One critical thing to keep in mind, one way to reduce SS/Medicare/Medicaid unfunded liabilities is to kill granny. and lots of them died on Trumps watch/shots.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14Liked by James Hill, MD

I blame Biden more than anyone because he forced people to take the covid death shot or they would lose their jobs.

I blame SecDef Austin because he forced the military to take the covid death shots. Religious exemptions were denied. Over 8,000 kicked out for non-compliance.

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“Presidents are selected, not elected.” ― Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The Hegelian Dialectic Process: One and the SAME


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Remember how we were all locked down and "the cable guy" was running around?

Trump signed into law the 5G Act in March 2020:


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It is very important to note that mRNA technology had been around for over thirty years. It always failed, usually killing all the animal subjects. As late as fall 2018, a French paper that was considered a definite review of mRNA said it was not ready for prime time. In animals. To then claim the world has changed in little over a year and that with 2.5 months of testing, this long failed technology is suddenly ready for pregnant women, immunocompromised, and children is beyond madness. It is criminal, by design. Trump knew.

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Feb 14Liked by James Hill, MD

To those who still believe in Trump, tell us this: Is he a Depopulationist or dumber than a box of rocks?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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Feb 14Liked by James Hill, MD

I believe he was steamrolled but will never admit it for 3 reasons.

1. If he now acknowledges jabs bad, he can be targeted in any legal action addressing the fraud.

2. His massive ego will never allow it.

3. He took big pharma election bucks.

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Feb 14Liked by James Hill, MD

He knew at least in part …

He went from being a NY multi billionaire businessman working with the mob in NYC to get business deals accomplished to becoming a “politician” working with the crime bosses in the Washington DC cesspool to try & get re-elected.

It backfired on him.

At best, we could say he exercised poor judgement.

At worst, he fooled us all - he could have replaced Da fraud Fauuchiii & Barf lady Birks with Scott Atlas & Dr Paul Alexander.

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Trump met with Bobby Kennedy in 2017 and was told all about the evil Medical Mafia. He knew.

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Feb 14Liked by James Hill, MD

Hard to argue with this premise. Remember when DJT was gonna put Kennedy in charge o vaccines? They Bill Gates paid a visit to the White House.

He did sign the WArp Speed way before there was any mention of any damn pandemic in China.

Biden suppressed the jab damage and stopped its investigation because he wanted to mandate them.

Gotta get that Deagel prediction on time.

What do we do when everyone including the Intelligence Community wants us all dead?

Who is paying everyone off to kill us?

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Feb 14Liked by James Hill, MD

Trump-dawg also showed his colours by unequivocally supporting the Israeli regime, and its IDF, which means he supports genocide.

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Feb 14Liked by James Hill, MD

CAF -whose grandfather worked for the Rockefeller Foundation and whose mother worked for the Fed- supports RFK Jr. -who is every bit as much a compromised agent as Trump...

..but don't let facts get in the way.

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Feb 14Liked by James Hill, MD

If I understand what Katherine Watt has uncovered about who has the authority for what, no president has any control over declaring a health emergency. The HHS secretary has sole authority. So what Trump could have said was ‘it’s out of my control’ but what president would admit to the citizens he’s not in control of such things. He could do it now but doesn’t. And that’s the tell for me.

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I just wrote a statement that was thrown out. Trump got a $ 1 million donation from Pfizer before the election. That can be ascertained. It's difficult to believe that he or those close to him were unaware of a depopulation plan at least 50 years in public.

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Sick and tired of people like Fitts blaming Trump for things that were NOT in his job description to begin with. He had no more information about the covid nonsense than you or I did. You seem to forget that NO ONE was sharing information with him and NO ONE had his back. The decisions were being made by all the unelected democrats that worked there! The ones that were talking to him were giving him bad information. Flynn was the only one he could trust and look what they did to him. hussein had started spying on him long before he even got the job. Fear is a great motivator and the lot of you wore masks, took the jab, practiced some stupid social distancing and then stayed inside all because some nut in DC said you had to. Quit blaming Trump for the decisions you made on your own. No one forced you to do anything. You chose to either give in to the fear or not and that's your fault, not Trump's.

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She is spot-on! Trump is false messiah and it is amazing to me how gullible Americans can be.

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