Which doesn't necessarily correspond to outcomes, but yes, rumors. Just remember these are 2 gay kiddie torture freaks that practiced on other gays (aids/azt) and india (vaccine polio) before they started on us all. They have done a lot more that isn't front screen too. Anybody who shot up what people like that made have no morals or brains. Gross
Sadly, we have ivy-league educated friends, teachers, doctors, lawyers, who all lined up for the shots.
Have brains... but something else afoot; dead spiritual awareness?
Overconfidence in other humans?
Too much trust in "the science"
Watching too much TV?
No fear of God?
Fear of Death?
I thought the exposure of F-ouchi's abuse of puppies would be the end of him, but not even the torture of sweet pups did him in. Demons roaming. This is a far larger issue.
On the other hand, have some HS grad friends who refused the shot, some took it only after fear of losing job. There's no one-size-fits all answer to what's going on, but I think it points to some spiritual blindness.
In 40 years of patients, there are basically 3 kinds. (And I'm not "hypnotizing" you know? "Truuusssttt in me" with the forked flickery tongue?) There are those who try to figure out what I'm saying as they go along, those who wouldn't care if I was singing cartoons, they just go along and those who, it wouldn't matter if jesus his self was there, they aren't going to believe me anything, but they take the stuff like suspiciously and try for their selves. One would think human instinct would make them trust nothing, least of all govt or homos.....but that instinct has been painted over by modern conditions and plain social delirium? That "buyer beware" is the motto of this place has been forgotten by a third or more completely. My grandparents would never have trusted or wanted drs or govt. They didn't believe me until it worked. They had survived the last time govt did this. My grandmother said "Oh everybody that took pills died" like it was just common knowledge? Now its a "vaccine" that does not meet one definition point of the word. It is a controllable antibiotic? A poison, according to the Australian govt. (Antibiotic=anti-life form)
I do not watch TV save for when my mom was dying, she liked when I would watch law and order reruns with her. I watched The Sorpanos as I believed it to be the Crime and Punishment equivalent of the Bush Era, a masterpiece.
I believe in God and I am not a sheep or easily led. I prayed about and truly thought God gave me a sign TO get it.
I cared for my late mother and watched my twin sister be infected with covid in 2020. This infection maimed and disabled her and I was isolated and caregiving alone and terrified. I beg God every day to make it so it all never happened so I can laugh and smile and hope and dream again instead of crying for hours every day in terror grief and fear. If only I knew when I and all who I love would die suddenly I am just crying my eyes out
Between my original response and now I died and was and revived during surgery.
My experience was overwhelming beautiful.
My soul was “with” someone for a very long time. He explained to me that what seems so unjust in this life, is actually fair in the greater picture. Shortly before returning I was in the presence of the Blessed Mother. Words cannot describe her magnificence.
Pray, be at peace, know that our lives and sacrifices are not in vain. God bless you and your family.
So getting the jabs hasn't turned that off for me? God still recognizes me as human? I cry everyday thinking about the nanotechnology and hydra vulgaris in me from the jabs and how that means that even if I survive that God won't help me or care about me anymore. I read that we don't even have a soul in the same way now and just don't understand how that could be if I cared for my mom?
I have taken NAC, quercetin, bromelain, magnesium, zinc and vit D since 2020. I have lupus so some of the other things you mention are verboten for me. I take olive leaf if I feel anything like cold or spike protein symptoms, it is like a natural IVM, real IVM cannot be tolerated by my kidneys.
Do you think the detox supplements turned my soul back on? I get really confused about that bc I have a sweet beautiful kind friend who wrote me a lovely 5 page letter with drawings and photos and poetry when my mother died. He thinks the shots saved lives. I try to show him but he mostly worries about MY mental health. How could the jabs (he has had six and I KNOW they weren't placebo) have turned his soul off if he is still able to be such a profoundly compassionate man?
Yes - saw that elsewhere. Vote red = you're dead
Which doesn't necessarily correspond to outcomes, but yes, rumors. Just remember these are 2 gay kiddie torture freaks that practiced on other gays (aids/azt) and india (vaccine polio) before they started on us all. They have done a lot more that isn't front screen too. Anybody who shot up what people like that made have no morals or brains. Gross
Sadly, we have ivy-league educated friends, teachers, doctors, lawyers, who all lined up for the shots.
Have brains... but something else afoot; dead spiritual awareness?
Overconfidence in other humans?
Too much trust in "the science"
Watching too much TV?
No fear of God?
Fear of Death?
I thought the exposure of F-ouchi's abuse of puppies would be the end of him, but not even the torture of sweet pups did him in. Demons roaming. This is a far larger issue.
On the other hand, have some HS grad friends who refused the shot, some took it only after fear of losing job. There's no one-size-fits all answer to what's going on, but I think it points to some spiritual blindness.
In 40 years of patients, there are basically 3 kinds. (And I'm not "hypnotizing" you know? "Truuusssttt in me" with the forked flickery tongue?) There are those who try to figure out what I'm saying as they go along, those who wouldn't care if I was singing cartoons, they just go along and those who, it wouldn't matter if jesus his self was there, they aren't going to believe me anything, but they take the stuff like suspiciously and try for their selves. One would think human instinct would make them trust nothing, least of all govt or homos.....but that instinct has been painted over by modern conditions and plain social delirium? That "buyer beware" is the motto of this place has been forgotten by a third or more completely. My grandparents would never have trusted or wanted drs or govt. They didn't believe me until it worked. They had survived the last time govt did this. My grandmother said "Oh everybody that took pills died" like it was just common knowledge? Now its a "vaccine" that does not meet one definition point of the word. It is a controllable antibiotic? A poison, according to the Australian govt. (Antibiotic=anti-life form)
Sadly, mental toughness is gone
COVID fatigue
People now apathetic
March on!
I do not watch TV save for when my mom was dying, she liked when I would watch law and order reruns with her. I watched The Sorpanos as I believed it to be the Crime and Punishment equivalent of the Bush Era, a masterpiece.
I believe in God and I am not a sheep or easily led. I prayed about and truly thought God gave me a sign TO get it.
I cared for my late mother and watched my twin sister be infected with covid in 2020. This infection maimed and disabled her and I was isolated and caregiving alone and terrified. I beg God every day to make it so it all never happened so I can laugh and smile and hope and dream again instead of crying for hours every day in terror grief and fear. If only I knew when I and all who I love would die suddenly I am just crying my eyes out
You’ve gone through a lot. We all have.
Between my original response and now I died and was and revived during surgery.
My experience was overwhelming beautiful.
My soul was “with” someone for a very long time. He explained to me that what seems so unjust in this life, is actually fair in the greater picture. Shortly before returning I was in the presence of the Blessed Mother. Words cannot describe her magnificence.
Pray, be at peace, know that our lives and sacrifices are not in vain. God bless you and your family.
So getting the jabs hasn't turned that off for me? God still recognizes me as human? I cry everyday thinking about the nanotechnology and hydra vulgaris in me from the jabs and how that means that even if I survive that God won't help me or care about me anymore. I read that we don't even have a soul in the same way now and just don't understand how that could be if I cared for my mom?
You sound very compassionate.
God loves us beyond our comprehension.
Your soul is unique and yours. Gates, the “Good Club,” Club of Rome, WEF, UN et al are trying to cull the bodies.
Research, pray, laugh, cleanse, look into IVM, FenBen, Methylene Blue, Nattokinase, 12/24/36 and 72 hour fasts.
I have taken NAC, quercetin, bromelain, magnesium, zinc and vit D since 2020. I have lupus so some of the other things you mention are verboten for me. I take olive leaf if I feel anything like cold or spike protein symptoms, it is like a natural IVM, real IVM cannot be tolerated by my kidneys.
Do you think the detox supplements turned my soul back on? I get really confused about that bc I have a sweet beautiful kind friend who wrote me a lovely 5 page letter with drawings and photos and poetry when my mother died. He thinks the shots saved lives. I try to show him but he mostly worries about MY mental health. How could the jabs (he has had six and I KNOW they weren't placebo) have turned his soul off if he is still able to be such a profoundly compassionate man?
Soul is what makes us alive, have will and intelligence. It's immortal and indestructible. Nothing from the physical world can change that.
See vaticancatholic.com to know more about the true christian faith and about the apocalipse.
You both sound compassionate and human.
Hope and
Don’t worry
This is happening worldwide. It is not exclusively American.