He signed more than 200 executive orders, most of little benefit to the lower classes; you supported his extension of unemployment benefits during the pandemic? that's a socialist program, as is social security, medicare and medicaid, food stamps, Fannie and Freddie...I could go on.....cutting $500 in taxes of the poor probably feels like more benefit than the 5 million in fewer taxes paid by a billionaire, and might be a larger % cut than the cut for the billionaire, which is how they cynically try to paper over the difference with talking points.
Don't know where I supported the extension of unemployment, but I'll take your word for it... which means nothing. Do you just have a bunch of MSDNC Propaganda in a text file so you can make yourself look dumb?
Spoken like a true commie. Go through his Executive Orders, you clearly have no idea what he did because the tv didn't want you to know.
He signed more than 200 executive orders, most of little benefit to the lower classes; you supported his extension of unemployment benefits during the pandemic? that's a socialist program, as is social security, medicare and medicaid, food stamps, Fannie and Freddie...I could go on.....cutting $500 in taxes of the poor probably feels like more benefit than the 5 million in fewer taxes paid by a billionaire, and might be a larger % cut than the cut for the billionaire, which is how they cynically try to paper over the difference with talking points.
Don't know where I supported the extension of unemployment, but I'll take your word for it... which means nothing. Do you just have a bunch of MSDNC Propaganda in a text file so you can make yourself look dumb?
Maybe you hate poor black people? That's so racist.
That's not true at all... you have to read them rather than take Rachel Maddow's word for it. Start with this one, liar....
Executive Order on Access to Affordable Life-saving Medications
Do you hate Diabetics and those with Life-Threatening Allergies?