A million over 85 in the US according to recent work. 700-800k direct deaths over 85, and 200-300k who didn't live to see 85, who otherwise would have. Of course, I would have widened the parameters of the count out to the standard age of retirement, which is now about 67.
A million over 85 in the US according to recent work. 700-800k direct deaths over 85, and 200-300k who didn't live to see 85, who otherwise would have. Of course, I would have widened the parameters of the count out to the standard age of retirement, which is now about 67.
This was just a form of flu, and the problem was the way that the entire medical cartel failed to treat people with traditional methods concerning respiratory ailments of any kind. Every Doctor, Nurse, medical professional in the world knows the first thing to do is start steroids for inflammation. They did not even give Tylenol. The only allowed treatments were poisons, and ventilator's that they rushed people on to with no respiratory therapist to operate them. This is a specialized skill that cannot be performed by anyone not trained and certified to do. The first thing they did was send people home until they were verry sick, then put them in the hospital, no steroids, get them on vents asap, and this was where the money was! The longer on the vent the bigger the payout was. This was intentional in order to cash in and kill the patient. Two birds with one stone. Ken McCarthy has a book out titled What the Nurses saw. The Nurses that were whistleblowers were fired! This is what a human with deep empathy does in a situation that they know is deadly. Spoiler alert! There is no such thing as a virus. They do not exist and have been proven to be a scam from day one! No science needed. Watch Dr. Sam Baileys two videos, A farewell to virology, and see just how this fraud is created. This same method can be used to turn led into gold and create a Unicorn. Jack.
That's a key point. Denying steroids and antibiotics for any serious lung infection is evidence of malicious intent. All the reports of people in 2019 getting sick (but not classified as "covid") got the usual proper treatment for severe immune reactions. Then all of a sudden it's not prescribed because it's "covid".
Exactly right my friend. Dr. David Martin has two videos that will fill in the blanks, they are called "The great set up, how and who pulled off the covid-19 scamdemic and killer vaccine. This is the most informative thing you will ever see, Jack.
Aw cmon AJ, why so harsh? Why not give them at least a couple years of retirement before deep sixing them. I’m sure glad I got a couple good years of retirement before the bioweapon was rolled out. This was after working 49 years straight.
A million over 85 in the US according to recent work. 700-800k direct deaths over 85, and 200-300k who didn't live to see 85, who otherwise would have. Of course, I would have widened the parameters of the count out to the standard age of retirement, which is now about 67.
This was just a form of flu, and the problem was the way that the entire medical cartel failed to treat people with traditional methods concerning respiratory ailments of any kind. Every Doctor, Nurse, medical professional in the world knows the first thing to do is start steroids for inflammation. They did not even give Tylenol. The only allowed treatments were poisons, and ventilator's that they rushed people on to with no respiratory therapist to operate them. This is a specialized skill that cannot be performed by anyone not trained and certified to do. The first thing they did was send people home until they were verry sick, then put them in the hospital, no steroids, get them on vents asap, and this was where the money was! The longer on the vent the bigger the payout was. This was intentional in order to cash in and kill the patient. Two birds with one stone. Ken McCarthy has a book out titled What the Nurses saw. The Nurses that were whistleblowers were fired! This is what a human with deep empathy does in a situation that they know is deadly. Spoiler alert! There is no such thing as a virus. They do not exist and have been proven to be a scam from day one! No science needed. Watch Dr. Sam Baileys two videos, A farewell to virology, and see just how this fraud is created. This same method can be used to turn led into gold and create a Unicorn. Jack.
That's a key point. Denying steroids and antibiotics for any serious lung infection is evidence of malicious intent. All the reports of people in 2019 getting sick (but not classified as "covid") got the usual proper treatment for severe immune reactions. Then all of a sudden it's not prescribed because it's "covid".
Exactly right my friend. Dr. David Martin has two videos that will fill in the blanks, they are called "The great set up, how and who pulled off the covid-19 scamdemic and killer vaccine. This is the most informative thing you will ever see, Jack.
Aw cmon AJ, why so harsh? Why not give them at least a couple years of retirement before deep sixing them. I’m sure glad I got a couple good years of retirement before the bioweapon was rolled out. This was after working 49 years straight.