Kennedy is Deep State. Use your head. Trump used him to send a message. He sent many messages. Did you know he threatened the CIA on day one of his Presidency?
Their money will be garbage and they will be hunted down. The onl way to end the centuries-long plan of the elites was to catch them in the act and minimize the collateral damage. They'll never be able to try this again. If Hillary won, you'd get a knock on your door, "We're here to check your vaccine status, prole!"
Hard to argue with this premise. Remember when DJT was gonna put Kennedy in charge o vaccines? They Bill Gates paid a visit to the White House.
He did sign the WArp Speed way before there was any mention of any damn pandemic in China.
Biden suppressed the jab damage and stopped its investigation because he wanted to mandate them.
Gotta get that Deagel prediction on time.
What do we do when everyone including the Intelligence Community wants us all dead?
Who is paying everyone off to kill us?
Kennedy is Deep State. Use your head. Trump used him to send a message. He sent many messages. Did you know he threatened the CIA on day one of his Presidency?
Their money will be garbage and they will be hunted down. The onl way to end the centuries-long plan of the elites was to catch them in the act and minimize the collateral damage. They'll never be able to try this again. If Hillary won, you'd get a knock on your door, "We're here to check your vaccine status, prole!"