Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

There are millions dead, millions more disabled or ill. A third of the workforce is now missing. Fauci, Collins and others tried to hide their involvement in the research, including abrogating Presidential order to shelve gain-of-function...Why hide it if you are wholly innocent? Decision makers not only denied early treatment, they had doctors prosecuted by the profession if they used their discretion to prescribe it anyway. Who was responsible for selection of lethal Remdesivir? Who agreed to hold pharma harmless? Who approved a live drug test on the American people? Who approved the hospital protocol with Remdesivir, Midazolam and morphine, and withholding (failure to treat) off patent safe effective drugs for ER/home use?

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

They’ve unmasked themselves.

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Pathetic, but not surprising.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

If no one is held accountable it will happen again. The government continues to levy huge fines at the pharmaceutical companies but no individual is charged. No one was held accountable during the financial crisis in 2008 and now 4 bank failures in 2023 being the biggest second-, third- and fourth-largest bank failures in history with some of the same players as the earlier financial crisis.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

Kind of like the drug Vioxx. The manufacturers knew the drug would kill people. They didn't care. They put the drug out to the public any way. Over 100,000 people lost their life over that toxic mess. The manufacturers knew that even after the law suits, and the lawyer fees, they still were going to make a bundle. So they put it out to the public any way. Last I heard it is still on the market. It helps...with...um.....head aches...and ..um...inflammation. Cause when you are dead from it, you won't have a head ache or inflammation any more, so it kind of works.

People are dead and disabled from the covid jab, but the people at the top raked in the dough. Plus they killed a lot of useless eaters. Helped controlled the cost of social security as dead people don't collect social security.

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Also, beta-blockers given to those undergoing routine operations. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans died on the operating table due to this, even after the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) knew about it:


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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

Great write up Dr Hill.

I wrote this on Sage's substack, but fits in with your article...

I feel like I'm up to page 59 of the 2017 John Hopkins University's SPARS Pandemic scenario...

So it seems they wrote the book to follow along with the 2020 real life movie, renamed Covid 19.

From SPARS page 63... (Some CAPITALISATIONS are mine for emphasis)

"The senior leaders in attendance concluded, after much prompting by Dr. Flynn, that no top political or public health figurehead had publicly recognized the collective sense of vulnerability that the pandemic had elicited or the strength that the public exhibited under threat of grave danger. Moreover, no national leader had publicly acknowledged the public's broad willingness to accept a prescribed COUNTERMEASURE that promised to end the pandemic, but whose long-term consequences were NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD AT THE TIME.

Following the meeting, ASPR recommended to HHS Secretary Nagel that SAMHSA collaborate with stakeholders and devise behavioral health guidance for the states, tribes, and territories on how to strengthen the public's coping skills, provide support for grieving individuals, encourage a forward direction, and meet other SPARS recovery needs. It was further recommended that Secretary Nagel consult with President Archer about the possibility of acknowledging the emotional toll of SPARS during a future public appearance.

The primary message would be one of gratitude to the American people for remaining strong during the pandemic. Another key message would convey APPRECIATION for ADHERING to public health recommendations, INCLUDING VACCINATION, to hasten the end of the pandemic in the face of considerable uncertainty.

President Archer agreed to address the country's resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about HOW best to FRAME the President's remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the SACRIFICE that VACCINE RECIPIENTS had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice."

All those that took the poison shots were "HEROES" you see...

See that's how easily you smooth over the death and injuries (pre planned extermination) ...

SPARS 2017 scenario can be obtained here 👇


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Thank you, Steve.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

Thanks Steve EVENT 201 again.

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Oh yes, let's just forgive and forget, NOT!

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

"Moving forward" and not prosecuting is only a way to assure a repeat of this.

FAUCI AND THE CABAL DID THIS BECAUSE THEY WERE CONFIDENT THAT NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN TO THEM!! WHEN ACTIONS THAT HARM OTHERS, INTENTIONAL OR NOT, HAVE NO NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES THEY WILL BE REPEATED. This is why we punish people for vehicular manslaughter. Isn't it odd that we punish people for unintentional homicide but yet someone like Fauci, who can be involved in the slaughter of millions just walk free.

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They didn’t “mean” to hurt anyone. It all just a lot of mistakes. What a crock of shit! They all need to be taken to the gallows.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

Manslaughter is unintentional homicide. Whether this was intentional or not can be argued but given that these people understood cell biology, they SHOULD have been able to reasonably predict the harms of these v@((*nes. Even if the "I didn't know argument" holds they are still guilty of millions of charges of unintentional homicide at the very least. And unintentional homicide is punishable.

But the following is evidence of either Intent to Harm OR sufficient knowledge to reasonably predict harm, which translates to Intent:

1. The definition of pandemic was changed to exclude reference to mortality.

2. As a result of #1 they were given authority to declare an Emergency for something that is "going around" but not dangerous for most people. But they went on a campaign to terrorize the population and convince them that this shot will save them. The emergency declaration suspended all citizen rights and all laws.

3. They changed the definition of vaccine to simply be anything that stimulates the immune system. With that definition ragweed pollen is a vaccine; heroin is a vaccine; cat dander.

4. They had to convince everyone that there was no treatment for Covid so they went on a campaign to bad mouth HCQ and IVM, which they HAD to do in order to get an Emergency Authorization for a new vaccine! (Therapeutic agents cannot be given EUA).

5. They KNEW full well that administrators who would order these mandates lacked knowledge of basic cell biology, immunology and vaccine-ology to be able to independently determine that they were being lied to. THOSE WERE THE PEOPLE WHO WOULD FOLLOW ORDERS BECAUSE THET LACKED KNOWLEDGE TO INDEPENDENTLY DETERMINE IF THE ORDER WAS LOGICAL FROM A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE.


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I would bet money you would like this post I did a couple years ago on SubStack https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/will-there-be-room-in-argentina-for?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=pos

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Fantastic Lawrence. Those are my thoughts exactly. ALL of these people need to be prosecuted. Unfortunately the plumbers who put gas lines into what was supposed to be showers were not prosecuted in spite of knowing full well that those were not showers. Have you read "The Nazi Doctors" by Jay Lifton?

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No - I will check it out - thanks…

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023

The author, Jay Lifton is a psychiatrist and was interested in the ego defense mechanisms that characterized the doctors who participated in the holocaust. He points out the importance of this BECAUSE there were no negative consequences to any doctor who objected. They were classified as conscious objectors! Those who participated did so of their own free will! So Lifton interviewed 7 surviving Nazi doctors and asked them about their lives and what the hell they were thinking. He also interviews camp survivors. It was voted by some group as one of the best books written in English.

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Wow... I need to read this one... thanks. Here is one for you: "A Journal of the Plague Year" Daniel Defoe This has been somewhat inspirational in my writing about the "vaccine" on my SubStack. And it gives us a look into human nature and behavior when subjected to mass death and disease. There are of course similarities to how the "authorities" tried to hide what was going on. All very interesting and helped me understand what is happening today.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

I recall when Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity circa 2020-2021 did a quick series probability assessment in one recording.

The odds of every CDC/FDA/WH coin flip being wrong. Even then it was astronomical that they could have gotten so much so badly wrong.

Of course, the odds have only worsened since.

This was enemy action. It was clear by late 2020. And beyond any possible doubt by mid-2021.


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F**K all of them. They’re despicable excuses for men.

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And none of the Aholes took the jab

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

The attack is still underway.

Mistakes were not made.

To sing kumbaya while the bioweapon is daily finding victims, is a grotesque position to take.

Equivalent to dancing on the graves of the victims.

Per Kory, these kinds of people simply refuse to see what is blindingly obvious to small humans and anyone with some critical thinking skills. The blinkers are strong.

'Could it be that the God I have served is attacking us?' 'No, no, this is simply the most improbably long series of bad coin flips in the history of the Universe. There is no ill-intent.'

The tyranny of experts. How they loved their moment of power.

The terrorism of experts. How they literally scared people to death. Those they couldn't kill directly with psychopathic hospital death protocols.

How they didn't actually do the slightest due diligence when waving through bioweapons for all.

Credentialed experts paved the road to our extinction.

Great article as ever, James.


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Exactly right.

Thank you, Andreas.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

Sage Hana shibboleth for this element of the psyop. Dolts Botching Shit

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Dolts ! Yup

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

Lol. Corrected!

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

Doctors were PAID to murder their patients. They made alot of $ doing this. This is intentional murder, not an accident. I have to wonder what else is hidden in closets of Dr. McCullough, Dr. Atlas and the other controlled opposition types.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023Author

Hospitals were paid to label admissions and deaths as Covid on the basis of a positive PCR test, even where Covid was not a significant contributing factor.

Hospitals and pharmacies also contributed to deaths through withholding early treatments and, in some cases, possibly by use of Remdesivir.

The UK allegedly pushed overuse of midazolam to sedate and kill patients instead of treating them properly.

Thankfully, however, I’m not aware of any doctor paid to murder patients they treated.

There are, however, doctors paid in this operation to promote shots that appear, at least in some vials, to be deadly bioweapons. Leana Wen, Tony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, and Mandy Cohen come to mind.

Whether these physicians really know what they are advocating or are willfully ignorant is another question.

Also, I was shocked to get confirmation that pediatricians are paid to promote childhood vaccines, getting bonuses for having high percentages of their patient populations injected.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

Look up Stew Peters, he reported on this a lot several months ago. He provided absolute evidence this was happening in hospitals, doctors were paid and knowingly went ahead and administered protocols which killed people. I also know from a local contact this was happening, as he had clients who told him their loved one who died in hospital had their burial costs paid by insurance company even though they didn't have any insurance for burial - just to keep them from talking about how their loved one died in hospital. Hospitals were making a lot of money from this. Also, look up Dr. Judy Mikovits, whose excellent and brilliant reputation was utterly destroyed by Dr. Fauci - this is how they murdered her husband. She tried desperately to save him but couldn't get hospital to cooperate, even though she knew remdesivir plus lung ventilator kills people. Lots of hospitals used this protocol even though they were told it would kill patients. My husband has over 50 yrs research experience as virologist/immunologist, worked in Public Health Dept. of PA - the folks who used to advise the public on how to manage diseases, pandemics/epidemics and the like - he also worked on research team for a Nobel prize winning biologist, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who discovered the telomere. He knows what he's talking about, has followed Dr. Mikovits career and read all her books and watched as Fauci did his best to destroy her brilliant career. My husband knew immediately as soon as "coronavirus" came out (later changed the name to covid) that the whole "pandemic" thing was a hoax, as coronavirus is only one form of the common cold and only very old, fragile people and those with impaired immune systems such as those with AIDS would die of it. I'm sorry to tell you this, because you are an M.D. but I think you and all doctors need to know this. I was a therapist for the county and had to work with Child Protective Services - I learned what was really going on with CPS and what they really were up to and had to leave my profession because I refused to work in such an environment. So I do know what it's like to find out about this kind of evil.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD

Kind of got this from the beginning with their lukewarm "Declaration' when what was truly needed was a broad based condemnation with the strongest possible language and some on going public rallies to drive this home with as many people as possible. Seemed more like a limited hangout by controlled opposition.

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Quite true.

Also, Kulldorff and Bhattacharya often said Covid injections were good for vulnerable populations such as the elderly. I think they still may be saying it.

Given what we know now, this appears to have been a limited hangout indeed.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Jan 9Liked by James Hill, MD

Yup, Kumbaya and Kongrats Jay, despite your sterling work on the Stamford study, calling out Biden's plans as "irresponsible", the genocidal deployment of a bioweapon to maim and murder millions deserved a stronger response. Perhaps you were being guarded to avoid being cancelled?

However, some of us have not forgotten this quote from you -

October 13, 2021,

Jay Bhattacharya:

"Yeah, so COVID vaccines in particular are extremely effective at protecting against severe disease."

“I mean, you think that for someone who's older, especially, the vaccine is incredibly important. COVID is very deadly disease as we talked about for people who's older. And the vaccine, while we haven't... It's only been in human use for 10 months, right? So we don't know all of the side effects, but we've seen enough to know it's pretty safe.”

Not as safe as C, D3, Zinc with an ionophore like Quercetin, IVM, HCQ.

Enjoy your award.

P.S. granted, some of the elderly I know who took this filth did not get severe disease, but now are suffering from debilitating side effects and being gaslit by their doctors. Some died of strokes and heart attacks but I guess without autopsies we will never know.

My comment above was on Jay's LinkedIn post about his Samizdat award. Probably banned after this.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by James Hill, MD


All of the FDA and CDC officials responsible AND all members of their advisory committees who rubber stamped this need to be charged with a count of murder by depraved indifference for each and every one of the people who “died suddenly” due to their actions. It’s just too bad that they can’t be executed once for each of their victims.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Jan 9Liked by James Hill, MD

There must be accountability. The crimes against humanity too great. And it is because so many of the guilty at Nuremberg were let off or had their sentences commuted that we are where we are today. The excuse at the time was we needed the support of the German people and their intellectual leaders to prevail over the USSR.

That cannot happen again. But...I'm also aware of the Art of War. And not backing one's opponent into a corner without an exit unless they aren't capable of exacting a price to dear too pay for their unconditional surrender.

Accountability. At a price that makes sense would be a wise path forward. At present the perpetrators possess the capability to inflict even greater harm if pushed into a corner with no way out. A negotiated surrender of their worst offenders may be the wisest strategy forward. Unless billions of bodies are the price we must pay to hold all accountable.

Their mea culpa is Non-negotiable. True mea culpa's, not just "mistakes were made." Who's heads and how many of them is the negotiation. But I believe the price would be too dear to get all the heads of the guilty into the docks. We will at some time need to move forward. But not without an accounting. And an exit of acceptable size to avoid incomprehensible death and destruction.

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The Nuremberg defence: " We knew but were only following orders!" This plus variations such as" mistakes were made" are the latest in rationalizations and deception designed to distract and absolve from individual responsibility; those advocating such positions for the sake of moving on or forgiving and forgetting reveal an abysmal ignorance of history, not to mention ignorance of human psychology (including psychopathy).

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