Egotistical, narcissistic individuals are not typically concerned with the well-being of society or making personal sacrifices for the betterment of society. Such individuals have poor character and are not trustworthy. This is one of the problems we face as a society when we look to self-aggrandizing, pompous individuals who lack integrity to save us from an elite ring of global criminals. It would be better to value humility and personal sacrifice when choosing "leaders". It is as if people in the US believe the best or most charismatic liar is the one who should be entrusted with leading the country. For that matter, anyone who is savvy about US history should know that the POTUS isn't actually elected in valid elections, and does not have any real power (that is left to the intelligence organizations and the mafia/cartels they work with, and the global elites and foreign governments who control them).
Egotistical, narcissistic individuals are not typically concerned with the well-being of society or making personal sacrifices for the betterment of society. Such individuals have poor character and are not trustworthy. This is one of the problems we face as a society when we look to self-aggrandizing, pompous individuals who lack integrity to save us from an elite ring of global criminals. It would be better to value humility and personal sacrifice when choosing "leaders". It is as if people in the US believe the best or most charismatic liar is the one who should be entrusted with leading the country. For that matter, anyone who is savvy about US history should know that the POTUS isn't actually elected in valid elections, and does not have any real power (that is left to the intelligence organizations and the mafia/cartels they work with, and the global elites and foreign governments who control them).
'Everyone who disagrees with me is an egotistical narcissist... just like all my boyfriends." -- Kathy Clarke