One critical thing to keep in mind, one way to reduce SS/Medicare/Medicaid unfunded liabilities is to kill granny. and lots of them died on Trumps watch/shots.
I remember President Trump doing press conferences almost every day and he would talk about alternative like HCQ and monoclonal antibodies. Remember when the we media would make fun of him for wanting to inject bleach to rid of the virus.Remember when he got Covid and once out of the hospital, he spoke about his treatment and said he felt like a million bucks and it was not Remdesivir, I believe it was the monoclonal antibodies. Remember how he was focused on getting ventilators to hospitals because lay people associated ventilators with assistance and lung rest- not knowing that in this case the ventilator would harm the lung. Remember how he got hospitals and ships available so that you could isolate the Covid patients from the healthy. I think we must remember these details when we discuss President Trump. I think he tried a lot of things to help our country through the pandemic. Remember when he said the cure can’t be more harmful than the disease? There is more to this than meets the eye but we must remember it in a balanced and truthful way. Believe me, I am not thrilled that President Trump has not denounced the experimental gene altering bio weapon. And I do not like his Surgeon General pick either. But I am
Not going to make him out as a sinister mass killer when I saw him try to offer alternatives even when Fauci was rolling his eyes at him or the networks were screaming not to listen to him because he had crazy medical alternatives. We have to remember the whole story.
A million over 85 in the US according to recent work. 700-800k direct deaths over 85, and 200-300k who didn't live to see 85, who otherwise would have. Of course, I would have widened the parameters of the count out to the standard age of retirement, which is now about 67.
This was just a form of flu, and the problem was the way that the entire medical cartel failed to treat people with traditional methods concerning respiratory ailments of any kind. Every Doctor, Nurse, medical professional in the world knows the first thing to do is start steroids for inflammation. They did not even give Tylenol. The only allowed treatments were poisons, and ventilator's that they rushed people on to with no respiratory therapist to operate them. This is a specialized skill that cannot be performed by anyone not trained and certified to do. The first thing they did was send people home until they were verry sick, then put them in the hospital, no steroids, get them on vents asap, and this was where the money was! The longer on the vent the bigger the payout was. This was intentional in order to cash in and kill the patient. Two birds with one stone. Ken McCarthy has a book out titled What the Nurses saw. The Nurses that were whistleblowers were fired! This is what a human with deep empathy does in a situation that they know is deadly. Spoiler alert! There is no such thing as a virus. They do not exist and have been proven to be a scam from day one! No science needed. Watch Dr. Sam Baileys two videos, A farewell to virology, and see just how this fraud is created. This same method can be used to turn led into gold and create a Unicorn. Jack.
That's a key point. Denying steroids and antibiotics for any serious lung infection is evidence of malicious intent. All the reports of people in 2019 getting sick (but not classified as "covid") got the usual proper treatment for severe immune reactions. Then all of a sudden it's not prescribed because it's "covid".
Exactly right my friend. Dr. David Martin has two videos that will fill in the blanks, they are called "The great set up, how and who pulled off the covid-19 scamdemic and killer vaccine. This is the most informative thing you will ever see, Jack.
Aw cmon AJ, why so harsh? Why not give them at least a couple years of retirement before deep sixing them. I’m sure glad I got a couple good years of retirement before the bioweapon was rolled out. This was after working 49 years straight.
I blame Biden more than anyone because he forced people to take the covid death shot or they would lose their jobs.
I blame SecDef Austin because he forced the military to take the covid death shots. Religious exemptions were denied. Over 8,000 kicked out for non-compliance.
That's how it is. We need the army to turn this around.
In my country an air lieutenant, Lieutenant Vara del Rey, faced this new world order. When Dr. Campra's 2nd report came out, which unequivocally demonstrated the presence of a deadly toxin in vaccines, graphene oxide, which is not declared in vaccines, he sent a letter to the Minister of Defense to stop vaccination in our country and the troops, alleging compelling evidence such as this 2nd report by Dr. Campra, doctor in Chemistry. The unpresentable Minister dismissed the Lieutenant.
There are many people from the army and national security who know what is happening and are in The Fifth Column. We discovered everything in 2021, we know everything. See my substack
Get the idea that this is going to get worse. The 2030 Agenda is going to be fulfilled, and the US will bear the brunt.
It is not the government that rules, everyone obeys their master, political color does not matter, everyone is equal. Whoever does not realize this will fall soon
It is very important to note that mRNA technology had been around for over thirty years. It always failed, usually killing all the animal subjects. As late as fall 2018, a French paper that was considered a definite review of mRNA said it was not ready for prime time. In animals. To then claim the world has changed in little over a year and that with 2.5 months of testing, this long failed technology is suddenly ready for pregnant women, immunocompromised, and children is beyond madness. It is criminal, by design. Trump knew.
He does not. He wants us in charge. We need to become the leaders. It's on our shoulders. That was always the intent of this nation. Watch DJT's inauguration speech from January 20, 2017.
I like to consider actions over words from speech writers. The main accomplishment of his administration was a further reduction of taxes on the wealthiest.
I also consider actions of individuals. It is not DJT's fault we are where we are. He was POTUS when most of it was disclosed. And even more is being exposed since the last [s]election. I am in the lowest earning of people, and my taxes were reduced when DJT was POTUS.
The Guardian, 4 years ago: "Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%". Cutting for the poor cost little but paid for loyalty, and served to cover the huge benefit to the wealthiest.
He signed more than 200 executive orders, most of little benefit to the lower classes; you supported his extension of unemployment benefits during the pandemic? that's a socialist program, as is social security, medicare and medicaid, food stamps, Fannie and Freddie...I could go on.....cutting $500 in taxes of the poor probably feels like more benefit than the 5 million in fewer taxes paid by a billionaire, and might be a larger % cut than the cut for the billionaire, which is how they cynically try to paper over the difference with talking points.
Don't know where I supported the extension of unemployment, but I'll take your word for it... which means nothing. Do you just have a bunch of MSDNC Propaganda in a text file so you can make yourself look dumb?
I still love him and still I believe. I'm sorry he talked you into taking the shot even after he offered you alternatives. Sour grapes for you, I guess. RIP
What a mean spirited comment. You jump to conclusions without evidence, I see.
I didn’t take the ClotShot because I knew Trump was playing his carefully crafted part in promoting his “beautiful” albeit lethal vaccines. To this day he endorses them. The jig’s up and he’s still repeating the same lines. Whoever paid these people off sure are getting their money’s worth.
Like all the others who pushed the democide, including Biden, Trump has innocent human blood on his hands.
Glad you liked it. I'm sure Hillary would have given you a safe and effective vaccine. That vaccine was going to come out with or without Trump, you're just not thinking clearly, as an obvious Commie.
Egotistical, narcissistic individuals are not typically concerned with the well-being of society or making personal sacrifices for the betterment of society. Such individuals have poor character and are not trustworthy. This is one of the problems we face as a society when we look to self-aggrandizing, pompous individuals who lack integrity to save us from an elite ring of global criminals. It would be better to value humility and personal sacrifice when choosing "leaders". It is as if people in the US believe the best or most charismatic liar is the one who should be entrusted with leading the country. For that matter, anyone who is savvy about US history should know that the POTUS isn't actually elected in valid elections, and does not have any real power (that is left to the intelligence organizations and the mafia/cartels they work with, and the global elites and foreign governments who control them).
From Dr. Paul Alexander: "He [Trump] will tell you too that he knows the vaccine, the Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Kariko et al. mRNA vaccines have harmed and killed…he will…he is getting there. He has to…His team knows…we are helping him behind the scenes."
I agree Green Hornet . One lesson is humbleness and humility and dying to oneself …. Once a person does this , no matter what their occupation or status is , awesome things happen. It’s so easy , just do the right thing .
Go on... what should he have done? I'll tell you what would have happened if he took your advice instead of military intelligence's advice. His first term was baiting traps... wait until you see what happens next.
He went from being a NY multi billionaire businessman working with the mob in NYC to get business deals accomplished to becoming a “politician” working with the crime bosses in the Washington DC cesspool to try & get re-elected.
It backfired on him.
At best, we could say he exercised poor judgement.
At worst, he fooled us all - he could have replaced Da fraud Fauuchiii & Barf lady Birks with Scott Atlas & Dr Paul Alexander.
When has DJT ever acted like the [s]elected politicians?
Have you consideread that much that has been learned within the past 7-8 years had been largely unknown by most of the populace of the U.S. (and likely the p opulace of a few other countreis)? I had been worked 3-7 jobs since 2006, so I had no time to even watch or read much news or dig for information (I finally got internet in 2017). I live in a rual area and have limited access to libraries.
Take a look at all that has been exposed and continues to be exposed. Did that happen prior to DJT becoming the president? Cahterine can blame anyone she chooses to, but maybe she is not taking a 40,000 foot view of the entire situation. To pick out certain pieces of a puzzle and place blame here and here is egregious. We must do better than to argue with each other.
To blame one person for all the evils is just wrong. It is totally up to each of us to figure things out. That takes people workig together (crowd sourcing information and then sitting down and talking things out). It helps to have a teacher to help us organize our findings. I appreciate Catherine for information gained through her interviews and her website.
There is a ton of evidence that Trump is a globalist. Trump is WEF. He is an "Agenda Contributer," which is Bill Gates level leadership. He has been for years. He is a Freemason. He practices the occult. He knew the shots were bioweapons. I don't agree with this man's religious views, but he does a great job of pulling together the evidence that is right in our faces.
CAF IS DIRTY - and now supporting KENNEDY - who is deep state crap. Some of you ppl need to blame somebody for you taking the jab - so you could keep your job? Travel? Be with the hive mind?
Please - you are pitiful weak Normies Look in the mirror for your answer. Nobody forced you - buy you were (and are) to weak to be an individual.
He didn't work with the mob. They couldn't get close to him, according to Sammy the Bull, because all his security team were FBI agents. Trump's family, going back to his great grandfather, were FBI Informants. Uncle John G. Trump was the guy that the FBI called after Nikola Tesla died so he could go through his papers. That is a KNOWN fact.
Kennedy is Deep State. Use your head. Trump used him to send a message. He sent many messages. Did you know he threatened the CIA on day one of his Presidency?
Their money will be garbage and they will be hunted down. The onl way to end the centuries-long plan of the elites was to catch them in the act and minimize the collateral damage. They'll never be able to try this again. If Hillary won, you'd get a knock on your door, "We're here to check your vaccine status, prole!"
I just wrote a statement that was thrown out. Trump got a $ 1 million donation from Pfizer before the election. That can be ascertained. It's difficult to believe that he or those close to him were unaware of a depopulation plan at least 50 years in public.
If I understand what Katherine Watt has uncovered about who has the authority for what, no president has any control over declaring a health emergency. The HHS secretary has sole authority. So what Trump could have said was ‘it’s out of my control’ but what president would admit to the citizens he’s not in control of such things. He could do it now but doesn’t. And that’s the tell for me.
Trump is proud of the vaccines produced under Operation Warp Speed and I'm pretty sure it isn't an act so I would agree with Catherine that it doesn't matter who is president. Just like here in Australia where our leaders all take their orders from the same place.
One critical thing to keep in mind, one way to reduce SS/Medicare/Medicaid unfunded liabilities is to kill granny. and lots of them died on Trumps watch/shots.
Thank you, Vic.
WRONG. On his watch? Was Dr. Trump supervising? He controls the hospitals and Doctors who were only following their mandated orders?
I remember President Trump doing press conferences almost every day and he would talk about alternative like HCQ and monoclonal antibodies. Remember when the we media would make fun of him for wanting to inject bleach to rid of the virus.Remember when he got Covid and once out of the hospital, he spoke about his treatment and said he felt like a million bucks and it was not Remdesivir, I believe it was the monoclonal antibodies. Remember how he was focused on getting ventilators to hospitals because lay people associated ventilators with assistance and lung rest- not knowing that in this case the ventilator would harm the lung. Remember how he got hospitals and ships available so that you could isolate the Covid patients from the healthy. I think we must remember these details when we discuss President Trump. I think he tried a lot of things to help our country through the pandemic. Remember when he said the cure can’t be more harmful than the disease? There is more to this than meets the eye but we must remember it in a balanced and truthful way. Believe me, I am not thrilled that President Trump has not denounced the experimental gene altering bio weapon. And I do not like his Surgeon General pick either. But I am
Not going to make him out as a sinister mass killer when I saw him try to offer alternatives even when Fauci was rolling his eyes at him or the networks were screaming not to listen to him because he had crazy medical alternatives. We have to remember the whole story.
Is he so dumb he has no idea what was going on?
He's not a genius blog reader like you? Your reasoning is quite circular.
A million over 85 in the US according to recent work. 700-800k direct deaths over 85, and 200-300k who didn't live to see 85, who otherwise would have. Of course, I would have widened the parameters of the count out to the standard age of retirement, which is now about 67.
This was just a form of flu, and the problem was the way that the entire medical cartel failed to treat people with traditional methods concerning respiratory ailments of any kind. Every Doctor, Nurse, medical professional in the world knows the first thing to do is start steroids for inflammation. They did not even give Tylenol. The only allowed treatments were poisons, and ventilator's that they rushed people on to with no respiratory therapist to operate them. This is a specialized skill that cannot be performed by anyone not trained and certified to do. The first thing they did was send people home until they were verry sick, then put them in the hospital, no steroids, get them on vents asap, and this was where the money was! The longer on the vent the bigger the payout was. This was intentional in order to cash in and kill the patient. Two birds with one stone. Ken McCarthy has a book out titled What the Nurses saw. The Nurses that were whistleblowers were fired! This is what a human with deep empathy does in a situation that they know is deadly. Spoiler alert! There is no such thing as a virus. They do not exist and have been proven to be a scam from day one! No science needed. Watch Dr. Sam Baileys two videos, A farewell to virology, and see just how this fraud is created. This same method can be used to turn led into gold and create a Unicorn. Jack.
That's a key point. Denying steroids and antibiotics for any serious lung infection is evidence of malicious intent. All the reports of people in 2019 getting sick (but not classified as "covid") got the usual proper treatment for severe immune reactions. Then all of a sudden it's not prescribed because it's "covid".
Exactly right my friend. Dr. David Martin has two videos that will fill in the blanks, they are called "The great set up, how and who pulled off the covid-19 scamdemic and killer vaccine. This is the most informative thing you will ever see, Jack.
Aw cmon AJ, why so harsh? Why not give them at least a couple years of retirement before deep sixing them. I’m sure glad I got a couple good years of retirement before the bioweapon was rolled out. This was after working 49 years straight.
I believe it was President Harry S. Trumpman who said, “The democide stops here.”
if it were only to stop somewhere. I was going to type LOL about your comment but then I realized were are joking about mass murder.
This interview is over a year old. 20.12.22
I blame Biden more than anyone because he forced people to take the covid death shot or they would lose their jobs.
I blame SecDef Austin because he forced the military to take the covid death shots. Religious exemptions were denied. Over 8,000 kicked out for non-compliance.
Because I am retired military, I was outraged and heartbroken because the active duty troops were forced with a "Sophie's choice" type of decision.
Refuse the covid death shot, and be kicked out with total loss of benefits, including VA benefits.
Or, take the covid death shot because they have a family to feed, and possibly be injured or killed.
No one should ever be put into a position like that...
It’s like asking the condemned Prisoner which he prefers, hanging or firing squad.
Kathleen- thank you for your service to this country ❤️🇺🇸💙 is just so distressing to see what is happening in today's military.
And, it is being done on purpose to demoralize and decimate the country.
True KJ and thank u
Not only military In all parts of the world they were forced indirectly. Either you get vaccinated or we'll fire you from work.
Being retired military, I was outraged at what was done to active duty troops. All on purpose to deliberately decimate and weaken the military.
That's how it is. We need the army to turn this around.
In my country an air lieutenant, Lieutenant Vara del Rey, faced this new world order. When Dr. Campra's 2nd report came out, which unequivocally demonstrated the presence of a deadly toxin in vaccines, graphene oxide, which is not declared in vaccines, he sent a letter to the Minister of Defense to stop vaccination in our country and the troops, alleging compelling evidence such as this 2nd report by Dr. Campra, doctor in Chemistry. The unpresentable Minister dismissed the Lieutenant.
There are many people from the army and national security who know what is happening and are in The Fifth Column. We discovered everything in 2021, we know everything. See my substack
That is so sad...America has lost its moral compass...and I am afraid we will not get it back.
Get the idea that this is going to get worse. The 2030 Agenda is going to be fulfilled, and the US will bear the brunt.
It is not the government that rules, everyone obeys their master, political color does not matter, everyone is equal. Whoever does not realize this will fall soon
I ask myself all the time, "how did we get to this point?"
“Presidents are selected, not elected.” ― Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The Hegelian Dialectic Process: One and the SAME
Most of the time. You could be witnessing a military operation and Trump was never supposed to win.
Remember how we were all locked down and "the cable guy" was running around?
Trump signed into law the 5G Act in March 2020:
Good point, Roman.
See also:
Thank you James, yes I saw this article before. You do a great job assimilating information simply for many.
Thank you so much, Roman.
I appreciate your work.
Yup. But they all are in the tank for 5G. Its a weapon, and our masters need it to crowd control us.
So you still don't understand what was really going on? You don't know what Cov Fe Fe means? Look into it. He was disarming the 5g weapon.
It is very important to note that mRNA technology had been around for over thirty years. It always failed, usually killing all the animal subjects. As late as fall 2018, a French paper that was considered a definite review of mRNA said it was not ready for prime time. In animals. To then claim the world has changed in little over a year and that with 2.5 months of testing, this long failed technology is suddenly ready for pregnant women, immunocompromised, and children is beyond madness. It is criminal, by design. Trump knew.
To those who still believe in Trump, tell us this: Is he a Depopulationist or dumber than a box of rocks?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I would like your comment twice if I could.
I think he wants the US oligarchs left in charge of the US, instead of the self appointed globalists
He does not. He wants us in charge. We need to become the leaders. It's on our shoulders. That was always the intent of this nation. Watch DJT's inauguration speech from January 20, 2017.
I like to consider actions over words from speech writers. The main accomplishment of his administration was a further reduction of taxes on the wealthiest.
I also consider actions of individuals. It is not DJT's fault we are where we are. He was POTUS when most of it was disclosed. And even more is being exposed since the last [s]election. I am in the lowest earning of people, and my taxes were reduced when DJT was POTUS.
The Guardian, 4 years ago: "Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%". Cutting for the poor cost little but paid for loyalty, and served to cover the huge benefit to the wealthiest.
Spoken like a true commie. Go through his Executive Orders, you clearly have no idea what he did because the tv didn't want you to know.
He signed more than 200 executive orders, most of little benefit to the lower classes; you supported his extension of unemployment benefits during the pandemic? that's a socialist program, as is social security, medicare and medicaid, food stamps, Fannie and Freddie...I could go on.....cutting $500 in taxes of the poor probably feels like more benefit than the 5 million in fewer taxes paid by a billionaire, and might be a larger % cut than the cut for the billionaire, which is how they cynically try to paper over the difference with talking points.
Don't know where I supported the extension of unemployment, but I'll take your word for it... which means nothing. Do you just have a bunch of MSDNC Propaganda in a text file so you can make yourself look dumb?
Maybe you hate poor black people? That's so racist.
That's not true at all... you have to read them rather than take Rachel Maddow's word for it. Start with this one, liar....
Executive Order on Access to Affordable Life-saving Medications
Do you hate Diabetics and those with Life-Threatening Allergies?
I still love him and still I believe. I'm sorry he talked you into taking the shot even after he offered you alternatives. Sour grapes for you, I guess. RIP
What a mean spirited comment. You jump to conclusions without evidence, I see.
I didn’t take the ClotShot because I knew Trump was playing his carefully crafted part in promoting his “beautiful” albeit lethal vaccines. To this day he endorses them. The jig’s up and he’s still repeating the same lines. Whoever paid these people off sure are getting their money’s worth.
Like all the others who pushed the democide, including Biden, Trump has innocent human blood on his hands.
That’s the reality of your idol.
Glad you liked it. I'm sure Hillary would have given you a safe and effective vaccine. That vaccine was going to come out with or without Trump, you're just not thinking clearly, as an obvious Commie.
“I still love him and still I believe.”
It's a pure kind of love. Bots can't seem to understand.
Trumpy is a zio goy. He’s married to the mob. He ain’t getting out and he’s paid handsomely.
You realize you're saying this without any evidence?
Surely you can not be THIS asleep right? Are you STILL not able to see you've been played?? Man cognitive dissonance is a bitch
I believe he was steamrolled but will never admit it for 3 reasons.
1. If he now acknowledges jabs bad, he can be targeted in any legal action addressing the fraud.
2. His massive ego will never allow it.
3. He took big pharma election bucks.
Those are good points, TGH.
But if Trump knows now, don’t you think he should try to stop it and no longer keep promoting the injections?
He still says they “saved tens of millions of lives” without evidence, and this can only compound the liability.
Egotistical, narcissistic individuals are not typically concerned with the well-being of society or making personal sacrifices for the betterment of society. Such individuals have poor character and are not trustworthy. This is one of the problems we face as a society when we look to self-aggrandizing, pompous individuals who lack integrity to save us from an elite ring of global criminals. It would be better to value humility and personal sacrifice when choosing "leaders". It is as if people in the US believe the best or most charismatic liar is the one who should be entrusted with leading the country. For that matter, anyone who is savvy about US history should know that the POTUS isn't actually elected in valid elections, and does not have any real power (that is left to the intelligence organizations and the mafia/cartels they work with, and the global elites and foreign governments who control them).
'Everyone who disagrees with me is an egotistical narcissist... just like all my boyfriends." -- Kathy Clarke
From Dr. Paul Alexander: "He [Trump] will tell you too that he knows the vaccine, the Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Kariko et al. mRNA vaccines have harmed and killed…he will…he is getting there. He has to…His team knows…we are helping him behind the scenes."
He's a webmaster too!? He built his own page on that site!? He's amazing!
How would he know? Did you get word that he reads your blog or something?
Dr. James Hill knows I'm onto his game. Deep State Sleeper keeps concern trolling. Blame Biden, it all happened on HIS watch.
Either Way: the man is OWNED. As is the Office of the Presidency ITSELF.
I agree Green Hornet . One lesson is humbleness and humility and dying to oneself …. Once a person does this , no matter what their occupation or status is , awesome things happen. It’s so easy , just do the right thing .
He already addressed issues via his Newsweek article a long time ago last year after censorship started easing on data.
He also made a video telling people not to fall for the Covid scam again.
Thank you for the info.
If you find that video, feel free to link it here.
Apparently he still promotes the shots but not mandates for them.
Never heard him retract any of this:
He didn't. You're correct.
James - alotta BS in that you tube ! Terrible imo - poor leadership (as poor as Obidein - no, but do we really have to compare ?)
No he didn't. He believes there should be no coercion. That's it.
Still talks about the millions of lives saved.
The Covid scam he talks about is the BS surrounding actions taken during the planDemic pre jab.
But that's enough. Millions of lives WERE saved. You haven't thought this through.
Trump met with Bobby Kennedy in 2017 and was told all about the evil Medical Mafia. He knew.
Go on... what should he have done? I'll tell you what would have happened if he took your advice instead of military intelligence's advice. His first term was baiting traps... wait until you see what happens next.
He knew at least in part …
He went from being a NY multi billionaire businessman working with the mob in NYC to get business deals accomplished to becoming a “politician” working with the crime bosses in the Washington DC cesspool to try & get re-elected.
It backfired on him.
At best, we could say he exercised poor judgement.
At worst, he fooled us all - he could have replaced Da fraud Fauuchiii & Barf lady Birks with Scott Atlas & Dr Paul Alexander.
When has DJT ever acted like the [s]elected politicians?
Have you consideread that much that has been learned within the past 7-8 years had been largely unknown by most of the populace of the U.S. (and likely the p opulace of a few other countreis)? I had been worked 3-7 jobs since 2006, so I had no time to even watch or read much news or dig for information (I finally got internet in 2017). I live in a rual area and have limited access to libraries.
Take a look at all that has been exposed and continues to be exposed. Did that happen prior to DJT becoming the president? Cahterine can blame anyone she chooses to, but maybe she is not taking a 40,000 foot view of the entire situation. To pick out certain pieces of a puzzle and place blame here and here is egregious. We must do better than to argue with each other.
To blame one person for all the evils is just wrong. It is totally up to each of us to figure things out. That takes people workig together (crowd sourcing information and then sitting down and talking things out). It helps to have a teacher to help us organize our findings. I appreciate Catherine for information gained through her interviews and her website.
There is a ton of evidence that Trump is a globalist. Trump is WEF. He is an "Agenda Contributer," which is Bill Gates level leadership. He has been for years. He is a Freemason. He practices the occult. He knew the shots were bioweapons. I don't agree with this man's religious views, but he does a great job of pulling together the evidence that is right in our faces.
Nah. They added him to his site to make him look compromised. This is PsyWar.
Lol, okay. So, what's his excuse for all of his occult symbolism he uses?
Now you're just making things up: Question: If I search your name on LexisNexis, will I find you actually exist?
Tell me where I'm wrong.
CAF IS DIRTY - and now supporting KENNEDY - who is deep state crap. Some of you ppl need to blame somebody for you taking the jab - so you could keep your job? Travel? Be with the hive mind?
Please - you are pitiful weak Normies Look in the mirror for your answer. Nobody forced you - buy you were (and are) to weak to be an individual.
He didn't work with the mob. They couldn't get close to him, according to Sammy the Bull, because all his security team were FBI agents. Trump's family, going back to his great grandfather, were FBI Informants. Uncle John G. Trump was the guy that the FBI called after Nikola Tesla died so he could go through his papers. That is a KNOWN fact.
Trump-dawg also showed his colours by unequivocally supporting the Israeli regime, and its IDF, which means he supports genocide.
every one of his children is married to a (( )), or with one
I would rather see the money go to Israel than Ukraine.
Because Ukraine is a money-laundering operation for the Biden regime.
It is funding bioweapons labs and human trafficking.
Ukraine has been the most corrupt country in Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
You don't think Israel is bigtime in money laundering? Been that way for decades, c'mon.
Maybe they are...but, Ukraine is the king of money laundering for the Biden regime and the Deep State.
"nobody's perfect"
Not trying to be a smart ass...but I don't trust corrupt cokehead of Kiev Zelensky as far as I could throw him.
Hard to argue with this premise. Remember when DJT was gonna put Kennedy in charge o vaccines? They Bill Gates paid a visit to the White House.
He did sign the WArp Speed way before there was any mention of any damn pandemic in China.
Biden suppressed the jab damage and stopped its investigation because he wanted to mandate them.
Gotta get that Deagel prediction on time.
What do we do when everyone including the Intelligence Community wants us all dead?
Who is paying everyone off to kill us?
Kennedy is Deep State. Use your head. Trump used him to send a message. He sent many messages. Did you know he threatened the CIA on day one of his Presidency?
Their money will be garbage and they will be hunted down. The onl way to end the centuries-long plan of the elites was to catch them in the act and minimize the collateral damage. They'll never be able to try this again. If Hillary won, you'd get a knock on your door, "We're here to check your vaccine status, prole!"
I just wrote a statement that was thrown out. Trump got a $ 1 million donation from Pfizer before the election. That can be ascertained. It's difficult to believe that he or those close to him were unaware of a depopulation plan at least 50 years in public.
I think you’re right about their knowing, Robert.
I too heard Trump’s campaign got at least $1M from Pfizer.
Sorry to hear your statement was thrown out. Don’t know if Substack is doing such things or if it could have been a glitch.
We may be living in a glitch😳
If I understand what Katherine Watt has uncovered about who has the authority for what, no president has any control over declaring a health emergency. The HHS secretary has sole authority. So what Trump could have said was ‘it’s out of my control’ but what president would admit to the citizens he’s not in control of such things. He could do it now but doesn’t. And that’s the tell for me.
Stafford Act for one. “Pres must defer to public heath experts in the event of a PHE.” Or similar language.
Trump is proud of the vaccines produced under Operation Warp Speed and I'm pretty sure it isn't an act so I would agree with Catherine that it doesn't matter who is president. Just like here in Australia where our leaders all take their orders from the same place.