Are the batches that are causing highest adverse effects targeting certain areas of the country? What was voting trends of those area? Are racial makeup of those areas all the same or different? It is bad enough that the companies seem to be coordinating with timing but if they are also targeting areas for any reason it could prove they knew that it would cause harm or death and they sent them to these areas on purpose.

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They are being deployed to selective groups. The worst Moderna lot "just happened", by coincidence, I'm sure, to show up at a "Church organized" drive for African Americans in a blue state. One of the Pastors died in only 2 months, just dropped dead. So they're not just after Your politics, they're after anyone with a moral background, regardless of Your particular faith, who might eventually be a problem for a Luciferian take over.

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Equal opportunity killers

Gotta kill the strongest resistance first - especially enclaves in any conservative area

Note the attempts to flip FL, GA, AL, TN, TX, SC/NC

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And see 5.3.6 https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/

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This is a worldwide attempt at murder. It is not exclusive to America.

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I don't think they are as much concerned about how people vote as much as who is alive who still have the guns. Elections can be tampered with at the drop o the hat. Removing people who are an active line of defense is a longer-range goal.

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THAT actually gave me pause. That ties A lot of things together.

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Yes - saw that elsewhere. Vote red = you're dead

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Which doesn't necessarily correspond to outcomes, but yes, rumors. Just remember these are 2 gay kiddie torture freaks that practiced on other gays (aids/azt) and india (vaccine polio) before they started on us all. They have done a lot more that isn't front screen too. Anybody who shot up what people like that made have no morals or brains. Gross

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Sadly, we have ivy-league educated friends, teachers, doctors, lawyers, who all lined up for the shots.

Have brains... but something else afoot; dead spiritual awareness?

Overconfidence in other humans?


Too much trust in "the science"

Watching too much TV?

No fear of God?

Fear of Death?

I thought the exposure of F-ouchi's abuse of puppies would be the end of him, but not even the torture of sweet pups did him in. Demons roaming. This is a far larger issue.

On the other hand, have some HS grad friends who refused the shot, some took it only after fear of losing job. There's no one-size-fits all answer to what's going on, but I think it points to some spiritual blindness.

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In 40 years of patients, there are basically 3 kinds. (And I'm not "hypnotizing" you know? "Truuusssttt in me" with the forked flickery tongue?) There are those who try to figure out what I'm saying as they go along, those who wouldn't care if I was singing cartoons, they just go along and those who, it wouldn't matter if jesus his self was there, they aren't going to believe me anything, but they take the stuff like suspiciously and try for their selves. One would think human instinct would make them trust nothing, least of all govt or homos.....but that instinct has been painted over by modern conditions and plain social delirium? That "buyer beware" is the motto of this place has been forgotten by a third or more completely. My grandparents would never have trusted or wanted drs or govt. They didn't believe me until it worked. They had survived the last time govt did this. My grandmother said "Oh everybody that took pills died" like it was just common knowledge? Now its a "vaccine" that does not meet one definition point of the word. It is a controllable antibiotic? A poison, according to the Australian govt. (Antibiotic=anti-life form)

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Sadly, mental toughness is gone

COVID fatigue

People now apathetic

March on!

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I do not watch TV save for when my mom was dying, she liked when I would watch law and order reruns with her. I watched The Sorpanos as I believed it to be the Crime and Punishment equivalent of the Bush Era, a masterpiece.

I believe in God and I am not a sheep or easily led. I prayed about and truly thought God gave me a sign TO get it.

I cared for my late mother and watched my twin sister be infected with covid in 2020. This infection maimed and disabled her and I was isolated and caregiving alone and terrified. I beg God every day to make it so it all never happened so I can laugh and smile and hope and dream again instead of crying for hours every day in terror grief and fear. If only I knew when I and all who I love would die suddenly I am just crying my eyes out

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You’ve gone through a lot. We all have.

Between my original response and now I died and was and revived during surgery.

My experience was overwhelming beautiful.

My soul was “with” someone for a very long time. He explained to me that what seems so unjust in this life, is actually fair in the greater picture. Shortly before returning I was in the presence of the Blessed Mother. Words cannot describe her magnificence.

Pray, be at peace, know that our lives and sacrifices are not in vain. God bless you and your family.

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So getting the jabs hasn't turned that off for me? God still recognizes me as human? I cry everyday thinking about the nanotechnology and hydra vulgaris in me from the jabs and how that means that even if I survive that God won't help me or care about me anymore. I read that we don't even have a soul in the same way now and just don't understand how that could be if I cared for my mom?

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This is happening worldwide. It is not exclusively American.

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The article didn't touch on it and the media would obscure it. Diegel is making fun of people with a hoax page showing all the black countries staying the same or going up in population and all the white countries drastically dropping.....big psych job

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Diegel is not to be taken seriously. James Corbett did an excellent presentation on the Diegel website a few months ago. Not to say that there isn't a depopulation agenda. But Diegel shows us nothing.

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Yes, see this tweet:


"...2020 CovID was less harmful to GOP than Dems, but 2021 vax/'CovID' was 10x MORE HARMFUL TO GOP. "

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You can also look up the batches here:


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It is obvious...vaccines are made of different recombinants. Even though it is the same so called vaccine for covid, it will cause different symptoms, depending on what they want to see later.

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Remember this was an experiment, not a proven treatment. People who know it takes 10 years, took this out of fear and some ego! Without it it limited their social life.

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It had nothing to do with my social life. I truly saw covid do horrible awful things to the closest person in the world to me. I was caring for my dying mother and helping my dad and didn't have good options with already having lupus and emphysema. I got the worst batches too the EWO so now I know God has abandoned me and I wish He would answer my prayers to make it so it all never happened.

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Firstly, merry Christmas, and thank you for your stellar presentation of Paardekooper's work.

I have a couple of questions. My primary one is whether anyone has tried to interpret this from the lens of systemic under-recording.

It may at first seem silly to under-record batches irregularly, but if a total whitewash occurred, honest staffers would likely figure it out. Allowing some of the drastic increase in reporting correspondent to these vaccines to seep through but attenuating it by only allowing it for a subset of the lots might have been the most feasible way to systematically muffle the signal.

The fact that the majority of batches have one AE reminded me that batches with zero wouldn't show up in VAERS. I wonder if they idea that the safer batches were sent fewer places is spuriously inferred from the fact that there are fewer reports for some batches, and therefore fewer states from which the reports came from.

These might be dumb questions; I just don't see them explicitly addressed, so I had to ask. Sometimes the most obvious things get missed.

In any event, I'm incredibly grateful to researchers like you guys for bringing these facts to our attention. God bless and merry Christmas

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Great questions, Mike.

We need further information to determine if differences in reporting of adverse events for some batches relative to others can account for some or all of what Mr. Paardekooper found here.

Note Andreas Oehler found the high AE lots to cluster around Jan-April 2021 and says he thinks greater suppression of VAERS reports happened after that:


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Good questions, Mike!

Without more data, I can't answer except to say that your point about how batches with less AEs reported will, necessarily, also have less States reported, ha ha!

Thanks for pointing this out. Obvious once one sees it, but I hadn't seen it.

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To prevent one COVID-19 related death, Pfizer admits their vaccine kills at least three people by causing cardiac arrest


Vaccines and Biologics injury table based on mechanistic evidence – Feb 2020 Covering over 125 conditions


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So they are saying a 75% mortality? 3 of 4? I believe that, but we will see?

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Has anybody checked the AEs per injection for these batches? Could the discrepancies partially be blamed on certain batches just having more shots administered?

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I'm told we are not provided with the number of injections per batch, so we can't calculate that (yet).

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We need to find out if this is intentional or inconsistencies from quick mass production.

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WAKE UP and GROW UP little ricky... Don't be a useless eater

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You’d be a fool to think it would be so easy to intentionally do this at all three companies when there are so many people involved in the process.

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I tend to think the rush to production of these poisons resulted in more or less contaminated batches of already lethal stuff.

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I actually think gates/fauci failed? Boosters were not planned.....people didn't die as planned and boosters got invented to fix that

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I believe boosters were planned because vaccines were not sold as they thought. So...government buys and administered to same people. The thing is that Pharma gets the profit.

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I believe that since they couldn't vaccinated as much population as they wanted, they mandated boosters to finish their stock.

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Actually, you truly are the fool buddy. It's laughable how gullible people like you are. Who do think pulled off 9/11? I bet you think it's Arab terrorists with box cutters that brought down 3 towers, and the LIHOP theory, instead of realizing the obvious fact that it was the Judeo-Masonic secret societied elites that actually run the entire world who did it, and covered it up in their entirely controlled media.

I bet JFK's words from his Press Club speech, "for we are opposed by a ruthless and MONOLITHIC conspiracy that used primarily covert means to expands its sphere of influence..." are just words on a page with no meaning to you huh champ.

How about you try to post to Instagram a jpeg of Charles Lindbergh's quote, "It seems that almost anything can be discussed today in America except the Jewish problem. The very mention of the word “Jew” is cause for a storm." Ask yourself why that is blocked from being posted... Maybe because this good looking martyr of a decent man who even had his child killed by a German, was still saying this, and it has to memory-holed so that people like you will never hear about it, and thus never think critically about what's really happening and why. You can post vitriol against the Jews, post images showing Masonic Temples with the Masonic emblem inside a star of david, post a quote of a Rabbi from 1865 describing how Masons and elite Jews are so intertwined so as to be one and the same thing, but not a Lucky Lindbergh quote. You just don't get it. So many gullible little sheep minded fools just can't see the intergenerational intellectual prison that's been built around them.

I've been an investigative journalist who has been harassed and intimidated in ways you can't even begin to imagine, have friends jailed as political prisoners for daring to speak truth, including a lawyer who wasn't allowed to submit evidence for her client, because in that specific country, there is something called 'the truth is no defense' act.

You are reading the words of the ONLY person present for the entire proceedings in the courtroom in Canada for the precedent setting (destruction of) freedom of speech Constitutional Challenge, where the Jewish prosecutor was making covert hand gestures with the Masonic gentile judge, who also liked winking at me and yelling over PhD neuroscientist expert witnesses when they were speaking golden truths, just to muddy up the transcript, because the verdict was pre-planned and politically based. You can't instill hate into someone with words. Life doesn't work that way. I can say one thing to you, and you will take it just fine, having the words roll of your back, while someone else with poor emotional IQ and a system induced brainwashing will get all bent out of shape and demand the full force of the law come down on someone for saying words to them. I hope you're not Tel Aviv'd enough to buy into that type of thought control and total destruction of freedom of debate and free speech that doesn't explicitly call for violence.

"The truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

Oh, and guess what was on the ceiling of the courtroom in bumfuck Northern British Columbia... 6 stars of david.

You've got A LOT of waking up to do little boy.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"...

And which is the only so-called event in the history of the world to be illegal to discuss publicly in 14+ countries?

Once they succeed in squashing freedom of speech in America by reframing it as 'hate speech', i.e. anything they don't want people to discuss, which could hamper their global power takeover, the world will never be able to find out the truth.

I have $3000 worth of BANNED by Amazon books in my home. Want to buy any? Want them for free? No. I didn't think so, because then you'd actually have to do some of your own researching and thinking... So hard, I know.

Little Ricky would rather rant like a 12 year old about how conspiracies don't exist.

Why don't you read Gilad Aztmon's book, The Wandering Who.

And Gerard Menuhin's book, Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil.

They will start you on your path to understanding how an organized, cohesive tribal group of self Chosenites can and do conspire to do evil and have all their sayanim brethren and goy helpers in strategic places of power omit, distort, obfuscate, deny, ignore, deplatform, ban, ostracize, intimidate and kill people if necessary.

You're a little girl boy playing a man's game where you don't even understand the players and the landscape.

You're just one more hopelessly ignorant narcissist who thinks he's somebody with actual knowledge about anything of real value.

You're a willfully ignorant repeater. I can feel it from here. Probably a steel worker or a glorified baby sitter 4th grade teacher like my parents, who have 'opinions', yet no real independent knowledge to back them up, and absolutely no intuition.

I speak 4 languages, have 2 degrees, have never worked a day in my life because I made my first million before I was 20 years old teaching myself how to win on the stock market, starting with 25k of paper route money, which ultimately freed me up to do non stop research and testing out of that research in real life.

But all these little folks know "there's no conspiracy."

"None are more hopelessly enslaved (mentally) than those who falsely believe they are free (and deeply critical scientifically minded thinkers)."

Change your name to T!wittypants. Much more fitting.

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This may help shed some light on the quality of various batches. I used to work in industrial manufacturing: quality control is never easy. With these weird toxic brews it's going to be nearly impossible. I'm not defending the shots. Not taking them every. But I'm going to spend my energy running Fauci to ground because his crimes are a matter of public record. Start with the easy meat first. Then go after the likes of that ugly turd Bourla, and that smirking psychopath, Bancel. And then the ugly German Turks. Ugur Sahin and his nasty wife.

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Thank you for making sense.

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Dec 10, 2021
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Did you see the photo of Bourla and van Leyen, the one where they're practically sucking face? She's another one.

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Many of the govt and ceo/board people are both joo and gay? Like gates and fauci

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I talk about conspiracies all the time. You are an idiot.

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No? You are lgbtqp. Why do people keep thinking you can even make realistic sense?

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Dec 10, 2021
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God decides who lives and dies. Not the likes of Attali. The murderers think "we decide" who lives. WE. It's not going to be that simple.

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I am from an ancient family. I think people have completely forgotten how power views them. No idea of the plain hate of common people and only regard for wealth and power.

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Dec 10, 2021
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Why nobody kills that disgusting schwab is beyond me?

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Only one if these videos would play for me when I clicked on the link. Yes I am very into the bad batch issue. I wrote about it, but need to know the denominator. One of my readers commented with very interesting information about Pfizer batch information:


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Thank you.

Craig removed some of his original videos. Some were replaced, and he added some. They should all be on his Bitchute channel.

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Is it possible that red states are more likely to report covid vaccine deaths in VAERS?

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Yes, that is possible.

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Someone needs to mirror this asap, before it goes off the grid.

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Wow, I wonder what's responsible for the increased toxicity....

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I'm just seeing this post now, I got my last shot, the 3rd, on December 17th, 2021. I only got them because I saw the closest person in the world to me, my twin sister, get covid in 2020 and become disabled from a cardiac arrest and an arterial dissection in her brainstem afterwards. I know covid is real and it kills. I agonized over getting the jabs but I just didn't want what happened to my sister to happen to me.

I am crying my eyes out because my first two shots were from the EWO series. I had tachycardia and vertigo after the 2nd shot BUT I was also withdrawing from benzos and suffering from PTSD after caring for my mother and sister during the riots. The past 4 years have been hell on earth I lost people from covid from the shots and I lost people as friends who didn't believe covid was real and then more friends who didn't believe the vax was bad. I cry for hours every day begging God to let me and all who I love live. I have had lupus and autoimmune emphysema most of my life and I was just so terrified. I feel so hopeless.

Please please please can anyone here PLEASE tell me how long I have left to live, my batch numbers are as follows.

Dose 1: EWO179, 5/26/21

Dose 2: EWO183, 6/17/21

Dose 3: 33130BA, 12/17/21

All Pfizer. I got covid 18 days after my 3rd shot. I wish I knew why God saved me from 2 ODs just to do THIS to me! I can't stop crying I'm so afraid

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Dear Cait,

So sorry to hear of your suffering. I hope you feel better soon.

Here is a batch lookup site: https://knollfrank.github.io/HowBadIsMyBatch/HowBadIsMyBatch.html

Linked from https://howbad.info

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Is novavax included in the experiment you mention? A relative is thinking about getting it.

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Great work here.

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Did you realize some of the videos are giving a 404 error now?

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Yes, it seems Craig took down some of his videos. His Bitchute channel is here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/3KRJ7WXgSw8T/

If I find some or all of his removed videos mirrored on other channels, I’ll try to change the links. Just need to find time.

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Batch codes and toxicity: https://www.bitchute.com/video/TdNKLgeiYSgJ/

Moderna used the alphabet to label vaccines of varying toxicity: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7jfC5F0mpdDZ/

Moderna: VAERS data show disabilities vary by batch: https://www.bitchute.com/video/TVNo7JY9QMTg/

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>If researcher Craig Paardekooper’s findings are true, we appear to be facing mass murder, warranting investigation by Congress, the Department of Justice, and state attorneys general.

Dude we have to get the perpetrators to investigate their actions!

What the fuck are you smoking you retard?

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Lol! The world inverted, true

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I told my wife that would be part of their approach when they started promoting The Jabs. I wasn't Ever going to take The Jabs. Aaand One more time. I was right.

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In the 80s they blamed the DPT deaths and injuries like my poor brain injured son on “ hot lots”. Now we know they were experimented on us all along. God DAMN these bastards to hell. I wish I had just 30 min alone with the heads of these operations.

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RIP Dr. Christy Huff

Moderna lot # 012M20A

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