Manslaughter is unintentional homicide. Whether this was intentional or not can be argued but given that these people understood cell biology, they SHOULD have been able to reasonably predict the harms of these v@((*nes. Even if the "I didn't know argument" holds they are still guilty of millions of charges of unintentional homicide at the very least. And unintentional homicide is punishable.
But the following is evidence of either Intent to Harm OR sufficient knowledge to reasonably predict harm, which translates to Intent:
1. The definition of pandemic was changed to exclude reference to mortality.
2. As a result of #1 they were given authority to declare an Emergency for something that is "going around" but not dangerous for most people. But they went on a campaign to terrorize the population and convince them that this shot will save them. The emergency declaration suspended all citizen rights and all laws.
3. They changed the definition of vaccine to simply be anything that stimulates the immune system. With that definition ragweed pollen is a vaccine; heroin is a vaccine; cat dander.
4. They had to convince everyone that there was no treatment for Covid so they went on a campaign to bad mouth HCQ and IVM, which they HAD to do in order to get an Emergency Authorization for a new vaccine! (Therapeutic agents cannot be given EUA).
5. They KNEW full well that administrators who would order these mandates lacked knowledge of basic cell biology, immunology and vaccine-ology to be able to independently determine that they were being lied to. THOSE WERE THE PEOPLE WHO WOULD FOLLOW ORDERS BECAUSE THET LACKED KNOWLEDGE TO INDEPENDENTLY DETERMINE IF THE ORDER WAS LOGICAL FROM A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE.
Fantastic Lawrence. Those are my thoughts exactly. ALL of these people need to be prosecuted. Unfortunately the plumbers who put gas lines into what was supposed to be showers were not prosecuted in spite of knowing full well that those were not showers. Have you read "The Nazi Doctors" by Jay Lifton?
The author, Jay Lifton is a psychiatrist and was interested in the ego defense mechanisms that characterized the doctors who participated in the holocaust. He points out the importance of this BECAUSE there were no negative consequences to any doctor who objected. They were classified as conscious objectors! Those who participated did so of their own free will! So Lifton interviewed 7 surviving Nazi doctors and asked them about their lives and what the hell they were thinking. He also interviews camp survivors. It was voted by some group as one of the best books written in English.
Wow... I need to read this one... thanks. Here is one for you: "A Journal of the Plague Year" Daniel Defoe This has been somewhat inspirational in my writing about the "vaccine" on my SubStack. And it gives us a look into human nature and behavior when subjected to mass death and disease. There are of course similarities to how the "authorities" tried to hide what was going on. All very interesting and helped me understand what is happening today.
Cool - you will enjoy it thoroughly. It really puts you in that time very nicely. So both of following pieces of fiction were in some ways inspired by this book.
I pretend to take pieces from a journal published in 2033. And it is centered around what I believe will be the 2nd Dark Age of Man. I would bet you will enjoy these short stories. My subscribers seemed to really like them.
They didn’t “mean” to hurt anyone. It all just a lot of mistakes. What a crock of shit! They all need to be taken to the gallows.
Manslaughter is unintentional homicide. Whether this was intentional or not can be argued but given that these people understood cell biology, they SHOULD have been able to reasonably predict the harms of these v@((*nes. Even if the "I didn't know argument" holds they are still guilty of millions of charges of unintentional homicide at the very least. And unintentional homicide is punishable.
But the following is evidence of either Intent to Harm OR sufficient knowledge to reasonably predict harm, which translates to Intent:
1. The definition of pandemic was changed to exclude reference to mortality.
2. As a result of #1 they were given authority to declare an Emergency for something that is "going around" but not dangerous for most people. But they went on a campaign to terrorize the population and convince them that this shot will save them. The emergency declaration suspended all citizen rights and all laws.
3. They changed the definition of vaccine to simply be anything that stimulates the immune system. With that definition ragweed pollen is a vaccine; heroin is a vaccine; cat dander.
4. They had to convince everyone that there was no treatment for Covid so they went on a campaign to bad mouth HCQ and IVM, which they HAD to do in order to get an Emergency Authorization for a new vaccine! (Therapeutic agents cannot be given EUA).
5. They KNEW full well that administrators who would order these mandates lacked knowledge of basic cell biology, immunology and vaccine-ology to be able to independently determine that they were being lied to. THOSE WERE THE PEOPLE WHO WOULD FOLLOW ORDERS BECAUSE THET LACKED KNOWLEDGE TO INDEPENDENTLY DETERMINE IF THE ORDER WAS LOGICAL FROM A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE.
I would bet money you would like this post I did a couple years ago on SubStack
Fantastic Lawrence. Those are my thoughts exactly. ALL of these people need to be prosecuted. Unfortunately the plumbers who put gas lines into what was supposed to be showers were not prosecuted in spite of knowing full well that those were not showers. Have you read "The Nazi Doctors" by Jay Lifton?
No - I will check it out - thanks…
The author, Jay Lifton is a psychiatrist and was interested in the ego defense mechanisms that characterized the doctors who participated in the holocaust. He points out the importance of this BECAUSE there were no negative consequences to any doctor who objected. They were classified as conscious objectors! Those who participated did so of their own free will! So Lifton interviewed 7 surviving Nazi doctors and asked them about their lives and what the hell they were thinking. He also interviews camp survivors. It was voted by some group as one of the best books written in English.
Wow... I need to read this one... thanks. Here is one for you: "A Journal of the Plague Year" Daniel Defoe This has been somewhat inspirational in my writing about the "vaccine" on my SubStack. And it gives us a look into human nature and behavior when subjected to mass death and disease. There are of course similarities to how the "authorities" tried to hide what was going on. All very interesting and helped me understand what is happening today.
Just ordered a copy. I am very interested in what was done in the Middle Ages because as far as I am concerned Medicine devolved back to that era.
Cool - you will enjoy it thoroughly. It really puts you in that time very nicely. So both of following pieces of fiction were in some ways inspired by this book.
I pretend to take pieces from a journal published in 2033. And it is centered around what I believe will be the 2nd Dark Age of Man. I would bet you will enjoy these short stories. My subscribers seemed to really like them.
I recall when Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity circa 2020-2021 did a quick series probability assessment in one recording.
The odds of every CDC/FDA/WH coin flip being wrong. Even then it was astronomical that they could have gotten so much so badly wrong.
Of course, the odds have only worsened since.
This was enemy action. It was clear by late 2020. And beyond any possible doubt by mid-2021.