they’re pretty awfully acting. The SS in suits is IMBd actors. The dr they interviewed appears to be SS too. He uses “flank, aid tent, receive assistance” & a few other military words no civilian post shooting would say. Also some number codes - he also refers to 7 shots which corresponds to slave years. That dr is wearing a red shirt (Freemason color code). He also says the shots come from BEHIND the bleachers -oops. I can’t tell if the cue for the well, lets call it “loud noise” , is from Trump but it seems to possibly be his last line slowly (watch & listen) or it’s from someone in the crowd. He’s very much in on it. Go back & carefully listen & watch him. The projector or chart is there as a diversion & his ear is hidden for quite a bit before. It’s extremely intentional. I have a few more ideas on this but not thoroughly researched. Could it not even be Trump in the hat? That actor is lowered beneath trap door & Trump emerges with blood on his ear? Some photos may have been staged before too. The one of him on the ground may have been pre produced. There are agent provocateurs on the field yelling to get regular Joe’s to look at the roof. The female campaign manager - forget her job title- is looking to make sure everyone is in place beforehand. Operation Right Ear Piercing was a success & Trump was the lead actor.
Insightful. Thank you, RV.
correct, except his ear is completely unpierced and he showed it off as a fuck you to bibi three days ago, the same day bibi tried to blame it on Iran.
Have to admit, the story is kind of hilarious if it wasn't all so sick.
Hello EK,
Sorry, I did not mean to offend, I would never condemn anyone or think they are “worthless dummies” for their beliefs.
Many news networks are reporting this event as “a miracle,” though they are supposed to report only facts and let people decide on supernatural characterizations. This is a sign they’re deceiving on this issue, and people are accepting the miracle narrative as news.
No media not even alternative media reports facts
"Many news networks are reporting this event as “a miracle,” though they are supposed to report only facts and let people decide on supernatural characterizations."
Dr Hill - re: " supposed to"...are you possibly overlooking the Smith-Mundt Moderization Act of 2012??
Hi BT,
Good point. The Smith-Mundt Moderization Act of 2012 apparently authorized the Departments of State and Defense to propagandize Americans, even if only as a secondary effect of propagandizing foreign entities.
By “supposed to,” I meant the public expects news networks to deliver facts, and those networks violate trust when they deceive.
They've been pulling off these things for generations. They count on the gullibility of the population. There are experts in psychology who have been enabling them for years. You think they don't kill innocent bystanders? Wow.
I was going to say pretty much what you have said ... then I spotted your comment ...
Very dark forces are controlling America ... and I don't trust anyone who has 'kissed that damn wall' ... America is in dire danger ...
There are many things wrong with the Trump assassination attempt ... from Biden, the Secret Service down ... things do not add up ... and we have examples in the past of 'untenable' situations ... the Kennedy assassinations, the Moon landings, Watergate, 9/11, the GFC, Covid ... all extremely questionable ... and yet ... for some reason ... some, as yet unfathomable 'technique' being used ... which one can only conjecture is some sort of 'national security' narrative or blackmail/threat , people have kept their mouths shut ...
A war has been waged on Trump ever since he first announced his run for the Presidency ... why?
Is it because he is not a 'Deep State' puppet ... or because he is a 'Deep State' puppet ... and the last 8 years or so have been a huge 'pysop' ...
If it is all a big 'pysop' ... why did they go to the trouble of a 'faked' assassination attempt ...
They didn't need to do it ... Trump winning the Presidency is now down to them ... they either rig another election ... take him out ... or start WWIII ... to stop him being President ... but ... to make him President ... they don't need to risk a ... very dangerous to them risk of being exposed ... fake assassination attempt ...
Trump was driven to hospital ... surely some people would have clocked fake blood/no wound
At this stage ... there is no real evidence it was staged ... there is more evidence that the Secret Service let it happen ... perhaps under orders at all events ... to 'let it happen'
At this stage ... the 'money shot' ... is Trump ... the World ... dodged a bullet ... and that ... 'one in a quadrillion' chance ... is ... still ... odds on ... a 'God' shot ...
Even a New York jury would find ... 'God' ... not Trump ... is guilty ... this time!
One reason to fake an assassination attempt is to convince “believers” Trump is “anointed by God” and that his survival is a sign they should go out and vote for him.
Given past thrown elections, there might be extra scrutiny on voting machines in this election, and some counties might not go along with fraudulent ballot counting.
So they want as many people as possible to vote for Trump in case actual votes are counted this time.
I just can't see Trump ... or some kind of evil 'counter Deep State' actors that may be 'handling' him ... going so far ... as to kill innocent bystanders ... to win an election for 'the good guys'
Trump is either a 'Deep State' 'psyop' ... or he's not ...
And, so far ... it has always been ideological 'Deep State' actors ...'that know six ways from Sunday' how to get back at him ...
If it was the 'white hats' doing this .... would they have let 5.5 billion people be injected with lethal genetic poison ... would Trump have risked being exposed as faking his own assassination attempt ... and ruining his entire World/legacy ...
Extra voting scrutiny only helps Trump ... he did not need to fake his own assassination ... knowing the 'Deep State' completely controls MSM, and all the agencies like the FBI and CIA ... that would expose his charade within a matter of days ....
I suggest that only the 'Deep State' would carry out ... and is capable of carrying out ... such a large scale 'fake' assassination ... which would mean Trump is part of the 'Deep State' ... which would make the last 8 years a 'psyop' ... for what?
Assuming you mean the Deep State is [redacted] military intelligence, you’re correct they appear to control US intelligence agencies, MSM, and much of the alt media like Alex Jones.
And they apparently influence Trump, Biden, and RFK Jr.
Trump carries out their orders to promote the shots and red flag gun laws.
He wouldn’t declassify the files on 9/11 or JFK.
And he’ll probably go to war with Iran if they tell him to.
Yeah ... I agree with you ... and ... in many ways ... Trump appears 'Deep State' ... but that makes it even less likely ... as there is absolutely no reason for them to fake an assassination ... what's the point ... unless they rig it again ... Trump will win the election ... he doesn't need 'God' if the 'Deep State' is backing him ...
So that would mean Trump is fighting the 'Deep State' ... with his own 'counter Deep State' ... and risking the 'Deep State' having a 'field day' exposing it ...
Either Trump is a 'good guy' ... and we have a chance ... or Trump is 'Deep State' ... and people should buy up coffins and store them securely ... because there is going to be massive demand for them ...
No one died there.
Okay. I will entertain the hypothesis involving real/not-real deaths of victims AND Trump wound real/not-real. Thus--just as during the COVID scam of a pandemic--we need autopsies and medical reports. Since a crime occurred, or is suspected, there must be an autopsy report for Corey Comparatore. And where were the other shooting victims taken? Will they be patriotic enough to release their medical reports, at least with description of wounds and irrelevant medical information redacted? (Perhaps it has been done already.)
Precisely, David.
A sure indication things are amiss is their hiding photographic and video evidence of Trump’s ear “injury.”
Given how cruelly they operate, like with 9/11, I wouldn’t be surprised if Corey Comperatore was acutally killed and others wounded.
There is this, however, showing Comperatore being carried by “handles”:
Good to know that you believe that the 2020 election was fraudulent. I agree.
It sure seems that way, Elizabeth.
Hard to accept “81 million votes” for someone with clear signs of dementia in 2019 and 2020.
Yes, and I think to get everyone to fight & destroy themselves. Divide and then conquer everyone.
Someone in a another thread said it was a glass cut from a shot hitting the teleprompter - I don’t know but it did look more like a shaving cut bleed than a bullet wound - and now it’s politically beneficial to continue going with the half truth?
I’ll take miracles anyday
But, Trump needs more than a miracle to get this country back on track
And that…I just don’t see the God I love doing that for the sinfulness of this nation & Trump Nor any demorat.
No repentance - we perish
Tragic - man’s self will & pride
Read it. Ruminated over it and while I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next person I feel you are drawing a very long bow.
Thank you, Gladys, for reading and considering it.
Great points. Thank you, pandelis.
Miles Mathis caught it and nailed it as usual
Excellent. Will read Mathis’s piece. Thank you, Scott.
There probably were multiple shooters, yes. It makes the real story even more gruesome.
These people were sacrificed in order to guarantee that intense emotion (of those who lost loved ones and those who witnessed the violence) would override the theater played out on the Trump stage (where the female Secret Service keeps the men apart so Trump can have his photo op facing the cameras).
An original, early (undoctored) video clearly reveals only three shots (from a secret service sniper aiming away from Trump - that supposedly kill the young rifleman - Crooks) as Trump grabs his ear. Other shots come later (I have to admit they are there, as they are on videos newly released, showing people or actors going down - but were these shooters using silencers, or was the sound blocked to the front of stage where the original video was taken, or was this another red herring?).
There are close-ups now of the fake blood capsule still holding its gelatinous shape at the top of Trump's ear - look out for it. This is additional to Dr. Rima Leibow calling out fakery after she analyzed the "blood" on Trump's ear and face.
Everything now is all about multiple shooters and failed Secret Service protocols, all of which is a distraction from the obvious fakery on the podium.
Miles Mathis is a veteran at deconstructing these and he does it well here (see link above), including means and motive for the whole operation. Miles unfortunately tends to neglect that sometimes people really do get killed at "fake events" - sacrificed.
The sacrifice move is outright satanic, but it's their way of guaranteeing that you "don't go there" (remember what they did to Alex Jones for "going there" - they made him an example for you and I).
Good observations, Scott.
Pinning this thread.
More info:
Owen Benjamin on twitter/x has been asking how come we have no video or camera from Trump's right side the side allegedly shot (seems very convenient)
Dr. Shiva posted tweet w/video from a different angle, but conveniently that video cuts off right before he gets shot, then picks up where you see the photographers moving into place (tipped off in advance by SS).
Video here where you see the SS tipping off photographers that the show is about to start, so they can get into position to get the money shot:
Great analysis. A commenter caught that there was no American flag in the video where it appears in the Iwo Jima lookalike photo. It must have been added. So sad that people are so easy to fool. Is humankind doomed to be conned into oblivion?
Thank you, Kathy. I hope we’re not doomed, but I often worry about that.
Also compare the possibly posses still shot with the flag and clear blue sky to the sky in the videos behind the stage. Since subst seems to block photos in comment section I cannot show an example.
I found this very informative. I especially enjoyed reading about Clan Cumming. As it turns out, my family came from Scotland and have traced back the Irvine line which Duncan I, was the one mentioned in Macbeth's play. Duncan I was an Irvine, the Laird of Drum. He was an Abbott or Bishop of Abernathe I believe. lol Don't quote me on that, but there was, and still is, in ruins, a Knight's Templar training ground 2 miles from Drum Castle at the Mary Culter House. You can look it up online, and also Drum Castle where you can probably find some more information on Duncan I. William de Irwyne came to Scotland from somewhere that is unknown, but some seem to think that they came from Spain for some reason. As you may know, the Iberian Peninsula has been known to have been possibly a refuge from the 1st Temple destruction of Shephardic Jews who may have escaped the siege in Jerusalem by Babylon and travelled there by boat. This is pure conjecture, but it makes a lot of sense going along with what Miles has documented here to bring it all together of the times. Duncan I married Beatrix, who was a daughter of King Malcolm I. I hope I've remembered all of this right. lol There's something about Crinan, although I can't quite remember what it is, but it has something to do with Duncan I.
Another thing that I've ran across while studying the Merovingian dynasty were that they were said to be of the tribe of Benjamin and had some kind of magical powers. That comes from the research on Clan Buchanan, which includes the Clan of Harper.
Which links them to the McAlpin Kings or the Kings of Argyll. I hate to bring this up, but I will! lol But, if you read the Book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, it lays it all out very good on the Merovingian Dynasty and makes a strong case of what was really going on here. Although the Authors of the book seem to be atheists, or Agnostic, I encourage you not to lose your faith in Christ by reading it, and take it with a grain of salt, because they haven't proven anything about Jesus, except that possibly when, or if, Mary was exiled that they believed her to have some special information that Christ only divulged to her and they were trying to obtain it to exalt themselves by getting it from her in France at Rennes' le Chateau.
Thanks. Missed that. Another one for my website. I am not partisan and never vote. They are performing MK Ultra PsyOps on the whole world.
I get the feeling Mathis is messing with us. From his article:
*You will say his ladder is in the shade. But there is no shade, since in this photo there are no shadows. Curious, right? The porch overhang is casting no
shadow at all. Neither are the cars or those cypresses. Proving this is generated by AI that doesn't
understand sunlight. You will say it was a very overcast day, but in that case both ladders would shine
the same. Busted*
Covid opened my eyes to the magnitude of evil possible. I can’t go back to trusting anyone speaking from the television. Tell a vision. Programming. The evil of it sent me to reading the Bible and lots of parts describing evil that I couldn’t understand I now understand. One part about a person deceiving the masses has had me wondering for a while. The possibility of who has surprised me. Maybe there will be still others in contention. After all BioNTech expects a great fourth quarter this year.
As far as miracles, ghosts, demons, etc., I certainly see demons. You’re not gonna see an orb or spirit. You instead see warmongers, fear mongers, deadly healthcare providers, etc.
Great points. Thank you, Carol.
Amen carol! This happened to me in 2015. It’s truly a gift, albeit maybe not the fun speaking in tongues that everyone else seems to get. I say that in jest ;). But yes, exactly happened to me
I believe it was a faked injury. I think Trump went down and the small amounts of "blood" were painted on him. If he had a real injury, It would have bled on his shirt, etc. Why would secret service direct photographers to go out to get a shot right before the incident?
I unfortunately have to listen to the entire RNC convention. My husband liikes it. There are speakers who have said that judaism is america. And the Jewish religion is by definition the same as America.
Yes Monica I am afraid it is faked and choreographed World Wrestling Entertainment. Direct your husband to so he can get all his merch there. Today I notice they have fist pump images on their front page. Where is Jesse Ventura and his pink boa when we need him? All in good fun don't ya know.
He also got hit in the chest. That was the first shot, his right shoulder flinches back , then he touches his ear. There was a hole in his jacket. He was wearing a bullet proof vest which they have kept quiet, as to avoid only head kill shots according to a sniper. With all that- I am still skeptical. It does rise him to hero status...though the new narrative about Iran putting him on a kill list makes it scream they will try again, have success, and now, the repubs will willingly go to war for their martyr. Also, University of Denver did an acoustics analysis. There were three different shooters, though one could be the sniper that killed Crooke. That water tower to me was the best sniper perch. Too obvious with all the ridiculous unbelievable mistakes to take this at face value.
Great info, Jeanette. Thanks so much.
Do you have a source on the chest shot? I’ll try to find the University of Denver analysis.
Newsmax reported it Monday night after the RNC, and a crowd member posted a picture of the whole in the right side of his jacket, under his pec, near his side when he was down on ground under the SS guys.
Supposedly he lost a chunk of his ear, but he has a bandage over it so we can't see.
No doubt we'll be told that his ear healed miraculously and thus there is no scar.
Right! Just an extension of the “miracle.”
Wow, thank you.
Where can we see a photo of him with his jacket having a hole?
It was posted on X/twitter. I'll see if I can go back and find it
Check out this video (the 4th minute), it's funny when he tells them wait, wait, wait... it's not even a C-grade movie
Interesting! Thank you, OH.
Thanks for posting this video. I was confused bc I didn't think DT was in on it and I thought the left was so against him. All smoke and mirrors.
I've shared this with several others, but I'm such a conspiracy realist, they're probably won't buy it. What a crazy, clown world (banana republic) we live in! We all should be outraged!
His running mate's company (It is all about injecting people with this toxic lethal nanotechnology):
AmplifyBio, a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) and Contract Research Organization (CRO) focused on differentiating services that cover target optimization, preclinical safety studies, and manufacturing scale-up, and RNAV8 Bio, an emerging startup focused on mRNA engineering platforms, are partnering to provide a one-stop shop for the development of mRNA therapeutics. The combined offering will be ideal for mRNA drug developers who require discovery and optimization with in silico, in vitro, and in vivo methods, preclinical manufacturing, and clinical GMP manufacturing for mRNAs. The end-to-end infrastructure will enable drug developers to rapidly prototype, test, iterate, winnow, and scale up their mRNA therapeutics.
“A key problem holding back mRNA from reaching its full therapeutic potential across rare and common diseases is the lack of streamlined infrastructure to bring therapeutic candidates more rapidly and efficiently to the clinic. Incumbents have resorted to building out their own mRNA design and manufacturing teams, albeit with limited tools at hand and a disjointed supply chain. There is often a steep challenge to find competent services and truly differentiating technology which can improve the probability of success for next-generation mRNA therapeutic and vaccine efforts.” said Devan Shah, CEO at RNAV8 Bio. RNAV8 Bio leverages rational design and ML/AI approaches to engineer desirable mRNA functions more deterministically.
The partnership will integrate RNAV8’s mRNA design and optimization expertise into AmplifyBio’s established preclinical CRO offering, process development, analytical development, and manufacturing capabilities. The result is a built-for-purpose mRNA development and scale up environment with discovery and design support rather than pieced together teams with limited tools and disjointed supply chains.
“AmplifyBio’s capabilities and expertise are strategically aligned to create a sandbox of tools, platforms, and SMEs that enable rapid iterative development and testing, and are further integrated with our manufacturing infrastructure and capacity that was purpose built for clients to grow into versus grow out of. We are particularly excited by the set of tools and capabilities that RNAV8 brings to our sandbox, and we look forward to engaging with our clients to create the next generation of mRNA therapeutics,” said J. Kelly Ganjei, CEO at AmplifyBio.
Ugh, where's the gag button? Does it bother anyone else that they used the term " sandbox", not once, but twice? Who he hell wrote this? A third grader? Nevertheless, we the people had better stand up to this before its too late!!!
Shots fired…and no one in the audience ran away? 🤨
Not hard to explain. I was there. My wife insisted I save her seat while she went to get popcorn. I agree she's a bitch.
Excellent write up, James. Supports pretty much what I wrote explaining that it's a psyop on conspiracy theorists.
Taking out Donald Trump: A Tale of Two Conspiracy Theories - July 15, 2024
In today's fifth-gen world, while many savvy sleuths have correctly called out the event as staged, most of them are arriving at competing versions of cui bono?, both of which are flawed.
Thank you so much, Cat.
I look forward to reading your article.
What about the three people shot? One killed?
They were likely shot by a second shooter, as mentioned in the article.
you're wrong about that doc, they create the illusion of a shooter, but there was no true shooter, and NO one in the crowd died. those dead people are made up, fake identities, easy to do. that's why crisis actors were sitting right next to the supposed headless dead body without freaking out, they knew it was fake. the entire crowd was in on this and it's obvious. they were also seen recording with phones that weren't even on, lol.
That would not surprise me, Thworsh.
So much is faked in these events, it’s hard to know what is real.
if there was a ‘shooter’ they just shot blanks, for the purpose of the illusion.
they don’t kill people anymore, it’s one of those ndaa laws, smith mundt 2012 or similar.
they just did it again yesterday. fake golfing incident, "ak47 shooter" this time. now get ready for a 3rd.
NO ONE was killed. murders are legally and easily faked. actually, killing would be completely illegal (for anyone, even the military agencies) and complicated, so they simply avoid it and fake the deaths using stagecraft and psychological methods.
Great post.
I subscribe but never got an email for this one.
Thank you, Tommy.
It appears Substack is shadow banning posts like this. Unfortunate.
Thank you, Dr Hill. I waited several days before making a firmer decision on this. My initial instincts favoring a fakery vs a real wounding have been bolstered. Alas, disappointingly, far too many among the Catholic blogosphere are buying into all this, reacting too quickly with just pure emotion. Peggy Hall has reasonable questions about it, too ('The Healthy American' on YT).
Will they never learn not to trust the propaganda outlets called media- especially if there's saturation coverage of an incident? Have we learned nothing after the "COVID" psyop?
Apparently not, still, for so many.
Totally agree, my friend.
Thank you for your comment.
I agree! His clean hand is what I saw right away. He even said in his speech last night that he had lots of blood and blood all over his hand. Ummm… no you didn’t!🤔
Why didn’t the agents have some blood on them? Wouldn’t they be trying to stop his bleeding? Everyone was clean, white collars and all. I can’t even eat ice cream and stay that clean.😉. If you’re not loyal to one party or looking for Trump to save America, it’s easy to see through it. Hard pill to swallow though.