Celebrity limited hangouts drain your energy and wallet to reinforce fake narratives, but “it’s going to be fun as hell,” assures Tucker (Updated 6/16/24)
Absolutely not. I’d sooner buy a ticket to watch paint dry.
Carlson is obviously CIA and was not fired from Fox. He was RE-ASSIGNED to a different psychological operation in the run-up to the November election.
I suspect subscriptions to his ridiculous new platform are not raking in the cash as promised. Hence, the bus tour of the nation in Trump rally style to compensate for the financial shortfall.
The whole shtick is getting old. The cackling laughter, the faux sincerity complete with head tilt & softened voice indicating total empathy (in case the ignorant plebs didn’t catch on) is tired and just sad at this point. We’re not falling for the obvious subterfuge anymore.
Yep, that captures the whole thing quite well. The faces change, the specific role changes, the overall psy-op is the same. The problem is, it's very, very hard to peel people away from their "trusted" voice/face.
I could care less about Tucker's tour or anything these filthy liars have to say. However, I am totally enamored by your fantastic and 100% TRUTHFUL analysis of the situation. I truly appreciate your work!
There is a huge middle ground of normies who need to woken very gently. He has a role to play in that, they all do. Their audience isn’t ready to know more. Let them nudge the sleepers.
Agree. It's very frustrating being at the Ph.D. level so to speak when 99% of our fellow citizens are barely past grade school . . . BUT I was once one of those people myself. Who among us can claim to have known about [redacted] supremacism since they were teething?
A band of thieves and shysters. Tucker is the consumate preppie with his fake furling of his eyebrows to make you think he is soooo concerned. I know his type well. A pure phoney. These are the guys who run for student council president in their prep schools. He and his ilk are OPPORTUNISTS who capitalize off the corruption and will never offer any real solutions. It's not in their interests to do so.
Ramaswamy- a fast talking con artists who grabbed a discarded drug by a drug company, renamed it, and with no additional R&D or testing, then pitched it like snake oil to gullible investors who got fleeced as he ran off to the bank.
Glen Beck -a Jane Fonda -a WOMAN alcoholic who must think we are idiots. No masculinity in this guy. He plays the media heartstrings like a fiddle.
Megyn Kelly- from Albany NY where I did my residency- she pegged my bitch meter the minute I first saw her on prime time TV- and a lawyer to boot.
Alex Jones the epitome of the hyping overstuffed windbagging bloviator
Tusli Gabbard- don't trust her. She is secretly very ambitious. VERY ambitious.
Dan Bongino- former secret service - an insider nevertheless who wants this chaos to continue so as he can profit.
Donald Trump Jr- People, don't think that his daddy is going to be able to change anything or come to your rescue. It's just a different curtain to hide the machine that the elites are employing to control us- through corruption of the money (FED and fiat) , media, justice, and rule of law, then by destruction of the community, the family unit and single family housing, vaxx, COVID scams, cllimate change scam, CBDC, carbon credits, shale oil, EVs, endless wars and great wealth extraction of the middle class through our education, health care system, the military industrial complex, consolidation of farms by mega corporations, border invasion.
No. No one on this traveling clown show gives a sh1t about you and are stabbing you in the back and exploiting us while Biden and his puppet masters actively destroy our Constitutional Republic, all in the name of "protecting our democracy."
A song from 1986 that I have rediscovered that may be more appropriate today than ever.
I quit Tucker shortly after the 2020 "election" debacle. And all TV for that matter. We now homeschool and grow our own food. No one ever landed on the moon either. You can't -- It's made of plasma. The "moon landings" were a ploy to get people behind the multi-billion dollar funding of NASA. The Myth of German Villainy is an excellent book as well. I ordered the paper copy. It's important enough that it should be shared.
Great piece, no bullshit... although I'm pretty sure Tucker doesn't beat up on the white man... but I agree in so far as ALL of these shills are mostly playing mid-level psyop politics to cash in on the subscribers and ad revenue while pretending to identify the free world's enemies when we all know that the public facing players are all simply pawns & puppets in the central bankers' plan to control/enslave/depopulate the masses. I
MO... people like Catherine Austin Fitts & David Weber are making the most sense, revealing the most truth, and painting the clearest picture of what a true awakening of humanity must look like for survival.
Not sure if you have read the article on Fitts website Solari about a govt money scam silently rammed through by Trump/Repubs and Dems. During trump’s massive convid spending I remember trump commenting there was a new process so his massive spending was covered. Cannot quote him, he was replying to a reporter. I did not know what he was talking about, but my guess now it was about FASAB.
Trump supporters seem to be under some sort of a trance and refuse to open their eyes to what damage trump has done. It seems like the same trance obama supporters were under. Seems like cults.
FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes
That’s quite a list of foes you’ve got going there! Anyone out there strike you as a true patriot that loves his or her country and their neighbors? If so, I’d love to see your list.
Tucker doesn’t strike me as a phony, insincere traitor who hopes his neighbor’s children will die in their sleep from the vax. I’m a pretty perceptive person and he’s infinitely more real than say, Niki Haley or Dan Crenshaw.
What would Tucker gain from lying to the American public?
Agreed Tucker reveals a lot and seems like a good guy, but his primary tactic is apparently to avoid mentioning any role of [redacted] intelligence in these operations.
Tucker would gain keeping his uber-rich lifestyle afforded to him by his elite family. He belongs to the super-rich faction of America. He doesn't have to work. His family owns islands and something like 14 homes. He likely works for CIA. His father ran Voice of America and Corporation of Public Broadcasting. He legally took the name of his super-rich stepmother after she married his father. I see MKUltra all over the place regarding Tucker Carlson.
I was about blindsided by Tucker in his small town Maine life in the woods. I know all about his family's cia background, etc.. The worst I can think of him is controlled oposition. Oh, and his fellow passengers on his tour. The first I heard of was Russel Brandon who he mentioned on his interview with Alex J, another controlled opposition. And now with Jeanice's article I see the rest of his tour, oh my.
I am pretty sure that Carlson does not preach that White people are bad. Biden is the one that definitely preaches China and Russia are America’s main enemies.
That is true. Tucker does not attack Whites, and he says China, not Russia, is our enemy.
But others have spoken out against Whites. Tulsi, Vivek, and Roseanne have decried “white supremacy,” affirming a fake narrative pushed by Biden’s DOJ.
Selling the 'Spiritual Warfare' angle to the masses on InfoWars has become standard: Mockingbird Media Tucker Carlson; Occultist Russell Brand; Masons Mikki Willis and Naomi Wolf all pushing Xianity. The latter two were flashing Masonic hand signs throughout their interviews, which is common practice now.
Wolf has just admitted on her web page that she joined a Mitraic Cult while at Yale.
Everyone is coming out.
"The War on Christianity" is being broadcast far and wide, not least of all by Candace Owens in a recent interview with Piers Morgan, who for the first time in memory actually kept his mouth shut.
What is really going on here?
I reckon they are buttering the public up for the introduction of the AntiChrist and the One World Religion - which of course will be the solution to the nuclear war that wasn't.
Their saying it’s “a spiritual warfare” is always followed by “so we must turn to the God of the Old Testament,” which claims a certain group was chosen to rule and to destroy their enemies.
Today we’re told America and Europe are primary enemies that must be ruined, so let’s sit back and let it happen, they say.
Benjamin H. Freedman, author of 'Hidden Tyranny,' explained in his book how Samuel Untermeyer, a prominent New York City attorney was alleged to have 'handled' the Scofield Bible that enticed millions of Christians to become Christian Zionists.
Untermeyer contributed generously to the National Democratic committee that installed President Wilson in the White House in Washington in the 1912 election.
Mr. Untermeyer blackmailed President Wilson, you can read the details, in exchange that Wilson appoint a nominee recommended by Untermeyer to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme court.
When President Wilson was required to appoint a new member of the Supreme Court, Untermeyer recommended Louis Brandeis.
"In 1914, Justice Brandeis was the most politically influential of all Zionists in the United States. He was in a powerful position to serve Jews both at home and abroad. The opportunity to perform a great service for his Zionist followers soon became available. It is commonly understood that Brandeis more than anyone else guided Wilson into committing America to World War I." ~ Benjamin H. Freedman
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep populace alarmed - and hence clamorous to be led to safety - and menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." ~ H.L. Mencken
You must realize that both parties are big time donors to Substack and have an agenda, like going after controversial reporters who are popular.
RFK Jr said that Tucker was the bravest reporter in 60 years when he began focusing on the real killers of JFK, causing him to be dumped by Fox. He also visited Assange in prison and interviewed Putin.
He could be a real factor in the upcoming selections. Attacking him may show that he is over the target, whether charlatan or not. This could influence the Substack donors on various sites and their agenda. It's a big rabbit hole.
Beck was or is Mormon. Members of the Latter Day Saints cult have a strong affinity for Israel. Their founding is wrapped up with Masonic ideas. Their rituals in the temple are Masonic rituals from the aprons to the slitting of the throat symbol. Beck would have been raised to admire Israel.
I knew he became Mormon but only somewhat recently? To me it's just a very confused pseudo-religion, and yes a cult; not surprised at all at the connection with freemasonry, and thereby Israel. Thanks!
I saw Tucker's show in Salt Lake City. I'm not one to throw the baby out with the bath water. I am 100% aware of Tucker's shortcomings. Heaven forbid he say the J word or allow Stew Peters or Nick Fuentes a seat at the table. But he does have some very authentic POVs to share and so I enjoyed the limited hangout portion of the show. I didn't know much about Glen Beck, and was very disappointed with him as the interviewee. (I bought my ticket before I knew who would be the SLC guest.) I found him unenlightening if not rather sanctimonious.
Absolutely not. I’d sooner buy a ticket to watch paint dry.
Carlson is obviously CIA and was not fired from Fox. He was RE-ASSIGNED to a different psychological operation in the run-up to the November election.
I suspect subscriptions to his ridiculous new platform are not raking in the cash as promised. Hence, the bus tour of the nation in Trump rally style to compensate for the financial shortfall.
The whole shtick is getting old. The cackling laughter, the faux sincerity complete with head tilt & softened voice indicating total empathy (in case the ignorant plebs didn’t catch on) is tired and just sad at this point. We’re not falling for the obvious subterfuge anymore.
Yep, that captures the whole thing quite well. The faces change, the specific role changes, the overall psy-op is the same. The problem is, it's very, very hard to peel people away from their "trusted" voice/face.
I could care less about Tucker's tour or anything these filthy liars have to say. However, I am totally enamored by your fantastic and 100% TRUTHFUL analysis of the situation. I truly appreciate your work!
Thank you for your kind comment. I appreciate your support!
There is a huge middle ground of normies who need to woken very gently. He has a role to play in that, they all do. Their audience isn’t ready to know more. Let them nudge the sleepers.
Agree. It's very frustrating being at the Ph.D. level so to speak when 99% of our fellow citizens are barely past grade school . . . BUT I was once one of those people myself. Who among us can claim to have known about [redacted] supremacism since they were teething?
They can't handle the truth
A band of thieves and shysters. Tucker is the consumate preppie with his fake furling of his eyebrows to make you think he is soooo concerned. I know his type well. A pure phoney. These are the guys who run for student council president in their prep schools. He and his ilk are OPPORTUNISTS who capitalize off the corruption and will never offer any real solutions. It's not in their interests to do so.
Ramaswamy- a fast talking con artists who grabbed a discarded drug by a drug company, renamed it, and with no additional R&D or testing, then pitched it like snake oil to gullible investors who got fleeced as he ran off to the bank.
Glen Beck -a Jane Fonda -a WOMAN alcoholic who must think we are idiots. No masculinity in this guy. He plays the media heartstrings like a fiddle.
Megyn Kelly- from Albany NY where I did my residency- she pegged my bitch meter the minute I first saw her on prime time TV- and a lawyer to boot.
Alex Jones the epitome of the hyping overstuffed windbagging bloviator
Tusli Gabbard- don't trust her. She is secretly very ambitious. VERY ambitious.
Dan Bongino- former secret service - an insider nevertheless who wants this chaos to continue so as he can profit.
Donald Trump Jr- People, don't think that his daddy is going to be able to change anything or come to your rescue. It's just a different curtain to hide the machine that the elites are employing to control us- through corruption of the money (FED and fiat) , media, justice, and rule of law, then by destruction of the community, the family unit and single family housing, vaxx, COVID scams, cllimate change scam, CBDC, carbon credits, shale oil, EVs, endless wars and great wealth extraction of the middle class through our education, health care system, the military industrial complex, consolidation of farms by mega corporations, border invasion.
No. No one on this traveling clown show gives a sh1t about you and are stabbing you in the back and exploiting us while Biden and his puppet masters actively destroy our Constitutional Republic, all in the name of "protecting our democracy."
A song from 1986 that I have rediscovered that may be more appropriate today than ever.
By the way, I remember buying this record/tape! I was about 21-22 years old 😉-lol!
This one really says it…https://youtu.be/i17mgRK3GX8?si=ta-AAAMMbIIk2UIx
I would have added this to my comment, but I can’t edit.
Good analysis. Thank you, Hubbs.
EXCELLENT!!!!👍👏 I get it Hubbs!
I quit Tucker shortly after the 2020 "election" debacle. And all TV for that matter. We now homeschool and grow our own food. No one ever landed on the moon either. You can't -- It's made of plasma. The "moon landings" were a ploy to get people behind the multi-billion dollar funding of NASA. The Myth of German Villainy is an excellent book as well. I ordered the paper copy. It's important enough that it should be shared.
Monica, I’m glad you stated that! I realize that everything I was TAUGHT to believe is a complete lie (born in 1963)!
Great piece, no bullshit... although I'm pretty sure Tucker doesn't beat up on the white man... but I agree in so far as ALL of these shills are mostly playing mid-level psyop politics to cash in on the subscribers and ad revenue while pretending to identify the free world's enemies when we all know that the public facing players are all simply pawns & puppets in the central bankers' plan to control/enslave/depopulate the masses. I
MO... people like Catherine Austin Fitts & David Weber are making the most sense, revealing the most truth, and painting the clearest picture of what a true awakening of humanity must look like for survival.
Catherine Austin Fitts on the Central Bankers:
David Weber outlines the Great Taking… of everything:
Not sure if you have read the article on Fitts website Solari about a govt money scam silently rammed through by Trump/Repubs and Dems. During trump’s massive convid spending I remember trump commenting there was a new process so his massive spending was covered. Cannot quote him, he was replying to a reporter. I did not know what he was talking about, but my guess now it was about FASAB.
Trump supporters seem to be under some sort of a trance and refuse to open their eyes to what damage trump has done. It seems like the same trance obama supporters were under. Seems like cults.
FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes
Financial Accounting Board 2 pg Oct 2018
That’s quite a list of foes you’ve got going there! Anyone out there strike you as a true patriot that loves his or her country and their neighbors? If so, I’d love to see your list.
Tucker doesn’t strike me as a phony, insincere traitor who hopes his neighbor’s children will die in their sleep from the vax. I’m a pretty perceptive person and he’s infinitely more real than say, Niki Haley or Dan Crenshaw.
What would Tucker gain from lying to the American public?
Agreed Tucker reveals a lot and seems like a good guy, but his primary tactic is apparently to avoid mentioning any role of [redacted] intelligence in these operations.
In this sense, he is controlled opposition.
Tucker would gain keeping his uber-rich lifestyle afforded to him by his elite family. He belongs to the super-rich faction of America. He doesn't have to work. His family owns islands and something like 14 homes. He likely works for CIA. His father ran Voice of America and Corporation of Public Broadcasting. He legally took the name of his super-rich stepmother after she married his father. I see MKUltra all over the place regarding Tucker Carlson.
I think it’s kinda funny that Carlson tries to be the “average guy”…he’s not.
I see through the schtick.
Sounds like Thomas Jefferson
Mkultra was a mind control op using drugs like LSD.
Is that part of the tour?
CNN is going after Tucker bashing this tour.
That is a tell
Glenn Greenfield and Jimmy Dore support him.
I was about blindsided by Tucker in his small town Maine life in the woods. I know all about his family's cia background, etc.. The worst I can think of him is controlled oposition. Oh, and his fellow passengers on his tour. The first I heard of was Russel Brandon who he mentioned on his interview with Alex J, another controlled opposition. And now with Jeanice's article I see the rest of his tour, oh my.
I see this wasn't Jeanice's article. Thank you Dr Hill.
He is a good Red Piller of late, I’ll keep watching him for now, thanks!
I am pretty sure that Carlson does not preach that White people are bad. Biden is the one that definitely preaches China and Russia are America’s main enemies.
That is true. Tucker does not attack Whites, and he says China, not Russia, is our enemy.
But others have spoken out against Whites. Tulsi, Vivek, and Roseanne have decried “white supremacy,” affirming a fake narrative pushed by Biden’s DOJ.
Selling the 'Spiritual Warfare' angle to the masses on InfoWars has become standard: Mockingbird Media Tucker Carlson; Occultist Russell Brand; Masons Mikki Willis and Naomi Wolf all pushing Xianity. The latter two were flashing Masonic hand signs throughout their interviews, which is common practice now.
Wolf has just admitted on her web page that she joined a Mitraic Cult while at Yale.
Everyone is coming out.
"The War on Christianity" is being broadcast far and wide, not least of all by Candace Owens in a recent interview with Piers Morgan, who for the first time in memory actually kept his mouth shut.
What is really going on here?
I reckon they are buttering the public up for the introduction of the AntiChrist and the One World Religion - which of course will be the solution to the nuclear war that wasn't.
Their saying it’s “a spiritual warfare” is always followed by “so we must turn to the God of the Old Testament,” which claims a certain group was chosen to rule and to destroy their enemies.
Today we’re told America and Europe are primary enemies that must be ruined, so let’s sit back and let it happen, they say.
When something stinks you better run away from it… … … NO THANKS!!
Dem Leader Hakeem Jeffries Demands 'Immediate' Passage of REDACTED-Backed 'Countering AntiS Act'
State Department Designates Anti-IREDACTED Nordic Resistance Movement a 'Terrorist Organization'
As far as I'm concerned these people are not going to walk away from their "cash cow" here is an article on Vivek Ramaswamy' connection to the World Economic Forum https://thecovidblog.com/2023/09/21/vivek-ramaswamy-his-fake-world-economic-forum-lawsuit-settlement-and-full-details-of-the-big-pharma-racket-that-made-his-family-millions/
Lest we forget the reporter HL Mencken and what Wilson did to him after Wilson created the Federal Reserve and WW l.
Mencken was outspoken against WW l.
Hope springs eternal that his might be a role model for Tucker.
Benjamin H. Freedman, author of 'Hidden Tyranny,' explained in his book how Samuel Untermeyer, a prominent New York City attorney was alleged to have 'handled' the Scofield Bible that enticed millions of Christians to become Christian Zionists.
Untermeyer contributed generously to the National Democratic committee that installed President Wilson in the White House in Washington in the 1912 election.
Mr. Untermeyer blackmailed President Wilson, you can read the details, in exchange that Wilson appoint a nominee recommended by Untermeyer to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme court.
When President Wilson was required to appoint a new member of the Supreme Court, Untermeyer recommended Louis Brandeis.
"In 1914, Justice Brandeis was the most politically influential of all Zionists in the United States. He was in a powerful position to serve Jews both at home and abroad. The opportunity to perform a great service for his Zionist followers soon became available. It is commonly understood that Brandeis more than anyone else guided Wilson into committing America to World War I." ~ Benjamin H. Freedman
This was before the term called inside trading
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep populace alarmed - and hence clamorous to be led to safety - and menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." ~ H.L. Mencken
No electronic media for him then. MSM were the news papers that blackballed him.
That's when the espionage act was created.
Cautiously waiting on Tucker, which we should know by November.
I'm a huge Mencken fan but am unaware of what you're referring to. It sounds very interesting and I do not doubt it a bit.
Would yuo be so inclined to share further info, I would very much appreciate it.
I also agree that Carlson and many (most ?) other big names appear to be as phony as can be.
You must realize that both parties are big time donors to Substack and have an agenda, like going after controversial reporters who are popular.
RFK Jr said that Tucker was the bravest reporter in 60 years when he began focusing on the real killers of JFK, causing him to be dumped by Fox. He also visited Assange in prison and interviewed Putin.
He could be a real factor in the upcoming selections. Attacking him may show that he is over the target, whether charlatan or not. This could influence the Substack donors on various sites and their agenda. It's a big rabbit hole.
Beck "pled with leaders to become a dual citizen of [redacted]" - did he really? In a way it's shocking; and in a way it isn't.
Yes, he describes this and reads his letter to those leaders in the video above.
Unreal, I'll give it a listen.
Beck was or is Mormon. Members of the Latter Day Saints cult have a strong affinity for Israel. Their founding is wrapped up with Masonic ideas. Their rituals in the temple are Masonic rituals from the aprons to the slitting of the throat symbol. Beck would have been raised to admire Israel.
I knew he became Mormon but only somewhat recently? To me it's just a very confused pseudo-religion, and yes a cult; not surprised at all at the connection with freemasonry, and thereby Israel. Thanks!
I saw Tucker's show in Salt Lake City. I'm not one to throw the baby out with the bath water. I am 100% aware of Tucker's shortcomings. Heaven forbid he say the J word or allow Stew Peters or Nick Fuentes a seat at the table. But he does have some very authentic POVs to share and so I enjoyed the limited hangout portion of the show. I didn't know much about Glen Beck, and was very disappointed with him as the interviewee. (I bought my ticket before I knew who would be the SLC guest.) I found him unenlightening if not rather sanctimonious.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Cat.
Most of Tucker’s guests do a lot of good and are entertaining. I’ve listened to Glen Beck and Tucker and laughed at Rosanne’s comedy for years.
My posts on some people probably seem overly critical. The aim is to figure out where we’re being subtly misled by those were asked to trust.